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Chapter 486 All calamities have come to nothing, life and death are still easy!

 Seeing this, Su Changge was not pretentious.

He cupped his fists towards Emperor Zhan and said, "Thank you, senior brother!"

"The long song will definitely fulfill the mission!"

"Okay, senior brother, I believe you." Emperor Zhan nodded slightly and smiled lightly.

Then, his smile faded.

He turned around and shouted loudly: "Everyone, open the way for blood!"

As these words fell.

The sound is loud and vibrates in all directions

The army and many strong men who were fighting outside the territory were beaten.

Then they all burst out with all their strength!

"Stop that brat!"

"Kill him at all costs!"

"Our clan's plan cannot fail, kill that human boy!"

The foreign troops counterattacked crazily!

They knew very well what Su Changge was going to do.

Although they don’t know whether the other party will succeed, they must nip this possibility in the cradle in advance!

Countless outsiders' eyes were red, their auras were violent, and they were waving all kinds of strange weapons and charging towards Su Changge!


Before they could get close, they were directly blocked by many powerful men from the Three Thousand Dao Realm!

"Emperor Changge has such courage at such a young age. As seniors, what should we fear?"

"Although I am old, I still have life left to fight!"

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that I could pave the way for a generation of legends, but it's not in vain that I have cultivated such a great road!"


The great emperors from many forces in the Three Thousand Dao Realm summoned their own imperial soldiers.

Countless armies are burning their original blood, and endless glow runes are overwhelming!

Even more powerful, the emperor who has entered his later years has directly used his final ultimate sublimation at the cost of his longevity!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden.

Countless imperial powers spread across the sky, the glow is overwhelming, and the terrifying energy laws stir up the universe in all directions!


In an instant, the two armies collided like ancient stars across the sky!

But this time it was even more tragic than the countless previous collisions!

Just a moment.

Millions of creatures were completely killed in a collision!

But, maybe it’s just like the common saying in the world.

The night will eventually dissipate and dawn will finally come!

With the cooperation of countless great emperors and armies.

A bloody road full of hope was actually torn apart by that powerful force and wave of darkness!

"Everyone, follow me and fight out!"


Under the leadership of Su Changge and ten top emperors, tens of thousands of imperial guards were like spears that broke through the sky, and they actually broke through the siege.

Rush towards the direction of the Void-Breaking Tree!

"Chang Ge...don't let anything happen to you...!"

Looking at Su Changge's retreating back, Emperor Zhan's eyes still shone with worry.

If something really happened to Su Changge.

Not only was he unable to explain himself to Guiyuan Holy Land.

I am afraid that they will be furious when they return to the Holy Land...

"Hey...if the ancient ancestors and distant ancestors were really angry, I'm afraid not only the Three Thousand Dao Realm, but the entire Immortal Realm and all the heavens would be affected..."

At the same time, the imperial will lingering on Emperor Zhan is getting stronger and stronger.

As long as the miscellaneous fish here are dealt with quickly, he can support Su Changge as soon as possible!

"Everyone kill with me!"

Accompanied by the roar of Emperor Zhan.

Many armies and great emperors exploded in cultivation, and they all attacked the endless stream of strange armies!


at the same time.

Another group of foreign troops.

Many strong men from outside the region who lead this army have also received the news.

At this moment, a dragnet is set up.

"I want to see who dares to come and die!"

"Hahaha! Rumor has it that a guy named Emperor Changge is wanted by the original black blood of the ten strange ancestors."

"What...!? Original black blood!?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The eyes of many strong people from outside the region showed greedy light.

The original black blood is what attracts them the most!

Going further will not only gain stronger strength, but also gain more longevity!

When the Immortal Realm opens, they will be able to break through and become immortals in one fell swoop, becoming immortal immortals in mythology!

Such temptation makes everyone go crazy!

"Hahaha! Originally I thought I was unlucky to be sent to fight, but now I am really lucky!"

The smile of an outsider from the Demon Sea of ​​Thorns became more and more ferocious: "As long as I can take that guy's head..."

But he hadn't waited for this foreign powerhouse to finish speaking.



I saw the twinkling stars in the sky, the cold stars!

A brilliant Chaos Divine Sword directly broke through the void and pierced the head of the strong man from the Sea of ​​Thorns!

The speed of this divine sword was so fast that many outsiders had just reacted and had not had time to take action.



Then I heard the explosion of laws and the tearing of flesh and blood at the same time.

The head of the man from the Demonic Sea of ​​Thorns was directly pierced, and the divine sword and his body were nailed to a broken ancient star!


"How dare you take action against me, the people from the Demonic Sea of ​​Thorns!"

The other strong men who reacted were furious, and their hearts were equally frightened.

Although the extraterrestrial powerhouse who was just killed was not particularly high in cultivation, it was still comparable to a fifth-grade emperor!

But no one was even seen, and he was directly killed by the phantom of this divine sword that came from the horizon!

Just when these outsiders were in a trance.


Suddenly from the horizon came the sound of galloping war horses and roaring warships.

Wait until their eyes look subconsciously.

But I saw the edge of the galaxy suddenly rolling with endless and vast power of blood!

The terrifying intention to kill has turned into reality, like a tsunami of contempt, coming towards them overwhelmingly!

And what was emitting such power was actually a vast and boundless iron-blooded army!

In the middle, there were eleven streams of imperial power that quickly shattered the void.

Tens of thousands of iron-blooded troops, seemingly headed by these eleven people, attacked them in a mighty manner!

You know, they have hundreds of thousands of troops here!

Not to mention that the Void East Path opened by the Void Breaking Tree continues to send reinforcements!

But the momentum these tens of thousands of troops give to the foreign armies is as if they are superior and the foreign armies are inferior!

What they didn't understand even more was that the figure in white who was rushing to the front didn't have the strongest aura.

But it seems vaguely that these tens of thousands of troops and ten other great emperors are headed by him!

At this time, a cold man's voice echoed across the void: "The Imperial Guard is listening!"

"We are willing to kill all enemies for Emperor Changge!"

Ten great emperors and tens of thousands of iron-blooded cavalry responded one after another, all raising their divine spears and swords in a charging posture.

at the same time.

The divine radiance lingering around Su Changge became more and more blazing, and a dazzling divine light burst out from his eyes.

"All catastrophes have come to nothing, life and death are still calm!"

"There is peace in the outside world, so why wait for the next life!"

"Everyone, follow me to defeat the enemy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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