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Chapter 190: Small words and great righteousness

 As the music of "Feng Qiu Huang" played, the graceful girls danced to the rhythm, and soon there was applause.

"Okay! It dances so well! It's like a phoenix flying, or like a group of cranes dancing, it's so beautiful!"

"Not only is the dance good, the music is also beautiful. Come on, let's have a drink before we talk."

"Everyone, please, please, my lord, eh? Mr. Zhen Guohou, don't be in a daze, let's drink together!"

"Oh, oh, drink, drink."

Du Ning forced a smile and drank perfunctorily, but did not dare to get drunk.

After the song and dance ended, there was thunderous applause. The girls bowed to everyone and then stood on the other side.

Emperor Hongxuan suddenly said to Du Ning: "Du Aiqing, is this song "The Phoenix Seeks the Phoenix" beautiful?"

"Of course it sounds beautiful. I have never heard such a beautiful performance." Du Ning responded immediately.

"How do you dance, princesses?" Emperor Hongxuan asked again with a smile.

"Beautiful, so beautiful. It's like a fairy descending to earth. It has never been seen in the world."

Du Ning answered honestly that he had indeed never seen such a fairy-like song and dance performance. The princesses all had stunning looks and good figures. They were definitely carefully selected.

Seeing that Du Ning enjoyed the song and dance, most people showed happy expressions.

Emperor Hongxuan said: "Aiqing is young and promising. She is in the age of dancing elephants. She has also been awarded the title of Marquis of Zhenguo. She should start a family as soon as possible. These princesses are all about the same age as you. If Aiqing likes someone, I am willing to make the decision to give it to you."



Du Ning had a look of hesitation on his face. For scholars, being able to get the emperor's marriage gift can definitely be called a glorious ancestor.

But Du Ning is devoted to studying and pursuing Confucianism and Taoism, and has not yet thought about his marriage. Moreover, the barbarian rebellion is not over yet, and there are still many things to deal with in the court. He can't even take care of his own home, so there is no time to talk about it.

Where is the object?

After next spring, Du Ning will go to the Three Realms Mountain to practice. He must seize the time to strengthen his cultivation so that he can make contributions to the human race and win glory for the country.

But now Emperor Hongxuan has offered to grant marriage. This is a good thing. I don’t know how to say it.

King Ji laughed at the side and said: "Brother Du, what's wrong with you? You usually act straightforwardly, why do you suddenly become so mother-in-law? Why don't you go and have a chat with the princesses? This is your luck."

King Yan also said: "I, the royal princess, are both golden and jade, and I am a perfect match for you, my brother. Why are you still standing there? You are not smart enough in this regard?"

The king of knights said: "Our royal princesses are all as beautiful as gods. If you like them all, you can marry more concubines and have more sons in the future. Maybe there will be another famous family in the capital!"

"You're right, you're right!"

"Master Du, what are you still hesitating about? Thank you Lord for your kindness!"

"This opportunity must not be missed, the time will never come again!"

The ministers also agreed together.

The princesses looked at Duning nervously. Some looked forward to it, some were still shy, and some lowered their heads and clenched the corners of their clothes.

Du Ning hesitated for a moment, stood up from his seat, bowed his hands to everyone, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, all princes, and all your lords, thank you for your concern and care. Du Ning is grateful in my heart. You must also have received the Holy Spirit."

According to the news from the hospital, I learned that I was selected as an experienced person in the Three Realms Mountains, so I arranged today’s dinner. The purpose is to hope that I can get married as soon as possible so as to give up the experience next year. I want to hope that I can stay in the Yun Kingdom and not go to the Three Realms.

Mountain adventure..."

When they said this, many people's expressions changed, and then they shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Emperor Hongxuan's eyes darkened, and when Du Ning revealed everyone's thoughts, he also expressed his own attitude.

"I am not only a scholar of the Yun Kingdom, but also a scholar of the human race. The human race needs me, and I must go. So today, I can only live up to your good intentions."

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Du Ning bowed to everyone and apologized.

The kings and ministers looked at each other in disbelief.

They underestimated Du Ning's determination to pursue Confucianism and Taoism, and also underestimated Du Ning's unwavering ambition.

The leading princess immediately scolded: "Du Ning, you are really ignorant of current affairs. You even risked your own life for your ridiculous literary name. You are stupid! Do you really think that the Kong family and the Ke family recommended you to Sanjie Mountain?"

Do you hope that you will perform meritorious service for the human race? No, they want to use the hands of the demon clan and the Rakshasa clan to destroy you, a human genius!"

"Sister, please don't talk nonsense!"

"Forget it! This is Mr. Du's ambition, we can't force it."

"Yes! He is the prince of the country and the pillar of the country, but we are sentimental..."

