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Chapter 192 New Project

 After some on-the-spot investigation.

Lin Buyan and Liu Ruyan discussed it and decided to go into manufacturing.

Lin Buyan's proposal was affirmed by Liu Ruyan, and she also felt that it was a great thing to be able to provide a job for the disabled.

In comparison, if you can do business, it is still very good.

There is no need to worry about sales.

Yuan Hua's factory has a lot of workers, and Lin Buyan plans to open a shoe factory. At that time, it will also be a good thing to bundle sales or provide benefits to their workers.

After all, if money is directly used for charity, many people may have a sense of resistance in their hearts.

It would be much better if we could find an excuse to arrange a job for them.

"I think this idea is great, but one thing that is difficult to control is the quality of the product. The investment in the shoe factory is not very high. If we don't make that kind of big brand, there is basically no problem. If you want to

It would be a little difficult to be a big brand like that. After all, there are still some differences."

Liu Ruyan said.

"Hahaha, I'm definitely not making big brand shoes anymore. I just want to do something good now. Now we have stable profits and are not short of money. How much money did we spend on the investment in the shoe factory? Even if it is a loss

Or it's bankrupt, there's no problem at all. I just want to do something practical now." Having said this, Lin Buyan took Liu Ruyan's hand and wandered slowly on the road.

"Also, the quality must be guaranteed. There can't be all disabled people in the factory. There must be some experienced ordinary people to help. This is very important. Because not all people can do this kind of work.

, but I believe that if we pay attention and pay with heart, then the final result will definitely satisfy us."

Liu Ruyan nodded.

At this moment, she felt that Lin Buyan was radiating light all over his body.

After returning to the hotel, Lin Buyan, after a busy day, simply took a shower and then returned to bed and fell asleep. The two of them had been visiting all day today and visited various places for a long time.

This decision was finally made.

Liu Ruyan saw that this guy fell asleep without even saying a word to her. Feeling a little distressed, she covered him with a quilt and went to take a bath herself.

Drowsily, Lin Buyan felt that the ancient books in his mind began to tremble.

It kept shaking and slowly turned to the first page.

There were three missing pages on the first page, but suddenly one page was automatically added.

If nothing else happened, it should be the reason why he took the picture of the ancient sword. But this time Lin Buyan thought he was the same as before, but what he didn't expect was that he found that he couldn't move.

The ancient book swayed shut and continued to emit dazzling light.

These rays of light were like meteors, constantly impacting his body, cleaning the structure of his body like tools.

Lin Buyan felt uncomfortable. She wanted to open her eyes, but found that her eyelids seemed to be stuck with 502 glue. The light was still filling his body. The feeling was painful, but it was

It's amazing.

Lin Buyan wanted to shout out, but found that he couldn't.

It’s very uncomfortable.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light stopped moving.

Lin Buyan felt that the discomfort in his body had disappeared and became very comfortable. He felt that his limbs seemed to become more stable and strong.

The more important thing is that he feels that his whole spirit has reached a new height.

How should I put it, he now feels as if he has endless strength in his body.

Moreover, the stimulation of golden light just now made Lin Buyan break out in a cold sweat.

I saw that there was no one around me, and Liu Ruyan’s tiny singing voice came from the bathroom.


Lin Buyan has always been a person who dares to think and act. Now that he has made a decision in his heart, he will continue to work in this direction and finalize this project as soon as possible.

It was another ordinary day, but Huang Zikang acted very formally and put off all the work in his hands. Because he had to wait for someone, and the person he was waiting for was Lin Buyan.

Lin Buyan is like his noble person. The University Town project has just started not long ago, and now he comes to me and says that he wants to invest in a new project.

Rejuvenate the country through industry.

This truth is something that Huang Zikang has always believed in. Every time Lin Buyan comes to discuss things with him, they are very reasonable, and they are also things that can really solve many problems.

During this period, news about him was flying all over the sky. He knew that Lin Buyan had made a lot of money and planned to do good things.

During this period of time, Huang Zikang had already understood Lin Buyan thoroughly.

"Secretary, the guests have arrived in the reception room."

The secretary knocked on the people in the office and said, Huang Zikang waved his hand, straightened his collar and came to the reception room.

Lin Buyan and Liu Ruyan sat together, holding hands.

Seeing Huang Zikang walking in, the two of them stood up and said hello.

The three people started chatting in the reception room.

After listening, Huang Zikang became very happy. For so many years, the issue of placement of disabled people has always been a very difficult matter.

Now that Lin Buyan can see this problem and is willing to invest in building factories to provide jobs, this is a great thing.

"Are you really planning to recruit most employees with disabilities? Although this is a good thing, there is one thing I have to tell you in advance, that is, there are still some differences between disabled people and normal people. When the time comes,

What should I do if there is something wrong with the quality of the product?"

Although Huang Zikang said that he wanted to solve this difficult problem urgently.

But he also had to tell Lin Buyan the drawbacks in advance.

Otherwise, if there are product quality problems or other troubles are reported, Lin Buyan will turn around and blame him, and the gain will outweigh the losses.

"My girlfriend and I have already discussed this, and there is no problem. We will recruit disabled workers for most of the positions in the factory, and for some of the positions we will recruit experienced senior employees.

They conduct training. And to be honest, I just want to do a good thing this time. As for sales, I haven't thought that much."

Having said this, Lin Buyan smiled and shook his head.

