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Chapter 2673 Fire Control

 Someone couldn't help but ask, Yang Yi smiled slightly and said.

"Choose a master, of course, not just based on who is stronger, but also whether what you are learning is suitable for the way you practice, right?"

"Just fool them, don't you just want to attract attention? I don't know you yet?"

Tok rolled his eyes, "Those elders just came to rob people, but everyone else saw them. You should keep a low profile."

At this time, it is not suitable for them to be too public.

"Then let's go to the branch halls of other elders first. See you later."

Several people waved their hands towards Yang Yi and Ye Shi, then turned and left. Suddenly, only Yang Yi was left holding Ye Shi's hand.

"Let's go and see where they assigned us."

Yang Yi and Ye Shi both rejected the olive branch offered by the elders, so according to the distribution system of Yunhuo Sect, they could only stay in the inner sect to practice and did not belong to any elder.

Seventy percent of the disciples in the inner sect are led by elders. The remaining 30% are basically not very good in character. They are either too bad or just get bored with things, but their strength is acceptable.


In short, these people are what they consider "poor students and tools."

"This is a good place to rest. Two people share a room."

Yang Yi walked into the room. It seemed that he and Ye Shi had received special care. The room left for them was spacious and bright, and they shared a room for two people.

The location in Yeshi is quite good, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, quiet and remote.

"All new disciples, report to the Cloud booth immediately!"

Only a voice was heard, and immediately, many new disciples went to the Yunzhan booth one after another. They were all led by their senior brothers to familiarize themselves with the environment. Yang Yi used his mind to search for the location of everyone, and then took Ye Shi with him.

Walked over.

When the two people walked over, most of the people had already arrived. Seeing the two people approaching, they suddenly looked surprised and started talking.

"I heard that they rejected all the invitations from the elders, and now they are being taken away from the inner gate!"

"Really? That means they have strength, but they can't compare with us."

"What kind of strength do they have? I think they want to hold a cup, right? If they were really strong, they would have followed Elder Wen Tao long ago."

"That's not necessarily true. I think they are pretty good. Do you remember the first selection? They defeated the other teammates in one fell swoop!"

"Okay, okay! Senior brother is here, stop talking!"

Several young men in red robes walked over slowly, and then glanced at everyone.

"Today I will teach you Yunhuo Sect's introductory fire-bending moves. There are 200 people in the inner sect, and a group of 20 will follow us!"

With that said, everyone began to leave spontaneously with several senior brothers, and Yang Yi and Ye Shi were assigned to the last group.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Yunmu! I am the eighth disciple of Elder Wen Tao, and I am also the senior brother of some of you!"

Yunmu is a short but extremely shrewd young man. Someone in the crowd immediately recognized him and chatted with him excitedly.

"Senior brother, senior brother, it's me! I'm Zhang San!"

"I, I, I am John Doe!"

Yunmu frowned, "Be quiet! Now I'll teach you the basics of firebending!"

"You must study carefully, because this firebending technique is related to the selection for the secret realm trial. If you don't study hard when the time comes, don't blame me if you don't get selected!"

Everyone immediately silenced, and Yun Mu nodded.

"Some of you are good at fire, so you should be easier to learn. However, the difference between fire control and your usual practice secrets is that there are several forms of fire control."

"External defense and internal defense. The so-called external defense is to attack with the flame transformed by your energy. The internal defense is to use your mental power to transform the flame. This is more difficult."

After Yunmu finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned serious, and he gave a sudden drink.


Suddenly, a blazing red flame appeared in front of him, and then extinguished with a snap of Yun Mu's fingers.

"You can interpret this as imagination, but imagination is still difficult and will test your mental strength and patience."

Yunmu said, "First of all, you have to imagine what your flames look like, including from the inside to the outside, the speed and speed of burning, the intensity and route of the attack, etc. You all need to imagine them one by one."

"This is the prototype. After you have the prototype, what you need is to continue to deduce and try imaginatively. Until you completely transform the flame, you have to maintain the state of the flame, and then move, attack, change form and extinguish it.


Yunmu talked a lot, and everyone was confused. Yang Yi didn't think it was difficult. After all, his mental power was not very strong. He was an introductory firebending expert at this level.

For him, it is simply simple.

Not to mention Ye Shi, he was a completely monster-like existence among a few people.

"I'll show you again, like this."

Yunmu silently imagined the flame in his heart, then stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a ball of flame appeared in his hand.
"With fire control, the flames created will not hurt you, so you can feel free to touch them with your limbs."

Yunmu shook as he spoke, and the flame disappeared.

He crossed his arms and said, "Now, you can practice by yourself. If you encounter difficulties, come to me."

Then he leaned aside and dozed off.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all had some doubts. Although they were indeed outstanding monks selected from this group of people, it was all over with just two sentences?

"Is it difficult?"

Yang Yi and Ye Shi stood in the corner and asked softly. Ye Shi shook his head.

"I think it's quite simple."

Ye Shi raised his hand, and soon a ball of flame appeared in his hand. As for Yang Yi, who already had the White Thunder Flame and the Golden Thunder Flame, he naturally summoned them easily at this time.

"Oh? Two people have already succeeded. What are you still doing? Don't you know how to learn?"

Yunmu opened his eyes and looked at Ye Shi and Yang Yi, feeling a little surprised.

When they practice firebending, they usually use clear and translucent flames, but for these two people, one has thick and dark black fire, and the other has white fire whose path cannot be seen clearly.

What two weirdos.

Yunmu shook his head. No matter so much, his mission is to teach these idiots anyway. As for what kind of fire they practice, what does it have to do with him?

"Look! The two of them succeeded on the first try!"

Someone exclaimed, and the two of them had extinguished the flames on their hands.

"The first step is to transform. You can't even transform. How can you make the flame condense into a physical entity to attack?"

This chapter has been completed!
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