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Chapter 411 Qingcheng

"Weidong, don't worry about this. I'm very familiar with their Mayor Zhao. I'm going to call him right now. Damn it, these township cadres don't have much ability. They just know how to bully the people."

Shi Yiqun said

Zhang Weidong heard that Shi Yiqun was very familiar with the mayor of Zhou Hao's hometown city, and he couldn't help but smile with joy and said: "I'll be relieved then, otherwise I'd be ready to go to Jiangsu with my students."

"I welcome you to Jiangsu very much, but if you come to Jiangsu in person for this matter, then I, Shi Yiqun, will not be able to see my fellow martial arts fellows in the future. Okay, I'll call Mayor Zhao first and wait for the matter to be settled.

That’s it, I’ll get back to you.” After speaking, Shi Yiqun hung up on Zhang Weidong.

Zhang Weidong put away his mobile phone and returned to the dormitory. When Zhou Hao and others saw a smile on the head teacher's face, they couldn't help but have a doubt in their hearts. Did Teacher Zhang really find someone? Is this impossible?

"My friend happens to know one of your leaders there. I have already mentioned your family's matter to him. He is calling to resolve it now. There should be a reply later, so Zhou Hao, don't worry, your dad

It will be fine." Zhang Weidong said to Zhou Hao.

"Really?" Zhou Hao and the people in the dormitory couldn't believe it. They really didn't expect that the young class teacher had such a wide network of contacts. He could even find people in Jiangsu who could handle things.


"Of course it's true. Well, the final exam is approaching. You all should take the time to review. I will call Zhou Hao as soon as there is news in the evening." Zhang Weidong nodded.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang. Don't worry, as long as my dad is fine, I will definitely study hard and never let you down." Zhou Hao looked at Zhang Weidong and said seriously.

Zhang Weidong patted Zhou Hao on the shoulder happily, turned around and left without saying anything more.

"Do you think Teacher Zhang's friends really know the leaders of Zhou Hao's hometown? Are you bragging and trying to fool Teacher Zhang?" After Zhang Weidong left, a student questioned.

"I also feel a bit confused. I heard that Teacher Zhang is only twenty-three years old this year. The friends he knows should be about the same age. What kind of leaders can he know?" another student agreed.

"Whether Teacher Zhang's friends have this ability or not, I am very grateful to Teacher Zhang." Zhou Hao sighed after finishing speaking. He was also very doubtful.

Mayor Zhao’s full name is Zhao Yongde. He is the mayor of the city where Zhou Hao’s hometown is. His ancestors were from the Salt Gang. Mayor Zhao’s position today can be attributed to a large part of his own efforts.

This must be attributed to the support and promotion of the Salt Gang behind the scenes. But because the identity of government officials is relatively sensitive, except for a few core members of the Salt Gang, no one else knew that Zhao Yongde was actually half of the Salt Gang.

Of course, Zhang Weidong didn't even know the inside story. Shi Yiqun wouldn't explain it to him so clearly.

After hanging up the phone on Zhang Weidong, Shi Yiqun personally called Mayor Zhao.

Just because of Shi Yiqun's status as the CEO of Yuantong Group, Mayor Zhao did not dare to look down on such an important entrepreneur in the province, not to mention that Shi Yiqun was secretly the leader of the Salt Gang. So when Zhao Yongde saw Shi Yiqun, he called him in the middle of the night to explain.

How dare you neglect Zhou Hao's father's arrest. After hanging up the phone with Shi Yiqun, he immediately called County Magistrate Zhang in Zhou Hao's hometown.

County Magistrate Zhang was promoted by Zhao Yongde. Moreover, Zhao Yongde, the mayor of the city, was not just someone he called casually. He was the second in command in the city, a big shot with real power. So Zhao Yongde got through the phone call of County Magistrate Zhang.

Not bothering to beat around the bush with him, he just approved him first and asked him how he became the county magistrate? Why did the township cadres break the contract so arrogantly and even arrest the contractor? Isn't this lawless? Such cadres are still

Keep it for what?

County Magistrate Zhang was originally blowing on the warm heater at home, but when Zhao Yongde scolded him, he was frightened and broke out in cold sweat. Officials at their level can be regarded as princes in the city. If the leader hadn't really

If you are very angry, you will not scold you like this. Of course, if the leader scolds you like this, unless there is a real conflict between the two and he deliberately punishes you, it often means that the leader regards you as one of his own.

But no matter whether the leader regards you as one of his own, it is never a good thing if the leader is angry and scolds you. If you don't know how to pay attention to it at this time, I am afraid that even if you are one of your own, the leader will cut you off without any politeness.

Take off your official hat.

How did County Magistrate Zhang know that the reason why Zhao Yongde was so angry was that, on the one hand, the nature of the matter was so bad that he, as the head of a city, could not help but be angry about it, but there was also another very important reason. That was this

This incident alarmed the leader of the Salt Gang, Shi Yiqun, and called him personally. To put it nicely, it was because the gang leader asked him, Mayor Zhao, to handle something. To put it poorly, it was because the gang leader doubted his ability to lead the political party, Zhao Yongde.

How can Zhao Yongde, who is half a disciple of the Salt Gang, not be anxious? Can he not get angry?

Now that the mayor was angry, of course County Magistrate Zhang couldn't sit still. He called the village that night and asked them to release him immediately. After thinking about it, he felt uneasy and asked his secretary to arrange a car. He was sitting in the car at night in the winter.

Go to the countryside.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Zhou Hao and his family. First, the township party committee secretary, the township head, and two giants in the township went to the police station in person to represent the township party committee. The township government apologized for the unfair treatment suffered by Zhou Hao's father, Zhou Jianting, and promised at the same time.

