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Chapter 189 Royal Garden Dinner

 Early December.

It’s snowing heavily in Beijing.

The common people have put on thick clothes to resist the cold, but many scholars still wear unseasonable clothes because of their talents.

This morning, "Yunjing Wenbao" published the latest frontline news. In just a moment, the entire capital began to boil.

"Good news! Good news! Marshal Wen Lie, who conquered the South, won many battles and defeated the Huns' 500,000-strong army. The Huns were forced to cede territory and sue for peace. The South won a great victory! A great victory!"

"Okay! The Huns finally surrendered! We won!"

"Hey, the Xiongnu not only ceded territory to seek peace, but also surrendered to the Yun Kingdom. They signed an agreement to pay tribute to our country every year, to serve as a tributary country to our country, and not to betray within a hundred years."

"The king of the Xiongnu Kingdom is a 'king', not an 'emperor'. Even if he bows his head and becomes his vassal, the king of the Xiongnu is still the king of the Xiongnu. He just has to pay tribute within a hundred years. No wonder he voted so simply."

"My emperor is kind and can't bear the loss of life. If it were me, I would definitely order the destruction of the Xiongnu country just like the grassland."

"You don't understand, the Xiongnu are different from the grassland. The Xiongnu soldiers and horses only captured the city and looted goods, but they never killed innocent people indiscriminately. If we in the Yun Kingdom killed everyone, how would it be different from the past grassland? We are scholars, not reckless."<


"You're right! You're right!"

After half a month of hard fighting, the Huns finally surrendered to the Yun Kingdom.

This news made the morale of the entire Yun Kingdom unprecedentedly strong.

Many scholars published articles in the literary world, praising Emperor Hongxuan's wise decision and the bravery of Marshal Wen Lie.

After the south was pacified, Wen Lie became a great contributor and hero in the hearts of the Yun people.

The Huns surrendered, but the barbarians were still fighting in the north.

During this period, the barbarians adopted the strategy of holding on to dangerous territory and played a delaying tactic with the Yun Kingdom.

Marshal Yu Guang of the Northern Expedition ordered a fierce attack, but good news continued to come from the front line, and the barbarian army was frightened by the news.

As the good news came back, the momentum of the Yun Kingdom army became stronger and stronger. I believe that it will not be too long before the barbarians surrender.

The other side.

Du Ning received a letter from the Guoxue Palace in his own court in Zhongshu Pavilion. This letter was sent from the Holy Academy.

The content of the letter was to tell him that he had been selected by the Holy Academy as a trained person in the Three Realms Mountains, and that he hoped that Duning could fight for the human race.

At the same time, I also made a special note that it was recommended by some people with "good intentions".

This kind of operation has made it clear that the intention of those people is to tell Du Ning. On the surface, it is to recommend Du Ning to participate in the Three Realms Mountains, but in fact it is a "killing with a borrowed knife" strategy.

The documents from the Holy Academy have been sent out. It is completely up to Du Ning to choose whether to go or not. Even a semi-saint will not force it.

Among the documents of the Holy Academy, there is also a booklet, which contains very important information about the Three Realms Mountain.

For example, the topography of the Three Realms Mountains. In the past hundred years, the demon tribe and the Rakshasa tribe have participated in the Three Realms Mountains. Except for most of the geniuses with relatively high cultivation level, Du Ning found that the demon tribes and Rakshasa tribes have participated three or more times in a row.

The genius of Sanjie Mountain has killed many elites of the human race and is listed as an extremely dangerous target by the Holy Academy.

In addition to the information, there are also related portraits.

Before the opening of Sanjie Mountain every year, experienced people must remember this important information so that they can avoid danger and save their lives at critical moments.

Du Ning also saw another purpose of the Holy Court, which was to persuade him to retreat when faced with difficulties and not to take such big risks, otherwise he would have a narrow escape from death.

This made Du Ning feel grateful. The master of the Holy Court was Yan Shenggong of the Confucius family. The person who could reveal so much important information to him must be a very powerful bachelor or Confucian scholar of the Confucius family.

He knew very well in his heart that he had offended Kong Yu, so Kong Yu would do everything possible to kill him, but this did not mean that all Kong family members would do this, and there would definitely be people who objected.

The bloodline of the Holy Family is complex, and the good and bad are mixed. They cannot all be as narrow-minded and short-sighted as Kong Yu.

Those scholars of the Kong family who truly serve the human race will definitely not want Du Ning to take risks, and will definitely try their best to persuade Du Ning to give up going to the Three Realms Mountains.

