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Chapter 274: Judgment of Justice

 But it didn’t take long for those officials to realize that this was not funny at all.

Zheng Pingsong is suspected of reverse breeding and wants to frame Du Ning. Such behavior is extremely bad, how can it be funny!

Who is Du Ning?

The Marquis of Zhenguo of Yun Kingdom, the future literary monarch of the human race!

If something goes wrong in the Three Realms Mountains, it will not only be a loss for the country, but also a loss for the entire human race.

"Bago, is what Daru Dian said true? Zheng Pingsong is your disciple. Is it really you who instigated Zheng Pingsong to frame Du Ning?"

The Xia King was outspoken and directly questioned the Xian King. He was full of passion and indignation.

"No! How could I instruct Zheng Pingsong to reverse the breeding? This is an injustice!"

The wise king immediately responded: "Even if you give me ten courages, I would not dare to instruct others to reverse the breeding. Instructing others to reverse the breeding is indirect reverse breeding. There is no difference in the nature of indirect reverse breeding and reverse breeding!"

"Yes! His Royal Highness the King has always been famous in the literary world. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing."

"There must be some misunderstanding in this. Don't make unnecessary inferences based on the one-sided words of Da Rudian!"

"We are willing to guarantee to the wise king that it is absolutely impossible for him to reverse the breeding. He has no motivation to reverse the breeding, and there is no practical benefit to him."

The officials of the Xian Wang Party were all eager to defend themselves. Their faces turned pale, their foreheads were sweating, and their words were no longer as confident as before.

Even so, the kings and ministers also think it makes sense, because a person needs sufficient motivation to reverse his race, such as completely hating the entire human race because of something, but looking at the wise kings and their party members, they do not meet such conditions.

Then there is only one possibility: Zheng Pingsong's charges were maliciously magnified, and then used as a pretext to thoroughly investigate the Xian Wang Party.

And the only one who can do this is Du Ning, a civilized monarch of the human race.

It's also a frame-up. If it were just other scholars, it might just be an ordinary capital crime.

But if the target of the frame-up is Wenjun, then it’s a reversal!

Emperor Hongxuan's eyes turned cold and he said to King Xian: "Brother Ninth asked you whether you had instigated Zheng Pingsong to frame Du Ning, but he did not ask you whether you had instigated Zheng Pingsong to frame Du Ning. Brother Ba, please don't evade the important and take the easy."

Many people suddenly realized that they did not expect Emperor Hongxuan to be so astute and discovered the trap of the wise king's words. After all, he did not answer directly to the question of the wise king.

The wise king's face changed drastically, and he said loudly: "Your Majesty, I definitely did not instigate Zheng Pingsong to frame Du Ning. Please be careful, Your Majesty!"

But they were thinking that Zheng Pingsong was dead, and naturally there was no evidence of his death. As long as they denied it, the Holy Court would be unable to do anything to them.

But with the thorough investigation of the Confucian Palace, some disgraceful things will eventually be exposed. At that time, the wise king may face sanctions from the national law, even if it is not the punishment of the Holy Court.

"Whether you have done such a thing, it is useless to explain to me. You have to explain it to the gentlemen of the Great Confucian Hall."

Emperor Hongxuan had an angry look on his face. He usually thought of King Xian as his brother, but he turned a blind eye to some things.

But this time, Emperor Hongxuan couldn't tolerate it anymore.

The Great Confucian Palace investigated Yun Guo because officials from the Xianwang Party were suspected of being a member of the Xian Wang Party.

If so, check it out!

Check it out hard!

At this time, Emperor Hongxuan felt that he had to be ruthless and righteous to kill his relatives in order to make this dirty court a little bit clean!

Immediately, Emperor Hongxuan said to everyone in the Great Confucian Hall: "I would like to trouble you gentlemen to conduct a thorough investigation in accordance with the laws of the Holy Academy. I will definitely lead the civil and military officials to do their best to cooperate to prove Yun Guo's innocence."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You'll be welcome."

The law enforcement bachelor of the Great Confucian Palace bowed his hand to Emperor Hongxuan, and then said to the wise king: "I have heard that the eight wise kings of the Yun Kingdom are famous, and there must be no reason for reverse breeding, but we have to investigate because of our responsibilities.

Now, please His Royal Highness the King Xian and all the officials of your ministry to stay in the palace, while the officials of other ministries are waiting outside the Jinluan Palace."

The wise king gritted his teeth and had no choice but to cup his hands and say: "Little king, obey the order."

The law enforcement bachelor then said to Emperor Hongxuan: "Your Majesty, please take a rest outside the Jinluan Hall and wait for summons from the Great Confucian Hall at any time."

"Okay, I will abide by the arrangements of the Holy Court. My dear friends, I will leave first and let the gentlemen of the Confucian Hall conduct a thorough inspection to see if our court is really in ruins!"

After Emperor Hongxuan finished speaking, he angrily walked out of the Jinluan Palace.

The other kings and ministers retreated together, but before they exited the Jinluan Palace, they all cast a very gloating look at the wise king and his followers.

This is bad news for the King Xian, but for others, it is the best opportunity to eliminate the power of the King Xian's party.

The officials of the Xian Wang Party were wiping cold sweat secretly, fearing that something would be found out by the Great Confucian Palace. After all, the price of being suspected of reverse breeding would be even heavier than killing the Nine Clan.


Three days passed like this.

Holy Court.

According to the investigation of Da Rudian, the case gradually became clear.

First of all, let’s talk about Chen Yang’s assassination of Du Ning. After a thorough investigation of all the experienced people in the Great Confucian Hall, it was concluded that Chen Yang could not stand Du Ning’s seizure of the power of the Kong family to command the human race, so he assassinated Du Ning out of a moment of vigour. Du Ning was

Kill with one word.

