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Chapter 535: Glorious Image

Liu Guangpeng also didn't expect Zhang Weidong to leave in such a hurry, so he didn't have time to mention it. Now seeing that Zhang Weidong was really leaving, and his son and daughter-in-law winked at him from time to time, he had no choice but to test out with a thick face: "Weidong, that jade girl

The talisman is now broken, do you think you can help me refine another one?"

Zhang Weidong couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard this. It's not that he was stingy and refused to help Liu Guangpeng refine it. It's really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. The money he has now is not enough to buy a good piece of jade. Of course, he can also ask Liu Guangpeng

I want jade, but I have been accustomed to the life of a rich man some time ago. The bidding price at the auction was millions and millions, and I spent money lavishly when buying jade. But now I am still arguing with Liu Guangpeng over a piece of jade. People who don’t know his background.

, I thought he was very stingy, so Zhang Weidong was really a little bit embarrassed to talk about it.

However, when Liu Guangpeng saw Zhang Weidong's expression of embarrassment, he misunderstood. In Liu Guangpeng's opinion, the protective jade amulet was a rare treasure that could not be bought with a lot of money. Naturally, he thought that it was very difficult to refine and it was not something you could get if you wanted it. The truth is

Liu Guangpeng's guess is not wrong. If Dong Yun and others were to refine this protective jade talisman, it would take a lot of energy. If you are not a particularly close person, you will never be willing to spend this energy to help.

It was made by someone else. So when Liu Guangpeng saw Zhang Weidong's expression of discomfort, he thought that he was very lucky to have obtained a jade amulet by chance. It would be a bit greedy to want another one now, and besides, a master must act like a master.

Criteria, if he wants to give it, he will give it to you naturally, but you cannot force it.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Guangpeng is also a big shot. He can't help but feel a little guilty. At the same time, he secretly blames himself for being too impatient. After all, his relationship with Zhang Weidong is not very deep. He used to think that his status was high and he took the initiative to date Zhang Weidong.

It was he who lowered his stature and condescended to befriend him, but now it seems that he was the one who condescended to befriend him. Now Zhang Weidong specially came to Nanzhou City to help him treat his son, daughter-in-law and driver. With his secret status as a living god, he can do this

For this reason, it is already very rare and precious. But I still have the audacity to ask for a jade talisman. Isn't this trying to push the envelope?

"Weidong, it's because I care about my grandson that I made this excessive request in a hurry. Don't be offended." Liu Guangpeng is also a person who can afford to give up, since this matter cannot be forced.

Of course, that had to be put aside first, so Liu Guangpeng said hurriedly when he saw Zhang Weidong looking uncomfortable.

When Liu Zhihong and his wife saw what Liu Guangpeng said, they were inevitably a little disappointed. However, they also knew that Uncle Zhang in front of them was a strange man, but there were some things they couldn't force. If they really wanted to force him, if they offended his "old man", then the Liu family would be in trouble.

Because a small loss was a big loss, when the two heard this, they were disappointed but did not dare to say anything.

But when Zhang Weidong saw Liu Guangpeng say this, he suddenly realized that he was being too preoccupied. For people at the level of him and Liu Guangpeng, what does it matter if they are not jade? On the contrary, when refining jade talismans, you need to be more cautious and not too much.

Because, after all, in this world, birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws. Occasionally making a jade amulet for protection is a good thing, but doing it regularly may not be good.

However, although Zhang Weidong realized that it was necessary to exercise some restraint on the jade talisman and not be too casual, Liu Guangpeng's grandson was chubby and hugged his neck affectionately just now, which really made him like it. So smelling

Yan thought for a while and then said: "Okay, Brother Liu, do you have any good Hetian jade on hand now? If so, you can bring me a piece now and take it back. I will make another piece for the baby when I have time."

Liu Guangpeng and his family thought that the jade amulet issue was over, but unexpectedly it suddenly took a turn. They were all overjoyed. Zhou Lixia was even more afraid that Zhang Weidong would change his mind, so she hurriedly said: "Hetian jade, yes, yes, I'll go get it right now.

"After saying that, he turned around and ran upstairs.

Seeing that his always virtuous and generous daughter-in-law suddenly became violent, Liu Guangpeng couldn't help shaking his head secretly, and then said to Zhang Weidong: "Weidong, thank you so much!"

Zhou Lixia quickly bought five or six pieces of high-quality Hetian jade. Zhang Weidong saw that the quality of these pieces of Hetian jade were better than those he had bought several times before. He couldn't help but secretly sigh, this rich man is different.

Just turn around and you can take out a handful of fine Hetian jade.

With emotion in his heart, Zhang Weidong picked a piece and said with a smile, "Just this one." After saying that, he put it away.

When Liu Guangpeng and his family saw Zhang Weidong putting away the Hetian jade, they were completely relieved.

When Liu Zhihong drove Zhang Weidong to Wuzhou, it was already the beginning of the lights. Seeing that it was already dinner time, Zhang Weidong invited Liu Zhihong to have a meal at Mingzhuxuan near the school.

