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Chapter 419 Police raid in progress


See it!

A Yin nodded, then reached out and took the little nurse's arm.

While leading her towards the corridor, he asked with a kind face and a soft tone:

"Thank you, that's it. I forgot to tell you something just now,"

"This is your Doctor Simmons. He's temporarily unavailable for something..."

As A Yin said!

The two of them also came all the way to the corridor.

In the corridor of the intensive care area, a huge stuffed teddy bear was placed on a rest table.

Ayin casually grabbed the teddy bear's head.

The little nurse asked with a puzzled face: "Dr. Simmons...does he have anything else to do?"

Hear the words!

I saw A Yin slowly reaching out to touch his lower back.

A flip of the hand!

A clown mask appeared in his hand:

"He was held hostage..."

"The same goes for you, sister, lie down on the ground and rest for a while!"

As A Yin puts the mask on his head!

The bulletproof cameras in the corridor instantly noticed A Yin's anomaly, and all of them gave off bright red warning lights!


With the 1911 shot in A Yin's hand, it exploded!

Woo--ding, ring, ring--!!!

Since the intensive care area has the highest security measures, this time they have no choice but to force it!

The alarm sounded instantly!

And what makes everyone even more surprised and excited is——

At the same time as the sirens and gunshots sounded, the original electronic music rhythm of the game called "Infinite Ammo" was like a shot of adrenaline, cleverly cutting into the alarm interlude!

The accent of each movement is like a noisy siren on the street, more like the deadly rhythmic prelude to a chaotic gun battle!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

A piercing scream came from the little nurse's mouth!

Ayin pushed her down with his backhand and immediately pulled her out of the straps behind her, neatly tying the little nurse to the ground.

At the same time, Zhuang Zhuang also walked over quickly: "Boss!"


A Yinze picked up the big toy bear on the table and threw it to Zhuangzhuang!


As the spring cotton in the teddy bear's belly flew, a chainsaw that Bain had prepared for them suddenly appeared!

And now!

Bain's alarm also sounded simultaneously in the headsets of the four people——

[Friends, act quickly, the police have received the alert and are preparing to launch a storm on the hospital!]

Say it!

Accompanied by the increasingly exciting and surging electronic music, a line of bright yellow warning prompts, like warning tapes, suddenly appeared in the heads-up displays of the four people, scrolling continuously!

///Police raid in progress///

///Police raid in progress///

///Police raid in progress///

"Come on guys!"


As A Yin threw his white coat away, an MP5 submachine gun suddenly appeared in his hand. He pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet!



The live broadcast room exploded instantly!

'I - grass -!!!'

‘You’re so handsome, I’ll make it——!!!’

'The boss is 1.9 meters tall today!'

‘A generous gift to me! This electronic music song is just right!’

‘The Little Song of Robbery’

'It's exciting! It's so damn exciting!'

‘Worri is really on fire! Who is so passionate about robbery?’

'Work, work!'

‘Gan!!! This game looks so cool!!!’

‘Clear robbery! I understand this fucking game, so I have to rob openly! It’s not that I don’t have the ability to infiltrate, but the key is that I like the electronic music of this robbery!’

‘Quer’s hard man is even harder! It’s too hard, brother! Your game is too hard @Gu ShengSam!!!’

‘It’s really a show for brothers to put on this exciting show!’



Get started!

This way!

After Zhuang Zhuang got the electric saw, he went directly to the door of Patient No. 3.

At this time, due to the alarm sounding, all alloy shutters of the intensive care unit were protectively closed.

If you want to enter the intensive care unit to draw blood, you have to use a chainsaw to cut off the door lock!


Sparks flying!

The rhythm of electronic music is getting stronger!

And right now!

I heard Brother Shu who was guarding the door shout:

"Here comes the note——!!!"

Tum! Click!

Short-barreled shotgun loaded with No. 4 buckshot and muzzle flame spray!

The three police officers who had just arrived in the corridor for support instantly felt their chests blossom!


The police channel intercepted in the headset instantly rang out with shouts——

[Report to the headquarters! Report to the headquarters! We are at No. 22, Block 114. We encountered fire from gangsters and a police officer fell to the ground! Request support! Request support!]

Da da da!

Before the police officer who fell on the ground finished speaking!

Just behind Brother Shu, an AK47 gun was stretched out.

Explosive fire!

Three shots were shorter, and scarlet blood spattered out from the back of the police officer's head!

"Brother Shu, let me come over here. There is a vent in the back. They may break in there. You are a shotgun, so it is easier to defend..."

Turn around and look!

He saw Zhuangzhuang holding an AK, nodding towards him!

‘I’ll blanch——!!!’

The barrage was shocking!

'Prince Zhuang is such a tough gangster! So cruel! Accurate and ruthless!'

‘Professional! So professional! Let’s see who dares to say that Prince Zhuang is a coward in the future!’

'Strict investigation! Strict investigation must be carried out!'

‘It’s so cool, electronic music robbery, this fucking game design understanding is really far ahead’

'It really ignites me...it's so awesome...'



Before the barrage of exclamations fell!

Bang! Bang——!!!


Not far ahead of Zhuangzhuang, the glass in the corridor suddenly burst.

A bullet nailed his chest with perfect accuracy.

Although he was protected by a body armor, the huge impact directly knocked Zhuang Zhuang to the ground, who had just repelled two groups of police.

