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Chapter 361 A warm family

 The enthusiasm in Cao Xu's eyes gradually dimmed, and the moods of Zhang Feng and others also dropped.

"You're all standing here, have you packed up? That's right, you're not as busy as we are here for winter fishing. You should have packed up a long time ago." Xie Ningyi either doesn't speak, or he just speaks.

Choking to death.

No matter how good-tempered Cao Xu and others are, who can stay here after hearing such heart-wrenching words?

The captain of the Seventh Legion was the first to turn around and leave without even bothering to say a word. The others smiled wryly and said hello, and they all left.

"Why offend others?" Fu Yan looked at Xie Ningyi with a smile, "They were already planning to leave."

"They eat our food, drink our food, and owe us something. Now, if you say a word, all our credit will be lost. I guess they will have to scold us behind our backs." Ling Li said, holding back a laugh.

"Do you think they still have conscience?" Xie Ningyi replied with a straight face.

"Stop trying to defend yourself. This is called acting in your true colors." Qin Wanwan said quietly.

Xie Ningyi...

This girl is in conflict with him.

Others agreed with Qin Wanwan and were overjoyed.

"I realized that I was the one who suffered the most in the end." Qin Wanwan looked at Hu Long and sighed.

"Huh?" Fu Zhuo looked at her in confusion.

"Hulong can be used to stew soup, but do you dare to stew it yourself? Such a small amount would be too luxurious to stew soup. So the more suitable ones can only be used to make wine." Qin Wanwan was very concerned.

"Stop," she added plaintively, "I use my wine to make wine."

She became angry just thinking about it. It seemed that Hulong had been given to her, but in fact she had not taken any advantage at all and had to pay for countless bottles of wine.

Thinking that she had suffered a loss, her sharp eyes scanned everyone's face.

"We can give you credits, energy stones or ores, and you will never suffer in vain." Wu Zhonglei coaxed her.

Qin Wanwan......

"It's better that you take the road." Qin Wanwan's mood became beautiful, "Go back to the Central Star, I will take your pulse and then give you some medicinal wine."

"There's not just sea dragon in the medicinal wine?" Tian Xinzhi asked curiously.

"Of course. A single prescription can never be as good as a compound prescription." Qin Wanwan said with a smile.

After Li Zhenjie and others heard this, they all laughed and said that they would not let Qin Wanwan suffer. Qin Wanwan was relieved.

She was so obsessed with money, but Xie Ningyi didn't ridicule her this time, which made Qin Wanwan uncomfortable and stared at him for a long time.

"Why are you looking at me? Don't worry, I'll be with you." Xie Ningyi glared at him.

"You have been single for ten thousand years and don't even have a wife. Why join in the fun with someone who has a wife?" Qin Wanwan mocked him.

Xie Ningyi didn't like hearing this. He pointed at Ling Yi, then at Fu Yan and Fu Zhuo, "They are also old bachelors. Will you give them the wine you made?"

"Speak nicely, we didn't mess with you." Ling Yi was almost angry to death.

"They are my brothers. I will give them to you if I want. It's useless for you to be jealous." When it comes to irritating people, Qin Wanwan is better.

Xie Ningyi...

"You can't lose my share anyway." Xie Ningyi was furious.

Qin Wanwan didn't speak, but looked at him quietly.

When Ling Ze saw that the two of them were arguing again, he quickly took Qin Wanwan's little hand and took her back to the airship.

After dinner, the Space Marines began to pack their things. Personal belongings, as well as public items, were packed and taken with them. The next morning, when the sun came out, after the Space Marines demolished the defensive wall, the airship would set off back.<


Ji Xia asked Qin Wanwan on the airship whether he should go back to the Central Star or the Green Bamboo Star.

Qin Wanwan felt homesick. She hadn't seen her family for a long time and wanted to go back without even thinking about it.

Ling Ze has no objection. He also has to go back to the military headquarters to do business. The business is to be together as a family.

Fu Yan heard that Qin Wanwan was going to follow Lingze back to the Green Bamboo Star, so he kept reminding her for a while, and only after he was sure that she would return to the Central Star soon did he feel relieved.

On the way back, everyone's mood became different.

No one expected that in the raging winter, they would be able to return home with a full load. In the past, they had never dared to think about such a good thing. Lingze looked at Qin Wanwan with a childish look, sticking her four buns to the porthole and going out.

Look, I giggle from time to time.

"She is very powerful." Fu Zhuo gave Qin Wanwan a thumbs up, "We have to work hard, otherwise we can't protect her even if we stand behind her."

"Yes." Ling Ze's voice was a little low and magnetic, and his eyes never left Qin Wanwan. In terms of luck, he is the luckiest person in the entire galaxy, and the most precious person in the universe is his.

Found it.

The return trip took more than two hours. After the airship stopped, Qin Wanwan and her children were in a hurry to go home.

Ling Ze still had to go to the military headquarters to sell the mission, so Qin Wanwan simply drove the car and took the whole family back.

"Grandpa, we are back with our aunt."

"We're back."


Before the four bun men entered the door, they pulled Qin Wanwan and rushed home.

The door of the Qin family is open, the women are busy in the kitchen, and the men are washing the ingredients outside. Mr. Qin heard Qin Wanwan's voice and ran out to greet him, followed by other men of the Qin family.<


"Grandpa." Qin Wanwan happily went over and held the old man's arm.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back." The old man stared at Qin Wanwan without blinking, the love in his eyes clearly visible.