Although Mingzhuxuan is far inferior to top-notch places like Nanjiang Club, Zhang Weidong took the initiative to invite Liu Zhihong to dinner, which still made Liu Zhihong, a second-generation super rich man, very flattered.

After a light meal, Liu Zhihong drove back to Nanzhou City, while Zhang Weidong walked leisurely along the street to school.

Before he even reached the school, Zhang Weidong received two calls one after another.

One call was from Bai Jie. He said that Hong Yong and others who had gone to experience life in impoverished mountainous areas were back. They wanted to hold a party next Saturday and asked Bai Jie to come forward and invite Zhang Weidong to attend. This kind of second-generation official and second-generation rich people called.

Speaking of the party, Zhang Weidong actually had a cold, but firstly, Zhang Weidong wanted to see the changes in Hong Yong and others through this life experience in the impoverished mountainous area. Secondly, after all, Hong Yong and others decided to make the decision because of their admiration for him.

The power of idols is endless when they devote themselves to charity. Zhang Weidong does not want to dampen their enthusiasm. He feels that he should participate when appropriate and give them some encouragement. This can be regarded as making some contributions to charity, although he does not hold any title.

So Zhang Weidong just hesitated for a moment and agreed. When he agreed, Zhang Weidong clearly heard familiar cheers coming from the other end of the phone. There were men and women, but Hong Yong and others were waiting for good news.

Zhang Weidong couldn't help but secretly said that he was lucky that he agreed, otherwise the morale of these guys to devote themselves to charity would have been greatly damaged.

The second call was from Su Lingfei. Her tone was full of resentment, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Hey, Zhang Weidong, where did you go? Get back to school right now!"

The relationship between Zhang Weidong and Su Lingfei has been very harmonious recently, especially after their birthday that night, the relationship between the two became even closer. A few days ago, it suddenly rained after work. Su Lingfei did not bring an umbrella, and Zhang Weidong had a "foreseeing" problem.

With the ability to bring an umbrella, the two held an umbrella together again. In order to prevent the rain from catching the two of them, Su Lingfei even held Zhang Weidong's arm for the first time, which surprised many teachers and students passing by. Zhang Weidong was also quite surprised.

He was a little ready to move, because the rubbing and oppression of the plump breasts reminded him of the pair of trembling little white rabbits he saw when he came to school on the first day. So seeing that Su Lingfei had returned to "before liberation",

Zhang Weidong was really not used to it, so he blurted out: "My aunt, how have I offended you?"

"You know what you did yourself. Come back right away, otherwise, otherwise..." Su Lingfei's almost furious threatening voice came from the phone, but she couldn't say the content of the threat for a long time. Obviously,

I just couldn't figure out what to do with this hateful guy.

Yes, it's not like this guy has never made her angry before, but now it's not her nephew who lights up the lantern - it's still the same as before (Uncle Zhao), and she still can't do anything with him!

Zhang Weidong heard that Su Lingfei was really angry this time. Now that the two of them had a deep relationship, he didn't want to make her angry again, so he didn't provoke her after hearing this, but hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll go back right away!"

After saying that, Zhang Weidong hung up the phone and walked quickly to Wuzhou University.

When he arrived at the single dormitory, Zhang Weidong finally knew why Su Lingfei was so angry. Because there were two beauties standing at the door of his room. One of them was the one who went to Wang Libin's Yongsheng Martial Arts Gym to compete in the Yandang Mountain Martial Arts Conference last time.

The Japanese girl Yumei Ito, the other one is a young woman who looks to be in her early thirties, with plump figure, bulging front and back, very fair skin, wearing simple clothes but exuding a sense of grace and luxury. Zhang Weidong judged that she must be a Japanese woman.

"They said they were looking for you!" Su Lingfei's door was ajar, and she had obviously been paying attention to the outside. When she saw Zhang Weidong coming back, she opened the door and glared at him.

Su Lingfei was really angry today. You said this guy was just playing outside, and he even provoked a woman to come to school, one move or two, to play a double game? Of course, what made Su Lingfei the most angry was that these two women actually

She is so beautiful! But she didn’t realize this latter point herself.

"You may have misunderstood. In fact, they and I..." Although this is not the first time Su Lingfei has misunderstood her, and she also knows that her glorious image of a pervert has been firmly established in Su Lingfei's heart, but these two Japanese girls, one can be said to be an enemy.

, but he didn’t know the other one at all. Being misunderstood like this, Zhang Weidong felt really wronged in his heart, so he had to save his increasingly "glorious" great image.

"Weidong, why didn't you come back until now? Last time you caused me so much pain and you just left and didn't even return my calls..." Zhang Weidong had just finished speaking when a delicate and resentful voice sounded behind him.


Yumi Ito's Chinese pronunciation is as standard as ever. People who don't know her must think she is an authentic Chinese.

Su Lingfei glanced at Zhang Weidong with a sharp look, and then slammed the door. Seeing Su Lingfei closing the door angrily, Ito Yumi showed a pleasant sneer on her beautiful face.

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