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Chapter 420 Why are you still singing?

what sound?

As the beeping sound gets closer and closer!

Brother Shu raised the short-barreled shotgun in his hand, and just as he was about to turn around, he pointed the muzzle at the door!

Suddenly, he saw a dark, heavily armed shadow wearing a ceramic plate body armor, rushing straight towards him like a ghost in the night!

The beeping sound is short and dense!

The tactical night vision device strapped to his face emits a penetrating green light!


Just one glance!

Brother Shu was frightened and trembled on the spot!

Appearing suddenly without any precautions, coupled with the speed that doesn't give anyone any time to react!

Here, Brother Shu's short-barreled shotgun didn't even have time to lift!

Over there, the body of the special operator [Phantom Agent] has risen into the air!


Brother Shu only felt like his eyes were filled with flowers.

Then, a flying kick hit his face!

It's like the Mask of the Void that was kicked away by the Tusk Seamen before it could be opened and used after just buying the Refresh Ball!


Brother Shu even had time to let out a short scream before he fell to the ground with a thud!

'I - grass -!!!'

The barrage was shocking!

'What kind of cunt thing is this? In one second? Just kicked him down and laid him down?'

‘Good guy, this kick is so good that Brother Shu’s shotgun kicked the line’

‘Special troops! This is so interesting! It seems that as time goes by and the difficulty increases, the additional troops sent by the police will become more and more powerful...'

'Indeed, at first it was just police officers, then SWAT, and now even special forces.'

‘Horror game, this is a good robbery, suddenly there is a beep beep beep behind you, and when you turn around, there is a flying big foot’

‘It’s really scary, he looks like the Infinite Sword Master’

‘The Infinite Sword Master is still using his ultimate move’

'How will you respond once the plateau bloodline comes out?'

'Can't cope with it, can't cope with it at all...'

‘The key is that this thing rushes over so fast, it’s such a strong sense of oppression’

‘And it’s one move in seconds, who the hell can withstand this?’

'Too cruel...'


At the same time, Brother Shu, who fell to the ground, was also screaming and crying with his head in his arms!

Unlike other types of soldiers, the phantom agent will not leave to continue attacking his teammates after lying down on him. Instead, it will stay where it is and beat him from 360 degrees without blind spots.

The police baton buzzed in his face, and at the same time, he raised his leg and kicked him in the back.

Although in the somatosensory cabin, such a beating will not really hurt the player, and even the pain will be minimal.

But it's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

"Ouch, what a fool! Ouch, ouch - holy shit, don't, don't, don't, don't, let's talk, brother, can we talk -"

Brother Shu curled up on the ground, was kicked violently, and shouted for support:

"Help, help! I have a big brother here! Help me——!!!"

Ta da da! Ta da!

The words have not yet been spoken!

I heard two AK explosions.

With a bang, the Phantom Agent fell to the ground.

Turning around to look, he saw Zhuang Zhuang appearing at the door, holding out his hand:

"Are you okay, Brother Shu?"


Brother Shu breathed a long sigh of relief, reached out, took Zhuang Zhuang's hand and stood up again:

"It's okay. I wiped it too hard and it knocked me down with just one move."

Just talking.

Just listen to a scoff!

The centrifuge behind him also started spinning simultaneously.

However, after uploading the parameters analyzed by the centrifuge to Bain, he received a negative reply from Bain:

[No, it’s not qualified! This sample still doesn’t meet the standards required by the employer, collect it again! Hurry, hurry, hurry!]

"What the hell -!"

Hearing this, Brother Shu became very angry:

"I just got kicked in vain, right?"

have no choice!

Brother Shu had no choice but to run to the intensive care unit again.

And at this moment, the boss's voice sounded in the headset:

"Brother Shu, Brother Shu! Do you have any bullets left? I'm in the laboratory in the north. There are too many enemies along the way and I'm running out of bullets too fast!"

That's right.

As the task of centrifuge blood testing was announced, the four members of the team also took action.

Not only Brother Shu, the boss also collected the patient's blood at the same time and looked for a centrifuge for testing.

However, the situation is a little different from the smooth trip here with Brother Shu.

In order to penetrate deep into the laboratory on the north side, the boss killed as many as eighty enemies along the way.

By the time the blood was put into the centrifuge, the ammunition on his body was almost exhausted.

"I have it here, I brought an ammunition bag,"

Hearing this, Brother Shu responded:

"How many bullets do you have left? Are you anxious?"

Click click click.

In the headset, the voice of the boss checking ammunition sounded:

"It's okay. I still have one last chance. Why don't you put the ammunition bag in the intensive care warehouse? I'm not too anxious...hurry, hurry, hurry..."


It sounded like the boss's voice in the headset was stuck on a tape and started to repeat.

Brother Shu was also confused:

"Babe babe babe?"

"No? If you're not in a hurry, why are you still singing?"

