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Chapter 275 Kong Chengting’s Prosecution

 Under the verdict of the Confucian Hall, Kong Chengting completely lost his freedom and future. This was a huge psychological impact for a Confucian scholar.

After all, Kong Chengting is a newly promoted bachelor who is in his prime, the golden age when a roc can spread its wings and fly high.

Just one wrong move will result in ruined reputation and ruined literary reputation.

The Great Confucian Palace was open-minded and showed mercy to the Holy Family, but this method was enough to make Kong Chengting live in a state of life worse than death for a long time.

Even so, scholars from various countries believed that such a punishment was too light for Kong Chengting.

After all, Three Realms City is currently very stable, and there may not be a war within a few decades. Kong Chengting seems to be able to enjoy the rest of his relatively long life there.

At the same time, Da Rudian’s sentence against Kong Chengrui was also very serious.

Kong Chengrui was originally the leader of the human race and should have set a good example for many experienced people. However, he ignored the righteousness of the human race and brought his personal grudges to the Three Realms Mountains. He joined forces with the Ke family to frame Du Ning in an unsuccessful attempt, and was even killed by Du Ning.

Ning deprived the Kong family of their command rights in the Three Realms Mountains.

This is the first time in history that the will of the saints has denied the general leader of the Kong family.

Therefore, the Great Confucian Palace sentenced Kong Chengrui to deprive him of his Confucianism and Taoism cultivation, talents and strength, and to exile him to various countries.

The Holy Family uses its privileges and hopes to be given a lighter punishment.

So the Great Confucian Hall tried again and only deprived Kong Chengrui of his Confucianism and Taoism, and exempted him from exile to other countries.

After Kong Chengrui learned of the sentence, he fainted on the spot and was sent to emergency treatment.

On the other side, the Great Confucian Palace has also gained insights into the Yun Kingdom investigation.

The crimes Zheng Pingsong committed in Sanjie Mountain turned out to be authorized by the King Xian and approved by officials of the King Xian Party.

But it was only limited to cooperating with scholars from the Kong and Ke families to frame Du Ning, rather than instigating Zheng Pingsong to commit a major crime that was almost against the species.

In other words, the wise king just hoped that Zheng Pingsong would use his conspiracy against Du Ning, but Zheng Pingsong's behavior of disrupting the morale of the army and slandering experienced men was completely unexpected.

The situation came to light, and since the wise king was not suspected of reverse breeding, the Holy Court would no longer intervene in the matter, and Emperor Hongxuan would handle it on his own in accordance with national laws.

This time Emperor Hongxuan really killed his relatives for justice!

It also fully demonstrated his imperial power.

In the Jinluan Palace, Emperor Hongxuan thought of the virtuous king as a brother-in-law, but on the surface refused to punish him severely, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the civil and military officials.

As a result, hundreds of civil and military officials searched for evidence of the Xian Wang Party's crimes and participated in the performance one by one in the Jinluan Palace. They listed the Xian Wang Party's top ten crimes that had harmed the country and the people, and published a document in the literary world of Yun State, which caused a strong sensation among scholars across the country.

There are a total of 280 grievance complaints lodged by the Ge Xian Wang Party.

All people across the country who were oppressed by the Xian Wang Party launched extremely fierce counterattacks.

Under this general trend, Emperor Hongxuan went to the Ancestral Temple to offer sacrifices and confess his sins to his ancestors.

Afterwards, an order was issued to punish the Xian Wang for all his crimes, remove Prince Mu Xian from his position, confiscate his family property, and make him a commoner. He was not allowed to participate in the imperial examination or become an official for three generations. It was not until the fifth generation that he could recognize his ancestors and return to the capital.

But he is only allowed to be an official, and he is no longer hereditary and will not take the position of prince.

This is equivalent to cutting off a royal bloodline and relegating it to a collateral line.

As for the Xian Wang Party officials, all officials who participated in supporting Zheng Pingsong's alliance with the Kong and Ke families to frame Du Ning would have their homes confiscated and exiled.

Some officials who embezzled huge amounts of imperial money were sentenced to execution, completely eradicating the deep-rooted cancer of the Xianwang Party.

Even some officials of the Xianwang Party who were less involved in the scandal suffered from this liquidation, each one more miserable than the last.


February 15th.

The Holy Academy reviewed Du Ning's various achievements in the Three Realms Mountains, officially confirmed that Du Ning Wenjun was titled "Yunqi", and granted him a "Yunqi Jun Mansion". On the first day of March, a "Monarchy Ceremony" was held to invite all countries.

The scholars attended the grand meeting together and completed the formal canonization of Du Ning.

The word "Qi" means "Qilin", which shows the Holy Court's recognition and high hopes for Du Ning.

After the news was announced, the entire literary world was instantly excited.

After fifty years, the human race has gained a new literary king. This is a sign of great prosperity for the human race, and the world is rejoicing.

February 16.

An incident happened that once again shocked the entire literary world of various countries, and it was precisely because of this incident that the privileges of the Holy Family were exploited for the first time.

Before Kong Chengting went to the Three Realms City, he appealed to the Great Confucian Palace and applied to deprive Du Ning Wenjun of his status.

The reason is that Du Ning openly announced in the Three Realms Mountains that he would deprive the scholars of the Holy Family of all privileges in the Three Realms Mountains. Therefore, he believed that Du Ning was provoking the status of the Holy Family in the human race, subverting the rights that the Confucius family should have in the Holy Court, and harboring evil intentions.