"Why did they take you outside to do tasks in the middle of winter? Grandpa hasn't had a good night's sleep since my family knew you were out." Qin Chuanzhi stood beside Qin Wanwan and babbled.

"I'm fine, you don't need me to work." Qin Wanwan smiled and hugged the old man.

"Why don't you say you are the best? When you see hyenas and snow scorpions, you dare to rush forward. When killing snow rabbits, ordinary soldiers can't run as fast as you." Ji Xia finally found the organization and opened his mouth to complain.

"Don't spread rumors. If you spread rumors again, I won't take you with me next time." Qin Wanwan turned around and glared at her.

Her threat was nothing to Ji Xia. Ji Xia rolled his eyes at her and went straight into the yard.

Qin Lie touched his head and smiled, but no one helped him.

"You kid." The old man wanted to scold him with a straight face. Qin Wanwan shouted quickly, "Grandpa, I'm so hungry. Xie Ningyi is a Zhou Bapi. Last night, he started asking the soldiers to dismantle supplies, which made us unable to sleep in the morning."

Eat well."

When the old man heard this, he immediately forgot to lecture her and turned around to tell his grandson, "Hurry up and ask you and the others to cook for Wanwan so that she doesn't starve."

Qin Chuanzhi secretly made a face at Qin Wanwan, and the four buns covered their mouths and laughed.

Ji Xia made breakfast on the airship, so my aunt wasn't hungry. But they are on the same side as her and will never try to undermine her.

Zhang Haiying and others were extremely happy when they learned that Qin Wanwan was back. A group of women immediately closed the live broadcast room and trotted out to watch people.

"Ouch, I've lost weight." Zhang Haiying's first words when they met.

Qin Wanwan......

Ji Xia......

"I have lost a lot of weight." Qin Chaochao agreed.

Ji Xia felt upset, forget it, everyone in her family was like this, she was used to it.

"I brought back a lot of fish, squid and octopus, but I didn't sell any of them." Qin Wanwan quickly interrupted, "I plan to sell them in small packages."

"How does one bag count?" Qin Chuanman asked, as he was in charge of the family's business and external affairs.

"Two hundred and fifty grams." Qin Wanwan replied.

"Go, Wanwan just came back, let her have a good rest." Mr. Qin was angry.

Qin Wanwan laughed, and suddenly she thought of the aquatic creatures in the space, "Hurry up and take out the plaque, I want to show something."

There were many people in the family, so Qin Chuanzhi and the others quickly brought a stack of plaques. Qin Wanwan took out Hulong from the space, spread it on the plaques and put it on the balcony to dry.

"What is this? There's no meat at all." Qin Chuanhe asked curiously.

"Good stuff, once it's ready, I'll make it into medicinal wine for you." Qin Wanwan replied with a smile, "It's hard to buy it for a thousand dollars."

If something is worth a thousand dollars, it must be a treasure.

The Qin brothers, who were careless and disapproving at first, became much more cautious when carrying the plaque.

The Qin family's genes are not high, but they are hard-working, and several women are talented in cooking. With Qin Wanwan as a cheat, the three meals have been greatly changed.

There is no need to cook by yourself at noon. Several sisters-in-law, sisters and aunts each cook two dishes, and the dishes are served in layers. Others are embarrassed to come to Qin's house to eat, but Fu Zhuo and Ling Ze do not have this ability.


"Every day is like a fairy." Fu Zhuo touched his round belly, "I have to increase my exercise recently, otherwise I will become a fat man after one winter."

"It's better to be fatter. I went on a mission and everyone came back as skinny as a monkey." Mr. Qin's aesthetics are different. In the past, the Qin family was poor and could not keep up with nutrition. From the oldest to the youngest, everyone in the family had a sallow complexion and thin skin.

Nowadays, life is getting better and better, but the old man’s old vision has not changed and he still likes chubby children.

"Grandpa Qin, you are doing tasks outside, and you have to cook and feed us every night." Fu Zhuo said with a smile. His purpose was to get credit for Qin Wanwan. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old man glared at Ling with dissatisfaction.

A quick glance.

Ling Ze immediately understood the old man's words, what else could he say? It was indeed him who failed to take good care of Qin Wanwan, and the old man was justified in being angry.

"The fake second brother is deliberately trying to make me look good. In fact, most of the cooking is done by Qin Lie and Ji Xia." Qin Wanwan quickly stated that she could not take the credit.

Ji Xia hummed softly, acquiescing.

The old man's face looks better again.

The four buns were also human beings. They laughed and explained Ling Ze's hard work. After listening to this, Mr. Qin felt all the sullenness in his heart was gone.

"I will broadcast live in the afternoon and teach you how to make spicy squid and sweet and spicy fish fillets. You can also add spicy fish tofu." After coaxing the old man, Qin Wanwan discussed business matters with the women at home.


"Okay, we'll learn from you." Hu Sujiang agreed happily.

Mr. Qin was a little unhappy, "I just came back and haven't had a good rest yet. Don't worry about things in the kitchen." After all, the old man felt sorry for his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, I'm not tired. My sisters and sister-in-law have learned how to make shredded squid and prepare food and drinks for you." Qin Wanwan smiled and coaxed the old man.

"Look, my granddaughter is still filial." As long as Qin Wanwan is involved, the old man feels good.

This chapter has been completed!
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