Their orchard will never be taken back before the contract expires. There is no way, this matter has already alerted County Magistrate Zhang, how can they dare to do this? Fortunately, the two of them did not know about this matter and alerted Mayor Zhao, otherwise they would probably both

It was too late for anyone to cry.

Later, when Zhou Jianting returned home in a daze, and his butt was still hot from sitting, County Magistrate Zhang took his office director and secretary to his home to visit him in person. Of course, since the County Magistrate had arrived, the two giants in the township would definitely accompany him in person.


When County Magistrate Zhang visited Zhou Jianting, he not only held his hand and said affectionately: "Brother Zhou, you are suffering!" He even spoke righteously in front of the two giants in the township and the villagers who came to watch the excitement.

He said that the county will definitely deal with the officials involved in this matter seriously.

What County Magistrate Zhang said made the township party committee secretary and the township mayor have cold sweats running down their backs. It seems that Magistrate Zhang is serious about it, but no one has ever heard of someone talking about Zhou Jianting? If they really want someone, how can they let the people below him do it?

Are people acting recklessly?

The two giants in the village never dreamed that this matter would involve a university teacher from a second-rate school in another province. Because of this university teacher, things suddenly turned upside down.

Big change.

In fact, Zhang Weidong did not expect that his phone call would cause such a big stir in the next province, and Zhou Hao even less expected it. He thought that if his head teacher's friend could get his father out of the police station, it would be great.

Unexpectedly, not long after the head teacher left, he first received a call from the head teacher saying that the matter was being resolved and asked him not to worry. After answering the phone, Zhou Hao was a little surprised and wondered how things could have happened so quickly, when he received a call from home to report that he was safe.

He called and said that his father had returned home, and that the township party committee secretary and mayor personally apologized to his father and said that Huangshan’s contract would continue to be valid. At that time, Zhou Hao was stunned. This was incredible. The friend of the head teacher

He was so awesome that not only did he get his father out of the police station, but he even alerted two big men in the township to apologize in person!

But the matter was far more than that. When Zhou Haowan returned to the dormitory after finishing his self-study, he once again received a call from home, saying that the county magistrate Zhang and his people came to visit his father in person, and said on the spot that he would definitely pursue the case.

Responsibilities of relevant responsible persons.

There is an old saying that the seventh-grade county magistrate is a sesame official, but in fact, especially in today's China, the head of a county is definitely a very important official in the eyes of ordinary people. It is not something ordinary people can see if they want to see it, let alone in the middle of winter.

I personally came to apologize at night.

After the shock, Zhou Hao couldn't help but think of the friend the class teacher mentioned. He really couldn't imagine who the class teacher's friend was. He was so proud that even the county magistrate had to come to apologize in person?

Qingcheng Mountain is one of the birthplaces of Taoism in China and is a famous Taoist mountain. It is located in the southwest of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. It was named "Tiancang Mountain" in ancient times, also known as "Zhangren Mountain". Because the whole mountain has 36 peaks, the peaks surround it like a city outline.

, there are lush trees on the mountain and it is green all year round, hence the name Qingcheng.

A winding path leads to a secluded place in the back mountain of Qingcheng. A dilapidated Taoist temple is located in a remote forest halfway up the mountain.

Entering the entrance of the Taoist temple, there is a courtyard. In the courtyard are towering ancient pines. Under the ancient pines, an old Taoist with white hair and beard is lying on a wicker chair, swaying gently, with his eyes half closed, as if he is half asleep and half awake.

But if someone looks carefully, they may find that there are occasional flashes of sharp light in the half-squinted eyes that should be cloudy, but they are as sharp as swords. Occasionally, a squirrel in the mountain crawls by, and is swept away by the sharp light like a sword.

The pine hairs stood up on end, and then quickly ran away without a trace.

The Taoist temple looks dilapidated from the outside, but behind the courtyard there is a winding cobblestone path with green bamboo groves on both sides. It is actually a cave of its own. The winding path of the bamboo forest leads to a simple wooden house, with the faint fragrance of medicinal herbs and the vicissitudes of time.

A sigh floated out from inside.

In the wooden house, Taoist Master Chenxu sat respectfully behind an experienced Taoist.

The old Taoist's face was thin, the wrinkles on his face were like the cracked bark of ancient pine trees, and the hands exposed outside his sleeves and robes were like dry branches. The old Taoist was sitting in front of an alchemy furnace, holding a handful made of jade in one hand.

She had a completed fan, holding some unknown medicinal materials in one hand, with an expression of undecidability on her face.

There was firewood burning under the alchemy furnace, burning most of the alchemy furnace as red as fire.

"Alas!" After a long time, the old Taoist let out a long sigh, gently put the fan and medicinal materials on the ground, and then stood up.

"Master." Seeing the old Taoist stand up, Taoist Master Chenxu also hurriedly stood up, and then called out cautiously.

"Since ancient times, seventy years have passed since ancient times. I have lived as a teacher for one hundred and eighteen years. Logically speaking, I should be content. It's just a pity that I can't enter when I get to the foundation gate." The old Taoist strolled to the door and looked up to the sky with a sigh.


"Master, don't you still have medicinal materials? Why don't you practice again?" Chenxu whispered.

"So what if you refine it? But it's a waste of precious medicinal materials. It's better to give up as soon as possible and leave some for you. Maybe as time goes by, you will have the opportunity to find the complete elixir recipe or meet an expert and refine this foundation-building elixir.

Not necessarily." The old Taoist said. (To be continued)

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