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Chapter 48: Two Minutes of Despair

"Hmm? Rider has started to take action?"

Ilia, who was on her way back, suddenly stopped and looked thoughtfully in a certain direction in the void.

"Oh! The speed is so fast. He must have summoned the chariot. It seems that Rider's strength has been restored!"

In Illya's perception, the King of Conqueror was quickly patrolling Dongmu City, needless to say, he was definitely looking for the new base that Illya told him.

"Hey! I have to speed up a bit too. After all, a battle of this level is only enjoyable if you watch it live!"

Ilia speeded up her pace as she spoke. She was still very much looking forward to the heavyweight showdown between the King of Conquerors and the King of Knights.

――――Plot division――――

"Be careful! There is a servant coming here!"

Saber, who was talking to Irisviel, suddenly became alert. In her perception, the wave of a Servant was rushing towards here.

"...This speed...is a rider, right?"

After being reminded by Saber, Irisviel judged the identity of the visitor based on his speed.

"Yes. Irisviel, do you want to fight?"

Saber asked Irisviel for instructions.

"No, wait a minute. Didn't Little Ilia say she'll be back in the evening? I think she should be back soon. Let's wait until Little Ilia comes back before we take action. This way we will be more confident in dealing with the Rider."


Seeing Saber frowning and not knowing what to say, Irisviel knew that Saber had misunderstood her strategic policy, so she immediately explained the detailed situation to her.

"Of course, I don't mean to let you and little Illya fight Rider two-on-one. It's just that when Rider uses the inherent barrier, let Little Illya restrain the summoned Servants, so you can concentrate on dealing with Rider.

Yes, isn't it?"

"I see."

"So, let's calm down now and wait until little Ilia comes back."

"Okay, I will follow your orders!"

Saber nodded and gave a knightly salute to Irisviel to show her compliance.

――――Scene segmentation――――

"Saber! Come out! I know you are here! Battle with me for your honor as king!"

The Conqueror's declaration of battle echoed over the old house. After spending some time, he finally found it.

"What? You're not coming out? Are you scared? Humph! It's ridiculous. As a king, you don't even dare to see the challenger?! Saber, do you want to be a coward!!!"

After receiving no response, the Conqueror King changed his method and continued to provoke.

――――Scene segmentation――――


Hearing this, Saber clenched her fists tightly to vent her anger.

"...Saber, go!"

At this time, Irisviel broke the strategic policy she had formulated.

"But, didn't you mean..."

"Okay, just now was just now, and now is now. Since Rider said that, you should respond to him! Let him see your strength, and tell Rider that what he just said was wrong!"

It seems that Irisviel was also angered by the words of the conquering king. As Saber's acting master, she would not allow others to insult her servant like this.

"But, Irisviel, your safety..."

Saber is still a little worried.

"Saber, don't worry. Maiya is still here! Besides, if something really happens..."

Saying that, Irisviel showed the back of her left hand to Saber.

"Can't I still directly summon little Illya back through command spells? You know, I haven't used any of my command spells so far! So this level of consumption is still no problem!"

"Thank you so much, Irisviel."

Saber felt relieved, and then thanked Irisviel. She knew that the reason why Irisviel asked her to attack was not only because of the above words, but also because Irisviel took her feelings into consideration. For her sake.

, will make this decision.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, let Rider shut up first!"

"I understand! I'll attack right now!"

Saber came to the courtyard of the old house and looked at the King of Conqueror in the chariot Lingran.

――――Plot division――――

"Oh! We are already facing each other! Huh? Why are you starting to move again? Why don't you just start fighting?"

In Ilia's perception, the Conqueror and Saber began to move after a silent confrontation for a moment.

"...So it turns out that this is because we are afraid that it will affect ordinary citizens, right?"

After observing the direction in which the two were moving, Illya understood their intentions. The two parties were heading towards a relatively remote place in Dongmu City.

"Well, that's fine. Irisviel's place will be much safer. After all, not only can Irisviel no longer be able to use magic, but her mobility is much worse than that of ordinary people. Over there

There is nothing we can do if we are affected during this kind of battle."

Illya then burst out with magic power and moved at high speed on the tops of many buildings. Although the battle area between the two sides was far away from Irisviel's location, there was no movement from other Servants in Illya's perception.

Illya is still a little worried about Irisviel. The magic circle she buried in Irisviel's body is not as powerful as Saber's scabbard.

――――Plot division――――

Illya's current location is about two or three blocks away from the stronghold. Based on Illya's walking distance, it will take about 2 minutes at most to get there.

However, just because of this two-minute distance, Illya once again experienced the feeling of despair.

"berserker...why is it this time..."

Berserker, this servant who had been hiding all this time, suddenly appeared in Illya's perception again, but the location was near Irisviel.

"Irisviel, hurry up and find out! Hurry up and summon me back!"

Illya strongly wanted to convey her thoughts to Irisviel, but that was impossible. Although the Command Seal had the ability to allow the master to convey orders to the servants, it was only a one-sided transmission.

Therefore, Illya could only watch as Berserker approached Irisviel's location bit by bit.

"No! Bastard! I must kill you! berserker!"

The magic power in Illya's body suddenly experienced a strange fluctuation. She knew what it meant. The magic power that she and Irisviel had been connected to through the command spell was cut off. There are only two possibilities for this situation.

Sexuality, firstly, the master is dead. Secondly, the master is unconscious.

However, what makes Illya happy is that although the fluctuation of Irisviel's magic power is weak, it is still active. This proves that what happened to Irisviel is the second situation - unconscious state.

Berserker knocked Irisviel unconscious without giving her any time to summon Illya with the Command Seal.

This chapter has been completed!
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