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Chapter 0580 Aviation Dream (14)

When Zhou Yan went through Yan Fei's house, he discovered that the Yan family, which originally had only two people, suddenly had one more person: Yan Fei's daughter, Yan Linlin.

Zhou Yan once heard Yan Fei brag about his daughter, a top-notch academic, a master of finance, and a workaholic.

Considering the current situation, Zhou Yan couldn't guess that Yan Fei was thinking about his old bacon that had been marinated for a long time.

Zhou Yan still wanted to politely refuse, but as soon as he entered the door, Miss Yan across from him didn't give him a good look. Not only did she pick her nose and eyes, but she also called herself a "little kid."

Since he was playing away from home, Zhou Yan didn't have the nerve to fight back.

During the chat, when Yan Fei introduced Zhou Yan as a major in aircraft design, the other person was slightly surprised. However, Zhou Yan did not give the other person a chance and maintained his persona of a genius boy firmly, smelling bad the whole time.

A face.

Neither Lao Yan nor his wife are fools. When they saw Zhou Yan, the "human spirit", his emotional intelligence suddenly dropped to negative, it was not clear that people already knew that this was the "Hongmen Banquet".

After a wasted dinner, I returned to the dormitory to continue designing the turboprop engine.

Although the turboprop engine is relatively simple among all turbine engines, it is still difficult for one person to complete it, and Zhou Yan's "delay weapon" virtual space cannot be used yet.

Until the end of his graduation internship, Zhou Yan had only completed theoretical calculations and the blade design of the fan, compressor and high and low pressure turbines. As for the overall mechanical layout, it would take several months.

After bidding farewell to Xifei, we will soon face the final graduation project.

Shougang's graduation project is relatively open to the public. As long as it is highly relevant to the major you are studying and has comparative research value, you can use it.

Zhou Yan plans to enter the field of aircraft, so the topic of his thesis is naturally related to fighter jets: a comparison of the air intake methods of mainstream fighter jets.

Intake ducts are divided into two categories: subsonic and supersonic.

Most subsonic air inlets use pitot tube type inlets, with the inlet facing inward and shrinking. Most passenger aircraft and transport aircraft have this style.

The situation in the supersonic inlet is more complicated.

Although many fighter jets are supersonic and even have supersonic cruising capabilities, no matter what kind of fighter, after the airflow enters the inlet, it must decelerate to the subsonic range, because all turbofan engine fans can only

Work in the subsonic range.

From supersonic speeds to subsonic speeds, there are many ways to decelerate, and naturally the intake ducts are also diverse.

Now that Xiao Qiye has not retired from active service, the discussion of air intake methods naturally starts with the shock wave inlet.

The applicable speed range of the shock wave inlet is very wide, from low-pressure sonic speed to supersonic speed and then to hypersonic speed, all of which have unparalleled "deceleration" efficiency.

However, the shock wave inlet used in supersonic fighters has only one purpose. It uses the compression effect of the shock wave to compress the intake air, and then expands and decelerates it to the subsonic range.

The shock wave inlet is very efficient due to the supercharging function of the shock wave. However, it needs to be installed on the nose of the fighter jet, which will result in nowhere to place the radar on the nose.

Of course, there are also extreme cases like the SR-71, which places shock wave inlets on both wings and pursues extreme speed. However, such a thing is already a bit like a hypersonic missile.

Xiaoba, after Xiaoqiye, uses the boundary layer partition air inlet.

Boundary layer is a special term in fluid mechanics. After the fluid flows along a smooth surface for a certain distance, it will break away from the plane and form a boundary layer. Then, turbulence will be formed due to the negative pressure of the boundary layer.

Turbulence has no impact in daily life, but once it enters the intake duct, it will reduce the intake efficiency of the engine and cause engine surge.

The boundary layer partition came into being. The boundary layer partition is placed where the boundary layer has just emerged to separate the turbulent flow and straight flow of the fluid.

Not only Xiaoba Ye, but also many of Xiaoba Ye’s peers, such as Su Liangguai, F-14, F-15, and even the much-vaunted Garrett inlet on the F-22, are actually

Boundary layer bulkhead inlet duct.

However, the Garrett inlet is not just a boundary layer baffle inlet.

The full name of the Garrett inlet is the double beveled waverider inlet, which is actually a combination of the boundary layer baffle inlet and the shock wave inlet.

Although the front of the Garrett inlet is a regular parallelogram, in fact, the two straight edges near the outside play a role similar to the outer edge of Xiao Qiye's inlet, and the "exciter" that acts as a shock wave

The "wave cone" is actually the nose of the F-22.

As the pinnacle of the application of computational fluid dynamics, the Garrett inlet not only has the double beveled air inlet at the front, but also has an S-shaped deceleration airway, which can not only reduce pressure, but also reduce the detectability of the engine blades at the rear.

Of course, the first one to use the Garrett inlet was not the F-22, but the "big plastic bug" A/F-18E/F. After the beautiful emperor used it with good results, the Su-57 next door soon followed suit.


The highlight of the article is naturally the DSI inlet used by the J/F-17, J-20, and the beautiful Chinese F-35, also known as the clam inlet.

The function of the DSI air inlet is similar to that of the Garrett air inlet, except that the bulge in front of the air inlet replaces the boundary layer partition of the Garrett near the body.

Compared with the Garrett inlet, the DSI air inlet not only saves materials, but can also play a role in shielding the engine blades, and the air intake efficiency and adaptability are much better than the Garrett inlet.

To write a thesis, you not only need to express it in words, but also list the decompression efficiency of various air inlets and the air intake efficiency at various flow rates in charts.

As the most handsome boy in the aircraft major, Zhou Yan's graduation thesis naturally attracted widespread attention from many competitors. Unfortunately, Zhou Yan, who possesses a powerful weapon, rarely goes to places other than the dormitory and the library.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After more than three months of preparation time, Zhou Yan completed the thesis preparation in just one month and passed the pre-review by the tutor. In the remaining time, he helped

My roommates gave me suggestions to revise my thesis, and occasionally reviewed my campus life.

Although Zhou Yan is not sure what the daily life of a top student should be like, he also knows that his current campus life is a bit too stressful.

However, Zhou Yan also knew very well that if he wanted to obtain the title of double academician before the age of forty, he was destined to give up something, just like the group of two-bomb meritorious men did many years ago.

Although the summer vacation has not yet begun, many students staying in the capital have already begun to prepare for the upcoming Olympic Games.

As a young man whose blood has never cooled down, Zhou Yan is still excited to experience the Olympics again, but as an industry insider, he also understands that this prosperity and glory need someone to protect it.

While helping his roommates revise their papers, Zhou Yan also began to prepare for his graduate career.

Although he has been successfully admitted as a graduate student, for future considerations, the research direction of Zhou Yan, a graduate student, is the same as in the real world, which is aerospace engines.

Of course, this is because dual master's degrees are not allowed. If circumstances permit, Zhou Yan plans to get two bachelor's degrees as an undergraduate: one in aircraft design and one in aerospace engine.

Thesis defense is naturally a small case for Zhou Yan. Although the content of Zhou Yan's thesis has exceeded the quality that should be expected at the undergraduate stage, and the depth of the questions asked by many teachers in the college during the defense has basically reached the requirements of the graduate stage...


Also graduating, Zhong Qiang, the boss of the dormitory, discovered that his brothers were not as confused and fearful about the future as other classmates.

Especially Zhou Li Tianfeng Yan, not only was he not confused, his eyes were also full of excitement about trying!

This chapter has been completed!
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