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Chapter Thirty-One

The corner of Tang Yaotian's mouth twitched, and with a forced smile on his face, he replied: "I've made you two laugh, but I haven't made any progress this year."

Qingfeng looked surprised, looked at it carefully, and then said: "By the way, you don't have spiritual energy in your body, so it's impossible to become a cultivator. How could I forget this?" He said, pretending to be a cultivator.

He looked apologetic and continued: "However, with my junior brother's understanding, there should be a chance to break through, so you must practice more in the remaining time!"

At this time, Qingfeng had formed a sharp contrast with Tang Yaotian, and the former was obviously showing off. Tang Yaotian felt bitter in his heart and could only swallow it in his stomach. However, he did not blame Qingfeng. In his opinion, Qingfeng was just a seventeen-year-old.

It is normal for a child who is eight years old to have a sense of comparison and arrogance. Besides, when he came to this world, he has become accustomed to other people's cynicism.

"Got it!" Tang Yaotian agreed without saying anything more.

Liu Xiaowan on the side saw Tang Yaotian's change, glared at Qingfeng beside him with some dissatisfaction, and then said to Tang Yaotian: "Junior brother, only one year has passed, and we still have seven years to work hard, so you

Don’t be discouraged, besides, there is me, I am just a monk now, I don’t know when I will become a cultivator.”

Liu Xiaowan comforted herself, and Tang Yaotian felt a hint of warmth in his heart. She was just as Liu Yifeng said, simple and kind. Although she spoke directly, she never had any malice. Tang Yaotian nodded and replied: "I hope it can succeed, but my physique is different from yours.

Maybe I’m really not suitable for cultivation!”

Liu Xiaowan curled her lips: "Don't say such depressing words. Master accepting you as a disciple shows that you are capable. Not everyone can enter this Lingyun Sect!"

"Xiao Wan is right!" You Lingzi's voice suddenly came from the room, and then she said: "In the past year, although you have not absorbed the spiritual energy of cultivation, your physical condition has become better than before.

A lot, that’s the harvest.”

Tang Yaotian nodded in agreement. Indeed, during this year, although he had not strengthened his body, as he practiced, the body and aura of the frail scholar had long since disappeared.

"Do you know why this is?" You Lingzi couldn't help but ask.

Tang Yaotian thought for a moment and said, "Could it be that he was nourished by those spiritual energies?"

"Yeah!" You Lingzi said, "You're right. In this place filled with spiritual energy, your physique is naturally changing. Maybe in a few years, your body will be able to slowly integrate with the spiritual energy.

By then, cultivation will naturally not be a problem."

Hearing what You Lingzi said, Tang Yaotian couldn't help but feel surprised. If it was true as You Lingzi said, then it would only be a matter of time before he became a cultivator. He hurriedly said, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

Young Lingzi in the room closed her eyes slightly and had a dull expression. In fact, her words had no basis. She just wanted to motivate the other person and didn't want him to give up. Ban Fanzi had repeatedly told himself that he must strictly discipline Tang Yaotian and strive to achieve success.

A breakthrough in the world of cultivation. At this time, she could only place her hope in God.

"Qingfeng!" You Lingzi called out.

"The disciple is here!"

You Lingzi said: "You have become a cultivator in just one year, and you are one of the few in this sect. In the next few years, you must persist in practicing the techniques and strive to reach another level."

Qingfeng nodded hurriedly and said: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will not let down the great hope of master."

"And Xiao Wan, you must remember that you must not have distracting thoughts when cultivating, and must not be playful! There are still seven years to go, and my master does not want you to be a handyman." You Lingzi said more seriously.


Liu Xiaowan stuck out her tongue: "Disciple knows!"

"Okay, you go back to practice!" You Lingzi said, and there was no sound again.

Years passed by, and Tang Yaotian spent a year. Although he was unsuccessful, he would not give up, especially after You Lingzi gave him support, which strengthened his belief in cultivation.

In this way, Tang Yaotian tried and failed again and again. He forgot about time, the sun and the moon, and worked hard for the aimless and vague goal.

Perhaps every cultivator has to go through countless experiences, countless failures, and countless days and months. But after all, they have an achievable goal. But Tang Yaotian is working hard for an unattainable goal. Maybe,

There will not be another person like him in this world.

In the past few years, You Lingzi would often walk to Tang Yaotian's door. Every time, she would stand there for a long time, then helplessly shake her head and walk back to her room. Several times, she wanted to tell Tang Yaotian to give up.

Right, but seeing the other party's serious look, she couldn't bear to interrupt him.

Seeing that the eight-year deadline is approaching, You Lingzi has no choice but to resign himself to fate. I hope Tang Yaotian can seek happiness for himself.

