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Chapter 195 New situation

 "Very good, Mr. Luber, this is the share you deserve this time." As expected, the elusive agent found their hiding spot again: "A total of 750,000, after deducting the money we previously supported you.

Equipment and bullets, you still owe us 600,000 federal coins."

The first words the agent said when he walked in made Rubeus angry.

"Are you kidding! It was you who came to us and wanted to sponsor us, and now you tell me that there is a fee for these damn things?" Luper was so angry that his whole body began to turn into metal.

"Of course, it is indeed an investment. If you die, we will naturally forgive all your debts, but now you have entered a profit state." The agent sat on his chair, completely ignoring the people around him.

Dangerous elements.

He felt as comfortable as if he were visiting a supermarket.

"It sounds like someone wants to steal money from us." Lu Bo laughed ferociously. The Lu Bo who used to exchange loans honestly, be tolerant, and be kind to others has long since died.

Not to mention 750,000, even 7,500 Rubber wouldn't mind shooting to solve the problem.

But he couldn't do it. When he was about to draw his gun, he suddenly heard the other person say: "You can't breathe."

Ruburt didn't know why, he seemed to want to follow the command of this voice. When he realized that he shouldn't be so obedient, his brain had become groggy due to lack of oxygen.

"What did you do!" Ruburt heard Molavi's voice, and he stretched out his fingers to clasp his throat with difficulty, trying to let in fresh air.

"You can't bend your fingers." Following the agent's voice, Moravi looked at his hands that seemed to be suffering from cerebral thrombosis, and dropped the pistol directly to the ground.

The remaining two people raised their hands directly, and Jason emphasized: "We accept the 750,000! The money is all here, and it belongs to you! Rube is almost dying!"

The agent spoke again: "It's over, forget about it."

Ruburt took a sudden breath, retched violently, and his eyes turned black, but after all, he had been through life and death many times, and he had sworn long ago that he would never be bullied to his head again.

Before the black shadow in front of him disappeared, he fired a shot and shot the agent in the chest: "Asshole! No one can threaten me! No one can threaten me!"

Ruber shouted as he pulled the trigger. Molavi only hesitated for a second before firing.

The two men emptied the magazine and breathed a sigh of relief after beating the agent until he was as good as a sieve.

"What just happened?" Ruburt gasped and asked his companions: "Is this guy also a superhuman? Or some kind of bullshit hypnosis master? He just said a word and made me almost suffocate myself to death?"

"It also turned my hands into wood." Moravi looked at his fingers in confusion, bending and checking them one by one. It was as if he had completely forgotten this action just now.

"We'd better get out of here quickly. He comes to our door every time. He must be a force we can't afford to offend!" Jason glanced at the corpse on the ground and knew it was too late to regret now.

"I suggest that we divide the money now, disband and hide for a while, and wait until the storm is over..." Jason has always been the think tank of the small gang, but his words were interrupted.

"Guys, wait a minute, we seem to have some unresolved problems." Jürgen looked at the corpse in horror: "I'm pretty sure that thing moved a little bit just now!"

"Jorgen, are you scared?" Rube smiled, walked over, and kicked the body hard: "Do you know how many bullets he received?"

As a result, the corpse was kicked, suddenly coughed, and raised its head as if pretending to be a corpse, with a mischievous smile on its lips: "You won't..."


Molave ​​blasted the agent's head with a shotgun blast, and then fired nervously continuously until the corpse on the ground was mutilated into a human shape before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do now, Rube?" Molavi stared at the corpse while reloading: "You are also a superhuman, please explain whether we really killed him?"

"I'm a superhuman, but I didn't even go to high school!" Rubeus also became nervous, because he discovered that the 'thing' on the ground was indeed alive, and the wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Burn him!" Jürgen said through gritted teeth. He was the person with the widest connections in the team and had some knowledge of this self-healing ability.

He knew that there was a potion on the black market that could turn people into superhuman beings, and the best-selling one among them was this ability, but it was by no means such an exaggeration.

