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Chapter 145 Special Plan

 Tang Ji walked on the brightly lit street, with palm trees casting swaying shadows under his feet. This was the casino city of Las Vegas, one of the most prosperous cities in the Federation.

Neither of the two corporate wars really affected this city, because it has almost no output and no resources. Its prosperity is all based on the gaming and service industries.

It has the lowest crime rate in the entire federation. No gang can take root and survive in this land, because the real big players have whitewashed themselves and become the real masters of the city. They do not allow bed bugs on their plates.

It sucks blood.

After just a few rounds on the street, Tang Ji understood why Mr. Good Luck had stayed in this city for a long time and refused to leave.

There are not even hospitable hosts with pistols and knives in the alleys here, and there are no street boys gathering in groups on the streets to look at you with dangerous eyes.

Based on Mr. Good Luck's ability, Wu Qianying prepared Plan B for Tang Ji.

Plan B corresponds to the following situations: First, when only Tang Ji knows the capture plan, the plan does not trigger Mr. Good Luck’s ‘ability’.

But after the action plan was announced, Mr. Good Luck's 'ability' was touched and disappeared quickly, and the action plan failed.

From this we can conclude that the follow-up to Plan B requires Tang Ji to act alone...

"No, no, no! I never said that, this is your own idea!" Wu Qianying reacted fiercely at the time, completely denying Tang Ji's understanding of Plan B.

This is a two-way test. Wu Qianying wants to know the specific performance of Mr. Good Luck's ability and the priority of Tang Ji's weird ability.

She was very interested in the hypothesis Mikkelsen sent him about Tangji's destiny.

From the current point of view, Tangji is indeed special. Before the plan was disclosed to the team members, Mr. Good Luck was completely in a 'normal state'.

This is not a bonus brought by the status of the Seven Deadly Sins. At least Greed, who is also a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, has not enjoyed this treatment. Moreover, Wu Qianying has always suspected that Greed is not the only Seven Deadly Sins super human who has stumbled upon Carl Wile...

"Our purpose is cooperation, not confrontation. We stand at the crossroads of human destiny, which is of great significance." Wu Qianying's words appeared in Tang Ji's mind again.

That was a private conversation between them before departure, and none of the team members knew about it.

"I'm not that noble, I'm just safe." Tang Ji didn't want to flaunt his moral standards. His original intention was really only for one person.

"But you are already on this path. You'd better think so and believe it from the bottom of your heart." Wu Qianying looked at him with warning eyes at that time: "Greedy wanted to eat him, but he was captured by the player.

I peeled off the skin and bones and swallowed them whole.”

"I analyzed Mikkelsen's actions against Mr. Good Luck. Any action with the intention of harming Mr. Good Luck will basically end in casualties." Wu Qianying took out a lot of analytical data and explained to Tang Ji:

"I need your men to go out armed but unaware of the target. You can't carry weapons."

"Another test?" Tang Ji was tired of this constant temptation. The adventer was about to come again, and the lurker was still hiding behind the scenes.

And if he wants to meet potential allies, he still has to go through several rounds of tests that he doesn't understand at all.

"I will judge the strength of Mr. Good Luck's ability based on his final reaction. He could be the trump card in our hand, or he could just be a victory cigar. You don't want the two to misjudge, right?" Wu Qianying's glasses reflected wisdom.

The light left Tang Ji speechless.

"So what is Plan B?" At the end of the conversation, Tang Ji still didn't understand the details of Plan B and only got a mobile phone software.

As Tang Ji walked, he used his mobile phone to do true and false questions on the small software Wu Qianying sent him.

"Carl Wilo is missing, check number."

"No one in the team was injured, that's right."

"Are you carrying offensive weapons?" Tang Ji looked at his prosthetic limb and thought it didn't count, so he put a cross on it.

"Are you acting alone and not revealing your whereabouts to others? Check."

"Can you feel the potential danger?" Tang Ji stood there and quietly felt the surroundings. There was nothing. He put a cross on this option.

Soon, dozens of different questions were refreshed on the screen again. This was a secret weapon temporarily developed by Wu Qianying and Aaliya to deal with Mr. Good Luck.

