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Chapter 362 Hot Products

 Whether it is octopus or squid, it can be made into spicy snacks. In addition to the main ingredients, you also need peppercorns, Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers and other seasonings. Seasonings are not uncommon in the Qin family’s vegetable gardens.

Let’s just talk about chili peppers. They use a lot of them. But the plants in StarCraft all grow bigger. The more than fifty chili peppers in the vegetable garden grow like tall trees, and the chili peppers hanging from them hang down from high places.

A chili is about half a meter long. The Qin family not only has fresh chili, but also dries many to make dried chili for later use.

After Qin Wanwan checked the ingredients, she entered the live broadcast room with confidence.

There are many viewers in the Qin family's live broadcast room. Although many people do not stay there all the time, everyone still pays attention to what the Qin family does every day in order to go to the mall for instant sales. Qin Wanwan appeared in the live broadcast room and brought a sense of joy to the old viewers online.

Big surprise.

"The anchor finally found his way back and returned to his true career. I just cried with joy."

"Upstairs, we hugged each other and cried with joy."

"Everyone is celebrating that the anchor is willing to return to the right path."

"Anchor, look at me, I want to ask, will there be any new products today?"

"Even if the anchor doesn't release new products, the anchor is still the cutie in my heart."

"Anchor, I am your fan. No matter what you do today, you must leave ten copies for me."

"The person upstairs is too greedy. Anchor, give me one, I will be very satisfied."


As soon as Qin Wanwan showed up, tips and barrages started flying all over the screen. There were also a small number of anti-fans among them, and their comments were not harmonious, and they were quickly drowned out by the comments of fans.

"We have new products today. The taste is a bit strong, but very delicious." Qin Wanwan didn't say much.

"Thank you anchor, anchor I love you."

"I'm ready to grab new products."

"Heavy flavors are good, I don't like them."


There was another wave of comments and rewards, and fans supported Qin Wanwan with practical actions.

Qin Wanwan thought the screen was too cluttered, so he turned off the barrage, "I recently went on a mission and shared some squid, octopus, and various fish caught in the winter. We will sort out new products."

"Winter fishing? Did I hear it correctly?" Someone questioned in the comment area, "Can fishing also be done in winter?"

"Our team is great." Qin Wanwan explained with a smile.

"The anchor is so shameless. There has been no successful winter fishing in StarWorld for many years. If you brag and don't pay taxes, feel free to brag."

"I'll go to the platform and report you right now."

"Report plus one."

"Report plus two."


The anti-fans started building buildings.

Qin Wanwan sneered, turned on the optical brain, and played the clip of winter hunting.

The raging snow, the whistling wind, the white ice and snow all showed that the pictures were not edited. When the audience spotted Qin Wanwan dressed as a penguin, everyone exclaimed.

Next to her were neatly dressed soldiers. The space warriors were cutting the ice with machines. Qin Wanwan explained a few words to everyone, "The entrance to the water needs to be opened relatively large, which is called an incision. The hole opened in the distance is called a skylight.


Many people immediately asked in the comment area what the skylight is used for?

"Watch it for yourselves, you'll see it later." Qin Wanwan opened the video of Dongqing on the big screen, while the video of her handling the squid and eight claws was converted into a small window. This way the audience will not be bored while waiting. Not to mention

There will be people who deliberately come out to cause trouble.

She directly showed the video of the second winter fishing, and someone asked about the ugly cages on both sides of the fishing net.

The soldiers of the Third Army Special Forces Team and the Second Team were on vacation. They already knew that Qin Wan would broadcast their winter hunting videos at the party, so they had been waiting in the live broadcast room for a long time.

In the comment area, many space warriors can’t help but explain the audience’s doubts and questions below.

"The question upstairs is very sharp. I will definitely not tell you that it is because our craftsmanship is not good that we can weave such an ugly fish basket."

"I don't admit that my craftsmanship is poor. I personally think the fish cage is quite good." It was accompanied by a happy and contented emoticon.


As soon as the audience saw it, they knew that it was a Space Marine on a mission who had settled in the live broadcast room, so they started praising it for free in the comment area.

The scene of the winter hunt was so spectacular, more soul-stirring and shocking than any other movie. In the end, even Cang Shuo and Shen Cheng were shocked.

Later, the Thirteenth Army, the Tenth Army, the Ninth Army, and the Guild all followed, and the live broadcast room suddenly became crowded. Upon seeing this, the platform management staff quickly added capacity to expand the capacity so that the broadcast was not interrupted.

Several legions did not hide their identities, and the audience was shocked to see so many legions of Space Marines pouring in.

"Ouch, I didn't expect that I could communicate with idols at such a close distance."

"I'm actually alone with so many idol fans?"


The elites of the major legions came here mainly to see how Qin Wanwan handled the squid and octopus.

"After cleaning the internal organs of the squid or octopus, pour it into the boiling water. Let me remind everyone that the process of entering the water should not be too long. Just roll it up slightly like this." The Qin family's cooking skills have never been secretive. Although they are in

I applied for a patent online, but as long as the downloader does not use it for commercial purposes, they will not charge.

This is also the reason why many people in StarCraft are fans of their family.

"When stir-frying, the heat must be high, and this kind of bean paste is also used. When frying the chili, Sichuan peppercorns and sesame pepper, be sure to pay attention to the heat. If the initial batch is large, it will easily burn." Qin

Wanwan will point out all the points of attention.

