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Chapter 445: Faithful Servant 【Pleading Monthly Pass】

He watched Boyach rolling on the ground with cold eyes for five minutes before Zhang Weidong took action to temporarily release his restraint.

As soon as Zhang Weidong lifted the restriction, Boyah, who was also a powerful figure in the dangerous waters of Somalia, was breathing heavily at this time, his eyes dull with endless fear, like a sick man who was dying.

Old man, but he still has the all-powerful majesty of the Pirate King in the past.

"Mr. Boyach, I wonder if you are still interested in trying the wonderful taste of another spell?" Zhang Weidong couldn't help but smile when he saw that Boyach was still breathing heavily, as if he had lost his soul.

He let out a sneer and said lightly.

Zhang Weidong's gentle voice fell in Boyah's ears like the terrifying voice of a demon coming from the abyss of hell. Boyah suddenly jumped up from the ground, looking at Zhang Weidong with horrified eyes and waving his hands repeatedly.

Said: "Honored Eastern Wizard, I swear on the name of my grandmother that Boyah will be your loyal servant from today on. I just ask you not to let me try another spell."

Zhang Weidong did not expect that the famous Pirate King could not withstand the torture, so he surrendered so completely, and he surrendered so completely that he suddenly lost interest in torturing him.

Zhang Weidong did not want to think about it. In Boyach's eyes, wizards are not much different from the gods in the eyes of Chinese people. No matter how powerful mortals are, they have an innate fear of unknown and mysterious existences. Moreover,

Zhang Weidong had just given Boyach a taste of the "wonderful taste of ecstasy." How could Boyach, who had long been accustomed to living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, have worn away his former iron-blooded vigor, be able to "stay strong"?

"Since you don't accept my good intentions, let's wait until later. By the way, the spell just now will occur every two years. Of course, if Mr. Boyach behaves to my satisfaction, I think I will do it every two years."

I will help you relieve this spell before the deadline. Of course, if Mr. Boyach's performance cannot satisfy me, it will be a pity that you will roll on the ground until you take your last breath like today." Zhang Weidong strolled to the villa.

On the super large terrace, looking at the beautiful harbor dozens of meters away, he said lightly.

Zhang Weidong's words made Boyach's hair stand on end, and he hurriedly followed him out, his attitude extremely humble and authentic: "Dear master, please rest assured, the loyal Boyach will do his best to serve you."

"Really? Then why are you still standing here? Why don't you send someone to pick up my Chinese friends and send them away from here!" Zhang Weidong's voice suddenly turned cold.

When Boyah heard this, he remembered that there were still a group of Chinese people imprisoned in the west cell, and he felt so regretful! He thought he had made another big deal, thought he had made millions more dollars, but he didn't expect that it attracted...

This Eastern wizard is more terrifying than the demons released from hell.

However, this was obviously not the time to feel regretful. Boyach hurriedly said: "Yes. Distinguished master. I will ask them to come out now. I wonder if I need to invite them here to meet with you?"

"No need, my student is already there in the cell, he knows what to do." Zhang Weidong waved his hand.

Boyach heard that there was already a student of the Oriental Wizard guarding the cell. He was so frightened that his face turned "pale", and he hurriedly responded respectfully, then turned and left in a hurry.

When leaving, Boyach specially gave a few words to the two big-assed black girls, asking them to serve the oriental wizard on the super large balcony, his new master.

Over there in the cell, Dongming stood at the door with a calm expression, while Tang Guohe was still standing in the cell with the hostages.

As time passed, the hostages' initial surprise when they saw the ancestors gradually turned to fear and uneasiness.

They know the ferocity of pirates better than anyone else, and they also know that there are a large number of armed pirates inside and outside the courtyard. There are also many pirate speedboats parked at the harbor, and there are also many pirates on board.

There were twenty-five of them. How could such a large group of people rush out of this courtyard? How could they leave the town of El after rushing out? This is the "Hometown of Pirates"!

Not to mention them, not even the Somali government forces dare to break into this area easily.

And until now, except for Tang Guohe who was with them, who looked like a powerful special forces soldier, and the other two, one was a pretty boy and the other was an old man with a white beard, they had never seen anyone else.

Could this be China's special forces? Could this trio of people be able to rescue these twenty-five people?

The more they thought about it, the more the hostages in the cell felt that this thing was as unreliable as a fantasy. Of course, the more they thought about it, the more panicked and uneasy they became.

As the hostages became more and more panicked, there were suddenly the sounds of chaotic footsteps and jabbering in a language that no one could understand in the corridor, and the hostages became completely panicked.

Such footsteps and such strange language are all too familiar to them.