Because of Mr. Good Luck’s black box problem, Dr. Wu hopes to use non-directional machine language to compile a solution for him.

She presets thousands of possibilities in advance, and these possibilities will be judged based on yes or no, constantly reducing themselves, and finally allow Tang Ji to get a set of guiding action plans with Wu Qianying's intelligence level.

Wu Qianying hoped to rely on this method to isolate as many people as possible from Tang Ji's accident and interfere with this operation. Although in the end all possible plans were installed in her mind, she did not 'directly' take advantage of the arrest.

Mr. Yun’s actions have interfered.

If this could trigger the counterattack mechanism of Mr. Good Luck's ability, they would have no choice but to simply give up their plan against him, as Mr. Good Luck would have no flaws.



Carl Wilo parked his almost brand new sports car on the side of the road. This is the most popular private club in the casino. There is a lot of traffic at the door, but he can always find an empty parking space, and the location is excellent.

Parking the car perfectly close to the parking space, Carl Wilo breathed a sigh of relief. The appearance of this parking space made him feel that he had made the correct answer to the invisible multiple-choice question, and the parking space that happened to appear was the evidence.

He held his heart and sat alone in the car for several minutes. The ever-present pressure of nothingness became increasingly unbearable for him.

Carl Wile was accustomed to his status as Mr. Good Luck, and he worried every moment that he would lose this unknown 'gift' because he made the wrong choice.

But he quickly regained his composure, fixed his hair with hairspray, and imitated Elvis Presley's movements as he got out of the car and walked towards the door of the club.

Carl Wilo may not be considered a smart man, but after becoming Mr. Good Luck, he has seen too many powerful people, and he has learned a lot from them.

The most practical one is to always remain confident and let others believe that everything is under your control. This is especially important for him.

"Boss, Mr. Good Luck's car is parked in front of our door." The guard at Crow's Nest reported this situation to the boss early. As a local in the casino, he has heard a lot about Mr. Good Luck's deeds, and he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Become part of a story or incident for no reason.

In the crow's nest, the mature and beautiful Madam drank a sip of champagne from the goblet before she calmed down. Then she said hello in the employee channel: "Attention everyone, good luck has arrived. Pay attention to your words and deeds."

Behave, all security team members who are taking a break, return to their posts, don’t let those stupid tourists and people who drink too much bring bad luck!”

"Copy that!" For a moment, the entire Crow's Nest staff entered a state of tension, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The old madam himself made a phone call to the manager of the Palace Casino: "Damn it Faith, good luck is running around everywhere. Why didn't you tell others in advance?"

"I have to take care of thousands of tourists in the entire casino, how can I have the experience to care about the whereabouts of Mr. Good Luck?" A smiling Faith said perfunctorily, while motioning to his secretary to open another bottle of champagne to celebrate Mr. Good Luck's arrival.


When the phone hung up, manager Faith announced that all visitors to the Palace Casino can enjoy a 12% discount on their first purchase of 1,000 chips!

The entire casino immediately fell into a sea of ​​cheers. Tony, Ethan and Martin, along with the underage Soult, were among them and cheered together.

At this time, Tang Ji, following the prompts of the true-false question, stood in the middle of the road and threw the stick into the sky.

This is a very popular ritual in casinos. When you can't decide which casino to spend your time and money on, you can use this method to guide yourself. Anyway, there are casinos everywhere.

This was already the third time Tang Ji threw the stick. Every time he felt stupid, but after ten minutes of struggling with the damn software, there was only this one question on the screen.

"Are you choosing a route based on the guidance of the stick?"

If Tang Ji makes a cross, the question will be refreshed tenaciously again, and if he makes a check, the software will give a warm reminder: "Very good, please do it again at the next intersection."

If Tang Ji hadn't felt the pressure on Wu Qianying because of Wu Qianying's various weird behaviors before departure, he would have thought it was a prank.

Tang Ji looked at the wooden stick that fell to the ground, sighed, and moved forward in the direction pointed by the stick again.

