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Chapter 196 There is something for you to come down!

 Wolfgang has been dormant in the European Community for a long time. Although he quite enjoys this process, after all, in his previous hundreds of years of life, he has never experienced such an abundance of food.

Superhumans are popping up like mushrooms after a rain, and Wolfgang, an ogre, has become picky about his food.

Wolfgang must admit that before and after the first industrial revolution, superhuman beings, as special individuals in the human group, were delicacies to him, and he had eaten several 'things' that he was extremely resistant to for the sake of delicious food.

He was on duty in the Neon area and ate something called a kappa, and he also ate vampires in Eastern Europe.

In terms of taste, they are still superhuman and can greatly satisfy Wolfgang's endless desires, but intellectually, he still feels a little disgusting.

Fortunately, things are getting better now, good times are coming. Wolfgang caught a person yesterday who has a very unique ability. No, that is not accurate, because every superhuman has a unique ability.

It should be said that he captured a superhuman with great potential, an eighteen-year-old girl with smooth skin and very little hair, who did not even need much additional cleaning work.

Wolfgang's head chef swore that such soft and tender meat was perfect for making sashimi. Although Wolfgang was disgusted with this primitive cooking method, he assured that he had enough experience and ability to make this sashimi extraordinary.


"If you are not satisfied, just ask my assistant to fry my ribs as compensation. I know how to make the most delicious meat." This was the chef's guarantee, and Wolfgang decided to believe him.

But the food obviously couldn't accept her ending, so she decided to exchange her life for a piece of valuable news.

Wolfgang agreed, and he got Lindsay Leglis's itinerary, as well as the security window, because the ingredient was a member of the local superhuman agency, she could read human thoughts, and she knew many secrets.

This news was what she 'saw' from the top management, and she swore that she would be loyal to Wolfgang from now on and provide him with a steady stream of secrets.

Wolfgang is very satisfied, not only with the ability of the ingredients, but also with the quality of the ingredients themselves. He feels that his head chef may be the best human chef in the world. He really makes the sashimi cooking method shine.


Wolfgang once encountered a superhuman with similar abilities, but at that time he gave up the plan of eating the other person. This was definitely a huge concession for greed, which essentially represents one of the seven deadly sins.

At that time, Wolfgang had been wandering around the world for hundreds of years, possessing dozens of abilities. He was like a living god, but he didn't want that ability.

He has begun to feel tired of his own existence. It would be too cruel for him to gain the ability to read people's hearts again, and he would not even be able to deceive himself.

But things were different now. Wolfgang felt that he had never been so excited.

He did tell Tang Ji that he would fight the players to the end, but essentially it was because Wolfgang thought it would be so fun!

The appearance of these players makes Wolfgang's world seem to jump from the black and white era to the color era, making people forget to leave.

The successive emergence of superhuman beings of the same level as himself in the local area also made Wolfgang very excited. He felt as if he had returned to the time when he had just gained the ability to live forever. Every moment he had a new experience.

Wolfgang sorted out his newly acquired abilities and felt that in order to deal with new enemies, he needed to improve himself.

He scanned his team of chefs, then pointed to a person and said to the head chef: "I stewed him for a supper at night. I will have fresh food when I come back. Also, don't let him sleep. His master can

Communicate with him in your dreams.”

"How disgusting, you actually have such an erotic dream!" Wolfgang frowned: "Wash him more, brush him inside and out!"

"Yes, sir!" The head chef knocked out the waiter with a hammer of the pineapple hammer at hand, and watched Wolfgang disappear into the night like a giant bat.

He is going to acquire another ability that he likes.

Lindsay Leglis looked out the car window nervously. The shadows of the trees that kept passing by seemed like strange tentacles trying to engulf her.

Organa shook Lindsay's hand: "Don't be nervous, we will be at the airport in seven kilometers. Dolph and the others have landed now, and we will leave here soon."

"You don't understand. I have seen a superhuman whose halo can dye the entire sky red. Compared with us, he is as powerful as a demon." Lindsay took out her mobile phone and selected Wang Zhengdao's number to ensure that she could broadcast at any time.

Out: "I have been praying that I will not encounter him again, and I hope that I can find his traces so that the ECS Bureau can mobilize enough power to eliminate him."

"Who are you talking about?" Organa asked. She had seen Lindsay in this state many times. Every day after dark, the little princess would enter a state of panic, like a child who is afraid of the monster under the bed.


Organa didn't know what kind of superhuman it was that scared Lindsay like this. During the more than a month they had been in contact, Lindsay had always been very decisive.

The most dangerous time was when Lindsay activated her abilities, the nearest superhuman terrorist was only fifteen meters away from her.

But Lindsay just aimed the gun and threatened the unreported superhuman with the muzzle of the gun, so that the other person did not dare to move.

"Greed..." Lindsay trembled and said a name: "He treats us as food. Every time he eats a super human, he can gain the super human's ability. He is a cannibal who has lived for hundreds of years.

Demon, when my halo shines on him, the bloody souls are all over the sky, and the sky is almost invisible..."

Organa felt as if she was listening to a fairy tale. How powerful would a monster that has been devouring the accumulated abilities of superhumans for hundreds of years be?

She couldn't imagine it, but she immediately witnessed the power of the other party. Just when Organa was stunned, a black shadow passed across the roof of the car, as if a huge bat suddenly took away the law enforcement vehicle that was opening the way.

Organa watched helplessly as the car flew off the ground amidst the exclamations of the people inside, and was then thrown into the woods on the left by the black shadow at an altitude of dozens of meters.