Because Du Ning is only a Jinshi now, if he has to go to the Three Realms Mountain, he can wait until he is promoted to a Confucian, Taoist, and Imperial Academy. That way, even if he encounters danger, he will have enough ability to protect himself.

But for Du Ning, if he gives up this year's experience in Sanjie Mountain, he will have to wait until ten years from now if he wants to participate next time.

For ten years, Du Ning felt that by that time, he had already become a bachelor or a great scholar.

Therefore, Du Ning will not miss the trip to the Three Realms Mountains this time, even though it is extremely dangerous.

A true genius always turns difficulties into his own stepping stone.

Only fools who are good for nothing will become a stepping stone for others.

Since Du Ning has set his ambitions, he cannot retreat. He must move forward courageously so that he can be worthy of the books he has read and his identity as a scholar.

So, Du Ning quickly sent a letter back to the Holy Academy, expressing his willingness to become a man of experience.

Not long after Du Ning received the documents from the Holy Academy, he also received express letters from Tian Feipeng and Fu Yue, stating that they were both selected to participate in the training of the Three Realms Mountains. Presumably Du Ning would also receive them.

A message from the Holy Court, let’s meet together to fight side by side.

Du Ning immediately wrote a reply, telling them that he would participate in the experience of the Three Realms Mountains as scheduled, and asked them to bring more self-defense treasures and not to underestimate the enemy.

"Sir, this is an anonymous letter sent to you by a student in the capital. Please read it."

The accompanying guard handed a stack of letters to Du Ning and then retreated outside the door.

Du Ning found that none of these letters were signed, which made him feel strange.

After taking it apart one by one, Du Ning suddenly understood.

It turned out that the students in the capital had heard some rumors and advised Du Ning not to participate in the Three Realms Mountains next year, but to keep a low profile and wait for work.

Some people also spoke out, claiming that the Kong family and the Ke family were plotting to frame Du Ning, and persuaded Du Ning not to be impulsive.

Others scolded the Kong family and the Ke family for using such tricks to deal with Du Ning, which was a disgrace to the students of the saint family. I hope Du Ning will not take risks for the sake of his literary reputation.

No matter how prosperous your reputation is, it is not as important as your own life.

Every anonymous letter is written by someone else. Some of the letters are illegible, some are upright and decent, and some of the letters are overbearing in content, but they are extremely graceful, as if they were written by a woman.

The reason for persuading Du Ning not to join the Three Realms Mountains is for his safety. If he is used by bad people, he will be slandered as obstructing Du Ning from doing meritorious service for the human race. Therefore, those who take risks to persuade Du Ning have to be careful.

After reading the anonymous letter, Du Ning burned all the letters with gratitude.

Not long after, the guard came in again and said: "Master, Eunuch Feng is here."

"Invite him in." Du Ning said.


The guard retreated again.

After a while, Eunuch Feng came in and saluted Du Ning: "Marquis of Zhenguo, this old slave is polite."

Du Ning immediately replied: "I don't dare to take it seriously. Eunuch Feng came to see me. Is there something wrong?"

"The Emperor asked me to tell you that I will go to the Royal Garden for a banquet tonight, and I also ask the Marquis of Zhenguo to attend."

"May I ask Eunuch Feng, are there any special events tonight? What guests did the emperor invite?"

"The emperor simply invited a few of his relatives and ministers to have dinner together and talk about the friendship between the emperor and his ministers."

"If I know this, I will definitely go to the banquet on time."

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Eunuch Feng resigned to Du Ning.


Night falls.

Du Ning arrived as scheduled and came to the imperial garden of the palace for a banquet.

The lights in the Imperial Garden are brightly lit, just like daytime.

After the snow stopped, the plants covered with snowflakes in the Imperial Garden became a beautiful sight tonight.

There were not many people attending the banquet tonight. Except for the Xian Wang, other princes who got along well with him were all present.

The others are all high-ranking officials of the third rank or above in the capital, and they are all from families that have been married to the royal family. They are serious relatives of the emperor, and they are not members of the Wise King Party.

Du Ning also saw many graceful and well-dressed young girls, all under the age of eighteen, the age at which they are waiting to be married.

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But they are not ordinary girls, but they have noble blood, and they are also princesses officially canonized by the royal family. Their movements are dignified and elegant, like fairies who do not eat the fireworks of the world.

Every girl is dressed up carefully. It is obviously a winter night, but it is like a scene of flowers blooming.

"I always feel like something is wrong..."

