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Chapter 2: is special machine, dragon knight, login!

"Oh! Single dormitory? You're really lucky~"

After a little hacking into the school's network, Illya quickly found the location of her dormitory.

In this regard, Illya said innocently that she had no choice but to do so because a certain class teacher failed to fulfill her due obligations, so she did so.

So for the incident of downloading some confidential information from the school's network, Illya thought it was an accidental mistake and downloaded some other things.

In short, I can use Illya’s words to describe it.

"This is all Mr. Madara's fault and has nothing to do with me! Hehe~"

Put these aside first and put the scene back into the dormitory area.

Ilia used a magnetic card to open a room. After looking around the room, she lay down directly on the soft bed.

Although there are two single beds in the room, according to the information Ilia "accidentally" downloaded.

Apart from her, there were no other residents in this room.

Unless there are any adjustments during the period, or transfer students join.

"Master! Master! Get up! Don't you still have important things to do?!"

At this time, Penglai, who was lying on the bed together with Ilia in his arms, started to move.

Penglai struggled to escape from Ilia's arms and flew up lightly.

Two small hands pulled Ilia's dress hard and started to drag it.


Ilia quickly patted her head and sat up.

"This must be done in advance! origin-logic!"

As Penglai floated and lay on top of Illya's head, origin-logic was summoned by Illya.

"realize! master! origin-logic (root principle), standby ready (ready), setup (start)!"

Immediately afterwards, a mechanized female voice sounded.

"Help me integrate the IS information collected previously."

Illya directly gave the order to origin-logic. This is a dormitory after all, and someone might come and knock on her door.

Although there won't be anyone who knows her here, but she will say hello to her neighbor who just moved in. There are many people there.


The origin-logic responded to Illya's instructions, and black magic light flickered on it.

"over! master!"

In just a few seconds, origin-logic has sorted out all the data.

"Well! Well! So that's what it is...then..."

Illya stretched out her finger and began to draw dots on the page where Origin-Logic was displayed.

“Do it this way here…and then do it this way here…”

As Ilia kept waving her fingers, the shape of an is on the page gradually became clear and complete.

"In addition to these... By the way! This system is also required!... Complete! Origin-Logic (original principle) calculates the feasibility!"

"Realize!master!...The whole system can be realized. Do you want to concretize it?"

A three-dimensional image appeared on the top of the Origin-Logic page, constantly changing its angle to show Ilia.


Ilia stared at the three-dimensional image twice and nodded with satisfaction.


As origin-logic responds, the three-dimensional image moves to the center of the room.

While the volume continues to expand, the originally illusory image begins to become real.

"over! master!"

Finally, a black IS appeared in the center of the room.


Illya smiled very excitedly, jumped into the is's chimera with a small jump.

"Peng Lai, come down here for a moment, I'm going to get dressed."

"Okay! Master!"

As the Penglai floated away from Illya's head, the black is began to wrap around Illya to dress.

Black armor was attached to the head, chest, abdomen, arms and legs one by one.

The only things left on the outside are the shoulders, the neck and most of the head.


A virtual screen unfolded in front of Illya's eyes.

"System startup."

The various information of is are displayed one by one on the virtual screen.

"Please give the system a name."

At this time, a blank column suddenly popped up on the virtual screen, and the cursor kept flashing in it.

"Dragon Knight."

Illya reported the name she had thought of for a long time.

"The main system is named 'Dragon Knight', confirm. Please name the branch system."

Afterwards, five blank columns appeared simultaneously with various ** information.

"The multifunctional form is named 'Guerrilla Knight'. The melee form is named 'Champion Knight'. The defensive form is named 'Guardian Knight'. The long-range shooting form is named 'Longbow Knight'. The final form is named 'Dragon Knight'.


Illya reported all the names without any pause.

"The branch system has been named. System optimization begins..."

The virtual screen disappears and everything becomes calm.

"Master... that... this is a naked metal?"

While Ilia moved her hands and feet slightly, Penglai asked hesitantly.

"Haha, you still know about bare metal."

Illya looked at the IS body, which was only in pure black, and chuckled.

"Yes! It's still in a bare-metal state now, and the completed state will be adjusted later. At that time, appropriate changes will be made."

"System optimization is over. Please choose the permanent form."

As soon as Ilia finished explaining, the virtual screen appeared again.

"'Guerrilla Knight' form."

At the same time that Illya confirmed the permanent form, the form of the black is named "Dragon Knight" began to change.

The separate pairs of wings unfolded from behind Ilia, constantly increasing or decreasing and adjusting various parts, and occasionally sporadic gas would be ejected.

The armor is in sheets, shifting on the fuselage, reinforcing and reducing different parts.

The silver coating appeared on the black fuselage and spread, rendering the fuselage into a silver and black pattern.

Then, the data of several weapons on the virtual screen is expanded.

Charged rifle x2

Kinetic submachine gun x2

High alloy one-handed sword x2

Electromagnetic interference grenade x100

"Special System: Shadow Knight System."

After the last piece of data was expanded, Illya closed the virtual screen.

"Yeah! Yeah! Very good!"

Ilia nodded with satisfaction, and the "Dragon Knight" disappeared.

Instead, a new silver crown appeared on Illya's head.

"Ahem! Excuse me, is it Mr. Madara? I forgot to register my IS machine with you. This was my mistake. I'm really sorry."

Illya took out the communicator. Although she said apologetic words, there was no apology at all in her facial expression.

Since the other party can't see it, there's no need to show any extra expressions.

"...I understand. I will come to you later and take you to register."

On the other end, after being silent for a while, Chifuyu decided to go to find Illya in person.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Early the next day.

Today is the first day of school. Ilia, who was walking on the road leading to the classroom, could clearly feel the commotion everywhere.

"What's wrong? Everyone seems to have been injected with chicken blood?...Forget it, it's none of my business anyway."

Illya, who was in a state of ignoring the matter that did not concern her, directly ignored the cause of the commotion.

And now she doesn't have the energy to investigate the cause of the commotion.

Yesterday, due to the sudden appearance of a special machine, Illya was carefully interrogated.

However, because of her status as the princess of the empire, the teachers did not dare to bother her too much.

After registering and analyzing the information about "Dragon Knight", Ilia was let go.

Of course, they didn't touch the internal information about IS "Dragon Knight", and what they analyzed was only the superficial performance.

The confidentiality of internal information is a consensus in the industry.

However, even if they let go and analyzed the internal data of "Dragon Knight", they still couldn't figure out the reason. The internal data of Illya was completely written in magic language, and the only person with the highest authority in the system was Illya.

However, regarding the issue of "core", Illya spent a lot of effort to explain it.

There are only 467 IS in the world, which means that the number of "cores" that are unique and necessary for IS is only 467.

Moreover, the "core" of these ISs are all clearly registered and strictly managed.

Now that Dr. Zhizhi Shu, the developer of is and the only one who knows the "core" manufacturing technology, has disappeared, the addition of an extra "core" has caused a very big problem.

However, after interpreting the data left in the core by Dr. Illya's forged handwriting, this problem was solved.

"Second generation, experimental core. Number: 00, trial type."

This chapter has been completed!
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