The other princesses have different expressions.

"Du Ning is ashamed of your princesses' feelings. Du Ning is here to apologize to you. I believe that you will find a better husband than me."

Du Ning bowed to the princesses.

"Since the Marquis of Zhenguo looks down on us, there is no need for us to be embarrassed here."

The eldest princess took the others and was about to leave. She turned around and said fiercely: "Marquis Zhenguo, let me tell you, if you really die in Sanjie Mountain, I will definitely laugh in front of your grave and make you laugh.

They all suffered humiliation."

"Sisters, let's go."

The princesses left angrily, not because Du Ning ignored them, but because Du Ning insisted on going his own way and went to the Three Realms Mountains without cherishing his own life at all. It was really annoying.

King Yan sighed and said to Du Ning: "Brother, the eldest princess has always been a sharp-tongued person. Although she speaks harshly, she actually doesn't want you to take risks in the Three Realms Mountains. You are still just a Jinshi and rashly participate in the Three Realms.

Mountains are really unwise."

Du Ning said helplessly: "I have made an agreement with the friends I met in the Holy Academy. If I am selected as a trained person, we will fight together. If I break my promise and don't go, the literary courage will definitely be shaken or even cracked, so I have to go. Besides,

Well, Sanjie Mountain is not a place where death is inevitable. As long as you act carefully, it is not difficult to protect yourself."

"Having said that, but..."

King Yan's expression became very serious and he continued: "You are a very talented scholar, and you will become a great scholar in the future. When the time comes, you will have more opportunities to make contributions, so why are you in a hurry?"

"I am also a scholar who has been on the battlefield. How can I be afraid of monsters and Rakshasa? Since everyone thinks that I am a talent that can be created, then I should set an example for scholars from all over the world. I will swim against the current and retreat if I don't advance.

, rather than retreating, I am more eager to move forward."

Du Ning's words are very powerful, especially the eight words "Sail against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." It is like a heavy hammer, hitting the literary courage of every Confucian and Taoist scholar present.

"Sail against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. These eight words have a miraculous effect on strengthening your courage!"

"The Eight Characters of Zhen Guohou refines courage, I admire you! I admire you!"

"It's better to sail against the current than to retreat if you don't advance. If a scholar pursues the holy way, if he can't move forward, he can only retreat and be surpassed by other geniuses!"

"Only by constantly moving forward and making progress can we continue to get closer to the holy way."

"This is a small statement of great meaning, and it is the best way to refine your courage!"

I don't know who said it, which shocked many people, and they discovered that these eight words "Sail against the current, or retreat if you don't advance" actually contain an extremely mysterious power.

Everyone closed their eyes to reflect deeply, and when they opened their eyes after a while, they all felt that their literary bottlenecks were loosened, and there was a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

"Small words mean great things! Small words mean great things indeed!"

"I didn't expect that Duke Du could actually speak out his humble words and righteousness as a Jinshi. I admire him!"

"It's a pity that the officials of the Xian Wang Party are not here, otherwise their literary courage will be..."

"Hush...be careful what you say!"

Everyone present was impressed by Du Ning's small words and righteousness, and paid more attention to Du Ning's talent and potential. However, when Du Ning made his small words and righteous thoughts, he had already strengthened his literary courage, and no one could persuade him no matter what.

After thinking about it for a while, everyone could only give up and continue to persuade Du Ning.

Emperor Hongxuan looked directly at Du Ning and asked, "Have you really decided to participate in the experience of the Three Realms Mountains?"

Du Ning said firmly: "I must go."


Emperor Hongxuan sighed: "Since you have made up your mind, I will no longer force you. Please promise me that you must come back from the Three Realms Mountain alive. The Yun Kingdom cannot live without you, and the human race cannot live without you."

"I will definitely return in triumph, please don't worry, Your Majesty," Du Ning said.

"I believe you are."

Emperor Hongxuan nodded slightly, his eyes burning.

The expressions of the kings and ministers were even more serious, while some also smiled bitterly.


It’s mid-December in the blink of an eye.

Under the leadership of the Northern Expedition Marshal Yu Guang, the Yun State army once again defeated the barbarian army, with successive successes.

During this period, the barbarian army adopted delaying tactics and built a batch of brand-new armored chariots, which could greatly resist the explosive power of the Xuanji cannon.

In view of the strong defensive characteristics of the armored chariot, the Ministry of Industry proportioned the formula of gunpowder to create heavy-power artillery shells.

This kind of artillery shell is three times heavier than ordinary artillery shells, and its surface is particularly sharp. Although it does not have much explosive power, it has strong penetrating power. Even the steel plate of an armored tank can break a hole.

As a result, the armored chariot was cracked by the new type of artillery shells.

