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Chapter 144 The daily life of Mr. Luck

 The first half of Carl Wilo's life was a tragedy. He lost his father when he was young, and his mother when he was young. He completed his studies with the help of relatives, but ended up with student loans.

He could no longer remember the first time he walked into the casino. He only remembered that he sat at the gambling table with the last five hundred dollars in his pocket, with the mentality of either winning the future or getting it over with.

What happened next, anyone with any brains could predict in advance, but for a moment, the world left him with only a hundred choices left.

But Carl Wilo was too cowardly. He was so cowardly that he stood on the edge of the rooftop all night, but did not have the courage to jump off. The impatient cleaners chased him off the rooftop.

From then on, Carl Wiler's life plummeted to hell. He was kicked out by his landlord, beaten by the bank's collection team and unable to take care of himself. He lived in the slums at night and squeezed into the labor market during the day, trying to find some odd jobs.


It's not that he hasn't encountered opportunities. Street boys once let him sneak into the school to sell addictive compounds because of his college diploma.

As a result, when he entered, he found that the blue ocean market had long been occupied by more advanced colleagues, and several sports students beat him until he urinated blood.

His life seemed to have entered a dead end, and he stumbled around in a circle, only to hit walls everywhere.

Until one day, Carl Wile woke up from the garbage dump again and wasted his life on the slot machine with the one federal coin he got from begging.

If he's lucky, he can turn one dollar into five dollars here, and not only can he buy a hot breakfast, but he can also get a cup of hot coffee to keep him through the cold night.

And if you are unlucky, it will be just another ‘ordinary’ day. For Carl Wilo, it is equivalent to no loss.

As a result, that morning, Carl Wilo's one dollar turned into one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two dollars.

The reason there is only so much is because there is only so much cash in that slot machine, and the last 777 jackpot, that damn machine has no money left to spit out.

Moreover, on that day, all the street boys who usually came to trouble him disappeared. Carl Wilo had a huge sum of money in his pocket, but he did not encounter any danger.

As if he was reborn from nirvana, he found a barber shop, took a shower, had his hair cut, shaved his beard, bought a well-fitting suit next door, and with only five hundred yuan left in his arms, he returned to the casino that had changed his destiny.

Carl Wilo firmly believes that his fortune has turned around. Instead of living in such a useless way, it is better to make another fateful decision that can either win the future or end it once and for all.

He knew he might not win the bet, but at least he now had the courage to jump.

Everyone knows the final result. Carl Wilo started his life as Mr. Good Luck, and the casino went bankrupt that day.

No one can stop Mr. Lucky from withdrawing money from the casino, and no one can harm him in the slightest, not even the senior special agent of the Joint Investigation Office.

Mikkelsen has countless clones, but he has never been able to successfully catch Mr. Good Luck. The capture team and clones he sends to perform missions always miss their targets due to various chances and coincidences.

The most recent time, Mikkelsen was only twenty meters away from Mr. Good Luck, when a bus with failed brakes crashed into the roadside, causing a series of car accidents and separating him from his target.

At most, he used two hundred and twenty clones at once, trying to surround Mr. Good Luck in Las Vegas.

As a result, Mr. Good Luck received an invitation from Els Ben Biber seven days in advance and was invited to participate in the Night City Prison Gambling Competition, and happened to avoid Mikkelsen's capture.

What really hit Mikkelsen was that for all his efforts, Mr. Good Luck didn't even realize that his shots were like fighting with the air, and he also lost.

The only thing that can comfort Mikkelsen is that he knows that greed also chased this lucky man, but later he chased him and chased him...

It was only a few months ago that he took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the player's control. Since then, he has never dared to take any chances with Mr. Good Luck.

Mikkelsen deliberately leaked the news about Carl Wilo to Wu Qianying. He knew that this was a common problem among smart people. They always think they can solve all problems.

When someone like Carl Wilo appears, no researcher can resist the urge to understand him.

And once Wu Qianying is tempted, she has the only card she has, and she has to play it.