"Holy shit—! There's a sniper!"

With a loud exclamation from Zhuangzhuang!


Just hear the sound of a shovel!

A black shadow instantly jumped out from the side of the chainsaw, like an arrow from the bow string. Following a precise sliding shovel, the black shadow stopped beside Zhuang Zhuang.

This dark figure was seen with a slender figure, his arms crossed, and the cuffs of his shirt turned up, revealing the fancy dahlia tattoos on his fair arms.

In a pair of hands, a slender precision marksman rifle has graceful lines, coldness and accuracy.


With her finger tightening on the trigger!


The powerful bullet roared out of the barrel, shot out along the broken window, and accurately lifted off the helmet of the police sniper on the opposite balcony!

It is none other than the sniper in the team, Empress Shi Liuliu of the Great Zhou Dynasty!


If the performance of A Yin, Brother Shu and Zhuang Zhuang just now was an uproar, then Liuliu's shot blew up the live broadcast room of the four of them!


'Sister - introduce -! Ahhhhh!'

'My sister is so sassy, ​​I'm so excited! She's so handsome!'

‘Sliding tackle and sniper! Damn I even saw YJJ sliding tackle and jumping Kreber’

'Stop talking! You're going to crush me with your teeth!'

'How irritating you say!'

"But I have to say, this shot by my sister is so sexy and smooth."

'So handsome!'

'No! When will this game be released? I can't stand it anymore!'

‘The main reason is that this electronic music song is so awesome, I would like to call it a new concept music game’

'It's so cool...'


Pure fun!

A unique world view setting, a completely evil enjoyment!

Combined with exploding and splashing blood and dynamic and boiling electronic music!

Would you say it has plot depth?

There is absolutely no doubt about it.

Compared with the previous games produced by Golden Wind, the plot depth of Payday cannot be said to be shallow, it can only be said that it should not be overthought.


Do you think it's cool?

No doubt about it!

What a blast!

Especially with the blessing of electronic music and R-rated graphics, the thrilling rhythm and the temptation brought by huge amounts of money are like a shot of adrenaline, taking people flying!

The key is!

In terms of game settings, the speed mastered by Golden Wind is also very clever.

You might call this game fake, but its AI logic and related feedback are so vivid and perfect that it strives for excellence!

But if you think this game is real, it also has some "magical" elements, such as the body armor that can carry sniper bullets, the blood pack that heals instantly, and the heist that can't be successful if you use your brain for a while.

set up.

Therefore, you cannot attack it because it is too realistic and can easily lead people to go astray.

After all, Golden Wind marked you with a big [18+] at the beginning, and as long as you are an adult with a normal mind, you should be able to judge that following the pattern in Payday, rob the hospital, let alone control so much

If there is a crowd, just two security guards can come up and take you out.

It's like standing in a moral gray area.

If you say Wei Guangzheng it is definitely not possible, after all it is a robbery game.

But you can’t accuse it of being negative, because it’s just a fun game with a slightly fantasy setting!



A Yin and the four of them had a great time!

The scene was extremely intense at one time, and the concept of playing games with roaring was fully implemented!

"Brother Shu! Brother Shu, behind you! Someone is coming down from the vent!"

"Sister! There is a sniper rifle on the other side!"

"Wait a minute! This old chainsaw is stuck again! When we finish this job, sister will definitely replace it with a better one for us!"

"Hahahaha Liuliu has completely adapted to the role."

"So how long does it take for that broken chainsaw to turn around again?"

"It's on, it's on! Let's draw blood! Let's draw blood, friends!"

"I've smoked a pipe, what should I do next?"

"Bain said that we need to find a small centrifuge for blood testing. Let me see where there is one..."

"This way! Brother Shu! I have a centrifuge here!"

"It's coming, it's coming! Boss, hold on, I'll go and come back!"

Da da da da da—!

Tum! Click! Tum! Click!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots mingled!

The fire is shining!

More and more police officers are like a tide, rushing towards the intensive care area where the four people are!

Hallways, back doors, front halls, even ventilation ducts!

Outside, sirens are blaring!

In my ears, electronic music roared and exploded!

The disco-style robbery made the four of them the four most exciting cubs among all the shark anchors!

Although the broken chainsaw was interrupted three times.

Every time it was said that it was overheating, people couldn't help but wonder if Bain was so stingy that he bought a broken chainsaw from some flea market and gave it to them casually.

But fortunately, they had already cut off the big lock of the intensive care unit at this time.

According to Bain's instructions, they now need to extract blood from Patient 3 and put it into small centrifuges scattered in the testing rooms in the northeast, southeast and southwest corners of the intensive care area.

Only after collecting three tubes of qualified samples will they complete their mission and evacuate.

The first tube of blood was quickly drawn.

Amidst the hail of bullets!

Brother Shu quickly ran into the laboratory in the southeast corner with two sliding shovels!

Open the lid of the small centrifuge and load the blood sample into it!


The centrifuge started and started running quickly.

Outside the laboratory door, there were still loud gunshots and constant noise.

And just as Brother Shu was anxiously waiting for the centrifuge test to be completed!


A strange voice sounded from the corridor behind him.

It was like a series of rapid footsteps approaching him quickly!

Along with the rapid footsteps, there is also a strange sound, like an alarm buzzer, also coming——


PS: Four chapters completed


This chapter has been completed!
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