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Chapter 194 Fight to Fame

 Tetsuo Ruburt has never fought such a rich fight. A few days ago, a bastard who came from nowhere and claimed to be an agent came to him and said that an underground company planned to invest in his team, on condition that he cooperated with them.

arrangements to maintain exposure.

Ever since Rubeus decided to embark on the road of crime, he felt that he had seen through the world, but it turned out that he understood nothing.

Who is the villain agent? He is obviously a villain who robs banks, ransacks freight convoys, and kills people without any calculation, but they actually come directly to his door and want to invest in him.

Ruburt felt insulted. He didn't know which idiot in the team sold the location of the hiding place to these people, but he changed the safe house three times in a row and failed to avoid these people in suits.

He is convinced. You are looking for someone so good, why not become a bounty hunter?

Because of his past experiences, Rubeus was very wary of these guys who wore ridiculous clothes and waved money, and he didn't want to have anything to do with these people.

But they gave him too much. In just a few days, the small team he had worked so hard to build was completely conquered.

Even if Rube is the core person in this team, he can't resist everyone's will. He needs Jason to help him find out information in the city.

Otherwise, he would never know which bank would store a sufficient amount of cash, nor would he be able to tell which convoys were transporting high-value items. No one would want to fight through twenty heavily armed security guards and harvest dozens of tons of scrap metal.


He also needs Moravi, the veteran who can handle all weapons, whether it is maintenance or repair. Rube can repair cars, but he will never learn how to calibrate ballistics.

There is also Jurgen. Rube has always disliked him, but he must admit that since Jurgen joined, their loot can be sold for 30% more than before.

He knows what kind of goods can be sold to whom at high prices, and he can also help them solve the problem of false identities.

The reason why Ruber quickly became a famous gangster in North Carolina is because he knew where his limits were and was willing to give up his power and find truly capable people to cooperate with him.

But now, everyone feels that it is right to accept the agent's kindness, and Rubeus can only accept it.

As a result, they received weapons and equipment worth one million federal coins that day. All kinds of brand-new and latest-model weapons seemed to have the warmth of a furnace.

What followed was the first request from the brokers. They hoped that Ruber's team could launch an attack on a designated bank in the near future.

Rubeus couldn't figure out the purpose of these people, and Jason, the smartest member of the team, could only confirm that they had no intention of taking this opportunity to ambush a large number of law enforcers and mercenaries at the entrance of the bank to round them up.

"Because the total value of these weapons has exceeded the bounty on us." Veteran Molavi said: "This is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. We actually have an agent!"

The brokers were very efficient, and they quickly sent over the specific information of the bank, including the names of every employee working that day, as well as building structure diagrams, vault passwords, etc.

They literally stripped the bank clean and waited for Rubeus to go up and pound it with his iron rod several times until it was reduced to a pulp.

Ruburt himself was very resistant to the instigated action, but when he saw the name of the bank manager, he gave in completely.

That manager was the same guy who made the decision to kick them out of the house.

Rube led the team there. The bank was almost defenseless. There were no traps or ambushes. Everything went so smoothly that every bank robber would laugh out of his dreams.

He happily shot like a pheasant, killing all the staff with badges on their chests, and finally the damn bank manager.

Ruburt took him to the rooftop and forced him to jump off the roof of a building dozens of meters high and fell into a puddle of mud.

Next, something unexpected happened.

When Ruburt returned to the bank lobby, he saw his entire action being broadcast live on TV, and a video blogger used a micro-drone to follow them throughout the process.

Then Molavi discovered another problem. The car they used to escape was remotely locked, and there were no other vehicles around.

They're stuck in the bank...

If these are all coincidences, then Rubeus should change his nickname to Iron Head, because those agents have tricked them.

The law enforcers quickly surrounded them, Jurgen controlled the remaining hostages, while Moravi and Jason relied on the structural diagram to find the entrance to the sewer.

As for Rubeus, he was working in his old profession, standing at the gate of the bank, shooting at each other with the law enforcers, using his own abilities and machine guns to suppress these poor little guys who lacked firepower.

"Rupert, we found the entrance to the sewer!" Moravi's tone was a little strange.

But Rubeus didn't care about that much anymore. He just wanted to know if he could leave here alive today.

Although he is a well-known tough gangster in North Carolina, in his heart Rubeus still puts himself on the weak side, and his previous actions were therefore very cautious.

In Ruburt's understanding, once he is surrounded by law enforcers, he may be able to resist for a while relying on his ability, but he will eventually fail.

"There is no way out, Rube. We have been tricked. Those agents left things for us here in advance." Molavi continued: "They left us a pile of bullets, several boxes of grenades, and missiles here.


"What did you say?" Rubeus was staggered by the sudden intensity of firepower from the law enforcers. He threw a few grenades in any direction as a counterattack before saying again: "Those sons of bitches! I want to kill them."

Got them!"

"They also left a note." Moravi said again: "It says, wish us a happy hunting."

"Head, SWAT is coming soon!" This is what Jason shouted: "It's live on TV, their armored vehicles are coming soon!"

Molave ​​looked at the missile launcher at hand, and then at the armored vehicle on TV, and suddenly realized something. Without saying a word, he picked up this valuable weapon system and ran to the rooftop.

While running, he shouted: "Jason, come up here and use your mobile phone to show me the live broadcast!"

Tang Ji had already seen everything that happened next on TV. They successfully destroyed the SWAT team.

Rubeus didn't know how his day ended. He only remembered that he kept pulling the trigger, and the bullets were flowing like water. How long did he keep firing? One hour, or two hours?

Two rifles exploded in his hands, but Rubeus didn't care. Jason gave him a shot of stimulant, which made Rubeus very high.

When he woke up, there were no more obstacles in front of him. They just took the money and drove away in the law enforcement patrol car.

This chapter has been completed!
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