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Chapter 3203 Mrs. Du’s true body

Yang Yi came to the door, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, a soft female voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"I'm Yang Yi from the Demon Slaying Pavilion. I heard from Du Yuanwai that my wife was not feeling well, so I came here to take a look." Yang Yi replied.

There was silence for a while, and then he said: "It turns out to be Yang Shaoxia. It's not convenient for me to see guests now. I understand your concerns."

Compared with Yuan Du's warm hospitality, there was a hint of coldness in Mrs. Du's tone.

"Let's take a look at the secret method of the Demon Slayer Pavilion. Maybe it will be effective for Madam's illness. I can stay in the mansion for a little longer, and I will come to visit Madam when it is convenient."

Yang Yi still insisted.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps from the other side of the house, and then the door was opened.

Mrs. Du looked a little tired. She was wearing white pajamas. Although she had no makeup, her skin looked very fair and her face was delicate. She was a real beauty.

Then Mrs. Du asked Yang Yi to come into the room and sit down. Perhaps because the lights in the room were dim, she lit a candle, poured two more cups of tea, and then said:

"Yang Shaoxia, I'm just frightened these days. You already got rid of the monster last night. I'll be fine in a few days. Please don't worry."

"Oh, this is best." Yang Yi nodded and said, "However, there are some things I want to ask Madam about when I come here."

"What is it?" Mrs. Du frowned slightly and asked, "Young Master Yang, it doesn't matter if you say so."

"It's about the fox demon last night. It's just some speculation on my part."

Yang Yi said slowly, "The fox demon last night was really strange. It was a resentful spirit, an infant spirit and a demon spirit. So I was very curious. I was wondering why it came to Du Mansion.


"Do you need any more reason for demons and ghosts to cause harm to people?" Mrs. Du said directly.

"That is necessary. If it is a resentful spirit, it must come here to find the person who killed itself. If it is an infant spirit, it must come here to find its mother."

Yang Yi continued to say slowly, "This infant spirit appeared in Du Mansion and kept approaching the backyard for several days, but it did not hurt anyone. It seemed to be looking for something."

"What is it looking for?" After hearing Yang Yi's words, Mrs. Du's eyes were a little dodgey.

"So I'm very puzzled. Du Yuan's ancestors have been charitable and good deeds for generations, and they won't harm animals. Then it is very likely that it came to find its mother. It is a fox demon, so is its mother also a fox?


"Besides, since the fox demon appeared, Mrs. Du is probably the only one who has never shown up in the house."

Yang Yi looked into Mrs. Du's eyes with her eyes as she spoke.

After hearing this, Mrs. Du couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Young Master Yang, do you mean to say that I am also a monster?"

"Yes or no? You'll know after you try it." Yang Yifeng said calmly.

"Do you have a demon mirror?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Du frowned slightly and said, but after finishing speaking, she seemed not to believe what she said.

There are only two ways to make monsters appear. One is that they take the initiative to appear, or they need to have special magical weapons.

But Yang Yi's cultivation is not enough, so he can only rely on special magic weapons, and the most famous magic weapon for dealing with monsters is the monster mirror.

It's just that the number of demon mirrors is very rare. It is said that there is one in the Human Palace, one in Buddhism, and the remaining one is in the Demon Slayer Pavilion.

It's just that the Demon Slaying Pavilion will not allow disciples with low cultivation level to bring the demon mirror out of the gate, so this matter is also very suspicious.

Yang Yi shook his head and said, "No, but it's almost the same."

For a moment, the room became very quiet.

After a while, two voices sounded in the room at the same time: "Look, what is behind you?"

Before they finished speaking, Yang Yi and Mrs. Du pointed at each other's backs at the same time and said the same thing.

However, neither of them looked back.

The two people also used the same trick, and the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward for a while.

"Haha..." Mrs. Du laughed and said, "Okay, Yang Shaoxia, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. Since you entered the room, I have lit candles. The candles contain the poison of Qianri San."