Only Tang Guohe, although curious, still stood in the cell with a calm face. He had seen Zhang Weidong's magic. Now even if the hostages are imprisoned in the Pentagon in the United States, he has no doubt that Zhang Weidong has the ability to rescue them.

Tang Guohe could be so calm, let alone Dongming. He looked at a group of black people outside the door, led by a tall black man with a scar on his forehead, and squinted his eyes.

The leading black man was, of course, Boyach. He saw an old man with a white beard standing at the door of the cell from a distance. Although he was wondering why this old man with a white beard, who looked more like an Eastern wizard and seemed much older, was...

He was a student of his new master, but he still stood at a distance and gestured to Dongming, mumbling in broken English, indicating that he was here to let him go.

There was no way, Boyach had just suffered from the Eastern wizard, and he didn't want to suffer again.

Although Dongming couldn't understand Boyach's bird song, he already knew that since the teacher had taken action, how could these niggas still have the opportunity to come here to cause trouble? So when he saw this, he waved to Boyach politely.

When Boyah saw this, he dared to step forward.

When Boyah came forward, Tang Guohe had also walked out of the cell. When Boyah saw Tang Guohe, he noticed the fierce and iron-blooded aura of a soldier emanating from his body.

If it were in the past, Boyach would definitely be on high alert when encountering such a person, but today he is more afraid of understanding this old man with a white beard. As for Tang Guohe, the lieutenant colonel of the Republic's Huya Special Forces, he has become insignificant.


"I don't understand what this nigger is saying, so you should tell him." Dongming saw Tang Guohe coming out and said with a relaxed smile.

"Yes, senior." Tang Guohe nodded, then walked up to Boyach and started a formal exchange.

In just a few words, Tang Guohe figured out Boyah's identity and the purpose of his visit. Although he was already prepared, the leader of the "Puntland Guard" rushed over eagerly in just a few minutes.

Even though he was released, Tang Guohe was still secretly shocked. Of course, he also worshiped and awed Zhang Weidong more and more.

Tang Guohe was secretly frightened. When the hostages saw the notorious leader Boyach personally escorting them with a smile and asking them to leave this damn cell, all the hostages almost thought they were daydreaming.

Could it be that the boss paid the ransom? No, Officer Tang made it clear that they were here to rescue them. Besides, even if the boss paid the ransom, as Boyah, there was no need to accompany Smiley to invite them out in person.

Ah, thank God I didn't ask a few people to kick them out with guns.

But soon, the hostages discovered that Boyach's cheeks and corners of his mouth were swollen, and there were obvious marks from being stepped on by his shoes. After the hostages discovered this, it was even more difficult to find that Boyach had come to invite him in person.

They will be surprised when they go out.

God, there is someone in Somalia who can step on Boyach's head with his foot. Who is that person? Could it be that fair and tender young man? No, this is absolutely impossible!

"Officer Tang, where is that comrade just now? Isn't he going with us?" He stood on the familiar deck again, looking at the pirates on the coast who kept waving goodbye to them, as if they were very reluctant to leave, Lu

Yafen's father, Lu Changjun, finally couldn't hold back his inner curiosity and asked cautiously.

Hearing this, the rest of the people on the deck looked at Tang Guohe with curiosity.

"From today on, you must forget that person and cannot mention him to anyone. You must remember that no matter who asks, you must say that you were the officers and soldiers of the Republic's special forces who rescued them from the pirate den." Tang Guo

He looked at the gradually disappearing town of El and replied with a stern expression.

"And me, forget about me too!" An old but arrogant voice sounded behind them. It was the man they had always considered to be the oldest "special soldier" in the history of the Republic.

Old man with white beard.

Looking at Tang Guohe's stern expression and his old face that had long since passed the age of special forces, everyone seemed to suddenly think of something, and an inexplicable chill arose in their hearts.

It suddenly became quiet on the deck, with only the sound of the sea breeze blowing and the waves lapping against the hull.

After a long time, someone whispered: "Is it because the pirates let us go so politely because..."

"Just keep these words in your mind." Tang Guohe coldly interrupted the sailor who spoke out.

It was quiet again on the deck, but this time in addition to the sound of the sea breeze and the sound of waves lapping against the hull, there was also the sound of heavy breathing.

They finally understood why Boyach, the leader of the famous "Puntland Guard", personally sent them to the ship and reluctantly waved goodbye to them. They also finally knew who made the shoe prints on Boyach's face.


The cargo ship sailed towards the blue sea. Along the way, all the joy of surviving the disaster seemed to be washed away by that little white face. When they even saw the mighty warship of the motherland navy appearing on the distant sea, what they immediately thought of was

But he looked back at the small town of El, whose shadow had long since disappeared.

Then everyone unanimously bowed deeply in that direction!

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