This brand new design instantly wiped out the last glimmer of hope for the barbarians.

Therefore, the barbarian king could only cede territory to the Yun Kingdom for peace and surrender.

On the day when the barbarians announced their surrender, the whole country of Yun celebrated.

The border chaos in the Yun Kingdom finally ended. Not only was it not defeated by the aliens, but it also trained a more powerful human army through combat. It can be called the strongest elite division of the human race, with excellent and advanced equipment.

To put it bluntly, even if multiple countries join forces to besiege Yun State, Yun State has nothing to fear, and they will fight if they dare!

The fighting power of the Yun Kingdom can make the armies of other countries tremble.

When the Yun Kingdom announced that it had completely resolved the border war, many countries enthusiastically sent congratulatory gifts to warmly congratulate the Yun Kingdom for wiping out the foreign barbarians and becoming a great country with the strongest military strength.

Under the governance of Emperor Hongxuan, the treasury of the Yun Kingdom gradually became more substantial and began to develop in a better direction.

It's just that after the war, Yun Guo's vitality was severely damaged, and recovery would not be possible in a short time.

Another half month has passed.

The country of Yun ushered in a new year.

The first year of Hongxuan.

The second day of the first lunar month.

With Du Ning's approval, the great scholar Fan Heshan represented the Yun Kingdom in the Holy Academy and finally revealed the advanced technology of the Mysterious Cannon to the entire human race.

The countries suddenly boiled!

After spending so long with Yun Guo, Yun Guo is finally willing to disclose this era-transcending technology, which is enough to allow the entire human race to enter a new era together.

For a time, various countries sent envoys to Yun State to give generous gifts and express their sincere gratitude to Yun State.

However, the Liao Kingdom did not receive any technology related to the mysterious cannon from the Holy Court.

This made countless students of the Liao State furious. The Yun State shared the technology of the Mysterious Cannon with the human race, but did not share it with the Liao State. It was simply to force the literary world of the Liao State to apologize to the Yun State.

This made it very difficult for the people of the Liao Kingdom to accept that the dignified Liao Kingdom was actually threatened by the Yun Kingdom using the mysterious cannon technology.

If the Liao Kingdom does not apologize, it will never be able to create a mysterious cannon, and it will not be qualified to challenge the Yun Kingdom.

Once the Liao State apologizes to the Yun State and obtains the super-powerful technology of the Xuanji Cannon, even if the Liao State's military strength exceeds the Yun State in the future, it will not have the face to target the Yun State militarily under any pretext.

The scholars of the Liao Kingdom did not want to see their country become a weak country, so they made a big fuss about this matter, hoping that the Ke family of the semi-saint family could give the whole country an explanation.

The trigger for the conflict between Liao and Yun came from the students of the Ke family. To untie the bell, someone needed to tie the bell. If you want to resolve the conflict with the Yun state, you can only ask the Ke family to send someone to represent the Yun state to apologize to the Yun state.

This makes the Ke family extremely uncomfortable. They are scholars from a semi-saint family, and it would be a huge shame to apologize to Yun Guo.

However, they had no choice but to resist the protests of the people and scholars across the country. They could only send Ke Changqiu to represent the Liao Kingdom and issue a public apology statement to the Yun Kingdom in the Holy Courtyard. They also severely punished the students of the Ke family, hoping that the two countries could reconcile.


People from other countries have also published articles in the literary world to persuade them, hoping that Yun Guo can put aside their past grudges. After all, we are all of the same human race, so there is no need to make too much trouble.

As a representative of the Yun Kingdom, Fan Heshan did not respond, but reported the situation to the court truthfully.

But what everyone didn't expect was that in order to show his sincerity, Ke Changqiu personally took Ke Hongwei, a generation of young people who had had grievances with Du Ning, to Fan Heshan's residence.

Please forgive me.

This startled Fan Heshan, who hurriedly welcomed Ke Changqiu and others into the hall to drink tea.

Scholars from various countries in Kongcheng were also extremely shocked. They were able to force a great scholar of the Ke family to bear a thorn and plead guilty. The current Yun Kingdom is simply too powerful.

In the past, the Liao State oppressed the Yun State, but now, the Yun State has many ways to deal with the Liao State without resorting to fighting.

For the sake of the reputation of the Ke family, to prevent the students of the Ke family from becoming sinners of the Liao Kingdom, and to make the Liao Kingdom strong, Ke Changqiu had no choice but to endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

Soon after, Emperor Hongxuan issued an order to restore diplomatic relations with the Liao State, and the two countries put aside their past feud and reconciled.

And through this incident, the Liao Kingdom also obtained the technology of the Mysterious Cannon as it wished, so that it would not become a weak country of the human race.

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