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Chapter 223: If you lose to a big city, then at least don’t lose the place where you started...

 People were coming and going on the streets of the royal capital, unaware of the black sun and black mist passing by.

Occasionally, if a practitioner feels something, he turns his head and looks around, only to feel that the hairs all over his body stand on end and his back is numb, as if if he continues to explore further, he will face something terrible, and he will find nothing but cold sweat all over his body.

One by one, the dead returned from the other side, blended into the crowd under Black Sun's control, and dispersed to every corner of the capital with the flowing sea of ​​people.

Then, the pupils suddenly converged, with a puzzled expression on his face.

There seemed to be an instinctive voice in their minds guiding them on what to do, but when they looked carefully, the ethereal voice completely disappeared.

What came back to my ears were the laughter and curses of passers-by, the barking of cats and the howling of dogs in the alleys.

"This feeling..."

A returnee stared blankly at his too-white hands, tried to open and close them tightly, and finally held them tightly: "Live!"

Vision, smell, hearing...

The gray tones become vivid again.

"What a beautiful world!"

Another returnee opened his arms and tried to embrace the blue sky amidst the doubtful eyes of others.

Hei Yang will not worry about what will happen to them next. They are all people who are qualified to enter and exit the ruins, and he does not need to worry about them.

Since then, there has been no connection.

It was easier for the five-color disciples to throw it, so Hei Yang simply threw it directly at the family gate for them.

Yellow, red, white, green...

In an instant, Hei Yang passed through most of the royal capital, and the disciples of the Hei family were put down in front of the Hei family.

Hei Yang flipped over easily... and flew over the wall of Hei's house. Don't ask why he didn't go through the door. He has a psychological shadow.

He has no intention of talking about family matters with his relatives. He is still in a state of invisibility. There is a high probability that he will meet again during the Chinese New Year this year, and there is nothing special that needs to be explained.

In the hut, the old woman wiped the corners of Hei Chen's mouth, felt her son's weak but real heartbeat, and showed a soft expression.

"Xiaochen, don't you still want to say a few words to mom..."

Seeing her son's dull expression, the old woman hugged him, gently patted her son's back with her palms, and whispered comfort.

"It doesn't matter if you are unhappy today and don't want to talk about it. Xiaochen, don't be anxious, take your time, take your time..."

Feeling the warmth of her son in her arms, the woman closed her eyes and murmured softly: "Mom knows, you don't want this either, right?

Among so many people who went, only my son came back. Some people said it was because our Xiaochen ran away from the battle. Others said that our Xiaochen did something bad...

What do they know? Xiaochen must be reluctant to let go of her mother, so she came back with a breath. This is my Xiaochen's ability. Don't pay attention to those people's nonsense.

They said that this old woman must have gone crazy because she couldn't bear the blow. She said things here all day long without getting an answer...

Mom won’t go crazy. If she goes crazy, she won’t be able to remember Xiaochen. Mom won’t be able to let go of Xiaochen either..."

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly thinking of something, the woman quickly let go of her hand, took the porcelain bowl of water on the table next to her, and gently fed Hei Chen to drink. Seeing Hei Chen swallowing unconsciously, the woman's face showed a somewhat embarrassed smile.


"Mom almost forgot. The water almost got cold. Is it because my memory is bad?"

Hei Chen was in a daze.

"It's okay if you don't get an answer..."

The woman whispered softly: "It's like when you were a child, you couldn't speak, you relied on your mother, and listened to your mother say things you didn't understand... Isn't this the same?

Well, you will laugh and cry at that time, and you will call mom after more than a year...

It’s been, um, five years since you came back that day, right?

When you grow up, your mother still wants to spend more time with you. If you think about it this way, will it give us five more years to spend together?

How will Xiaochen plan to spend the Chinese New Year this year? Or spend it with her mother, don’t you want to go out for a walk?

I heard your grandpa say that he has the idea of ​​returning to his hometown to celebrate the New Year this year, Xiaochen, what do you think?"

