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Chapter 0117 Meal Strike Movement

 I don’t know if he ate too much during the three days of wandering around. As soon as he returned to school, Zhou Yan always felt that the quality of the food in the cafeteria had dropped a lot.

Moreover, when preparing the dishes, the old Parkinson's disease of the chefs and aunties seemed to have relapsed...

According to the previous routine, the quality of the food in the school cafeteria should have slightly improved every Monday, but after Qingming Festival, the chefs in the school cafeteria seem to have sacrificed their cooking skills to their ancestors.

After lunch, the opinion book hanging on the wall of the school cafeteria, which had been gathering dust for many years, was taken down, and a large number of students left their anger on it.

However, there is an idiom called "it's hard to get back".

The surge in pork prices has led to an increase in canteen purchase costs and a decrease in profits. The canteen contractors have received less money, and the bonuses paid to the chefs below have also been reduced.

The chef's work enthusiasm is naturally not high, and the quality of the food can be imagined...

This is a vicious cycle.

If there is less meat, there will be less meat, but is it abnormal that the quality of your food will also decrease?

The next day, Zhou Yan heard the news and said that the student union had already greeted the contractor.

As a result, on Wednesday, a notice was posted in the canteen: Because the price of meat has increased, the price of food must also increase...

At this time, all the students were furious: School meals are not cheap to begin with. If you increase the price again, everyone’s life will be difficult!

Then, even the student union, which was trying to be the peacemaker, couldn't stand it any longer: I've given you a signal, so you can at least give it some thought. Can't you just treat the Parkinson's disease of the aunts and uncles a little? Just treat the violent shaking to light shaking.

That’s it!

As an official organization, the student union naturally cannot come forward to organize activities. However, when the student union received the news that students wanted to organize activities, it quickly expressed its position: it did not agree or oppose it.

Do you disagree or disagree?

Is that the default?

So, during lunch on Thursday, Zhou Yan and a group of friends saw that the place was already full of people before they reached the entrance of the cafeteria. These "protesters" not only made large banners, but also made a number of signs.

Those who watch the excitement don’t think it’s a big deal.

Although Zhou Yan and a group of classmates went to the cafeteria to have lunch, they joined the protest after they came out...

The protest lasted for more than an hour that day. Although it dispersed in the end, the school photography association had already taken "photos" and planned to send them to the newspaper.

The protests lasted for three days.

In the past few days, some canteens selling instant noodles on campus have had a good year, and on weekends, the commercial street near the school has also become completely popular...

The business was bleak for three or four days in a row. The contractor of the canteen was a little panicked and went directly to the school general affairs office.

Naturally, the school is on the same page, each giving 50 points: You can increase the price, but at least you have to calm the students’ grievances...

In the new week, the cafeteria has introduced a solution that can be called "foolish": when serving rice, you can ask for half of the dish.

It is said that half a dish is actually less than half of what it was after the appearance of "Dou Yi Dou", but the price can't be halved...

Looking at the handful of dry sweet and sour pork loin on the dinner plate, Zhou Yan was embarrassed to take off his chopsticks: half of the dish would be missing if he took down his chopsticks.

This reminded Zhou Yan of the origins of the turbulent times.

A long time ago, there was a monkey charmer who raised a group of monkeys. When feeding the monkeys, he gave each monkey three nuts in the morning and four nuts in the evening.

After a long time, the monkey had an opinion and asked the monkey charmer to increase his "salary". So the monkey charmer changed the breakfast portion to four and the dinner portion was reduced to three.

The monkeys are so happy: they can have four nuts for breakfast!

Both parties are happy...

After lunch, Zhou Yan suddenly came up with the idea of ​​renting a house and cooking for himself: after moving at the end of the semester, the food at the school headquarters is not as good as here at Jinshan Campus!

After the afternoon class ended, Zhou Yan ran to the high floor of the teaching building, found an empty classroom, put down his laptop, plugged in the 3G network card, and started regular online teaching.

Of course, before going to class, Zhou Yan first told his girlfriend about the food strike movement...

"I always feel like I'm being tricked..."

However, when Zhou Yan was depressed, on the other side of the Internet, Qin Ruoshu did not have a boyfriend from the team. While smiling, her eyes seemed to be full of expectation, and she was a bit eager to try...

"I really envy you guys! Every day is wonderful."

"What are you envious of?" Zhou Yan was so depressed that he stared at Qin Ruoshu on the screen with a resentful look on his face, "The daily food expenses at your school are only ten yuan at most, but here we pay twenty yuan.

Can’t stop!”

"Old Zhou, let's forget about the others," Qin Ruoshu looked at Zhou Yan with a smile, "You don't have to worry about the food expenses, right? A few days ago, I heard you say that my uncle and aunt raised thousands of big fat pigs.


"When you said this, I became even more depressed," Zhou Yan almost cried, "I raise thousands of pigs at home, and I can't afford pork anymore..."

"Okay, let's start class now!"

Hearing Zhou Yan talk about class, Qin Ruoshu on the other end of the phone straightened up seriously and stared at the computer with a smile: "Teacher Zhou, you have finished talking about engineering drawing, what should you talk about next?"

"Then let's talk about architectural design." Zhou Yan thought for a while and pulled out a courseware from the hard drive. "Of course, when I talk about architectural design, I will also talk about some practical application knowledge of painting and CAD drawing?"<


"Can you do it?"

"Men can't say no," Zhou Yan clicked on an icon on the desktop to synchronize the two computer screens to the same one. "The display screen you see first is the one on my computer.

It’s exactly the same!”

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What is this operation?

Qin Ruoshu was stunned. It took him a while to recover, and asked in a low voice: "Old Zhou, are you a hacker?"

"That's right, pay attention to the lecture! First, let's talk about architectural design..."

The reason why I talk about architectural design is because this course has the most class hours in the architecture major, with seven to eight hundred class hours.

Fortunately, Zhou Yan has the title of master of architecture and studied architecture with a real master.

However, even though Zhou Yan had the talent to be a teacher, Qin Ruoshu listened attentively. Throughout the entire afternoon and evening, Zhou Yan had only just begun to speak.

After the one-day course, Zhou Yan told his girlfriend: There are about 800 hours of architectural design.

"Ah?" Qin Ruoshu was frightened, "So many?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Yan smiled, with a hint of schadenfreude in his smile, "Students majoring in architecture are just masters and guests. As long as you learn well, it's not a problem at all to upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree!"

"Okay then," Qin Ruoshu nodded helplessly, thought for a while, and looked at Zhou Yan cautiously, "Can we change to something else occasionally?"

"Okay, I will tell you about Western architecture tomorrow..."

"Um..." Qin Ruoshu was silent for a while, then pursed her lips, "Old Zhou, did you study architecture specifically for me?"

"If I said no, would you believe it?"

The little beauty who was strong on the outside but soft on the inside was so moved by Zhou Yan that she burst into tears.

"Ruoshu, as your boyfriend, I have the obligation to help you study..."

After speaking like this, Qin Ruoshu cried even harder.

Zhou Yan spent a lot of effort to make his girlfriend happy again...

"What a sin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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