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Chapter 1203 Triumph!

Chen Jing led a delegation to Beijing to solve the funding problem of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory. It can be said that they returned in triumph.

Before Chen Jing and his party arrived in Jingjiang, the news had already been heard in Jingjiang. The whole internal combustion engine factory was excited, the whole society was rejoiced, and the businessmen also sensed huge business opportunities.

After boarding the plane from Beijing, Chen Jing and his party did not return to Chujiang immediately.

Instead, the group first visited the Henan Second Automobile Heavy Truck Group for inspection.

This inspection can be said to be quite successful. The Second Auto Heavy Truck Group attaches great importance to the Jingjiang inspection team.

The diesel engines of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory have won many domestic and foreign science and technology awards. The prototypes it produced have even participated in automobile industry exhibitions in the United States and Europe. Domestic and foreign experts have spoken highly of Jingjiang engines.

Although Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory has not really carried out industrial production for so many years.

But its technical strength is recognized as first-class in the country.

Over the years, FAW Heavy Truck Group has always had a bottleneck in engine power. This time, with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission taking the lead as matchmaker, FAW Heavy Truck Group and Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory are expected to reach strategic cooperation.

In the future, the heart problems of FAW heavy trucks will be completely solved. How can they not pay great attention to this?

Chen Jing and his team had many talks with senior officials of the Second Automobile Heavy Truck Group and the Party Committee and Government of Southern Henan Province during the few days they visited the Second Automobile Heavy Truck Group.

The two parties have initially reached an agreement to establish a joint venture between FAW Heavy Truck and Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory, with FAW Heavy Truck investing 2 billion yuan and Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory investing 800 million yuan, plus Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory technology and fixed assets as shares.

Both parties will each hold 50% of the shares. They will establish a joint venture and jointly operate the company to promote the high-end products of the internal combustion engine factory to industrial operations.

Speaking of which, this agreement is not the best agreement.

Because, according to the intention of FAW Heavy Truck, they have the right to acquire the Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory for 5 billion yuan. There is also another plan, that is, they invest 3 billion yuan, but the condition is that the Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory is a joint venture.

Relocated to southern Henan Province.

However, both plans were rejected by Chen Jing.

In the end, both parties had a preliminary intention to establish a joint venture company with each holding 50% of the shares.

It should be said that this initial intention was the result of a compromise between the two parties, because according to Chen Jing's original idea, the internal combustion engine factory could provide more funds and occupy more than half of the shares.

However, this plan was rejected by FAW Heavy Truck.

It should be said that for Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory, being able to win this plan is the best result.

After all, the internal combustion engine factory is stronger than scientific research. It does not have sufficient experience in business management and operation. In addition, the internal combustion engine factory does not have experience in the entire machinery industry market.

Being able to cooperate with the Second Automobile Heavy Duty Truck Co., Ltd., using other people's funds, other people's business philosophy and management, as well as marketing and other advantages, this will definitely bring the development of the internal combustion engine factory to a new height.

Returning to Jingjiang from southern Henan Province, when the group arrived at the airport, Jingjiang organized a grand welcome ceremony.

At the airport, almost all the main leaders of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government arrived.

The leader who picked up the plane specially organized a group of children to hold flowers. Chen Jing and his party were the last to get off the plane. The children lined up first and presented flowers to everyone one by one.

Xu Bing, the mayor of Jingjiang City, took the lead and led everyone to come over.

From afar, he stretched out his hand and said: "Secretary, congratulations on your triumphant victory. The problem of the internal combustion engine plant can be solved, and one-third of the problem of Jingjiang has been solved. The morale of the comrades has been very high these days, and our comrades in the Labor Bureau

They made predictions.

If the internal combustion engine factory can operate, not only the employment of the original factory employees will be fully guaranteed.

It will also create many new job opportunities for us in Jingjiang in the future, which is a great thing!"

Chen Jing smiled lightly and said: "At this time, every little bit of success we have can bring a new atmosphere to all walks of life in Jingjiang. I heard that the provincial government agreed to allocate funds for me to renovate national highways and build a new bypass city.

Expressway, this is also great news!"

Xu Bing said modestly: "Secretary, I will report this matter to you in detail later.

The plan for realizing three-dimensional sea, land and air transportation in Jingjiang that you planned at the economic work conference is expected to be realized ahead of schedule!"

Chen Jing kept saying that both of them were good, and Shan Jianhua, the deputy secretary behind him, joined in.

Compared to Xu Bing, he was more low-key. He shook hands with Chen Jing and said: "Secretary Chen, they say that our team is now like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing its own special abilities. As an old comrade, I haven't had any outstanding performance so far. I'm really ashamed!


Chen Jing frowned slightly and said: "Old Dan, we have a division of labor! Your main responsibilities are to handle cadre work, mass work and publicity work. Now we are a very good team, with some in charge and some outside.

, this is where everyone’s advantages complement each other.

At any time, our cadre work is a top priority. In this regard, we must think of more ways and formulate more new and effective policies.