"We're in big trouble..." Jürgen found a body bag from the corner and threw it over: "Put him in. We have to find a place to put him in before he gets up again."


"Damn it, I know it's hard to get the money delivered to your door." Ruber complained, and together with Molavi, he put the corpses and debris on the ground into bags.

At this time, the cell phone in the corpse's pocket rang. The ringtone startled Rubeus. Before he could tell that this thing had escaped the hail of bullets, the call was connected by itself.

"Mr. Luber, I'm sorry about what just happened. Because of your unfriendly behavior, your debt has been increased to 1.5 million." The voice on the phone was completely different from that of the agent.

But the four people present were all sure that the tone and attitude on the other side of the phone were exactly the same as those in the body bag.

"In addition, you have to compensate me for five million in personal mental losses. It's easy to have nightmares about being shot in the head with a bullet." The agent continued: "Considering that you don't have that much money now, I suggest you

Better start preparing for your next move."

The foursome looked at each other, no one knew what to say, as if they had lost the ability to speak.

"In three days, I will visit again and bring you the new target." The agent laughed, his voice greasy and cold, like a poisonous snake's letter.

Just when the foursome thought the call was over, the manager spoke again: "By the way, keep my body well and use intravenous drip to maintain nutritional supply. That body is more expensive than you think."

The phone was finally hung up, leaving only the four of them listening to the blind tones on the phone, you look at me, I look at you.

Molavi looked at the body in the body bag and looked at Rube with some confusion: "You are the leader, you have the final say."

"Go buy nutrient solution." Rubeus' face was livid, looking at the corpse in the bag, feeling that it was silently mocking him.

"Big trouble..." Jason threw the gun on the ground: "We are trapped."

"Give me some time, I'll try to check, but I don't know if continuing to check is good or bad for us." Jorgen also sighed.

What happened to Rubeus happens everywhere in the world.

For Walter Company, the Virtue Seven plan is a top priority, and no mistakes can be made at every step. It shoulders the responsibility of creating a new era.

But creating villains? This project was much lazier. Walter's employees had almost all the information on superhuman criminals put into the database.

The agents played by those pioneers only need to measure the strength and potential of superhuman criminals to easily find their targets.

Kathy Walter is a qualified squeezer. When she appeared in Seven For Virtues, she was in line with the times. She didn't care about the work pressure of her employees at all.

Therefore, every pioneer who plays the role of a supervillain agent carries terrible KPI indicators, and Cai Xi has already said that whoever cannot complete the task indicators will fill in themselves.

Anyway, they themselves are often composite ability users with multiple abilities superimposed. If there are really no qualified candidates, it is not impossible to turn themselves into well-known villains.

Even if the background story is well written, a thief follows the right path, and occasionally does some self-promotion, he can become a star account second only to the Virtuous Seven.

You must know that on the Internet now, although the popularity of law enforcer Tang is not as high as before, it still maintains a high traffic. If Tang Ji has a little trouble, he will be on the hot search.

Of course, Tang Ji has caught up with the good times. When he became famous, superhuman beings were not so free to let themselves go, and players did not enter the world.

The world at that time was still a backwater, and Tang Ji could appear on the cover of Time magazine and be watched by millions of people just by running around naked.

Looking at the present, Tetsuo Ruburt's team fired more than 10,000 bullets in front of the bank yesterday under the live broadcast of more than a dozen media, but it only ranked seventh on the hot search list.

In the top six, the election of the federal chief was revealed, a demonstration city has become the new political center of the federation, a parahuman parade is breaking out in the European Community, and a famous rock and roll singer has publicly admitted his identity as a metahuman.

The remaining two strips are all related to Tang Ji.

One was Tang Ji's public execution of members of the Losas organization on the street, and the other was the battle between him and the Losas organization at the Plaza Hotel.

After nearly a year, the Losas organization once again came into people's sight. They seemed to have swept the world like a virus as soon as they appeared.

