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Chapter 388 The mysterious second auction item

 After Shen Yu said a few humble words, he fell into deep thought. He didn't even notice the rare and famous Dahongpao tea that Dong Yun'er handed over.

Because Shen Yu feels that this should be an opportunity to pick up the slack!

Many people are very repulsive to fakes, but Shen Yu runs an antique shop. He knows that many buyers are not repelled by ancient fakes. If the price of this second lot is not high, Shen Yu decides to get it.< /p>

At this time, Mr. Dong's voice sounded again on the stage: "Since everyone doesn't want to talk, the old man won't wait any longer. The next auction, which is the second auction today, is also a calligraphy and painting, and it is four paintings and calligraphy. But I have to explain Look, this is a fake."

"Fake? Isn't it? Doesn't Dongji Auction pride itself on not selling fakes?"

"Yes, Dong Laohei just said that every one of the first ten items in the auction was fake and he would pay ten for it. He forgot about it all of a sudden. Is he just confused?"

"Haha, Dong Heixin is not an old fool. There must be a reason. Maybe he has dug a big hole for us to jump into."

"Stop arguing. If you knew what 'fake goods' are, you wouldn't say this."

Dong Baiming pressed his hands down, "Everyone, please be quiet and wait for the old man to finish his words. This second auction item is indeed a fake calligraphy and painting, but it is a fake made by ancient people. To be precise, it is a Zhuanzhu Lane painting from the mid-Ming Dynasty!

We don’t know much about fake goods, but we should know about Zhuanzhuxiang paintings, right?

Just like Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is all written with double hooks and ink from the Tang Dynasty, it can be said that most of the so-called Song and Yuan calligraphy and paintings on the market come from Zhuanzhu Lane.

You can think about it for a moment, how many years has passed since the Song Dynasty? Where did the Song paintings come from? Most of the so-called Song paintings are fakes from the Ming Dynasty!

Why can the calligraphy and paintings from Zhuanzhu Lane in ancient times be fake and authentic?

Because it is not just about painting, but requires the cooperation of many parties.

The process of counterfeiting ancient paintings is complicated and cannot be done by one person!

If you want to confuse the fake with the real, you need a famous seal.

So there are people who make a living by forging seals.

Once you have a seal, you need to have an inscription and postscript. If you are good at copying the handwriting of ancient people, you can make a living along the way.

Now that we have the seal, the inscription and the postscript, the painting can be fake, but it won’t work if the painting is too new.

Well, at this time the old framer can come on stage.

It can be said that everyone performs his or her duties and everyone has something to eat.

For example, Zhuan Zhuxiang's imitation of Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" was priced in gold in the Ming Dynasty, which means that gold is needed to buy the painting.

Wen Zhengming, a master of calligraphy and painting, and Gu Congyi, a great collector, both visited Zhuanzhu Lane.

My second lot is a quadruplicate, one for each of the four calligraphy and painting families of the Southern Song Dynasty. It is a high imitation of Huang Biao, a master forger in Zhuanzhuxiang in the Ming Dynasty. I personally judge that these four paintings are all "fake goods."

Although it is a fake, it is a fake from the ancients. The ones my boss sells are not cheap, so everyone should be mentally prepared before buying.

Of course, everyone present is an expert, and you must know that many paintings from Zhuanzhu Lane were collected by the Qing Palace, and many of them even have seals such as Qianlong's Seven Seals.

There are also many imitations of Zhuanzhuxiang’s calligraphy and paintings in some museums, and they are collected as treasures.

As for who Huang Biao is, the famous Wang Shizhen once talked about a fake copy of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" he had seen in a book. He said this: Huang Biao was named Zhenquan, a native of Suzhou, good at painting, and good at painting.

Copying and imitating Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" can almost look fake.

I think you may have questions, since you are so good at painting, why not make a name for yourself?

This has something to do with the Chinese people's admiration for the ancients. The Chinese people always think that the things of the ancients are good. No matter how good your contemporary paintings are, it is useless.

For example, my Lao Dong's paintings are very good. According to what everyone said, they are eighty percent of Fan Kuan's style. One of Fan Kuan's paintings is worth hundreds of millions. If I don't sell it for eighty million, can I sell it for eight million?

No! No one will pay for it!

Therefore, only poor scholars who make a living by selling calligraphy and paintings can only make a living by selling calligraphy and paintings. Even some famous painters have to copy ancient works and sell them at high prices to support their families.