Sitting in the office, Mikkelsen lit a Tree of Life cigar and was in a happy mood. He might be as stubborn as those who are greedy and jealous, but at least he still has humanity...Human nature is its weakness.



"Boss, are you sure we can successfully catch this Mr. Luck?" Tony looked at the contents of the information, with the word jealousy written all over his face: "This is definitely the strongest and most practical ability I have ever seen.

Got it!"

"I agree!" Martin, who was driving, raised his hand. For two ordinary people, is there any more enviable ability on the street than this?

Just by buying lottery tickets, they can make capital cry.

"Maybe this is God's will." The saint made the sign of the cross devoutly.

"You mean, God's will encourages us to take drugs?" Ethan maliciously pointed at the record of Mr. Good Luck's addiction to addictive compounds and said, "Next time I'm high, you can

Pray to me next to me and I promise to be holier than him!"

The saint slowly pulled out the dagger from the cross. Ethan closed his mouth knowingly and made a zipper movement.

"Pay attention to your wording. We are not here to capture or kidnap the other party, but to make tentative contact and then issue an invitation." Tang Ji tried to correct Tony's wording, but he looked around him.

Martin was humming in his heavy body armor, and heavy weapons were piled in the back of the truck; Tony was adjusting his non-lethal magnetic gun, which is used to capture rhinos in the wild.

Shadow checked the needle bullets containing anesthetic and wrote a lot of formulas densely on the notebook next to him; Ethan looked harmless, but he carried a stun drone specially used to capture fugitives.

Surte, on the other hand, was chewing gum and holding a PDA with a photo of Mr. Good Luck. He closed his eyes from time to time to make sure he remembered this face. The photo was constantly changing clothes and hairstyle at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to recognize.


Only Anthony was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed. Last night, he prepared some kind of fentanyl fast-diffusing gas incapacitation agent, which can be used in large confined spaces and cause people to lose consciousness and mobility within two minutes.


"Okay, it's the same thing to arrest first and talk later." Tang Ji gave up his efforts. Maybe after new members joined, their team could become more 'amiable'.

"Please note, passengers, we are about to enter Las Vegas twelve kilometers ahead!" Martin reminded his companions with a smile: "Get your change and cash ready. When the operation is successful, let's make a big fuss in the casino.

Play! Have fun gambling!"

“Stay at the Atlantic Hotel!”

“Caesar’s Palace!”

Tony and Ethan shouted almost at the same time, obviously they had been to the capital for sightseeing before.

"No, there is a Golden Fleece Palace Hotel at the fourth intersection on Fortune Road." Anthony said directly to Martin without even opening his eyes: "The security director there is a comrade of mine, and I guarantee that your trip will be worthwhile."

"The vegetable salad at the Golden Fleece Palace is very good." Shadow, who rarely speaks, also added.

Tang Ji glanced at the saint who had been silent for the whole time, and Surte, who was full of expectations, and leaned on the back of the seat with peace of mind. Anyway, he was not the only one who had never been here...

"I prefer the wine from the Golden Fleece Palace." The saint had just finished speaking when he saw Tony and the others looking at him and smiled disdainfully: "Our suburban choir used to be invited to sing this chorus every Christmas."

Tang Ji did not open his eyes. He was still waiting for news from Aaliya and had no time to participate in the 'tea party'.

"Mr. Good Luck is still in the Royal Casino. He is flirting with a waitress. It seems that the people in the casino like him." Alia hacked into the Royal Casino's camera.

Until now, Tang Ji's plan has gone smoothly.

Before the mission started, she predicted two possibilities of mission failure based on Mr. Good Luck's abilities. One was that when the plan started, Mr. Good Luck would leave their location early and they would lose their target location.

The other is that their disguise was successful enough, and the team got close enough to Mr. Good Luck, but encountered various unexpected events in the subsequent actions.

Investigators from the Joint Investigation Office have encountered both situations, and Mikkelsen thoughtfully provided Wu Qianying with action records.

From an accidental fire to a righteous attack by a refrigerator that was sucked into the sky by a tornado 80 kilometers away, we have it all.

