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Chapter 3178 Boy

The moment Yang Yi used the power of purification, he could feel that some vortices seemed to be created in the originally calm air around him, and the demonic energy seemed to be agitated.

The power of purification is like a mirror, and the changes in the demonic energy can be felt wherever it shines. This also solved a lot of troubles for Yang Yi.

It seems that just as Yang Yi guessed, the demonic energy here is dormant under normal circumstances, looking for opportunities to attack Yang Yi, and because Yang Yi has a natural enemy in his hands that can restrain them, they are faintly

Feel threatened.

It's a pity that Yang Yi's current power is not enough to purify all the demonic energy here with one blow.

All he can do now is defend himself.

Everything he looked at was pitch black. Yang Yi sacrificed a spirit fire bead and lit it up with a spirit stone. Finally, he could clearly see the situation within a few meters around him.

Everything here is dark, even if it is illuminated, nothing can be seen. It is empty and quiet everywhere, with nothing.

Yang Yi kept walking forward, the spirit fire beads burning on top of his head, emitting light. He originally wanted to use his mind to sweep around to see what was around him, but when he released his mind, he found that

It was as if my thoughts were swallowed up by a thick fog, and I couldn't feel anything.

There was no other way, so Yang Yi could only use the most primitive method and walk away on his legs.


At this time, a small sound of friction suddenly sounded in the originally calm space. Yang Yi subconsciously left the place, and not far from him, under the light of the spirit fire beads, he stood in a dark place that had been dispersed.

There is a dark shadow.

The black shadow didn't look too big, about the size of a few-year-old child, and it was standing there quietly at the moment.

"Who are you?"

Such a voice suddenly came from Yang Yi's mind. It was really childish and crisp, and Yang Yi said.

"A casual cultivator."

"Why are you here?"

"Hit by accident."

"What are you looking for?"

"Demon energy."

The two of them exchanged words with each other, reaching a delicate balance. Just as Yang Yi finished speaking, the figure fell into silence. The next second, the figure suddenly moved.

He walked slowly towards Yang Yi. With every step he took, the entire black shadow became more and more human-like. When he stood in front of Yang Yi, he had turned into a child.

However, the child's pupils were pure black and there was a long horn on his head.

It's a demon.

Yang Yi made a decisive judgment immediately, and the boy looked up at him.

The voice was as clear and crisp as before.

"I am the devil."

Unexpectedly, the person who controlled these demonic energies appeared in front of him at this moment, and it was impossible to judge from the aura on his body what he meant. Yang Yi did not dare to act rashly for a while.

So he asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's mother. Mother asked me to be here."

The boy said like an ordinary child, "My mother asked me to stay here obediently. She said she would come to pick me up."


Yang Yi frowned slightly. From this boy, he couldn't feel the breath of humans or demons at all.

He is just a nothingness derived from pure demonic energy. Where did such a thing come from?

"Who is your mother? Where is she now?"

Yang Yi had no choice but to continue asking, "Why didn't she come to pick you up?"

"I have no idea."

The boy shook his head slowly, "I don't know her name or where she is."

"She created me and asked me to stay here. She said I don't have to do anything but stay here. When the time comes, she will come to pick me up."

"Has the time come?"

Yang Yi became more and more confused, and what he didn't know was that there was originally a very powerful barrier here, and people in the Taixu Illusion Realm could not enter at all.

Because he is an outsider and does not belong to this world, he is not restricted by the boundaries of this world and can easily appear here.

His appearance was really a coincidence.

Looking at the demonic energy spreading from the boy's body, Yang Yi seemed to realize that the reason why the demonic energy was everywhere here was probably because of the boy in front of him.

He was put here without knowing anything. No one even told him what to do, where to go, or how to live. He was only told to stay here.

In other words, the woman who put him here never truly loved and cared for him. In that woman's heart, he was just a tool.

However, this boy is staying here alone. Although the demonic energy here is full, there is no sign of overflowing, and Ocarone is still stable. So what is the role of this boy staying here?

Yang Yi couldn't help but start to think carefully.

“You can’t leave until the time comes.”

Yang Yi thought about this sentence, and suddenly an idea flashed.

He seemed to understand something.

The boy in front of him doesn't have to do anything, he just needs to stay here, and the demonic energy in him will

When the amount of demonic energy is large enough, it will be released in one fell swoop. It will be a disaster for the entire Okaro.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi couldn't help but frown more and more tightly, and his eyes fell on the boy in front of him.

The boy's eyes were clear and ignorant, and he seemed to have no idea that he had been used. If it weren't for the purpose of destroying the entire Okaro, he would not even have been created.

Yang Yi wants to prevent the tragedy from happening.

He looked down at the boy. The demonic energy on the boy was too huge, and it was still emitting demonic energy continuously. With his current ability, he could not purify the boy.

Not to mention him, even the saint could hardly do it. This boy was too dark.

At the moment, it is better for him to control the demonic energy in his body first and not let the demonic energy cause chaos everywhere.

Thinking like this, Yang Yi knelt down and kept eye level with the boy, his eyes calm.

"Do you want to go find mom?"

He didn't know how developed the boy's mind was, so he could only test it carefully. When he heard the words, the boy's dark eyes seemed to light up for a moment, but then dimmed again.

"I don't know where my mother is. She won't let me leave. She just lets me stay here."

Ah, it seems that it can still be deceived.

Yang Yi thought this in his heart, then smiled slightly and looked at the boy.

"Actually, I just lied. I didn't get here by accident."

"I came today just to see you."

"Come to me?"

The boy was a little confused, Yang Yi smiled, "Yes, your mother asked me to come and pick you up. She encountered some things and couldn't come over for the time being, so she asked me to come."

This chapter has been completed!
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