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Chapter 305 An Hard Reason to Reject

 At that time, Zhao Xiaogang cried like a child for the first time, holding Yang Yi tightly and not letting go.

Later, he always went to Yang Yi to drink, and he got drunk every time. Then he hugged Yang Yi's thigh and said how useless he was, how much he missed his grandma, and so on.

At that time, Yang Yi was already very busy and had to take time to accompany Zhao Xiaogang every day, like a nanny.

Later, Gu Zhentian couldn't stand it any longer, so he rushed directly to Yang Yi's room, lifted Zhao Xiaogang out holding his thigh, and left him outside to dry all night. After he woke up from the drunkenness, he beat him hard.

Zhao Xiaogang was beaten up.

Zhao Xiaogang was woken up by Gu Zhentian, and the friendship between the two began from that time.

After that, the two men fought bravely on the battlefield, and Zhao Xiaogang regained his former vigor, as if he had never been sad.

However, Yang Yi knew that Zhao Xiaogang's low sobs could always be heard in the dead of night.

Recalling the past, for a while, the confinement room was quiet.

"God King, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Zhao Xiaogang's eyes were red and he looked very painful. He lowered his head and did not dare to look directly into Yang Yi's eyes.

A man doesn't shed tears lightly, but he hasn't reached the point where he is sad.

"You don't have to say sorry to me. I still say the same thing. I believe you are a person who will not give in easily. I want to know what conditions they offered to let you."

Yang Yi was really puzzled. Zhao Xiaogang only had his grandma as a relative. She had passed away long ago and had no longer been a threat. But why?

"King God, I know that I have done something wrong, and it will be difficult to atone for it even if I die a thousand times. I really have a troubled conscience and I have no face to face all my brothers."

"So I want to do my best to make up for my mistakes. I only ask you one thing. Don't let me see my grandma here. I don't have the face to see her."

Zhao Xiaogang's voice became lower and lower, and in the end, it was already a low sob.

Yang Yi was silent for a moment and then agreed.

"Okay, I promise you, after today, I will have someone take you to find Jin Ran."

He understood very well what Zhao Xiaogang wanted to express. Zhao Xiaogang was not a bad person. He was willing to sacrifice many things for the motherland and the people. Therefore, even if this guy died, he did not want to die in such a meaningless way.

He wanted to die on the battlefield, kill as many enemies as possible, and do the last thing he could for the mainland of China.

"Thank you God King!"

Zhao Xiaogang sniffed and said with great gratitude.

From the bottom of his heart, he actually respects and relies on Yang Yi.

Since the two met, Yang Yi has held a high position, but has never had any airs.

He treats everyone very gently and tolerantly. No matter which brother has something to do at home, Yang Yi will help as long as he can help.

We are all like brothers, we can say whatever we have to say, and there is never any distinction between superior and inferior.

And when his grandma passed away, he was extremely sad. Yang Yi would always settle himself down, prepare hot water and porridge, and accompany him silently every time when he was drunk.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaogang's eyes turned red again and he was about to shed tears.

He didn't want to betray Yang Yi or China, but he really had something to hide!

"In our base camp, besides Bilong and I, there are also

There are Xu Zijian and Hu Jing. People from that organization will meet us at the same place every time, which is a place called Charming Bar some distance away from here."

Zhao Xiaogang didn't hide anything and told all the information he knew.

After hearing this, Yang Yi looked incomprehensible.

He knew both Xu Zijian and Hu Jing. He had already sent people to keep an eye on Xu Zijian. As for Hu Jing, he also sent people to capture him.

But, are these really the only ones in Shenwuwei’s base camp? ???

Yang Yi still had some doubts in his heart.

However, looking into Zhao Xiaogang's eyes, he knew that this boy would never lie to him.

From this point of view, there are not many undercover agents hiding among the Shenwu Guards.

"Xiao Zhao, could you please tell me what conditions they offered to make you compromise?"

Yang Yi frowned slightly and asked again.

When Zhao Xiaogang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh at himself, looking lonely.

"God King, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Three years ago, my grandma just passed away. At that time, I was very decadent and lost my mind in playing with things. You also know this. Later, after another six months, those people found

They told me that as long as I promised to do things for them, they could resurrect my grandma, as long as the body remained fresh and not rotten."

It is absolutely impossible for a person to be resurrected after death. Normal people can think about it with their toes and know that this is impossible.

But Zhao Xiaogang believed it, not for any other reason, but because he only had a relative like his grandma, and he also wanted his grandma to see with her own eyes that her grandson was very strong, and that one day he would be able to sit on this level, one person below the other, and above ten thousand people.

position to give her a long face.

Because of this, Zhao Xiaogang
It was because of this difference in thought that I agreed to the other party's conditions.

Moreover, after that, the other party also took away his grandmother's body, saying that it would be frozen and preserved for him to prevent it from rotting.

Zhao Xiaogang agreed.

After listening, Yang Yi couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

No wonder!

He knew that Zhao Xiaogang was an upright person and there was no way he could tempt Zhao Xiaogang with worldly things!

It turned out to be this reason.

Grandma is Zhao Xiaogang's only weakness, and the other party knows this very well.

"I see."

Yang Yi nodded, looked at Zhao Xiaogang and sighed again, "Tomorrow I will have someone take you to Jin Ran. Don't let me down."

Zhao Xiaogang only has one family member. If it were him, and his only relative passed away, and he missed him every day, and suddenly one day told him that his family could be resurrected, he would probably not be able to help but be tempted.

"Thank you God King, I will definitely live up to your and grandma's expectations."

Zhao Xiaogang couldn't help but thank him, his eyes were red.

"Okay, then you can have a good rest tonight. I will handle some of the things in between."

"When you get there, don't think too much, just stick to your original intention."

Yang Yi said earnestly, in fact, he was really reluctant to let go of Zhao Xiaogang, but the matter was at this point, even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

Then, he stood up, walked out of the confinement room with Ying Er, and closed the door.

Just as I was about to go back to the second-story building to take a look, I heard a deafening roar not far away.

A helicopter slowly took off from the helipad, flying to an unknown destination.

This chapter has been completed!
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