"Xiaochen...do you really not want to say a word to your mother..."

The woman raised her head and looked at her son, smiling and crying.

"It's okay, it's okay, even if mom waits until she dies of old age, she won't be able to hear you talking to her, it doesn't matter...

After that, who will take care of me... It's okay, it's okay, my mother didn't cry, there will be other family members after my mother left..."


"Brother Heichen..."

Hei Yang looked at the woman in the room, then turned to look at the soul beside him, feeling a little stuffy.

"Go back, don't make aunt cry, my cousin looks uncomfortable..."


Tears flashed across the corners of Hei Chen's eyes. He turned around and hugged Hei Yang with his soul: "Good brother."

"Yeah, brother."

Hei Yang hugged his cousin's soul body and said softly: "Auntie is in poor health. Remember to help her take care of herself, or come to my hometown to find me later. I don't have too much time now..."


Hei Chen looked seriously at his cousin, whom he had not seen for almost ten years, nodded solemnly, and said: "Go back quickly, don't make your family wait in a hurry."


Hei Yang said nothing more and waved his hand to leave.

Looking blankly at the place where his cousin disappeared, Hei Chen smiled softly on his face and hid his gratitude in his heart: "Goodbye."

"Cough cough...cough...suck..."

The woman wiped her eyes and saw that the clothes on her son's chest were wet with her tears. She forced a smile and said sheepishly: "Mom, it's useless. This has caused trouble for Xiaochen. I just didn't know how to respond just now."

It’s okay, I’ve obviously cried before...I’ve persisted for so long, yet I still still...

However, I just felt that Xiaochen was looking at my mother, so I couldn’t help it..."

The woman felt a little cool and a little wet on her head. She raised her head in a daze and saw a pair of tearful eyes.


The longing calls reached his ears, and Hei Chen hugged his mother tightly, his voice trembling.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all over..."

"Son...Mom dreamed of you again, it's so nice..."

"It's not a dream..."



The woman lay in her son's arms and whispered, "Mom wants to cry."

"Then just cry out."

"But Mom wants to laugh again..."

"Then laugh out loud and don't hold back."


The woman lay on her son's lap, laughed a few times, and then couldn't help but cry: "Chen, Mom has been so sad these years, so miserable, so tired, oh ah ah ah..."

"It's okay..."

Hei Chen patted his mother on the back: "It's really okay..."



On the speeding airship, Hei Yang appeared next to Hong Li: "How much time."



Hei Yang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it two minutes and fourteen seconds?"

"If I say it's exceeded, it's exceeded!"

Hong Li looked up at Hei Yang and whispered: "You will be punished if you exceed the time limit."

"What punishment?"

Hei Yang snorted: "Say it and I'll listen?"

"Hold me..."


"Hug me..."


"Ah, you are so big!"

Hongli couldn't help but became angry: "I asked you to hold me tight... um..."

"What are you doing..."

The girl rested her head on Hei Yang's shoulder and curled her lips and said, "It scared me."


"Well, scary, scary..."

Hongli whispered: "I'm so afraid something will happen to them, Hei Yang..."

"It's okay, I'm scared too."


"I mean..."

Hei Yang patted Hong Li's back and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Well, I believe you the most."

"Selective belief, right?"

"That's not true..."

"Ah, yes, yes... Grass, Hongli, where are you touching! Stinky gangster!"

"Hey, what's wrong with Momo... Why are you shouting so loudly? You don't want Xiaohuo and Yao Yang outside to hear it, right?"

"You are destined to be seriously ill..."



It's three o'clock in the morning, it's dark, and the Five Color City is not like the Royal Capital or the Five Elements City. There are not so many bright spiritual stone lamps on the streets at night, nor is there such an exciting and rich nightlife.

Get enough sleep and snore loudly.

On the 22nd, the waning moon.

Two home-loving wanderers finally returned to their hometown.

This chapter has been completed!
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