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Chapter 0581 Aviation Dream (15)

The golden autumn of 2008 is the golden autumn of harvest.

However, just when people across the country were immersed in an atmosphere of joy, Zhou Yan had to follow his mentor Liu Yiming for two lifetimes, and fight with the IL-76's D-30KP on the chassis of his "old enemy" Cheng Fei.

The engine is more powerful, and the "Chinese" code name is Turbofan-18.

Every time we domestically produce imported engines, we always have a compelling reason. Now the reasons for “Chineseizing” the D-30KP are stronger than ever.

The number of installed IL-76s in our country has reached a considerable number. As long as the technical strength is "Chinese", there is no need to waste a lot of foreign exchange and pick up junk from the north.

Although the D-30KP is mainly installed on the IL-76, it is still a quasi-large bypass ratio turbofan engine. It is still far behind the large bypass ratio turbofan engines commonly equipped on international transport aircraft, but this thing is also "

The power of the Tu-16Gazi H-6.

Moreover, according to Zhou Yan’s understanding of the future, the Y-20, which will be released in a few years, will also be powered by the 18W turbofan.

Although Zhou Yan has a lot of information on Russian turbojet, turbofan, and rocket engines in his head, right now, he is just a "little newbie" who follows his teacher Liu Yiming and is responsible for recording information.

I just sat aside and watched quietly.

Although the D-30KP turbofan engine is the work of North Face more than 40 years ago, many of the technologies applied on it still give many experts present a headache.

Although the D-30KP looks like a small bypass ratio engine on a fighter jet, its bypass ratio is close to 2.5, which is a proper high bypass ratio engine.

However, although the bypass ratio is less than 2.5, at least the front fan and compressor are worthy of the title of large bypass ratio, and the size is larger than most fans and compressors we have developed in the past.

The size is large and the air intake volume is larger than that of an ordinary turbofan engine. This requires the blades of the fan and compressor to be strong enough, which further increases the difficulty of the process.

Although sometimes I am obsessed with lemon and complain that Mao Xiong’s machinery and equipment are stupid and cumbersome, stupid and cumbersome also has its advantages: the processing technology of large parts is mature.

For fans and compressor blades of the same size, Xiongxiong's side has mature processes to deal with them, but on our side, we need to recalculate the strength and re-develop the casting process based on the size of the blades.

Fortunately, the Xiongxiong family went bankrupt, and after the separation, a prodigal son appeared among the brothers who sold his cubs to his father, Tian, ​​who didn't feel sorry for him. This made the Tu family, which was not wealthy, pick up a lot of money.

Of course, when I use my Sharingan, I can always find the shortcomings of the "copied" object and make corresponding improvements.

For products produced more than 40 years ago, there is naturally a lot of room for improvement: fan and compressor blade shapes, blade materials, advanced combustion chambers, high-temperature alloy blades used in the high and low pressure turbines at the back, and even the reducer in the middle of the transmission shaft...

Improve, integrate, calculate, simulate, and then experiment.

Of course, before improvements can be made, an effective outline needs to be in place, and Zhou Yan’s teacher Liu Yiming was responsible for writing this outline.

However, Liu Yiming encountered a problem when sorting out the technical difficulties: he was not clear about the specific process research and development capabilities of major domestic engine parts factories.

At this moment, Zhou Yan smiled and handed over a catalog of parts manufacturers from the side, which recorded the technological innovation achievements of each parts factory on the internal reference.

"Tianfeng, I really have you!" The sadness on Liu Yiming's face immediately disappeared, "When the turbofan 18 is finalized, I will definitely ask for your credit!"

What surprised Liu Yiming was yet to come: his student not only had an outstanding memory, but also seemed to have a special talent for aviation development...

Although many scientific researchers know that the more advanced the technology, the better, but they do not know how to make trade-offs. However, after the various parts using advanced technology are assembled, the overall performance of the engine does not seem to achieve the expected results, but has a slight setback.

"That..." Zhou Yan, who had always been a little transparent, stood up, "The capacity of the combustion chamber is limited. Excessive pursuit of air intake efficiency will lead to insufficient combustion. Moreover, more advanced blade technology will also cause insufficiency.

There are also R&D and manufacturing costs necessary…”

With that said, Zhou Yan pushed out his notebook, which recorded the change curves of the combustion chamber core temperature under various air intake efficiencies...

Liu Yiming pulled the notebook and took a look at it, then passed it to an old acquaintance in charge of the combustion chamber: "Old Feng, take a look..."

After Lao Feng carefully studied the data curve, he turned back and looked at Liu Yiming with a smile: "Old Liu, it would be a waste to bring you someone whose paper has been published in Nature magazine..."

After a burst of awkwardness that made Zhou Yan blush, the seminar continued. Although it was still a little transparent, the big guys in the conference room cast questioning glances from time to time, which really made Zhou Yan a little flattered.

The seminar, which lasted for more than a month, was both an academic seminar and a conference where ideas collided for Zhou Yan.

For Zhou Yan, who is involved in aviation development for the first time, every point of view of the bosses is full of foresight and sparkle...

So Zhou Yan, who listened and took notes at the same time, consumed five to six hundred pages of notes in more than a month.

After the seminar, Zhou Yan returned to the capital with notes filled with hundreds of thousands of words.

As soon as he arrived at school, his instructor Liu Yiming pulled Zhou Yan into his office: "Tianfeng, if you choose to design an engine independently, what would you start with?"


"Oh?" Liu Yiming was a little surprised, "Tell me the reason?"

"First of all, the overall technology of the turboprop engine is relatively mature," Zhou Yan smiled naively, "using existing technology, the technical difficulty of upgrading the turboprop is relatively low..."

"Secondly..." Zhou Yan glanced at the eastern sky, "Domestic aircraft carriers need to have early warning as their eyes and ears when going to sea. At present, our country lacks a powerful enough turboprop engine to power the fixed-wing early warning aircraft..."

"Another point is that with a suitable turboprop engine, fixed-wing early warning aircraft will not be left without rice..."

"Well..." Liu Yiming nodded, thought for a moment, raised his head, and sat upright, "I'll give you a task. Design a turboprop engine suitable for fixed-wing early warning aircraft. Try to refine the design until you think it's completed.

When it’s almost done, leave it to me!”

Liu Yiming originally wanted to test Zhou Yan's academic ability through turboprop engine design, but he did not expect that Zhou Yan had already completed the general framework design, and as for the more detailed issues, in the seminar more than a month ago,

Has been fully supplemented with knowledge.

A month has passed, and Liu Yiming is still not too anxious: even his doctoral students may not be able to complete the overall framework design for such a task.

Two months have passed, and Liu Yiming is still calm and collected.

Three months have passed, and Liu Yiming seems to have forgotten about this incident.

However, winter vacation is coming soon, and although there are no final exams at the graduate level, all tutors will require students to make a year-end summary.

Liu Yiming waited for several days, but did not wait for Zhou Yan's year-end summary. Knowing that the school dormitory was about to close, Zhou Yan came to Liu Yiming's house panting and holding his notebook...

"Teacher, I have basically completed the task you gave me..."

This chapter has been completed!
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