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Chapter 1202 The wise saying!

Qiu Zizhong stared at Chen Jing blankly.

He never expected that Chen Jing would make such remarks that were beyond his expectation.

Originally, Qiu Zizhong felt that Chen Jing should provide an explanation for the dispute between Jingjiang Shipyard and Linwu Shipyard.

But when Chen Jing said that Jingjiang Shipyard had nothing to explain, not only did he not explain, he was also very happy.

Because Huanghai Shipyard gave up the acquisition of Jingjiang Shipyard, this was a victory for Jingjiang. Such a comparison shows that Linwu Shipyard and Chubei are not ashamed, but rather proud of it.

Linwu Shipyard is a good company, and its business is good. Huanghai Shipyard came over and bought it for a few hundred million. The leaders of Chubei did not sell state-owned assets at a low price. They had the consciousness of being a prodigal. Instead, they were overjoyed and felt that they were close to Huanghai Shipyard.

It will be of great benefit to Linwu Shipyard in the future.

As a result, the leaders have political achievements worth showing off. In future publicity or conferences, the leaders can proudly say that they have successfully introduced the national key enterprise Huanghai Shipyard. In just one sentence, many people's vanity can be satisfied, and at the same time it can also satisfy the vanity of many people.

Let these leaders who speak feel proud.

Chen Jing directly denounced these practices as mere ostentation, superficial and useless. They were caused by the ignorance of those in power and their desire for fame and fortune.

Qiu Zizhongrao, who was very deep in the city, blushed at Chen Jing's words.

If I hadn’t been drinking today, I wouldn’t have known how embarrassing the situation would be!

What Chen Jing said makes sense. Qiu Zizhong couldn't find fault even if he wanted to. That's the fact. Huanghai Shipyard has such a great reputation. Who doesn't want to introduce such a large enterprise to the local area? In order to achieve such a goal, the entire province has

All departments at the top and bottom gave way, and the valuation of Linwu Shipyard was repeatedly reduced.

After Chen Jing's remarks, Qiu Zizhong thought about it carefully, didn't Chen Jing hit the nail on the head?

If this transaction is successfully completed, will Chu Bei really gain any actual benefits?

If you think about it carefully, there is really nothing. I only gained a reputation.

He quickly figured out who Qiu Zizhong was. He dared to love Chen Jing. This was a mockery of the Linwu Shipyard and a mockery of the "individual leaders" of Chubei.

I invited him to dinner today, and if I got straight to the point and talked about the acquisition of Huanghai Shipyard, I would have become this "individual leader".

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but take a deep look at the young man in front of him.

Chen Jing is young, but surprisingly difficult to deal with. Before meeting Chen Jing, Qiu Zizhong secretly calculated that he had all-round advantages and had absolute confidence in front of Chen Jing.

But now after Chen Jing's clever remarks, Qiu Zizhong found that none of his advantages were used.

On the contrary, Chen Jing counterattacked and mocked himself severely.

In this meeting, Chen Jing seemed to have the absolute upper hand.

The more Qiu Zizhong thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He also wanted to be strong, and he also wanted to save face.

Today he made an appointment with Chen Jing just to fight for victory and face.

Not only for himself, but also to gain face for Chu Bei.

But now...

Qiu Zizhong raised his brows and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, saying: "Chen Jing, according to your statement, this time the leaders of the Central Plains Military Region questioned Huanghai Shipyard's acquisition of Linwu Shipyard at the Military Commission meeting, and you didn't know about it?

In that case, what do you think about this matter?"

Chen Jing chuckled and said: "Governor Qiu, do you think I might know about it? What did the head of the military region say at the Military Commission meeting and what did he say? Can I, a small prefecture-level municipal party committee secretary, know? Of course, now I

You know this.

The military region has its own considerations and interests.

I am a local cadre and I also have my own demands.

As the direct person in charge of the local area, I welcome the acquisition of Jingjiang Shipyard by Huanghai Shipyard.

But my attitude is still clear, that is, our Jingjiang Shipyard is not a carrot and cabbage. Anyone who wants to buy can buy it with just one word. We must exchange it at equal value.

I had that attitude before, and I still have the same attitude now."

Chen Jing paused and said: "To be honest, Governor Qiu, we have now made a new start regarding the development of Jingjiang Shipyard. We have negotiated with Hong Kong Shipping Co., Ltd. and reached a preliminary cooperation agreement.

By then our focus will be on developing the business of small and medium-sized cargo ships, passenger ships and cruise ships.

Our basic industry is solid, but our weaknesses are modern electronic technology, navigation and other technologies.

If we can keep pace with the times and cooperate with relatively strong shipyards, we are confident in establishing a new leading shipbuilding enterprise that is competitive in the market.

So in this sense, being acquired is not our only way out.

I don’t know how to run a business, but I know that if you blindly regard being acquired as the way out for your business, such a business will have no hope, and it will not be respected by others!”