"What I'm most afraid of is that when the anchor says special terms like appropriate amount and heat, ordinary people like me won't be able to cover it!"

"Yeah, I agree. I heard from the host that it requires talent and long-term exploration."

"Am I the only one staring at the anchor's movements, waiting to taste the first bite of squid?"


Qin Wanwan didn't keep everyone waiting too long. After the first pot of spicy squid was ready, she put some on the platform to start the holographic experience for the audience to taste, and then put two more bowls on it, "One bowl to eat by yourself, the other bowl

Prepare food and drinks for grandpa, uncle and the others."

"Envy, jealousy, hate, the anchor's children and grandpa are so happy."

"Not only are there dishes, but there is also wine. The old man and uncle have completely reached the pinnacle of their lives. They are truly envious and jealous."

“Delicious and strong.”

"Anchor, when will it be released?"

Qin Wanwan replied with a smile, "It's ready to be put on the shelves, but each bag is not large. The price of one bag is one hundred and fifty credits."

It’s so cheap, many people can’t believe their ears. Octopus and squid are difficult to catch, especially in winter. How can the anchor set the price so low?

However, everyone soon saw the freshly baked packaging, and it turned out that each bag only had 250 grams.

This is normal!

Octopus and squid are full of energy. When they saw the new products on the shelves, many viewers in the live broadcast room opened the shopping mall shelves and started to rush to buy. After the first pot of spicy octopus and squid was put on the shelves, it was almost sold out by the audience.

After Qin Wanwan made the three pots herself, she began to teach the women at home how to cook. The seasonings were all prepared, and with her personal guidance, Hu Sujiang, Qin Chaochao and the others quickly got started.

At this point, after Qin Wanwan was free, he made fish tofu and sweet fish fillets for everyone. They were all sold in small packages and the price was not cheap. The lake food in winter is more plump. With the video of winter fishing, the Qin family ordered small

The snacks are a little more expensive, but the audience can accept it.

After finally being busy until the evening, when the live broadcast room was closed, many viewers asked whether Qin Wan would enter the live broadcast room at the party tomorrow.

This question is difficult to answer, so Qin Wanwan smiled and avoided it.

"Girls generally prefer fish fillets as snacks. Spicy squid is suitable for the public, and as for fish tofu, children should like it." Fu Zhuobang analyzed. "Selling the fresh food from the lake into finished products can double your income several times, girls, it's amazing."
He gave Qin Wanwan a thumbs up.

"We will add snow rabbits tomorrow." Qin Wanwan thought about it. She had divided a lot of snow rabbits and originally wanted to sell them directly in the underground mall. But after thinking about it, it was more cost-effective to sell the finished products.

Since the finished product makes more money, why should she give the profits to others?

"Rabbit meat is not easy to sell." Yu Cheng asked curiously, "How do you plan to sell it?"

"Packaging the finished product, half a snow rabbit will cost you 1,500 credits." Qin Wanwan quoted.

"The price is a bit high." Xie Ningyi hit her directly.

Qin Wanwan ignored him. She had already made up her mind anyway, and no one could make her change her mind.

Everyone saw that she was very stubborn, but they did not continue to persuade her.

Qin Wanwan still entered the live broadcast room, and the audience's free praise once again flooded the screen.

"What I'm making for you today is a smoked snow rabbit. It costs 1,500 credits and half. Of course, if you find it too expensive, you can refuse. All the products of the Qin family are clearly marked with prices, so no one can be bullied by young or old." Qin Wanwan made a preemptive strike.

Directly blocked the troll's opening remarks.

She didn't talk nonsense. After explaining, she started cooking in front of everyone.

After the snow rabbit is cleaned, it is marinated with seasonings and then grilled directly on the charcoal fire. For this purpose, Qin Wanwan specially placed the smoker in the wooden shed in the yard.

"After being smoked with fruit wood, the finished product will have a light fruit wood aroma." Qin Wanwan introduced, turning the snow rabbit over and brushing homemade seasoning on the surface of the snow rabbit from time to time.

This time, in order to open up sales, she generously contributed half a snow rabbit and placed it on the platform. When she turned on the hologram, the audience rushed forward, and in the blink of an eye, all the smoked rabbits were snatched up by the audience.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Once the anchor makes a move, it will definitely be a high-quality product. It's as delicious as ever. I'll go to the mall to watch it."

"Excellent value for money, you deserve it."

"Wonderful, excellent product."

"I'll tell you what the grand occasion is, but it's actually not delicious at all. Haha, I'll grab it all by myself. It's all mine."


Twelve can be smoked in one stove, split into packages for sale, and only twenty-four can be served at a time. The audience kept wailing, urging Qin Wanwan to take action and quickly stock up on new products.

"Why is it that from the same batch of rabbits, the ones made by the anchor are high-quality products, but my own tastes strange? It's dry, woody, and fishy. Could it be that what I'm eating is a fake rabbit?"

"Same question."

"Guys from the logistics department, hurry up and learn a lesson."

"Boy, we are always here and we will let you eat dirt tomorrow."


There were many sand sculpture warriors from all the major legions, and their complaints highlighted the deliciousness of the smoked rabbit to a great extent. Suddenly, orders came in like snowflakes.

This chapter has been completed!
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