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Chapter 3074 Empty City Strategy

Manatee's face was a little stiff, but he didn't say much and quietly touched Yangma's hand with one hand.

The young girl's hands had fine skin, tender flesh, and were very smooth, which made him reluctant to leave.

Yangma's face suddenly darkened, and she pulled out her hand with a cold expression.

The four people sat down and started negotiating.

"You must be very clear about the purpose of our visit this time. The treasure we lent you decades ago, the golden hairpin, now please return it."

Yangma's expression was very calm, and she was very similar to her father's aura during negotiations. However, Jiang was still very aggressive. No matter how she pretended to be calm, it was of no use in front of a rogue like Manatee.


Manatee pondered for a while, and then said, "Miss Yangma, to be honest, I also know that this thing has been delayed for too long and has not been returned. Originally, I wanted to return it after using it."

"But you also know that the purification of this water source cannot be completed overnight. Although it is said to have been completed now, the golden hairpin was originally placed in the warehouse at the time, but later disappeared."

"How come it disappeared?"

Yangma's expression changed slightly, and Manatee said, "Yes! I was thinking about it too! This golden hairpin is a treasure we borrowed with great difficulty, so naturally it must be kept in the treasure house under strict supervision. But I don't know why, it turned out to be


"Now, we are also looking for the whereabouts of the golden hairpin. The reason why it has not been returned is because of this. We are afraid that you will be angry when you know this, so we have not explained the reason clearly."

"It's just that now that you are all sitting here, we can't hide it anymore."

After saying that, the manatee pretended to be sad and sighed.

"We can't help you with this matter. Don't worry, Miss Yangma, we will find the golden hairpin as soon as possible. As soon as we find the golden hairpin, we will give it to you immediately."

Manatee's true words were so acted that even he almost believed them. Yangma frowned and was about to say something, but Yang Yi sneered.

"why are you laughing?"

Manatee was originally friendly towards Yang Ma, but after hearing Yang Yi's laughter, his expression immediately changed and he was glaring at Yang Yi angrily.

"Laughing at your lies is so clumsy."

Yang Yi smiled slightly, "Since it is a treasure house that contains valuable treasures, it should be guarded by someone. Your tribe is so close to ours, we will know immediately if there is any trouble."

"But we have never heard that your treasure house was stolen. This is unreasonable."

"Secondly, if the golden hairpin is really lost and you go to look for it with great fanfare, the tribe will not be as quiet as it is now. In other words, even if you found it a long time ago, there will be no trouble. As long as you look for it,

There will be movement, and as long as there is movement, it will attract our attention."

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he smiled lightly and said, "So, the golden hairpin is not lost at all, it is in your tribe."

As Yang Yi said a sentence, Manatee's face became more and more uneasy. His face was a little gloomy, and he looked at Yang Yi and said.

"This is all just your speculation. Do you have any evidence?"

"Of course."

Before Yangma could speak, Yang Yi took the lead and took out a bead from the ruins ring.

"I forgot to tell you that the golden hairpin

It’s not just a single item, what I have in my hand is a gold bead. This gold bead and the gold hairpin have the effect of mutual induction. Through this bead, we can judge the location of the gold hairpin.”

"If the golden bead lights up, it means that the golden hairpin is in your tribe, and at that time, it will lead us to find the location of the golden hairpin."

Yang Yi played with the golden beads and smiled slightly.

"Want to try?"


After listening to Yang Yi's words, Manatee's face was completely unhinged. He gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Yi without saying anything for a long time.

Although Yang Yi's words did not rule out the possibility of lying, he did not dare to bet. He was afraid that if the thing in Yang Yi's hand could really find the golden hairpin, then his lies would be self-defeating.

By then, everything will be difficult to end.

"Even if it is found, it doesn't mean anything."

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Hai Li smiled and said.

"It can only be said that our search was not in place. What can it mean?"

"As I said before, you didn't go looking for the golden hairpin at all. This is all your lies."

Yang Yi smiled and said without any panic, "The reason why I say this is because the golden beads also have another function, which is to confirm the historical movement route of the golden hairpin."

"If this golden hairpin was stolen, then the route will move. If you can't find it, I have nothing to say. But if the route of the golden hairpin has never moved, it can only mean that someone took the golden hairpin.

He hid it and didn’t want to give it back to us.”

As Yang Yi spoke, the energy in his hand was poured into the golden bead.

He said, "As for whether my guess is wrong or you are lying, you will know once you try it."

The golden beads emitted a faint light, which then intensified. When it was about to float high into the sky, the manatee gritted its teeth and roared angrily.


Yang Yi stopped what he was doing, and Manatee suddenly stood up.

He clenched his fists tightly and said, "So what if we hid the golden hairpin secretly? The golden hairpin is in our hands now, it is ours!"

"Besides, just the two of you, do you still think you can snatch the golden hairpin from me?"

Hearing this, Yang Ma's expression changed, but Yang Yi remained unhurried.


Yang Yi smiled and said, "Since we dare to come to your tribe as two people, we must be prepared."

As he spoke, Yang Yi pointed in a certain direction outside.

"Did you see the woods over there? It's deserted, but in fact, all of them are our people."

"If you don't believe it, you can send someone to take a look."

When Yang Yi and Yang Ma came, they specifically stopped at that place for a while. At that time, Yang Ma didn't know what Yang Yi was doing there alone, but he went in alone and came out alone.

When Yangma asked him, he just smiled and said it was a secret, so Yangma didn't ask any more questions.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yi looked confident now, maybe he had done something.

As for what exactly they did, I'm afraid they won't know until they get the gold hairpin back.

Hearing this, Manatee's face was quite gloomy. He was silent for a long time before calling his men to look in the direction of Yang Yi's finger.

This chapter has been completed!
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