I don't know what's going on, but Du Ning feels a strange feeling, but I can't tell what is strange for a while.

"Hey! Brother Du Ning!"

"Marquis Zhenguo, you are here too!"

"Master Du."

When the kings and officials saw Du Ning, they immediately smiled and gathered around him.

"Hello, princes, hello, lords."

Du Ning hurriedly accepted the courtesy, especially in such a grand occasion, and did not dare to be rude in any way.

King Ji smiled and said, "Brother Du, you're welcome. Please take a seat!"


Du Ning nodded lightly, then found a seat at random and sat down.

Today's dinner is a separate meal system, with each person sitting at one table. Everyone sits in front of their seats in a kneeling posture.

There is an empty venue in the middle, and there will be singing and dancing after the banquet.

As soon as Du Ning took his seat, the princesses of the royal family quickly glanced at Du Ning and gave him secret instructions, but they burst into laughter.

"He is Du Ning, the Marquis of Zhenguo. He is a scholar from a poor family. He is such a young brother."

"I have read an article written by him, with the title of 'horse', satirizing the people in power in the government for their inability to know people and make good use of them. The article "Horses on Horses" was really well written."

"I like his poem "Bamboo and Stone". This poem can hone the literary courage of scholars, and it is also extremely inspiring for those of us who have no talent."

"I heard that Mr. Du is not married yet. If he can marry a scholar like him, this life will be enough..."

"Shhh... keep your voice down, but don't let Mr. Du hear it. We have agreed that everyone will compete fairly tonight..."

The princesses spoke very quietly, but they still underestimated Du Ning's hearing as a scholar. Dun Ning heard everything they said clearly, so Du Ning subconsciously looked at the princesses over there.



The girls over there were either hiding their faces in shyness, or turning their heads to look elsewhere with blushing faces. Some girls were also blinking wildly at Du Ning, as if they were hinting at something with their eyes.

Du Ning seems to be able to guess the purpose of inviting him here.

"The Emperor has arrived."

As Eunuch Feng's voice sounded, Emperor Hongxuan came to the imperial garden.

"I respectfully welcome the Emperor." Everyone stood up and saluted.

After Emperor Hongxuan took his seat, he said to everyone: "My dear friends, without courtesy, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Everyone sat down.

Emperor Hongxuan smiled and said: "I am inviting you all to have a banquet tonight, just to talk about the friendship between the king and his ministers, and not to talk about anything else. You can drink freely tonight and rest after getting drunk. There is no need to be formal and formal."
"Come here, pass the meal."

Eunuch Feng immediately shouted: "The emperor has a decree, pass on the meal!"

The palace maids successively presented everyone with delicacies and royal wine.

Not long after, twelve dishes were placed on everyone's seat, including delicacies, fruits, vegetables, etc.

"Everyone, please."

Emperor Hongxuan still drank tea instead of wine. After all, he was still young and not suitable for drinking.

"Your Majesty, please."

After the monarch and his ministers toasted each other, they chatted and ate.

At this moment, the princesses from the royal family came in with musical instruments. Some were holding pipa, some were holding jade flutes, and some were carrying guqins and placed them in the open space.

There are also some princesses who are responsible for preparing dances to the music.

Du Ning's expression changed slightly, "What's going on? Tonight's show is a performance by a royal princess?

No way?

The leading princess saluted everyone and said softly: "My lords and elders, we sisters will perform a song and dance for you tonight. The name of this song and dance is 'Feng Qiu Huang'."
After he finished speaking, he deliberately cast a thoughtful look at Du Ning.

Du Ning hurriedly poured himself a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to scan the many royal relatives present, and most of them looked at Du Ning in unison, smiling.

Du Ning couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. These royal relatives were really thoughtful. They knew that he was not married and there was a princess in the clan who had not yet left the palace, so they arranged such a dinner for him to choose one of the many princesses.

The emperor comes to be the witness, and when the imperial edict grants the marriage, and then it is publicized in the literary world, it may become an eternal legend for future generations.

"The Phoenix Seeks the Phoenix" is a famous poem written by Sima Xiangru when he was courting Zhuo Wenjun. It is extremely famous and has been adapted into various music, songs and dances by later generations and has been widely circulated.

Not to mention those in the royal family, even some princesses who have not left the imperial family will learn the song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix". When they meet the person they are attracted to, they will express their feelings by "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix".

To put it simply, it means being shy and confessing directly, using a very tactful way to convey your love. Even if you are rejected, there will not be too much embarrassment.

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