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Chapter 167 Information Confirmation

 Toda Heihachi took a step back. Beside him, the man with see-through glasses had lost this function forever.

A bullet first penetrated the wall, and then knocked away the skull and soft tissue above his cheekbones. The remaining reaction in his brain made the man with glasses open his mouth wide, sticking out his tongue and roaring silently.

This sudden accident stunned the entire high school team. Everyone held their breath, and then turned their attention to Toda Heihachi, the nominal captain.

The pride in Toda Heihachi's heart was ignited. His only failure after awakening was at the hands of team leader Kitagawa Naoki. When could bullets scare him?!

Toda Heihachi shouted loudly, ignoring the fact that the organization had always emphasized not to harm Arababa Yorinobu. His swords were vertically connected to the ground, and he swung out a rain of cracks in an instant!


Another bullet, carrying a faint, hard-to-find gray-black flame, penetrated straight through the corridor full of spatial cracks.

The bullets passed through one crack after another, as if they didn't exist at all, and they kept magnifying in Toda Heihachi's eyes.

His short and shallow life turned into memories, passing by in an instant before his eyes. There was almost no content worthy of nostalgia except bullying.

Toda Heihachi, who always thought he was the center of the world, didn't even have a chance to say his last words before his head was shot cleanly.

As always in Tang's style, there are almost no whole corpses under the gun.

Although the few remaining auxiliary superhumans had some fighting ability, the two strongest people in the team were killed by this person without making a sound, and their morale immediately collapsed.

Several half-year-old children seemed to have finally realized that they had done something wrong. They should have been good kids in school instead of getting involved in the cruel world of adults.

Everything in the past is like passing smoke and vain dreams, but now, the smoke has dispersed and the dream has awakened.

All that was left to them were cold bullets.

Tang Ji was like hunting turkeys, through the wall, turning these high school students into corpses. He predicted the location based on sounds and footsteps. Why was the guy with glasses the first to die?

It was because Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared and took the pink-haired girl away, and then suddenly returned with Tang Ji, making him scream in surprise. He was the only one who saw what happened inside through the wall, so he died first.

Then there is Toda Heihachi, he shouldn't shout too much to build up his momentum, otherwise Tang Ji will give him more time to prepare.

As for the remaining people, when they began to flee in a panic, their footsteps were as loud as a troll in the forest.

The one who escaped the farthest, Tang Ji's bullet penetrated three walls, traveled in a straight line, and hit her lower abdomen. The bullet's power was low, but it was still enough to cause it to roll inside the target's abdominal cavity.

"Captain Naoki...save me...save me, I don't want to die!" The girl who was shot in the end was a rare psychic superhuman who could share the target's five senses with herself.

The longer she shares it, the stronger her influence on the target becomes. If she can continue to share it for more than twenty days, she can even give orders to the target.

During the entire process, the target will not be aware of anything unusual, and regards the influence from the girl as his subconscious. The girl relies on this ability to make her high school the school with the highest suicide rate in Neon.

She calls herself a witch and uses her powers unscrupulously to deprive those she hates of their lives, taking this as a natural law of nature.

Her favorite thing is to watch those people she influenced walking to the rooftop step by step, slowly leaning forward, and finally falling down under the influence of gravity.

At this time, she will come into contact with her influence on the target, stand on a certain floor, and have the last eye contact with the victim at the window.

At that moment, the confusion, hatred, and eventual prayer in the victim's eyes were her sweetest harvest.

But now, she is also dying, praying for life from a more powerful person. She has no idea who hurt her, just like the victims who were controlled by her and are on the verge of falling irreparably.

Kitagawa Naoki did not respond to her, and the witch felt life flowing along the wound in her abdomen, and the cold she had never felt before was freezing her consciousness bit by bit.

The witch's eyes widened as she refused to give up. She firmly believed that the person who hurt her would appear before she died, wearing a victor's smile.

Maybe then I can convince the other person to change his mind. After all, my ability is very useful...

The witch just opened her eyes wide and lost the breath of life. Until the last moment, she still stubbornly believed that everyone should be like her - born evil and harboring resentment.

