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Chapter 12 The Weird Third Aunt

 At this time, there was a car at the door.

Li Mu's third aunt got out of the car first and quickly switched to traffic police mode to direct the parking position for Li Mu's third uncle.

Skillful movements.

The cooperation is very good.

These two are the most interesting couple among Li Mu's several aunts and uncles. They live a very meticulous life. The family bought a car the year before last. Whenever they drive out on rainy days, whenever they encounter a puddle on the road, Li Mu's third uncle immediately lets them go.

Third Aunt Li got off the car and used her feet to check the depth of the puddle. If it was not deep, keep walking. If it exceeded a certain level, Uncle Li Mu would turn around and choose another route.

By the way, this road is classified as a restricted area.

Thirty centimeters.

This is Uncle Li Musan’s maximum tolerance range for the depth of puddles.

Once it exceeds 30 centimeters, he would rather take a detour than let his precious car suffer the damage of puddles.

The actual situation is to go back and replace the battery car.

Judging from the car love of these two people, the car they bought must be a low-end Bentley or Rolls-Royce, or a Mercedes-Benz and BMW. In fact, it is a Roewe i6, with a landing price of over 70,000.

However, it is their business to cherish Rongwei, and no one can make irresponsible remarks.

Qi Juqi Qi Juqi: Every time these two people see Li Mu, they will get the car information from some source, and comment on Li Mu's Lexus es300 with a landing price of 430,000, saying that this car is not worth the price, Li Mu doesn't understand

They made a loss buying the car. According to the couple's thinking, Li Mu's car could cost up to RMB 50,000 at most, and the extra hundreds of thousands would be purely a brand premium.

Except for this.

Uncle Li Musan never pays more than seven yuan for gas.

Once it exceeds seven yuan and the gas tank accidentally hits the bottom, he will first add fifty yuan and drive the car home.

Then I waited patiently for the oil price to drop.

If the price of PetroChina does not drop, he will not stop using it. He will ride a battery car to look for cheap oil through informal channels.

This is precisely what Li Mu admires most about his third uncle.

The state's efforts to check for "Sanwu" oil were so powerful, but his third uncle was still able to dig out the cheap oil spots hidden in dark corners, and then got his wish and added Sanwu Petroleum, which was more than one dollar cheaper than PetroChina.

So Li Mu always felt that his third uncle was a talented person.

It's a pity to collect food. You should be an informant or a spy.

At this time the car door opened.

A fat man who was less than 1.7 meters tall and weighed nearly 200 pounds slowly got down.

"Tony is here too"

When the fat man appeared, the guard looked disgusted.

This fat man is the son of Li Mu's third aunt, whose surname is Jia. He opened a barber shop named Tony in Ningyang City. The guards always jokingly call him Tony Jia.

Tony Jaa, the namesake of the Thai action star, is also no ordinary person.

I didn't finish high school, so I dropped out and worked as an apprentice in a barber shop in Shanghai for several years. My barbering skills were not very good, but I learned the naming style of barber shops in Shanghai, hung up the Tony's sign, and the haircut prices became more fashionable. In Ning

In a second-tier city like Yangshi, you dare to ask for forty-five for a simple wash, cut, and blowjob.

It is two or three times higher than the normal market price in Ningyang City.

There is a reason why Weijun hates this cousin. Once he went to Tony's shop to get a haircut. Tony was very particular about confiscating forty-five and asked for thirty-eight instead. Weijun was very angry.

The fees for haircuts are the same wherever you go.

It cannot be said that Tony is unkind.

However, cousin Li Mu did not go to his store empty-handed, but gave him two boxes of Cha Cha nuts.

As the eldest brother, he cannot let his younger brother suffer.

However, Tony accepted the two boxes of nuts and kept the money.

In the end, Weijun didn't ask for the seven-dollar favor that Tony gave to his cousin, and paid fifty dollars directly. Since then, Weijun has always disliked Tony's cousin. When he saw him, he felt like seeing a stranger.

A moving poop.

Li Mu doesn’t need Tony for his haircut.

Their company has an image consultant, and when you need a haircut, you can just go downstairs and get a haircut.

