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Chapter 2617 He is not simple

"How long will it take them? I feel like we are about to be overtaken!"

Tuoke and Yang Yi didn't know how far they ran. The Fire Beast behind them kept chasing after them. Tuoke's voice came from the side, "It's almost time. Let's go back."

"I can go back, but how do I get rid of this guy?"

Yang Yi was about to cry but had no tears. They had paid too much for these inner elixirs.

"This is not simple yet."

Tok suddenly stood still, then threw Yang Yi aside, and then raised his hands.

A steady stream of energy appeared from Tok's hand, and the snow on the ground slowly floated in the air. Tok closed his eyes and continued to condense the snow, and then formed a snowball in an instant.


Tok shouted, and Yang Yi immediately reacted, realizing what Tok wanted to do, and then stood up and swatted the snowball towards the Flame Beast King.


Caught off guard, the Fire Beast King was slapped hard, and the steaming flames on his body disappeared in an instant, and he became a little wilted.

"Now, let's go!"

Tok and Yang Yi ran away one after the other. Although the Fire Beast King was resistant to the cold, the snowball contained Tok's energy, and he would not be able to recover for a while.

It would be best to take this opportunity to leave.

When the two returned to the inn, Xue Ji and others were waiting for them anxiously. They were relieved to see them back.

"I thought you would never come back!"

"How's it going? Did you get the inner elixir?"

Feiyu nodded, with a happy face, "We have all the inner elixirs of the Fire Beasts. We happened to have five that we can use. We just sold the rest and got a lot of money.

Where are the resources!”


"It didn't cost us a trip, which is good."

Yang Yi sat down on the chair helplessly, "These fire beasts generally hold grudges. That fire beast king chased us all the way."

"As long as we have the things, let's divide the resources first, and then go to the snow mountain after absorbing them."

Several people booked a few rooms, then gathered together to share the resources, and each began practicing.

However, the resources allocated this time are really not many, and they have already set foot in the Sky God Realm, so there is no big breakthrough.

Early the next morning, several people set out on their way to the snow-capped mountains.

"Put the fire beast's inner elixir close to your body. In this way, the problem of severe cold will be solved. With our strength, it shouldn't be difficult to climb to the top of the mountain, as long as nothing unexpected happens."

Several people looked up at the majestic snow-capped mountains. The moment the inner elixir was attached to their skin, they felt warm and warm. The original coldness was dissipated, as if an invisible furnace surrounded them.

Tok led the way, and a few people followed behind. The first section of the road was easy to walk, and the few people climbed up slowly on foot.

"It feels amazing."

Feiyu grabbed a ball of snow and held it in his hand. He could no longer feel the cold. Tuoke said without looking back, "We will have to fly when we get to the middle of the mountain. There may be snowballs rolling down."

, everyone pay attention to safety."

This snow-capped mountain was higher than they imagined. They walked for a day before reaching the halfway point of the mountain, and decided to find a clean place to rest.

"The inner elixir of this fire beast is really a good thing. Isn't it difficult?"

No wonder so many people are rushing to get it."

Feiyu held the inner elixir like a treasure. At this time, he heard a noise from the jungle not far away.


Several people immediately hid their figures, and saw a few men forcing a very weak and pitiful-looking girl into a corner.

"Hand over the Fire Beast inner elixir in your body, or you will die!"

The man said to the girl fiercely, but the girl had tears on her face and shook her head desperately while protecting the things in her arms.

"Impossible, this is my thing, why do you want to rob it!"

The girl was holding a long red sword, but the sword was dim and dull. It was obvious that she was exhausted.

"We've been robbed. What do you think? Do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

Feiyu looked at a few people. Yang Yi himself didn't want to meddle in such nosy matters, but seeing so many men bullying a woman, as a man, he really couldn't stand it.

Just as he was about to say something, Xue Ji's figure had already jumped down, and she raised the paper fan in her hand, sending several people flying away immediately.

"The strength of these people is only at the early stage of the Sky God Realm, and they are no match for Xue Ji."

Yang Yi whispered to Mo Qu, while Xue Ji helped the girl up.

"Are you okay?"

The girl shook her head, then bit her lip and said, "I'm fine. They are strict people. If you offended them to save me, they may take revenge."

"I heard that Yan Da is in the late stage of Sky God Realm"

"Hey, now it's the woman's turn when heroes save beauties?"

Several men were still very angry at first, and rushed in front of the two of them angrily. They turned out to be a beautiful woman in kimono.
, suddenly burst into laughter.

"It was because of your inattention that our brothers were blown away just now. However, you dared to attack us. It seems you don't want to live anymore!"

"It would be nice to let my brothers be happy before they die!"

Several people approached Xue Ji with lewd smiles, obviously not realizing the seriousness of the problem. At this time, one of the men suddenly said, "This woman seems to be stronger than us. I can't feel her realm."


As soon as the man finished speaking, he was slapped hard. The leading man cursed angrily, "How powerful can a bitch be? Are there so many of us still afraid of her?"

With that said, he took the lead and rushed towards Xue Ji.


Xue Ji shook her head and threw it away again without hesitation. But at this moment, the expressions of these men finally changed.

Only then did they realize that Xue Ji was so strong.

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

"Isn't it too late to run away now?"

Tok also jumped down from the tree, and then stopped several people from escaping.

He smiled and said, "I'll show you the cool stuff I just learned."

As he spoke, he shook out a rose from his hand, gently twirled a few petals, and then walked towards a few people in an instant.

The moment several people were shot, their bodies froze in place. Tok raised his hand and moved his ten fingers flexibly. The people were manipulated in place like puppets on strings.

"How do you feel about your new puppet show? Is it good?"

Tok asked while controlling the bodies of several people, while Xue Ji quickly killed several people in front of her eyes.

"He is not simple."

This chapter has been completed!
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