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Chapter 168 Reasonable Accidents

 In the West Coast of the Federation, Model City No. 1, Building AC-115, 97th floor, Zhuosuan Network Services Company Headquarters, President's Office.

With a forced smile on his face, Kacalf received congratulators who kept coming in and out of his office. He had just been promoted from the position of vice president to president.

"Thank you, I know you helped a lot Jack, I won't forget you." Karcalf sent away another powerful figure within the company, and finally felt at ease.

He tugged on his tie to make himself more relaxed, asked the smart assistant to start playing a piece of soft music he liked, adjusted the indoor light to a warm color, threw himself on a comfortable chair, and allowed the inertia to take him there.

By the window.

Today is the day he was promoted, and it was also the day his wife gave birth, but the real reason that tied Karkarf here was the leak crisis that Tang Ji was involved in.

Karkarf knew that if his identity was revealed, he would most likely become the third 'player' to die at his hands.

"I won't die here..." Karcalf stared out the window, turned around and opened the mailbox. At the front of the line was his lover, who sent a special email to congratulate him on his promotion.

Karkarf didn't remember what dreams this body had had, but he knew that striving to climb up and transcend classes was the instinct of every intelligent creature, no matter in which world it was.

He ignored his lover's email and continued to read it, with both expectation and worry.

At this time, there was no smile on his face, as if he was not checking the mailbox, but clearing mines.

Fourteen hours have passed since the Miki Consortium incident, and whether his identity has been leaked is still a question that needs to be verified.

Karkarf refreshed his mailbox anxiously. Due to the principle of security isolation, he actually did not have high control over the naturalized organization. In many cases, he could only passively wait for the naturalized people to "actively" cooperate with him.

For example, right now, the actions of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood are planned by a certain neon naturalized organization. They don't want to get directly involved in the conflict with the Huangban Group, so finding an agent is the best choice.

On the other hand, they did not want Karkarf to feel that he was not doing his job well. After all, they were the real descendants, so they symbolically sent out an elite team of all superhumans, disguised as members of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood.

People take part in action.

Of course, they have another hidden reason that they didn't say, and that is that the middle and high-level managers of the naturalized people generally don't want to provoke Tang Ji. They want to wait for the Blazers to come back and rely on the Blazers to deal with Tang Ji.

At this time, Kacalf's phone rang, causing the absent-minded Kacalf to break into a cold sweat. He answered the phone instantly, feeling that his throat was terribly dry and he couldn't even say hello.

"Congratulations to Mr. Kacalf, your wife gave birth to a pair of twins safely!" On the other side of the phone was Kacalf's housekeeper: "Please rest assured that mother and child are safe. It's a pity that you are not here. They did not allow me to take pictures of the baby.


Kacalf didn't remember how he hung up the phone. He felt like he was floating in the clouds, and even the floor was soft.

Although the baby's bloodline does not entirely originate from him, it is at least born under the guidance of his soul. In a sense, this is his child.

Two Karcalf IIs...

Kacalf couldn't even remember the last time he saw a newborn baby, or to put it another way, Kacalf had never seen the birth of any new life in his long life.

In his world, that was the privilege of the upper class. For people like him to listen to the cry of a baby, it was a blasphemy against new life.

When Karkarf woke up, he had been giggling at the screen for who knows how long, and he didn't even notice another red-marked email in his mailbox.

But at this time, Karcalf was no longer so panicked. He even opened the email with a sense of relief, waiting for fate to unfold his verdict.

Of course, based on the fact that Mr. Good Luck was at Tang Ji's side, Karcalf was actually mentally prepared for the content of the email.

"Dear Adventer, we regret to inform you that the operation failed. Tang Ji and his team took away the target you assigned before us.

If the target does have your identity and location, please move to a safe area as soon as possible. Tangji is with the teleporters of the Ark organization, and they move very quickly.

All naturalized people in the Neon Division are willing to provide all the help and support we can for your safety, and we will send enough force to the area you designate at all costs."

Karkarf forced out a slightly sarcastic smile, as these wallflowers actually didn't have much respect for him at all.

As the pioneers move more and more frequently in this world, they reveal more and more information.

At least the current naturalized people in the Neon Zone are very aware of Karkarf's awkward position among the pioneers. He is an Adventer, but he is neither a superhuman nor can he change his body at will like other Adventors.


He was descended into the body of Karcalf and then forgotten.

These naturalized people may have really tried their best, but were defeated by Tang Ji's precise attack, but the greater possibility is that they wanted to use this to once again verify Tang Ji's special threat to the descendants.

After all, the fact that Tang Ji could kill players was only circulated privately among the pioneers, and this matter was strictly kept secret from the naturalized people.

Tang Ji's special characteristics can almost subvert the special characteristics of the descendants in this world. Why can they gain the support of so many naturalized people by their own existence?

Because they are strong enough, because they cannot die, and Tangji has shaken their foundation.

Even those fools from the Church of Advent would not be so foolish as to worship something that would be killed by their own kind.

Kacalf glanced at the time on his phone, when the housekeeper finally sent him a photo of the baby and his mother.

He stared at the photo on the screen. The newborn baby was wrinkled and looked a little ugly, but it exuded an aura that could make steel weak.

Kacalf looked at the mother and son in the photo and burst into tears.

Not out of fear of the threat of death, but for the birth of new life.

He could see a familiar shadow on the faces of the two babies, the faces he saw in the mirror every day when he got up.

Life is so wonderful, and just by looking at a photo, Kacalf can see the connection that spans the world.

They are his descendants, carrying his dreams, his regrets, and also his hopes and future.