However, Li Mu, like Wei Jun, dislikes Tony as his cousin.

Just like now, Tony walked over slowly with big thick legs. When he saw Li Mu, he didn't call him "brother" or his name. He just nodded and said "hmm" under his breath, which was considered a greeting.

This "um".

The drag is smelly and long.

Like the last majesty of an eighty-year-old chairman.

On one side is an urn, on the other side is power, and Tony's soul-stirring "hmm" directly reflects the old chairman's mentality of crushing power and placing it at the bottom of the urn.

Tony's walk is also fun.

In the words of Aunt Li Musan, Tony's walking style is that of a dragon and a tiger, exactly the same as the walking style of many big shots.

In fact, he is a born foreigner, which in layman’s terms means carrot legs.

Except Tony.

Tony's daughter-in-law, who was as strong as a mountain, came out of the car with her two children.

The couple looks very much like a couple.

One outside and one inside form a perfect complement.

A typical fate of "being born for you".

Less than a few minutes.

Another car stopped at the door, and Tony's sister Tony, her husband, and their three children appeared one after another.

"Wait for the bleeding!"

The guard stamped out his cigarette butts and looked at the third aunt's family not far away.


Li Mu smiled helplessly.

Last year, Li Mu suddenly saw his aunt who had settled in Hangzhou and brought her two children back to celebrate the New Year at his maternal grandfather's house. He had not seen her for several years. Of course, Li Mu was very happy and randomly wrapped two big red envelopes for his younger siblings.

This scene happened to be seen by the third aunt who walked in with Tony's two children. Li Mu could not favor one over the other, so he gave two more 800 New Year's money to the third aunt's grandson and granddaughter.

Who would have thought.

The third aunt and his third uncle perfectly illustrate the ability of the language master.

There is a certain degree of advance and retreat.

The new year's money given to Li Mu's son Li Ran only had one piece of money.


Still old banknotes

Even if he gives five hundred yuan, Li Mu will not have any psychological problems, but fifty yuan is really unjustifiable. You must know that the New Year's money given by Li Mu to Tony's two children adds up to a thousand and sixty.

It’s even more ruthless this year.

Tonili, who never came to her grandpa’s house to pay New Year greetings on the second day of the Lunar New Year, was also called over.

It was obvious that Li Mu's New Year's money paid out last year was sufficient, so he brought his whole family here today with the intention of killing him.

One eight hundred.

Five and four thousand.

2021 is very meaningful.

"Hurry up and give your Uncle Li Mu a Happy New Year"

Li Mu and his cousin Wei Jun guessed right.

The third aunt stopped the grandchildren who were going to see the lambs in the sheepfold. She and the third uncle Li Mu held one of them by the hand and dragged them to Li Mu.

"Third Aunt, you don't understand the rules."

Wei Jun smiled and said, "Li Mu is a junior, so there is no reason to give New Year greetings to a junior first. You should take the child to your parents first."

"We're all one family, no fuss"

Li Mu's third aunt Xu Qin rolled her tongue, opened her mouth and said, "I will give New Year greetings to whomever I see first."

"What about me?"

Wei Jun pointed to himself and said, "I am also the elder of your grandchildren."


Xu Qin raised his head and glanced at Wei Jun, knowing what he was thinking.

Several children paid New Year's greetings to Wei Jun and paid 100 as a new year's gift. Li Mu couldn't be taller than his cousin, so that would not mess up the etiquette. Xu Qin then smiled and said, "Third aunt feels sorry for you. I know you are getting divorced and your car has been stolen."

My wife is ruined, so I want you to save some money and keep it to coax her, or if it doesn’t work out, you can keep it to repair the car."

There is sharpness in the gentle words.

It not only shows the concern of the elders for the younger ones, but also directly points to the current situation of the marriage of the Guardsmen.

A disguised reminder to the guards, just take care of your own affairs and don't be an eyesore here.

A big family will inevitably have one or two weirdos.

The third daughter and the third son-in-law of the old Xu family are such a shining and wonderful flower.

This chapter has been completed!
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