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Chapter 0118 Anti-terrorism?

 Zhou Yan's life was quite pleasant. He had classes during the day and taught his girlfriend at night. He also made jokes with his classmates during his free time. Occasionally, he accepted Zuo Jiyun's invitation to play football.

Originally, Zhou Yan had made an appointment to go to the Normal University to play football with Zuo Jiyun and the others on Friday morning.

But in the afternoon, the situation suddenly changed. Zhou Yan received a call from Qin Jianjun: The SWAT team was conducting a comprehensive combat exercise and needed a tool man to be a "bandit".

Zhou Yan is naturally duty-bound.

However, when Zhou Yan arrived at the SWAT squadron, Qin Jianjun asked a question that Zhou Yan didn't know how to answer: "Do you know how to make simple explosives?"

Can I say no?

Not to mention his own experience package, the "worker bees" have served in the Middle East for more than ten years. Their enemies, the Pearl Party and the Eighth Sister, are all good at making roadside bombs. In those years, roadsides in the Middle East were full of roadside bombs.


Even when Zhou Yan participated in the mixed martial arts trial, he had to deal with roadside bombs. The more he experienced, the better he would be...

Seeing Zhou Yan's silence, Qin Jianjun thought Zhou Yan didn't know how to do it, so he smiled and comforted him: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how, I can teach you. This thing is very simple!"

As he said that, Qin Jianjun took out a large box from the drawer on the side. It was full of old mobile phones and old electronic watches. He put it in front of Zhou Yan and started wiring: "This explosive, the most important thing is to detonate it. You

For example, these electronic watches with timing function can be made into time bombs..."

"Captain Qin, isn't this bad?"

Zhou Yan was a bit dumbfounded: Why are you blatantly teaching a good young man who has "Five Lectures, Four Beauties and Three Loves" to do these IEDs? This thing is also useful here!

As he talked, Qin Jianjun began to increase the difficulty: "Explosives, the most critical link is detonation. Remote control and timed detonation both require electric detonators and corresponding detonation circuits. How to disguise these circuits is very troublesome.


Qin Jianjun spoke for more than an hour, and after finishing all the basic points, he started to let Zhou Yan practice by himself.

Zhou Yan was a little at a loss: the production was too high-end, which would arouse suspicion; the production was defective, and he felt a little sorry for Qin Jianjun’s sincere teachings...

Qin Jianjun on the side seemed to have noticed Zhou Yan's entanglement. He smiled and patted Zhou Yan on the shoulder: "Practice for fighting, not for watching!"

This is what you said, I won’t be polite!

With more than ten years of "worker bee" experience in the Middle East as a support, Zhou Yan quickly produced a batch of "rudimentary but not simple" explosives.

After setting the detonation conditions as required, Zhou Yan ignored them. Instead, he put on a hood and hid with a group of "friendly guests" invited by the SWAT squadron from other departments, carrying laser countermeasures weapons for exercises.

On the building in the training base.

When they arrived at the place, a group of "bandits" tied up political commissar Li Liang as a hostage, hung up booby traps that could only emit smoke, and then gathered aside to discuss countermeasures.

Through self-introduction, Zhou Yan found out the identities of these friendly guests. They were all people in the circle of friends of the SWAT squadron. In addition to the vacation detectives who were forcibly pulled over, there were also several airport SWAT officers who came to "find trouble" on their own initiative.<


When the exercise started, Zhou Yan found a corner and hid.

Although it is not clear whether the SWAT team will use remote sensors, the office building opposite the unfinished building is an excellent sniper position...

"Worker bee, it can't be like this," the detective "Lao Hei" who was pulled over to make up the numbers felt that Zhou Yan was a bit too aggressive, "Isn't it just acting..."

Before he finished speaking, "Old Hei" began to emit white smoke from his head. This was a sign that the laser countermeasures device was locked.

"As for that!" "Old Hei" said sadly, "We are all acquaintances. As for killing each other at the beginning, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

After suppressing the gangsters, they broke in.

Although he couldn't see it, Zhou Yan could also imagine that in the unseen direction of the unfinished building, two groups of special police officers had already begun to take action: one group attacked from top to bottom, and the other group took the stairs.