"I didn't expect us to meet so soon, San..." Tang Ji looked at Sandao Yingfu. He had memorized too many names of neon people this afternoon. This name was on his lips but he couldn't remember it.

Fortunately, Samada Yingfu is a good communicator. Especially in this situation, he kept his attitude low and reminded him very respectfully: "I am the head of the special section of the Huangban Group, Samada Yingfu."

"Thank you for your help! I will definitely remember your kindness!" Sandao Yingfu glanced sensitively at Wang Zhengdao next to Tang Ji, and blurted out his kind words as if he didn't need money, for fear that this thick life-saving straw would disappear out of thin air.

"This is the heir to the Aragban Group, Aragban Yorinobu." Sanda Yingfu had read Tang Ji's information, and the psychological team had also analyzed the personality of this famous terrorist. He was afraid that his name was not loud enough, so he quickly pulled him.

The same thing as Yorinobu Shanghanban said: "For the sake of Neon and the stability of the entire world order, please help me protect the safety of Yori Xuanjun! Get rid of it!"

"On behalf of the entire Aragban Group Special Section, I promise you that when this matter is over, I will give you a satisfactory reward!" Sanda Yingfu kept bowing, he was really guilty about this accident.

He was one of the few people within the Aragban Group who knew the relationship between Matsutomo Electric and the Aragban Group, so he was completely unaware that he would be in danger this time.

Yori Xuan, who was confused throughout the whole process, knew nothing about the sudden appearance of Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao, but his experience told him that he was right to listen to the insiders at this time, and he bowed to the end, saying:


"I charge a very high fee." Tang Ji pointed at Miwako in the corner who looked not in good condition: "I want her."

"No!" Yori nobu Aroban subconsciously spoke to stop them, but Tang Ji had no intention of asking for their opinions and winked at Wang Zhengdao.

Wang Zhengdao, who was picking his ears out of boredom, disappeared in an instant, as if he split into two people. He appeared behind Yoshio Sanda and Yorinobu Arabata, and knocked them unconscious with two blows from his hand.

Then Wang Zhengdao disappeared into the room with the two unconscious people, and Alia helped them identify 23 unoccupied apartments within a radius of five kilometers that could be used as hiding places.

When Wang Zhengdao goes to and from these places, he does not need to pass by cameras or enter or exit doors, and will not leave any traces. Even Songyou Electricians have completely turned to naturalized people. To find them, it will take several weeks of investigation.

"Miss Miwako, it seems we have to talk again. I know you can speak Federalese." Tang Ji walked over and picked Miwako out from under the body. He took out a green injection from his arms and pricked her with one needle.

The chest is close to the heart.

Miwako, who was originally a little confused, cheered up in an instant. The mysterious potion of the Lazarus Group was as effective as the magic potion in myths and legends. In the true sense, as long as you are not completely dead, it can bring you back.

"What do you want to know?" Miwako's face was a little pale. The effect of the medicine not only made her conscious, but also instantly eliminated the effect of the previous anesthetic.

Two huge wounds were a constant reminder of how bad her condition was.

"I like to get straight to the point. I want to know where that player is." Tang Ji admired Carl Willer's ability to bullshit in his heart. You will never be able to guess the rationale behind these interlocking random events.

What if I hadn’t killed Nagagusa Shiro at that time? What if I hadn’t agreed to Carl Wheeler entering the casino to kill time? What if I hadn’t met the people from the Iron Lotus Brotherhood?

Will luck and destiny bring different results to him? As someone who directly experienced Mr. Good Luck's ability, Wu Qianying asked Tang Ji to write down all these questions and tell her when he went back.

Tang Ji felt that these problems might make Wu Qianying's hairline move back a few millimeters, but for him, turning around and farting was a thing of the past.

"I can't tell you!" Miwako was about to show her professionalism when she was interrupted by Tang Ji.

"Don't waste time, Ms. Miwako." Tang Ji pointed at his face: "Look at me, then look at the prince of the Huangban Group and his intelligence chief. They know the news and can only hold a meeting to study it.

Study and have a meeting and then decide how to react.”