God will not give you success just because you work hard, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely fail. Tang Yaotian knows this truth very well, and he also works hard at the same time, but things are often unsatisfactory. When he fails again

, the expression on his face has already become numb.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Tang Yaotian woke up from his numbness and hurriedly asked: "Who is it?"

"Junior brother, it's me. Master asked you to come over and let me inform you to get ready. The food is left at the door. You haven't eaten for a long time!" Quan Sheng's voice rang.

Tang Yaotian said: "I understand."

After Quan Sheng left, Tang Yaotian stood up from the bed, washed himself briefly, and left his room. At this time, it was just dawn and the fragrance of flowers was in the air. The door of You Lingzi was open, and Tang Yaotian was confused.

At this time, the master asked him what happened.

After arriving in the room, Tang Yaotian found that Qingfeng and Liu Xiaowan were both inside. They were sitting next to You Lingzi with smiles on their faces.

Qingfeng looks much tougher. Although her skin is still fair, her facial contours are clearer. When she raises her hands and feet, she looks like a master of cultivation. Liu Xiaowan is now wearing a lady's Taoist robe.

She has long hair hanging behind her back, with a silver pendant on her hairpin. She has a delicate face, not stunning in appearance, but very pure. She can be regarded as a beauty. Especially at this time, she has lost her original beauty.

Manly scent.

The two of them looked happy, which made Tang Yaotian, who had been reincarnated in the cycle of failure, feel a little sad.

Seeing Tang Yaotian arriving, You Lingzi nodded to him, and then said: "Sit down!" Her voice was very calm.

Tang Yaotian said 'hmm', walked to Liu Xiaowan's side and sat in the second seat.

At this time, I heard You Lingzi say: "Now Qingfeng's strength has taken a step further and has successfully broken through to the middle stage of spiritual intelligence. In our Lingyun Sect, this is extremely rare. However, the apprentices of other senior brothers are also very good, so you must not


Qingfeng nodded: "Master, don't worry, I will remember your teachings."

Tang Yaotian was a little surprised that this seemingly inconspicuous Qingfeng had reached the middle stage of spiritual intelligence in such a short period of time, which showed his strong aptitude.

You Lingzi looked at Liu Xiaowan and said with a smile: "Xiaowan has lived up to his expectations and has successfully broken through to the early stage of spiritual intelligence and become a member of the cultivators. As a female disciple, this is something worthy of the teacher's joy!"

Liu Xiaowan smiled, with a hint of rosy red on her face, and said, "It's all the master's teachings."

You Lingzi shook her head: "Cultivation is personal, I'm just showing you how to get started." After she finished speaking, she looked at Tang Yaotian. The smiling expression disappeared, replaced by a hint of helplessness. She wanted to speak several times.

, but they all stopped.

After a while, she said: "You three, get ready. Tomorrow is the eight-year deadline. I will take you to Lingyun Peak to meet the others. At that time, you will practice more powerful cultivation techniques.

And it is a true retreat practice.”

You Lingzi didn't comment on Tang Yaotian because she didn't know what to say. Time and time again she hoped for a miracle and hoped that God would see Tang Yaotian's efforts. But the facts were always hard to accept.

It was said that Tang Yaotian felt sad at this time, and she, as a master, felt even more sad.

There is a saying that silence is better than sound at this time, but is You Lingzi's silence really the best evaluation of Tang Yaotian? No one would have thought of Tang Yaotian's mood at this time. He can accept the reality, but this kind of being

The feeling of abandonment is not pleasant.

Tang Yaotian didn't say a word. Sometimes, his lips would tremble, and he would nod his head no matter what You Lingzi said.

At this time, Qingfeng asked: "Master, how long will it take to practice in seclusion?"

You Lingzi smiled softly and said: "The longer the better, you will naturally know when the time comes. Okay, let's all go down!"

This time, Tang Yaotian left a step too late, but when he was about to leave, he was stopped by You Lingzi again: "Tang Yaotian, stay!"

A few words penetrated Tang Yaotian's ears clearly, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. He still remembered the first time he came here, when You Lingzi stopped him like this. At that time, You Lingzi still wanted to

She tried her best to help Tang Yaotian cultivate, but what will she do today?

"Sit down!" After Tang Yaotian turned around, You Lingzi said.

Tang Yaotian responded, sat down where he was before, and asked, "Master, what did you ask the disciple to do?"

You Lingzi took a deep breath and said after a long time: "Eight years go by in a blink of an eye, and time leaves no one behind!"

Tang Yaotian didn't understand what the other party meant, but he still said: "Yes, I didn't expect that eight years have passed. If Master hadn't reminded me, maybe I would still be intoxicated in my own world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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