Regarding the former, Wu Qianying's approach was to ask Tang Ji to designate his own action plan, choose his own time, and not tell anyone in advance, including herself and her team members.

Until you are close enough to Mr. Good Luck, start the mission briefing and rely on the Seven Deadly Sins to suppress Mr. Good Luck's superpowers.

Wu Qianying already knew that Tang Ji could suppress or even deny the abilities of other superhumans to some extent, but she found nothing about the research samples that were close at hand.

"Mr. Good Luck stood up. He seems to be going to the bathroom. He has already drank six glasses of champagne tonight. Considering his weight, this is normal behavior." Alia tried to analyze Mr. Good Luck's behavior from a scientific perspective.


But obviously, Carl Wilo is outside the common sense. In order to avoid several "ex-girlfriends", he chose another route and avoided all cameras intentionally or unintentionally.

Before he entered the bathroom, he heard two gasps full of male hormones coming from the bathroom, and he took a step back unluckily.

He decided to go back to his room for convenience.

When Tang Ji and his party parked the car outside the Palace Casino, Carl Wilo had disappeared from the camera for almost five minutes.

Tangji opened the door and Soult disappeared from the car instantly. In just a few seconds, he ran back with a pale face: "He is not in the bathroom!"

Their target was lost.



Carl Wilo finished dealing with the pressure and walked out of the room whistling. He didn't need to register to stay here. He had a master card and could open a room at will.

Of course, this universal card can not only be used at the Palace Casino, it is a pass for the entire Las Vegas casino. Mr. Good Luck is the new rule of the casino. No casino will refuse any of his requests.

Unless they don't want to do it anymore.

Even if Mr. Luck wanted to sleep with the biggest movie star, these casinos would find a way to have her in Mr. Luck's room tonight.

Carl Wilo is the new god here. He enjoys this kind of life and restrains his ever-expanding desires as much as possible.

After all, deep down, he is still a weak loser who has been severely beaten by society. This sudden ability always makes him feel guilty.

He was worried that one day he would become ineffective and someone would retaliate against him.

Looking at the night view outside the window, Carl Wilo planned to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Maybe going to Helena Restaurant to enjoy a moonlight dinner would be a good choice?

However, a crow flew over the next second, which dispelled Carl Wille's good mood. He looked worriedly at the direction in which the crow disappeared, thinking that this was an omen.

"Perhaps this is a reminder to me that I should go to the crow's nest and enjoy the gentleness of the Gothic style for a night?" Carl Willer's expression kept changing.

As a man blessed with good fortune, he is more superstitious than almost everyone else, especially after knowing that he has unintentionally escaped many assassinations.

When he sees fallen leaves on the street, he will change his direction according to the direction of the leaf stalks. A certain billboard he accidentally sees will become his fixed brand for the next few months.

One time when he was changing his underwear, there was a hole in his new underwear. Carl Wilo thought it was a sign and wore the old underwear for three months until he found a new pair of underwear.

Mr. Good Luck also has his own troubles. He is too worried that he will lose this luck. He can't even distinguish which actions in his life are his own choices and which are guided by fate.

This situation was so serious that Carl Wilo felt like a puppet on strings, without any freedom at all.

When this entanglement was reflected in front of Tang Ji and his party, they lost their target and Mr. Good Luck disappeared out of thin air in front of them.

Aaliya searched the list of names in the Palace Casino, but there was no name of Carl Wilo. However, the camera at the door finally captured the footage of Carl Wilo leaving the casino.

At that time, he passed by Anthony, who was frowning and looking for the target. The two were back to back. His pace was exactly the same as Anthony's turning speed, so that Anthony looked around 360 degrees, but Carl Wilo kept looking around.

His sight was blind.

He even had time to tease the bunny girl at the door behind Anthony's back.

The team members looked at each other in confusion, and it took a long time for Tony to say, "It's really fucking evil."

"I will continue to search for other cameras, but it will take a while. The amount of data is too large." Aaliyah's voice was not so confident. She had just encountered several strange network fluctuations before she missed that one.

Camera data.

This chapter has been completed!
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