Brother Shu is a little confused.

I don't understand at all why the boss still has time to pay tribute to Girls' Generation when there are so many bullets and bullets.

But before he can finish his words!



In the headset, the sound of electricity is loud!

Immediately afterwards, A Yin's furious voice came out with difficulty!

"I...sing a...fart..."

"There are electric shock soldiers, soldiers, soldiers... help, help, help..."


As the sound of the current becomes clearer and clearer!

In the laboratory on the north side, Ayin was maintaining a very strange posture, with one hand curled up in front of his chest, the other hand holding up his MP5, his legs like a shy little girl, keeping his head and neck

Twisting and twitching all over.

Overall, it looks like Wu Laoer next door is sick.

Behind him stood a special police officer wearing a dark blue combat uniform with a bright yellow logo on his helmet——

The electric current from the Taser shot through his body, causing him to tighten the trigger unconsciously, consuming all the few bullets left.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the electric current of the electric soldier is almost permanent. As long as no one comes to interrupt it, the duration is unlimited.

"Wow, what a unique move, boss."

As soon as Liuliu entered the laboratory, he saw A Yin's embarrassed face.

All the water friends burst out laughing——

‘God damn pays tribute to Girls’ Generation’

‘I laughed so hard, what kind of singing genius is Shuge...’

‘I thought that a highland bloodline would make me a supermodel with just one kick, but I didn’t expect that this one also has the kiss of the ever-controlling Yang Mingshou’

'This guy just electrified me without stopping. My boss is so addicted to the Internet...'

‘Increase the power! Two more courses of treatment!’

'The more you can't move, the more addicted you are to the Internet and you have to plug in the phone!'

‘Hahahahaha, you understand the theory of Internet addiction...’


The barrage is hot!

Amid gunfire and bullets, with the addition of special support, the whole hospital became more and more lively!

Police officers arrived in large numbers, seemingly endless!

Four figures shuttled through the corridor, constantly going back and forth to collect blood, activating the centrifuge again and again, and putting blood samples into it.


Although the addition of electronic music and the baptism of gunfire make people's blood surge, adrenaline is constantly secreted and stimulated.

But in the process, a trace of strangeness became more and more intense as the mission continued——

Patient No. 3 died.

Perhaps it was because the firefight at the scene was so intense that it affected the patient to some extent.

Or maybe they drew blood too frequently, overwhelming the patient who was already in a deep coma.

Or maybe it was just a coincidence that the patient happened to fall ill while they were carrying out the robbery.

In short.

Target No. 3 is dead.

As the patient died, the situation seemed to be getting worse.

The blood sample that was originally unqualified in all indicators has seen a rapid increase in key indicator values, and it seems that it will soon reach the standard.

At the same time, the body of the patient who was supposed to have stopped all vital signs did not cool down, but continued to have a high fever.

Not only that.

As time went by, the patient's left hand, left arm, left leg, and even the left half of his cheek began to experience varying degrees of changes.

Large areas of red rash began to appear on the cheeks where the symptoms were slightly milder, and dense lesions like scald blisters began to appear on the left arm and leg where the symptoms were more severe.

Bain's voice kept ringing in the headsets of the four people——

[Key indicator 95%! Well done!]



[100%! The standard is met, brothers, well done! Now take three more blood samples immediately! The vehicle to pick you up has arrived at the underground parking lot, evacuate quickly! 】


As the needle penetrated the patient's blood vessel, scarlet blood gradually filled the test tube.

Outside the door, the fierce exchange of fire continued.

The sound of gunfire and explosions from time to time shook the entire intensive care area to the point of trembling.

One tube, two tubes, three tubes.


As the third tube of blood was drawn out.

Liuliu also pulled out the needle and turned around to get the refrigerated suitcase behind him.


In this flash of lightning!


In a trance!

She seemed to see the patient's right index finger...twitch?

Liuliu's heart skipped a beat!

what's the situation?

Did I see it wrong?

Looking closely, he saw a series of steady straight lines on the patient's heart rate monitor, which showed that he was obviously dead.

At this moment, A Yin, who was responsible for blocking the guard at the door, turned back and shouted to the custody warehouse:

"Is Liuliu okay? We have to withdraw!"

"Oh! Okay, okay!"

Liuliu was stunned and hurriedly put the blood samples into the refrigerator and stood up.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Seeing this, A Yin quickly drew his gun and waved, trying to cover his teammates' orderly evacuation to the elevator at the end of the corridor.


Before he can finish his words!



The sound of heavy footsteps sounded.

In an instant, everyone focused their attention on the direction of the reception hall.

At this moment, as if time had frozen, all sounds disappeared instantly, leaving only the surprised and horrified voices of a few robbers——

"What the hell..."

"I'm...so stupid..."

"What... thing is this..."


PS: Two chapters later

This chapter has been completed!
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