At this moment, he noticed an adult club on the right, where seven or eight security personnel were carefully surrounding a sports car with cordons.

It was a Goodra TURBO-R. Although it had a good rating, it was definitely not worthy of being treated with such care by the security guards. Even the cars parked on both sides of it were more expensive than this car.

However, Tang Ji watched these strong security guards ignore the safety of his exquisite suits and directly lifted up the luxury cars on both sides. They moved half a meter away from both sides, and forced Goodla TURBO-R

Give up an exclusive parking space.

When one of the security guards turned around and left, Tang Ji's eyes suddenly widened. He saw that where the license plate number should have been, there was only a sign saying 'LUCK'.

"It can't be so accurate, right?" Tang Ji looked at the software on his phone suspiciously, and then looked at the words on the license plate, feeling that his originally solid world view had once again been mixed with even stranger settings.

Luck VS Big Data Divination?

Tang Ji hit his head with his iron hand. At this moment, he really felt that different people had completely different things in their skulls.

Fortunately, giving up thinking is something Tang Ji is good at. He is more accustomed to doing it than thinking.

The security guard in a suit stopped Tang Ji unceremoniously, searched him from top to bottom with a detector, and still not satisfied, he touched several places convenient for hiding guns.

"Sir, please feel free to shop. We are very safe here." The security guard gave Tang Ji a warning. After all, he could tell at a glance that Tang Ji was a gunman.

But the casino will not refuse any customers, and the mercenaries who lick blood from the edge of their swords consume more impulsively.

It's just that this time they have to pay extra attention to the movements of this type of guests to prevent them from inadvertently provoking the wrong people.

For example, Mr. Lucky is teasing the bartender girl at the bar.

Carl Wile felt that he could never refuse such a capable girl in uniform with handsome short hair.

He smiled and ordered a cocktail that required seventeen kinds of wine to make. Watching the female bartender busy looking for ingredients, he felt that the previous pressure had completely disappeared.

After stretching his muscles, Carl Wille took out a wad of tips worth almost three thousand federal dollars from his arms and threw it on the female bartender's bar. He turned and focused on the pole dancer in the center of the dance floor.

The female bartender curled her lips as she looked at the huge amount of money spent. The major spending rooms in the casinos had already reached an agreement that all the money spent by Mr. Good Luck must be handed over and returned to these casinos in proportion.

After all, when Carl Wilo was at his most arrogant, he once made millions of federal dollars in a casino in one night, and then went out and scattered the money on the street.

For these helpless casino owners, as long as this mentally ill person does not leave the casino, his money will eventually be spent back, at least to reduce the losses.

Carl Wile saw a tall and burly figure sitting next to him, frowning as he drank the cocktail he had just ordered.

But he didn't explode, he just motioned to the female bartender for another drink. In essence, he was not a strong-willed person, otherwise the casino would have been named Wilo by now.

"Friend, I'll treat you to the first cup, but you have to pay for the second cup yourself." Carl Wilo revealed a chic smile.

The smile of a person who has not achieved financial freedom will never make him smile.

(Repeat below)

After all, when Carl Wilo was at his most arrogant, he once made millions of federal dollars in a casino in one night, and then went out and scattered the money on the street.

For these helpless casino owners, as long as this mentally ill person does not leave the casino, his money will eventually be spent back, at least to reduce the losses.

Carl Wile saw a tall and burly figure sitting next to him, frowning as he drank the cocktail he had just ordered.

But he didn't explode, he just motioned to the female bartender for another drink. In essence, he was not a strong-willed person, otherwise the casino would have been named Wilo by now.

"Friend, I'll treat you to the first cup, but you have to pay for the second cup yourself." Carl Wilo revealed a chic smile.

The smile of a person who has not achieved financial freedom will never make him smile.

But he didn't explode, he just motioned to the female bartender for another drink. In essence, he was not a strong-willed person, otherwise the casino would have been named Wilo by now.

"Friend, I'll treat you to the first cup, but you have to pay for the second cup yourself." Carl Wilo revealed a chic smile.

The smile of a person who has not achieved financial freedom will never make him smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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