After a soft "thud, thud, thud" sound, the "gangsters" guarding the stairs had made no sound. The remaining gangsters who were guarding out of the sniper's sight were almost all elites.

However, guarding "hostages" also has the disadvantages of guarding hostages. The scope of activities of the "gangsters" is strictly limited, and in the room outside, there is a group of snipers watching eagerly.

The special police took action quickly.

The sound of dense footsteps came from the stairwell. Based on the layout of the house in his memory, Zhou Yan stretched out his arm very covertly and roughly aimed at the door.

The footsteps are getting closer...

When the footsteps reached the door, Zhou Yan adjusted the firing mode of the blank launcher from single shot to continuous shot...

"Tu tu tu tu..."

After judging from the sound of footsteps that the other party had arrived at the door, Zhou Yan pulled the trigger...

Zhou Yan responded with a grenade model with shock bomb written on it.

"I was careless..."

Zhou Yan could only give up resistance and let the special policeman carrying a bulletproof shield quickly rush to him and happily reload his gun.

Don’t get too happy yet!

A group of triumphant special police officers failed to notice Zhou Yan's expression under the mask, which was a gloating smile...

Zhou Yan got up with a smile and followed a group of special police officers to watch the special police officers complete the last step of the exercise and confirm the safety of the hostages.

In the innermost room, political commissar Li Liang, who had been kidnapped by the "bandits", was sitting on a chair with a wry smile.

Seeing this situation, the SWAT team members who participated in the "rescue" were all happy.

However, when they approached, the political commissar, who had more than a dozen circles of tape wrapped around his mouth, was struggling.

"Political commissar, no, I should say comrade hostage, he will be there soon!"

The political commissar struggled and became more anxious.

One of the special police officers pulled out a multi-function knife from his leg and cut the rope...

The rope broke, and a certain wire wrapped around the rope also broke. Then, the explosive device sitting under the "hostage" Li Liang's butt was detonated.

Colorful smoke came out of Li Liang's body, and several special police officers standing in front of Li Liang were also hit, with smoke rising from their heads...

"Hostage rescue failed! EOD team comes on stage!"

All the team members could hear that squadron leader Qin Jianjun's tone was somewhat unkind.

It took a lot of effort for the SWAT team members to cut the rope around Li Liang and remove the tape from his mouth...

"You guys..." After standing up, Li Liang stamped his feet in frustration, "I've already given you a hint, why don't you just check it yourself? This is a good time, but you've failed. Wait.

Lao Qin, go back and deal with you!"

The hostage rescue here was not going well, and the EOD work downstairs was not much better. The dangerous explosive device had obviously been disarmed, but in the end it still emitted smoke: not to mention the waste of the EOD personnel who had been busy working for a long time in protective clothing.

, and "exploded the EOD robot to pieces".

Although all the "bandits" were "killed", they still won the final victory...

After the exercise, all members gathered for Qin Jianjun’s commentary.

"This is what you call foolproof every day!" Qin Jianjun's face turned livid, "The EOD failed. We just picked up a team member, but the hostage died. Do you know what this means?"

"Our public security special police are the last thread in counter-terrorism and emergencies. The common people are counting on you to protect their peace. Why would you hand over such a document? After bringing it back, each of you will write me a profound self-reflection!"<



"Zhou Yan, come with me!"

Back in the office, Qin Jianjun sat down on the sofa and stretched out his hand to signal Zhou Yan to sit down.

"Zhou Yan, I have checked the explosives you made. How did those things escape detection?"

"Captain Qin, do you remember that one of the explosives I gave you was filled with steel nails and scrap iron?"

Without Zhou Yan having to say much, Qin Jianjun knew the problem: Zhou Yan had disguised the detonating device inside the scrap metal.

It is also very simple to crack the X-ray machine. The SWAT squadron has several portable ones. But the EOD team was careless...

After having lunch, Zhou Yan returned to school.

In the afternoon, during self-study, based on the experience of "worker bees", I compiled a list of common IED routines and anonymously sent them to Qin Jianjun's personal mailbox...

"Do your best and obey destiny!"

This chapter has been completed!
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