Qiu Zizhong chuckled and said: "Secretary Chen Jing, I really didn't expect you to make such remarks today. It is Chujiang's great fortune to have someone like you among Chujiang's senior cadres! No matter what happens today,

Are you telling the truth?

Your ideology has greatly touched me. Work steadily and work hard to rejuvenate the country. This is not an empty talk. But it is not easy to truly implement these eight words.

I hope you can be consistent with your words and deeds, at least on the acquisition of Huanghai Shipyard."

Chen Jing laughed and said: "Governor Qiu, do you think I'm joking with you? I'm really not that kind of person, and if I put my words here today, you will know soon whether my words and deeds are consistent.

.Huanghai Shipyard wants to acquire Jingjiang Shipyard and has missed the best opportunity.

Now if they want to turn back their prodigal son, they are willing, but we are not willing yet!

Of course, if the conditions are right, we will not beat them to death with a stick. This depends on how sincere they are!"

Qiu Zizhong also laughed loudly and said: "I have spent my days singing wild songs, and I am so domineering that I am the hero. Okay! Chen Jing, you have an air of arrogance. This aura is very suitable for my taste. Come on, let's have a drink."


"Cheers, cheers!"

Chen Jing was also a little drunk. Now he was in a good mood and was drinking quite a lot.

The two raised their glasses together and drank it all in one gulp.

Qiu Zizhong said: "Well, today you and I have learned enough. We had a good chat today. Through chatting with you, I have a deeper understanding of Chujiang. In short, Chujiang is quite promising. I am optimistic about this place.

Of course, there is still a big gap between Chu Jiang and Chu Bei, and you must face up to this gap.

However, the matter at Huanghai Shipyard has come to an end today.

You are right, we are all in the same boat. Compared with key national enterprises like Huanghai Shipyard, whether it is an enterprise in Chujiang or an enterprise in Chubei, we are all weak!"

He waved his hand and said: "These days, whether we are engaged in economic development or running a business, if we cannot be self-reliant and rely on our own strength, we will always be at a disadvantage. Your remarks today are a wake-up call for us."

In the face of enterprises like Huanghai Shipyard, why should we accept the situation and accept it? Why can't we be more proactive? Why can't we be more high-profile?

Or are our cadres too superstitious about the so-called national key enterprises? There are still problems in our view of political performance and our understanding of work. To solve these problems, we still need a very long process!"

Saying goodbye to Chen Jing in the parking lot.

Qiu Zizhong held Chen Jing's hand tightly and said, "Chen Jing, your affairs are done, and it's not far from the time to go back!"

Chen Jingdao: "I'll leave tomorrow! My home is in the capital, but I can't help myself due to work reasons. I want to stay in the capital for a few more days to spend time with my family, but it's all a luxury!"

Qiu Zizhong also sighed and said: "Me too, but since last year, I have sent my wife and children to Chubei. Your children are still young, and my boy will go to junior high school soon!"

Chen Jing smiled lightly and said: "My girl is still in kindergarten. I have to consider what you just said. Compared to you, my job changes too frequently. Now it seems that this time I am in

Chu Jiang probably won't leave that easily.

If the Chujiang River is not revived, I will not leave. I told Secretary Wu this, and I will try my best to keep it true."

Qiu Zizhong nodded encouragingly and said, "Yes, these words sound encouraging and motivating!"

The two chatted for a while, and Qiu Zizhong watched Chen Jing's car gradually drive away.

After a long time, he slowly shook his head.

I thought that what Ruohan asked me to accomplish, now seems impossible to accomplish.

Chen Jing is much more powerful than he thought. This young man is really different from young talents like Tang Zhi and Hao Ming. Chen Jing is a pragmatic person at heart.

The emphasis on practical interests gives him an extremely calm mind and a very focused persistence on his goals.

At first glance, such cadres have worked their way up from the grassroots. They know the grassroots very well, and although they are senior cadres, their way of thinking about problems is still from the bottom up.

And this is where Chen Jing is really great.

For cadres who come from the grassroots level, it is one thing to understand the grassroots level. When they move up to a higher position, they will also see the scenery at the top one by one, and they will have the opportunity to improve their overall quality and other aspects.

But cadres like Tang Zhi and Hao Ming are different. They understand high-level thinking, but they will never truly understand the grassroots deeply. This is their shortcoming.

At this time, Qiu Zizhong knew very well that his eldest niece Qiu Ruohan would never be Chen Jing's opponent.

Even though Qiu Ruohan is now leaning against a big tree like Huanghai Shipyard, she is still a little naive when it comes to fighting Chen Jing and wrestling with Chen Jing.

The best evidence of this Huanghai Shipyard acquisition incident is that Qiu Ruohan was disgraced and disgraced.

Qiu Zizhong remembered that his father often said that it is good for young people to work harder and suffer more setbacks. People who have experienced no setbacks, even if they are leading cadres, can never be the top leader or key positions!

Qiu Zizhong now understands these words and feels that they are wise words. (To be continued.) (Go..)

This chapter has been completed!
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