Nowadays, it is difficult for us clever women to make a meal without straw, and there are many things we want to do but cannot do, but this dilemma will not last long, and we will definitely usher in new opportunities in the near future!"

Chen Jing shook hands with everyone one by one.

At the airport, he informed everyone on the spot about his trip to Beijing. His speech was interrupted by applause many times, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Chen Jing had seen big scenes before, so he didn't think anything of it.

Several of the other entourage had been welcomed in this way, and they all felt like victorious generals, and they all smiled from ear to ear.

Especially Ni Yongsheng, the chairman of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory, before he came to Beijing, he was in a state of confusion and had no idea at all.

It's hard to be poor, so in the past few years, he has been running around and running into obstacles for the Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory.

When you are wronged outside, you have no one to talk to when you come back. To put it figuratively speaking, you bump into your nose outside and bump into your nails when you come back.

Because Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory has tens of thousands of retired employees and retired workers. How much does it cost to feed these tens of thousands of mouths a month?

Especially at the end of the year, once the arrears of wages are not paid, there will be trouble immediately.

It can be said that Ni Yongsheng was exhausted both mentally and physically as he mastered such a large task.

At the beginning of this year, the municipal party committee and the municipal government were studying the internal combustion engine plant.

Others are writing reports about Ni Yongsheng, accusing him of being an outsider in running the business and causing the internal combustion engine factory to take many detours. Some people are even asking the municipal party committee to readjust the team of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory.

These accusations have never stopped in recent years.

The reason is that Ni Yongsheng invested a large amount of money in product research and development, including hundreds of millions of dollars in diesel engine research and development. He also established a special research institute, and Ni Yongsheng invited all the first-class professors and experts in the country.

Some people accuse Ni Yongsheng of doing this as a desperate move and as a typical academic leader who does not focus on management but only on technology. This approach has caused the production and marketing of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory to shrink extremely, causing serious stunting.

What hope can a business like this have?

Now, all this is in the past. Ni Yongsheng used the success of this trip to the capital to prove the wisdom of his original decision.

Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory has been sharpening its sword for many years, and now it has finally achieved something.

One can imagine Ni Yongsheng's mood at this time.

Putting aside his dream of getting promoted and getting rich, just by going to the factory this time, he could hold his head high.

How loud is this slap in the face for those who pick their noses and raise their eyes all day long?

Why is Jingjiang Shipyard successful and why can it win the favor of the first-class domestic heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers? Obviously, Jingjiang Shipyard is one of the most successful companies in the industry.

Jingjiang Shipyard is a company with core technology. With core technology, there is core competitiveness. This is the only magic weapon for successful business operations.

Of course, Ni Yongsheng was grateful to Secretary Chen Jing from the bottom of his heart.

The key to why this trip to the capital went so smoothly was that Secretary Chen Jing had great reputation and wide connections.

Just kidding, the deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission personally helped Jingjiang Shipyard to wave the flag and become a matchmaker. How can the top domestic automobile manufacturers turn a blind eye?

Therefore, in Ni Yongsheng's view, the success of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory this time was due to the right time, location, and people. If such good conditions failed to succeed, then it would be really weird.

Ni Yongsheng applauded Chen Jing's speech most enthusiastically.

He glanced over and saw that there were many people picking up the plane today. Apart from the media, the rest were heavyweight leaders of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Ni Yongsheng had never thought of such a spectacular scene before.

It is conceivable that such scenes may become common in the future.

Because the Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory will inevitably become a pillar enterprise in Jingjiang in the future, Chen Jing’s economic work report clarified the grand goal of building the entire mechanical engineering industry chain in Jingjiang with the internal combustion engine factory as the core.

Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory has become the flag and pride of Jingjiang, which can be seen almost immediately.

And Ni Yongsheng himself will face a warm welcome ceremony organized by middle-level and above cadres in the factory when he returns today.

On that occasion, he would also speak passionately, and he even drafted his speech on the plane.

Ni Yongsheng was happy, and Liu Xinlin was also extremely excited.

On the plane just now, Chen Jing had already discussed the issue of Jingjiang Shipyard with him. The Central Plains Military Region came forward, and the acquisition issue of Jingjiang Shipyard took a major turn for the better.

The chance of Huanghai Shipyard acquiring Linwu Shipyard has become almost zero.

Liu Xinlin received this news, and now the situation of Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Factory is basically certain again.

This is simply a double blessing. If nothing unexpected happens, a strategic cooperation agreement will be signed soon.

This means that the two most difficult bones for Jingjiang state-owned enterprises may be solved soon.

Liu Xinlin, as the deputy mayor in charge of industry and enterprises, how could he not be excited?

In Liu Xinlin's opinion, if the problems faced by the two leading enterprises in Jingjiang can be solved, the work ahead will be smooth, and there will be no greater difficulties than these two.

Maybe by the end of this year, the province's economy will be re-ranked, and Jingjiang will become a blockbuster.

Jingjiang's rejuvenation is just around the corner, and Liu Xinlin will definitely leave his own colorful words on the road to Jingjiang's rejuvenation! (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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