Before this, although Chen Yang was very close to the Kong family, he did not accept anyone's instructions.

Therefore, Chen Yang's attempted assassination of Du Ning was his personal wish and had nothing to do with others.

Therefore, the accusation that Chen Yang was instigated by others to carry out reverse seeding is not established, and at the same time, the Kong family and the Ke family are no longer suspected of reverse seeding.

Such a result naturally makes the Kong family and the Ke family breathe a sigh of relief.

But the Chen family in Kongcheng was severely punished.

Chen Yang is a direct descendant of the Chen family. Because he committed the crime of treason by assassinating Wenjun, his father was ashamed to see his ancestors. He knelt in front of the ancestral hall and hanged himself. He also left a suicide note and was not buried in the Chen family cemetery after his death.

At the same time, the head of the Chen family announced his abdication, and with his direct lineage of scholars, he quit the Chen family and was exiled to other countries. They were not allowed to return to Kongcheng for three generations.

The power of the Chen family fell into the hands of the collateral clan, who replaced it and became the orthodox Chen family of Kongcheng.

Next is the Ke family.

After investigation by the Confucian Hall, it was found that due to the bad relationship between the Ke family and Du Ning, the students of the Ke family hated Du Ning deeply, so they advocated joining forces with the Confucius family to target Du Ning in order to get rid of Du Ning's hatred.

Although their plot did not succeed, Ke Hongchen brought his personal grievances to the Three Realms Mountains for training, and his behavior was extremely bad. Especially as a scholar from a semi-saint family, he actually wanted to frame Wenjun of the human race, which was simply a defeat for the Holy Saint.

The face of a scholar from an aristocratic family.

Although his heart is forgivable, his crime can be punished!

In addition, the Great Confucian Palace also found out that when the Ke family scholars participated in the Three Realms Mountain experience, they clearly brought the antidote to the poison, but when Du Ning was poisoned, he lied that there was no magic medicine to detoxify.

Later, because Ke Hongchen himself was poisoned, he had to come up with a magical medicine to treat him. Everyone sued the Ke family for ignoring the justice of the human race by refusing to save him.

Even though Ke Hongchen's plot did not succeed, within the Three Realms Mountains, the behavior of not saving his comrades is not only unkind and unjust, but also indirect murder, which is equivalent to helping foreigners deal with one's own people.

And all these actions were approved and supported by Ke Changqiu!

As a great scholar from a semi-sage family, after learning about the intentions of Ke Hongchen and others, not only did he not stop them in time, but he also provided a certain degree of support.

This shocked the entire literary world.

Therefore, Da Rudian made the following verdict.

The Great Confucian of the Great Confucian Hall personally took action to abolish Ke Hongchen's Confucianism and Taoism, deprived him of his talent, academic status and honors, and demoted him to a commoner. From then on, he could no longer think of himself as a scholar from a semi-sage family.

At the same time, Ke Changqiu was abolished as the representative of the Liao Kingdom in the Hall of Confucianism, and was fined one hundred thousand taels of silver and one thousand taels of gold. He was also deprived of Ke Changqiu's right to serve in the Holy Academy for life, and ordered him to apologize to Du Ning for his behavior in the literary circles of various countries.

Apologize, apologize to the entire human race.

The verdict of the Great Confucian Palace against the Ke family was a severe blow to the Ke family.

Ke Changqiu's dismissal from his position in the Holy Academy was acceptable, but Ke Hongchen's Confucianism and Taoism were abolished, which caused the entire Ke family to suffer unprecedented humiliation and paid a very heavy price.

But not many people feel sympathy for them, because they are responsible for all this, and no one else is to blame.

What shocked the literary circles of various countries even more was the results of the Confucian family’s investigation by the Confucian Academy of Confucianism.

Kong Yu and Kong Jing knew that the investigative capabilities of the Great Confucian Palace were very powerful, and no one could escape the law of the Holy Court. If they continued to conceal it, even Yan Shenggong would not be able to protect them once they were found out by the Great Confucian Palace.

So they took the initiative to surrender at the Holy Courtyard and confessed the fact that they conspired to instigate Kong Chengrui to join forces with the Ke family in an attempt to frame Du Ning in the Three Realms Mountains.

The motive is that when Kong Yu visited Yun State, he was humiliated in the Jinluan Palace of Yun State, so he harbored hatred towards Du Ning.

In addition, the scholars of the Kong family were defeated by Du Ning many times, which made them feel that they had humiliated the Holy Family, so they grew evil and took advantage of the Three Realms Mountain to take revenge on Du Ning.

This news made the entire human race extremely angry.

I really didn’t expect that Kong Yu and Kong Jing were such scholars and would do such a thing!

On behalf of the head of the family, Kong De enforced the family law and beat Kong Yu and Kong Jing to death in front of the Kong family ancestral hall. If they were not stopped by the clan members, they would have almost been beaten to death.

Subsequently, the Great Confucian Palace announced that Kong Yu and Kong Jing would be deprived of the right to serve in the Holy Academy for life, and each would be fined ten thousand taels of silver. They were also banned from the literary world, prohibiting them from publishing various documents in the literary world, and extinguishing their literary names.

, enough to remain infamy for hundreds of years.

As for Kong Chengting, his crimes are even more intolerable. He disturbed the morale of the army twice, and did not make any meritorious service. He brought personal grudges to the Three Realms Mountains. His behavior was bad and his crime was worthy of beheading.

However, considering that he was a scholar of the Kong family, he was spared the death penalty and was assigned to the Three Realms City to guard the border for life and never return to the human race.

If a battle breaks out at the border, Kong Chengting will have to defend the territory of the human race with his own life. Others can retreat, but he must persist in the fight until he is killed.

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