Kacalf took a deep breath, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person. He called HR on his office phone and announced that in order to celebrate his promotion, all employees would take paid leave starting today, and the vacation time is to be determined.

After making the call, Kacalf carefully arranged his hair in the mirror, tied his tie again, called the phone again, and told his secretary that he hoped she would give him three cups of coffee before going on vacation.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Karkarf said to the mirror. Perhaps he thought his tone was a bit too strong. He adjusted his expression and said again with a slight smile: "I'm not afraid of you."

"No, do it again." Karkarf closed his eyes, raised his head and looked in the mirror again, his tone calm and relaxed, his expression calm but majestic: "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be afraid." In the mirror, Tang Ji was sitting on the chair where Karcalf had been sitting before, his tone was calmer than him, and his expression was calmer than him.

Karkarf suddenly turned his head, and three uninvited guests had already sat in his office without knowing it.

Two of them, Kacalf had seen them in photos, Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao.

One has an Avenger who can kill the Advent, and the other has space movement that is second only to the Seven Deadly Sins in the superhuman catalog.

As for the third one, Karkarf looked at Miwako's mutilated body and quickly ignored her.

"Mr. Kacalf, the coffee you asked for." Kacalf's beautiful female secretary knocked on the door and was startled when she saw four people in the room. She was at the door but did not notice when the visitors came in.


"It's okay, Katya, go and do your work, get ready for the holidays, this is the benefit I give you." Karkarf smiled and waved to the secretary, taking the tray from the other party's hand.

"Do you need me to prepare another cup of coffee?" the secretary asked very sincerely, and at the same time blessed Carcalf: "I heard that Emma is about to give birth. Congratulations to Mr. Carcalf, you will definitely be a good father.


Kacalf shook his head, accepted his blessing, sent the female secretary away, and turned back to the office to face Tangji.

"I'm not afraid of you." Karkarf said this again, but this time, he did overcome the fear in his heart.

"You should be afraid." Tang Ji also repeated his answer again: "Because what I want you to do requires you to be in awe."

"Haha, you don't understand us, and you will never be able to understand us." Kacalf took out a bottle of champagne from the drawer, casually broke the bottle mouth on the corner of the table, and filled himself up: "

Today is a good day, I’ll treat you to champagne.”

In the past few days, he had been awakened countless times in his dreams because of Tangji's pursuit, but now, to be precise, when he saw the twins, Karcalf no longer had any fear.

He knew that he would not die today.

"Mr. Karcalf, from the first moment I saw you, I knew that you are different from the bastards I met before." Tang Ji was silent for a few seconds and then said: "You love this world, you like

The food here, the lifestyle here.”

"You love your wife and of course your children. I must congratulate you and welcome you to join the ranks of fathers." Tangji took the champagne from Carcalf, poured himself a glass, raised his glass and looked at the other party: "But

It also means responsibility."

"Respect the responsibility!" Carcalf didn't care about the metaphors behind Tang Ji's words, because he knew that Tang Ji didn't come up with such words himself.

He had studied Tang Ji carefully, and he could not say so many words: "If Dr. Wu wants to communicate with me, you can call me directly. I believe it will not be difficult for you to find it now."

Tang Ji stood up with a smile and took off his headset. Wu Qianying's spoon-fed conversation teaching was interrupted.

"Hell, she's right, you've fallen in love with the world." Tang Ji drank up the champagne in the glass in one gulp: "I checked your consumption records in the past year, and the largest proportion of them is food and beverage expenses."

"And his office, it's so lifelike, as if a woman lives there, tsk tsk." Wang Zhengdao picked up a half-opened book titled "Travel Notes on Specialty Restaurants in the Northern Federal Region".

As Wang Zhengdao said, everything here is neatly arranged, but it is not as rigid as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Everything is placed in a comfortable position and can be easily accessed.

Several kinds of green plants are placed in different areas, which plays a finishing touch and makes the entire office look full of vitality.

Combined with the books on the bookshelf such as "The Master of Gardening", "The Art of Small Spaces", "Complex Sensibility" and others that people like Tang Ji are too lazy to take a look at, it can all be proved that the real outsider in front of him is...

Enjoy life here very much.

"I don't know what your plans are, because most of the time you don't have such a thing." Kacalf pointed at Tangji: "But I am just a humble worker, left in this world to act as a monitor, I don't have

Any authority."

"No, you yourself are the most valuable trophy." Tang Ji broke the strange and harmonious atmosphere.

The main reason was that when they first arrived, they happened to see Karcalf doing psychological construction. The advantage of the full live broadcast was that Wu Qianying immediately realized that this boss they thought was the final boss was actually a sensitive person who could be won over with more sensibility than rationality.

This led to the previous conversation.

"That's right, you found me. My biggest trump card in this game is gone." Karkarf nodded in agreement: "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Or are you going to give me a clean shot?" Karcalf glanced at Tangji provocatively.

"I really want to do this, but someone wants to learn more about you through you." Tangji ignored Karcalf's small overstep: "Besides, if you agree, we can make a deal."

"I can give you six hours every day. You can ask questions and I will dictate the answers." Karkarf glanced at the time: "Dr. Wu is a smart person. She should know why I choose to cooperate, so this time is for me.

The greatest sincerity I can show.”

"In addition, I cannot leave Demonstration City No. 1, otherwise a file will be left on my personal record. When the Blazers come back, I will have to explain the unnecessary trip." Kacalf told his conditions: "I am only responsible.

It is a matter of science popularization. I am not responsible for making promises, not participating in your actions, and not revealing other information about the Pioneer Project."

"This is a good start. We will slowly seek common ground while reserving differences." Tang Ji extended his hand. This was a possibility he had never imagined before, a defector.

This chapter has been completed!
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