"Whether I can make money is not what I care about. What I originally wanted to do was donate money to them directly, but this would make them feel dependent. But if I find an excuse to allow them to use their own labor in exchange for

Remuneration is a very good thing for many people. After all, it takes care of their self-esteem and also satisfies my own wishes."

Hearing Lin Buyan's words, Huang Zikang was deeply moved.

He did not expect that the young man in front of him was so well-organized. It was okay to make money or not. How many people would not dare to say this even if they made a lot of money.

Lin Buyan doesn't look like a normal businessman.

"I would like to thank Boss Lin on behalf of everyone first. In this way, you are doing a great thing. I will let everyone in the government buy the products you make, or buy them collectively as welfare.

.As for other sales, I believe Boss Lin still has a way."

Huang Zikang said with a smile.

Lin Buyan also laughed.

"Yes, thank you Secretary Huang for your support in advance. This is what I plan to do. I have a very good relationship with the owner of Red Oak Food. Their factory has many workers. It will be equivalent to a bundled sale. Selling to them

That's okay. Of course, now it's not just sales in physical stores, but also live sales on the Internet. There are many channels. We don't worry about losing money or not. I just want to do this well and be successful.

"Besides, investing in a shoe factory doesn't require much money. I'm going to invest 500 million yuan. As long as my other industries can still make money and make money, then even if the shoe factory keeps losing money, there will be no problem. Of course.

, Secretary Huang can tell me if he thinks there are other projects in Yuncheng that are suitable for me. I have too much working capital now."

At this point, Lin Buyan laughed.

Huang Zikang also laughed.

Good guy, Versailles is coming.

"My current funds are enough to last me a lifetime, but this is not my life creed. I always believe in one thing, that is to do more good deeds to accumulate blessings for myself. I have also seen the place, the industrial park on the outskirts of the city

Isn’t there still a lot of open space? I plan to start my shoe factory project there.”

Huang Zikang nodded with great appreciation.

I don’t know why, although Lin Buyan was in Versailles, Huang Zikang still sounded very comfortable.

This guy is simply his noble person.

"Sure, there's no problem. There's a lot of open space over there in the industrial park. It depends on how much you want and how much area you want. Tell me and I'll help you coordinate later. As for the disabled people you mentioned, we will

There are many special education schools here in the city, and there are many graduates every year. If you can help them, I think this is really a thing that will increase your own blessings."

Having said this, Huang Zikang stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Buyan in front of him.

"What are you doing? Why are you being so polite?"

Lin Buyan and Liu Ruyan quickly stood up and came to Huang Zikang's side to help him.

"Really, in all these years, I have never seen an entrepreneur like you who wants to do good things wholeheartedly. First, he donated money to build roads in Fengjia Village, then invested in a university town, and now he wants to provide employment for the disabled.

Position. To be honest, I really admire your courage and courage."

Huang Zikang’s words came from the bottom of his heart.

After all these years, Lin Buyan is the only one who truly does good deeds without asking for anything in return and without any strings attached.

For such a person, Huang Zikang feels that no matter what kind of honor it is, it seems that it is not too much in front of him. Simply forget it, Lin Buyan has invested more than 100 billion in Yuncheng over the years.


And he didn’t ask for anything in return.

This pattern is not something ordinary people can have.

In this way, Lin Buyan started his new project.

For him, he did not have any experience. Of course, with the help of Huang Zikang, many experienced masters were invited to help.

He knew that for Lin Buyan, this was just a very simple small project.

But for Yuncheng, and for these unemployed disabled people, this is a very important project.

In this way, the construction of the Buyan Shoe Factory project with an investment of 500 million yuan began.

Lin Buyan now has another wish, which is to set up a technology company to conduct research and development of some high-end technologies.

After the university is completed, the talents trained can enter the company and use the knowledge they have learned to conduct research and development. If they can conquer a high-end project or have a patent belonging to the company.

Then there is no loss.

"Aren't you? Your pace is so fast that I can't keep up. You just built a shoe factory, why are you suddenly trying to build a technology company? Of course, I won't object if you want to do it. After all, I'm

This is nonsense, but I definitely support you, who makes you my husband?"

After hearing Lin Buyan's new idea, Liu Ruyan could only express her own opinion.

It’s just that technology companies are indispensable for research and development, and research and development cannot be separated from burning money.

For other industries, more than 100 billion may be a lot. But for the technology industry, it doesn't seem to be that much. But if Lin Buyan wants to do it, Liu Ruyan will support him unconditionally.

"Just think about it. I still have about 10 billion here. I'll give it all to you. It won't cost much for the two of us to eat and drink on weekdays. If what you are willing to do can succeed, if you are happy, I will

You will also be very happy."

Hearing Liu Ruyan's words, Lin Buyan looked at her very affectionately.

Being able to meet a little girl like Liu Ruyan in this life is really a blessing in my life.

He kissed Liu Ruyan's pink lips.

Liu Ruyan gave a fierce response, and the two were unwilling to separate for a long time.

"Thank you, Ruyan. It is really my honor to meet you in this life."

Lin Buyan said very affectionately.

In this way, Lin Buyan was ready to have an in-depth exchange with Huang Zikang. After all, it is more suitable to locate the technology company in Yuncheng. One of the biggest advantages here is that the land is cheap.

In this way, more funds can be spent on research and development.

And Lin Buyan's goal is also very simple, that is, chips!

This chapter has been completed!
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