Without further ado, please look at the big screen!"

After Mr. Dong finished speaking, four landscape and figure paintings instantly appeared on the big screen, because he would definitely go to the stage to take a closer look later, and it didn't matter whether Shen Yu looked at them now.

"It turns out it's a fake painting from Zhuanzhu Lane!" Shen Yu suddenly felt a little more hopeful about finding something wrong.

The so-called Zhuanzhuxiang paintings are actually the famous "Gusu pictures". There is a saying in the antique circle that Gusu pictures are imitations of the capital, made by the back door, and a stick of incense.

Shen Yu knew this very well, because several of his grandfather's friends in Zhonglou were in the business of Suzhou movies.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, in the Suzhou area where the economy was prosperous and literati gathered, there was a group of craftsmen with painting skills who made a living by making fake paintings.

Zhan Jingfeng, a calligrapher and painter from Baiyue Mountain, once said bluntly in his "The Complete Works of Dongtu": "Zhuanzhu Lane in Gusu specializes in forging calligraphy and painting."

In fact, it’s not just Zhuanzhu Alley, there are two places in Suzhou that are also concentrated places for copying ancient paintings, one is Shantang Street and the other is Taohuawu.

In ancient times, the three places in Gusu were more generous in imitating fake calligraphy and paintings than other places. Most of the imitations were works by famous ancient artists, such as those from the Sui and Tang Dynasties: Zhan Ziqian, Li Sixun, Yan Liben, Wu Daozi, Wang Wei,

Han Huang, Zhou Fang, Han Qian, Jing Guan, Dong Ju.

Song Dynasty: Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, Li Gonglin, Zhao Boju, Zhang Zeduan, Calligrapher You, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, Cai Xiang.

There are four schools in the Southern Song Dynasty, four schools in the Yuan Dynasty, Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Qiu Ying, etc. in the Ming Dynasty.

There are even those who are highly skilled and courageous who imitate Gu Kaizhi, Lu Tanwei, and Zhang Sengyao of the Six Dynasties.

The level of counterfeiting here ranges from high to low. The high level is hard to distinguish from the genuine article, while the low level can be distinguished at a glance.

It can be said that you get what you pay for, and it can also be customized according to customer needs.

For example, if you want a pair of Qiu Ying's works, no problem, but the prices are different. The difference between the one signed by Qiu Ying and the one that looks indistinguishable can be hundreds of taels of silver.

As long as the money is in place, the quality can definitely be guaranteed. There are many forgers of ancient paintings who are very talented, and it is not impossible to fake the real ones.

Not to mention the distance, this is what the ancestors of Fatty King Jiangulou were like.

The Wang family has a large number of talents, and it has been passed down to Fatty Wang's generation for more than 20 generations. Fatty Wang's copying skills can still be said to be master-level, such as the "Visiting Friends in Yunshan" that Shen Yu wanted to buy for the first time. 》If Shen Yu hadn’t noticed it, he would have punched him in the eyes.

Of course, Fatty Wang was just bored, and even if Shen Yu really bought it, it would only cost 10,000 yuan.

Everyone in the family knows that Fatty Wang's ancestors made fake calligraphy and paintings, and Fatty Wang doesn't hide it either.

How did Fatty Wang's family fake it? After several visits, Shen Yu also understood the truth.

It's very simple. It's just training at a young age. For example, people in the Ming Dynasty loved the four families of Jingguan, Dong Ju and Yuan. Their ancestors asked the family's children to select one person for them to copy from a young age.

To put it bluntly, it’s just practice!

Practice since childhood!

Cultivate your own painter!

For example, if he copied the landscape paintings of Huang Gongwang, he would copy Huang Gongwang from childhood to adulthood.

If you are good at practice, keep practicing. After decades of copying, even if the fake is not the real thing, there is no problem in deceiving some wealthy businessmen who like calligraphy and painting.

What should I do if I can’t practice well?

It's very simple. If you can't practice well, just hang it in the store and sell it as a copy. This thing doesn't cost much. It just costs some paper and ink. Every counterfeiting family has its own antique store, and they just sell it as ordinary goods. How? No loss at all.

"Xiao Shen, I see that you are very interested in these Zhuanzhu Lane paintings. There are not many people on the viewing platform this time, so I won't accompany you. If you like it but don't have enough money, tell your uncle. That's all!" Mr. Wu patted Shen Yu on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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