"And you only need to tell me a name, and it would be better if you also have an address, and then the next second, I will disappear in front of your eyes." Tang Ji made an explosive gesture: "Wait until you hear from me again.

At that time, that player no longer exists, do you understand?"

"I am the final solution to the players." Tang Ji closed his palms and spoke like a sword.

"This is something that needs serious consideration! This matter is of great importance..." Miwako was interrupted again by Tang Ji.

"There is no need to think about it anymore. For you, this is big news like a bolt from the blue, but for us, this is our daily routine." Tang Ji explained: "Find players or naturalized people who join them.

, then I knock on the door and send a blessing bullet, and the cycle starts over and over again.”

"This is not the first time, Miss Miwako." Tang Ji said while reloading the prelude. He had already heard footsteps approaching from outside, and the gunshots belonging to the Special Action Team had completely disappeared.

"The two sides of us have entered a state of war a long time ago. This matter is not as complicated as you think. It's just a matter of life and death." Tang Ji suddenly opened fire and killed an assaulter through the door: "Every battle we fought before

it's the same."

"It's just that this time, your opponent is difficult to kill. Sometimes you may have to work harder to kill the opponent completely." Tang Ji frowned, because the assaulter behind the door continued to fight tenaciously after falling.

stood up.

He was sure that the bullet penetrated the opponent's body armor, but it was an indisputable fact that the person outside the door got up again.

[Cancer Recovery], this ability that has almost become the business card of naturalized people, appears in the people of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood. Obviously, this organization is closer to that than one thinks.

Tang Ji listened to the sound of the shot man slowly crawling backwards behind the door. When he closed his eyes and listened carefully, he could even hear the subtle sounds made by the open wounds trying to heal.

At this distance, although he couldn't see directly, his other senses were enough to replace his eyes.

A gray-white bullet was loaded into the cylinder by Tang Ji, and gray-black flames surrounded the gun body. Tang Ji smiled excitedly and pulled the trigger.

Gray-black flames entwined with yellow-white flames, leaving a trail of white smoke in the air, penetrating the door panel and hitting the wounded man again.

Along with this inhuman wailing, a pungent smell came from behind the door. The white phosphorus bomb mixed with the flame of hatred was a gift prepared by Tang Ji for these flesh and blood resurrected people.

The former can block the [cancer recovery] ability to a certain extent, while the latter itself is a cruel weapon made against carbon-based organisms, which can burn flesh and blood and carbonize wounds. Even cancer cells cannot withstand such a double blow.

"Listen, there are their people outside the door." Tang Ji looked at Miwako: "Naturalized people are almost everywhere, but it will take seven days for other players to enter our world again. The player in your hands is the only one now.

Players who remain in our world."

"Knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles. This is our only chance to capture the player alive." Tangji pulled Miwako away from the door. A series of bullets penetrated the poor door and hit the opposite wall.

"I have many ways to obtain your memory. The trick you played with Shiro Nagaso has no effect on me." Tang Ji pointed to his head: "Memories are not safe in front of many superhuman beings. I

I'm just wasting my time here out of respect for you."

"I admire your performance at Shiro Nagagusa, but my patience is limited." Tang Ji fired again, penetrating the wall and hitting the gunman who fired before.

"I can tell you, but you have to take me with you!" Miwako did not continue to hesitate, but whispered to Tang Ji: "I have to make sure you are doing the right thing."

"I promise you." Tang Ji happily agreed, not caring about the extra cannon fodder.

Miwako didn't waste time. She leaned close to Tang Ji's ear and whispered softly: "I believe you, Demonstration City, Zhuosuan Network Services Company, Karkarf."

Tang Ji finally showed a sincere smile: "In return, I will reimburse you for the cost of installing a prosthetic limb."

The next second, Wang Zhengdao appeared again. He had already placed the two burdensome people in two different apartments. It was estimated that by the time they woke up, their group would have returned to Night City.

"Where are we going now?" Wang Zhengdao put his hands on their shoulders and asked.

"We go straight to the bottom of the pass!"

This chapter has been completed!
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