If one's virtue is not worthy of his position, he should not be given the title of Wenjun.

This news caused a fierce reaction among the scholars in Kongcheng.

Although Kong Chengting is a guilty person, one thing is not the other, and the two cannot be confused. After all, Kong Chengting is a bachelor and has the right to report to the Great Confucian Hall at any time.

As we all know, due to the immortal achievements of Kong Sheng, his descendants established the city of Kong and established the Holy Family, which was supported by all countries and became the first family in the Holy Forest Continent. It is also a family that has always enjoyed privileges in the Holy Court.

Now Kong Chengting actually claims that Du Ning deprived the Confucian scholars of their privileges in Sanjie Mountain. Although it is understandable to stabilize the military morale at that time, not every scholar can fully understand.

Today you can announce in Sanjie Mountain that the privileges of those who have experienced the Confucius family will be deprived, then tomorrow you will go to the Memorial Court to revoke all the privileges of the Confucius family?

This is not only the reverse of the Kong family, but also the reverse of all countries supporting the most holy family.

Scholars from all countries have a common sense, that is, the privileges of the Most Holy Family cannot be violated. Anyone who violates the privileges of the Most Holy Family is an enemy of all countries and the entire human race.

No one is willing to set this precedent, and no one dares to set this precedent. Even if the consequences of this example are not serious, no one will tolerate it.

If anyone can subvert the privileges of the Holy Family, what's the point?

Where does this place the Most Holy Family? Where does this place the All Saints Family?

At this time, the All Saints Family has chosen a very unified stance on this matter.

Da Rudian quickly accepted the case and started a discussion.

The great scholars from various countries expressed their own opinions and spoke at length.

Fan Heshan was the only one who sat silent, his expression quite serious, because Du Ning might have stung a hornet's nest, a hornet's nest that is very difficult to clean up.

To shake the privileges of the Most Holy Family is to destroy the interests of the privileges of the All Saints Family. This time, Du Ning has made too many enemies.

Kong Chengting came to the Hall of Confucianism as a prosecutor. He righteously scolded Du Ning for his bad behavior that had shaken the Holy Family, and scolded Du Ning bloody.

Then, he loudly said to everyone: "Du Ning has shaken the foundation of the All Saints Family, has ulterior motives, and is treasonous. He is actually the enemy of the All Saints Family. I apply to use the privileges of the family to arrest Du Ning in court for interrogation and conviction, and to revoke his conviction."

Ban your account!"

These words were loud and clear, but they also made many great scholars look very unnatural.

It is reasonable to arrest Du Ning and interrogate him in court, and I have no objection. But to directly convict him and revoke his account ban is another major incident.

The Holy Court has already set the time for Du Ning's title and canonization. It has only been one day, and it is about to withdraw the canonization of Du Ning. This is a bit of a slap in the face.

Kong De looked at Kong Chengting in front of him, his eyes bursting with anger.

He originally thought that Kong Chengting was about to be sent to Three Realms City, and he would realize the mistakes he had made and restrain himself.

But unexpectedly, he would bite Du Ning back at the last minute.

It’s so stubborn!

Since Kong Chengting was prosecuted normally, even Kong De could not drive him out, so he must be judged impartially.

"This is not possible."

Fan Heshan said: "I believe that all the great scholars have read the memorials of experienced people from various countries. The reason why Du Ning announced the deprivation of the Kong family's privileges in the Three Realms Mountains was to stabilize the military morale and morale at that time. It was only a temporary deprivation and did not have any impact on the human race.

How can he be sued for causing losses? I object!"

"Mr. Heshan, you are blatantly shielding Du Ning!"

Kong Chengting said with a sneer on his face: "The privileges of the Holy Family are impregnable. Even if they are temporarily deprived of them, it is the biggest provocation to our Kong family. Once this example is made, won't the privileges of other Holy families also be temporarily deprived? This is a

This is a very serious act and must be investigated to the end!”

"Mr. Chengting, if I am protecting Du Ning, how can you not be avenging a private vendetta?"

Fan Heshan's gaze was like a sword, and his words hit the mark, instantly revealing Kong Chengting's thoughts.


Kong Chengting suddenly became angry from embarrassment. He looked at Fan Heshan with anger in his eyes and even a ferocious look on his face. He suddenly shouted: "What a shame!"


Fan Heshan immediately waved his hand, and his talent turned into a slap and struck Kong Chengting fiercely on the face.


Kong Chengting flew out and hit the wall, vomiting blood, and looked at Fan Heshan in disbelief. It was hard to believe that the other party would slap him in front of everyone. He was completely trampling on his last personal dignity as a bachelor.


"You...you dare to hit me?" Kong Chengting was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

"How can I allow you, a great scholar, to express your filial piety in front of the Great Confucian Hall? If you dare to speak rudely again, don't blame me for being rude."

Fan Heshan said with disdain, he was the son of a dignified semi-saint, but who did Kong Chengting dare to shout filial piety in front of him? Did he really regard this Confucian Hall as the backyard of their Kong family?

To take a step back, even in the backyard of the Kong family, Kong Chengting does not have the qualifications.

The other great scholars said nothing. No one thought that Fan Heshan did something wrong, and no one thought that Fan Heshan did something wrong.

"Chengting, why are you still standing there? Why don't you quickly apologize to Mr. Heshan?" Kong De scolded.

Kong Chengting was furious. It was obviously him who was slapped in the face, so why did he have to apologize to Fan Heshan?

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