, if you want an antidote, I advise you to leave quickly and act as if nothing happened."

"Hehe..." Yang Yi laughed and said, "Since you dare to come, you must be careful. The moment you lit the candle, I held my breath. Your poison cannot stick to me."

After hearing this, the smile on Mrs. Du's face suddenly disappeared.

Only then did she realize that she could be said to have 100 eyes, but the disciple of the Demon Slayer Pavilion in front of her had only a lot more eyes than her own.

"Yang Shaoxia, I have never harmed anyone in these years. I just want to live a fair and safe life with me. Since you have completed your mission, you can leave, okay?"

Mrs. Du spoke a little less forcefully, with a hint of pleading in her tone.

After hearing this, Yang Yi shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I obey."

The next second, the wind surged, and Mrs. Du suddenly flicked her hand, and a long black whip swept straight towards Yang Yi, like a snake coming out, trying to capture Yang Yi in one fell swoop.

Yang Yi waved his left hand to block the incoming whip, grabbed it, and swung his flute knife to cut it off.

But I don’t know what kind of material this whip is made of, but the knife didn’t cut it off at once.

The two sides each held one end of the whip, and they reached a deadlock for a while.

As the two people's true energy continued to pour out, the furniture and decorations in the room fell to the ground and exploded.

After a stalemate for a while, Mrs. Du raised her hand and instantly transformed into a sharp claw, waving a black light directly towards Yang Yi.

Yang Yi dodged slightly, quickly dodged, and then waved his arm, shooting out a black light as well.

Mrs. Du twisted to dodge, but the black light followed her up like a shadow, then turned sharply and bound herself to Mrs. Du's body.

With such a close distance, the restraints of the soul-fixing nails are of course impossible to dodge.

Mrs. Du's cultivation level was much higher than that of the fox demon last night, but she still couldn't escape.

With a bang, Mrs. Du, who was bound by the soul-fixing nail, became unstable for a moment and fell directly to the ground, and the long whip in her hand also fell to the ground.

At this time, she raised her head and stared at Yang Yi with gritted teeth: "You..."

Just as the battle was about to come to an end, a voice came from outside the door:

"Madam, what happened just now? Why is it so big in the room? Are you okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Du Yuanwai open the bedroom door and walk in directly.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned.

The furniture and decorations in the room were shattered all over the floor, and his wife was kidnapped and lying on the ground in a very weird posture.


Seeing this scene, Du Yuanwai couldn't help but take two steps back and asked with a confused look, "This...this...what is going on? What are you doing here with my wife?"

Seeing this, Yang Yi quickly stopped Du Yuanwai and explained to him carefully.

After Du Yuanwai heard this, he first calmed down his restless mood, and then helped his wife, who was tied to the ground, up.

Mrs. Du, who had a very graceful figure, was even more attractive when she was tied up by the Dinghun Nail. This made Yang Yi not dare to join her at all.

"Yang Shaoxia, please untie my wife first, okay?" Du Yuanwai asked.

"This...I'm afraid this is not appropriate." Yang Yi wondered.

Immediately afterwards, he told Yuan Du that Mrs. Du was a demon.

After hearing this, Du Yuanwai couldn't help being shocked: "This is impossible, how could my wife be a demon? You, please, don't talk nonsense."

Yang Yi knew that Du Yuanwai didn't believe it, so he immediately said: "Yuan Yuanwai, if you don't believe it, I have a way to get my wife to reveal her true identity..."


The moment Du Yuanwai walked in, Mrs. Du, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, interrupting Yang Yi's words.

Upon seeing this, Yang Yi took back the black thorns on the virtual world.

Then Mrs. Du said slowly: "Mr. Sir, actually I have been hiding something from you. I dare not tell you. I... I am indeed a monster."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. You are so gentle and kind, how could you be a monster?"

Du Yuanwai was even more shocked when he heard this and screamed directly.

He couldn't believe that the person on his pillow was so gentle and kind, how could he be a demon?

This chapter has been completed!
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