They can be found everywhere from the Federal Continent, Latin America to the European Community. This organization once detonated a nuclear bomb in Night City, making all the governing bodies regard them as the most dangerous terrorists.

Obviously, the large-scale superhuman parade that broke out in the EC now has the shadow of Losas behind it.

Once deceived by her agent, Lindsay Legriz, who cosplayed as Joan of Arc, has now become an official civil servant and her agent has also been fired.

Because of Lindsay's family background, educational background, and ability, she became the deputy director of the European Community Supernatural Bureau.

The ECS Bureau is referred to as the ECS Bureau. In the eyes of a scheming and powerful figure like Mikkelsen, this place is just like Interpol, an agency in name only, with no actual power at all.

Those powerful superhumans who can truly be trusted and controlled by the government serve in institutions similar to their respective regimes. Only superhumans like Lindsay Legriz, whose abilities are particularly suitable for official occasions, will be sent here.


Lindsay has a heavy workload and almost no time for vacation. At her busiest time, she had to travel to twelve countries every day with the assistance of other superhuman beings.

Her job is either to detect the number and composition of superhumans in a specific area, or to detect the good and evil of the parade of superhumans already wearing them.

And Wang Zhengdao is her most commonly used means of transportation.

The new leader of the Ark Organization, Wang Zhengdao, has become a guest of the governments of the European Community. He has used his own abilities to prove the foundation of the Ark Organization.

During the period under the leadership of the Prophet, the only impression the Ark Organization gave to various countries was that it was rich and had high welfare. However, Wang Zhengdao reversed this impression in just a few weeks.

His ability and efficiency make any force that has any intention of attacking the Ark organization shudder.

An oriental martial artist who is almost tireless and can appear at your bedside at any time? This is definitely a nightmare for Europeans.

The only thing scarier than it is to wake up and see Dalinzi standing in front of you, telling you kindly: "Comrade, get up and hang the red flag."

On this day, just like the previous weeks, Lindsay had finished a tiring day's work and was escorted to the airport by a whole team of armed soldiers, preparing to fly to the next city.

Her existence has at least allowed the members of the European Community to have a basic understanding of the approximate number and strength of superhumans in their respective major cities. They have even eliminated more than a dozen superhuman group criminal incidents in advance according to her guidance.

This has also made Lindsay Legriz a thorn in the side of transhumanists. Up to now, Lindsay has suffered nine terrorist attacks, and the number of bodyguards around her has increased from two to twenty, half of whom are transhumanists.


It's just that her escort strength is a bit weak today. On her last trip, Wang Zhengdao happened to be free and brought her here. There was only one escort accompanying her, and the rest could only take a miserable flight behind.


According to the plan, when Lindsay arrived at the airport, her escort team would get off the plane and be able to catch up with her subsequent trip.

So now there is a defense vacuum around her. Although the local government has sent a large number of armed soldiers to escort along the way, after seeing the combat effectiveness of high-level superhumans, Lindsay knows that these soldiers can only be fake.

"Ogna, I have a bad feeling." Lindsay Leglis looked at the gradually brightening street lights and said to the guard beside her: "I always feel like someone is staring at me in the dark."

"You are too tired, little princess." The woman called Organa is a woman from Northern Europe who is said to have Viking ancestry. She is tall and looks as good as any man.

Moreover, Organa is also a superhuman with an enhanced body. Bullets cannot penetrate her skin. She can reach a speed of 100 meters in five seconds, can jump four meters high on the spot, and can lift a car over the head of a country. She is nicknamed the Valkyrie.

In Lindsay's halo test, Organa's halo appeared golden. Although the light was not as exaggerated as Wang Zhengdao's, it was still dazzling enough.

The most important thing is that she is very friendly to Lindsay, and Lindsay trusts her, but Lindsay knows that there is a real man-eating devil in this land.

That is something that cannot be defeated with numerical superiority.

This chapter has been completed!
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