Lindsay almost screamed and activated her ability. A halo of light centered on her and quickly spread to all directions, causing all superhumans to passively emit their own light!

Organa's light was as golden as ever, with a faint glow that was a little sacred, as if there was a sword in it. This light actively surrounded Lindsay, as if to protect her from harm.

Outside the vehicle, there were only two soldiers escorting Lindsay around, including two superhumans. However, their light was much dimmed, and they could only slightly reveal the outer shell of the wheeled armored vehicle.

"It's him here!" Lindsay opened her eyes wide, as if the nightmare of many years had finally come into reality. She nervously broadcast the call and shouted to Wang Zhengdao in a tearful voice: "Come and save me! I'm greedy.


Lindsay didn't know where Wang Zhengdao was now or how long it would take for him to appear, but she knew that Organa was not a greedy opponent.

At this time, Organa finally saw the concept of the bloody sky that Lindsay mentioned. When she raised her head and looked up through the skylight, the entire sky was red with blood, and objects that looked like innocent souls were moving at high speed in it, interacting with each other.


There was also blood-red mist lingering around. Although these were just illusions transformed by Lindsay's ability, Organa was still keenly aware that the smell of blood in the air was real.

Wolfgang, who was like a giant bat, slowly lowered his altitude and hovered five meters in front of the high-speed car: "You have improved a lot compared to the last time we met. I am very happy, little girl."

Wolfgang can distinguish superhuman beings by smell, but this ability is not as accurate as vision, and he has had this ability for almost 150 years, and there has been no progress.

However, Lindsay Leglis's abilities are increasing rapidly. Once the halo is opened, the true colors of superhumans within a few kilometers will be revealed.

Wolfgang had long wanted to attack this little girl. If Tang Ji hadn't suffered a terrible loss last time and the existence of the space teleporter, he wouldn't have been so polite.

He raised his hand, causing the car Lindsay was in to float out of thin air. The wheeled armored vehicle had turned its large-caliber machine gun and aimed it at Wolfgang, but it delayed firing and plunged into the bushes, hitting several people.

A big tree.

Obviously something happened to the people inside, and Organa didn't even know how the other party did it.

The driver who was driving was also an experienced bodyguard. After realizing that the vehicle had left the ground, he immediately released the steering wheel and locked the door: "This is a bulletproof car, maybe it can last for a while!"

But the next second, he seemed to suddenly be unable to control his right hand, and reached out to open the car door. Organa took action and removed the bodyguard's elbow joint: "What are you going to do!"

"I don't know!" The bodyguard looked in horror as he suddenly took out a pistol with his left hand and shot Organa.

Fortunately, the bullet did not cause any damage. It was only embedded in Organa's forehead and was squeezed into a piece of iron.

Organa immediately punched the bodyguard unconscious through the obstruction of the seat: "Damn it, do you know how many abilities he has?"

"Can he control me to hurt you?" Organa looked at Greed nervously. The other person didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. He just led them slowly flying through the forest, like a dragon returning to its nest with loot.

"I don't know, no one knows how many abilities he has." Lindsay looked at the phone and felt somewhat relieved. Wang Zhengdao was on his way back after recovery.

And with Wang Zhengdao's speed, he said he was on the road and could appear immediately even though he was separated by thousands of rivers.

Lindsay still remembers the exaggerated distance he took two people to jump directly from Paris to Egypt.



Tang Ji was eating in a restaurant. Night City seemed to have suddenly become quiet, at least in his ears. Although the superhuman group was also about to make a move, no one was stupid enough to have anything to do with the Losas organization.

Because everyone knows that if you do that in Night City, it may be on the news next time because of mass deaths.

The underground gangs are trying their best to complete the exchange of blood as quietly as possible. The Valentino Gang is recruiting superhumans on its territory and offering extremely high wages.

The Tiger Claw Gang and the Death Gang also did the same thing. As for the Violent Bear Gang, they had no time to separate themselves. They had just experienced an internal turmoil, and a superhuman leader took the opportunity to take over and set an example for other superhuman elements in the gang.

Everyone knows that the Violent Bear Gang may have to save some blood this time.

But this has nothing to do with Tang Ji. He has just withdrawn from the mercenary mission he was assigned to Rogna. In four days, the city's hospitable middlemen, mercenaries and bounty hunters made nearly 100% off his money.

Twenty million federal coins.

This is war, and Tang Ji, who has always done business without capital, feels a little sick. However, as the last suspicious tip was proven to be false, Tang Ji can finally have lunch in peace.

He ordered two Big Macs, a large Coke, and three slices of pizza for himself. Since becoming a superhuman, his appetite has only grown bigger and bigger.

And no matter how much I eat, I don’t get fat. Even if I don’t eat today, I won’t feel hungry.

When the first Big Mac Set Shang teacher, Wang Zhengdao, appeared, he hurriedly said: "It's too late to explain, follow me!"

Tang Ji was just taken away, flashing a dozen times in a row, holding a local Big Mac in Night City and a large Coke, and appeared outside a certain city in the European Community on the way to the airport.

, in a flying car.

The car that escorted Lindsay was an official car, and the interior space was not small, but suddenly two muscular men were squeezed into the back seat, which was indeed a bit overwhelmed.

After all, Organa is a big woman, and she alone occupies half of the back row.

Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji appeared directly inside the car, and squeezed the thin Lindsay directly to the window, her small face deformed on the glass.

"Give it." Tang Ji patted Organa's thigh, squeezed into the front row next to her, and took a sip of Coke in an orderly manner.

On the way just now, he finally had time to eat half of the burger.

"Where is this? What's going on?" Tang Ji opened the car window, threw the leftover hamburger out of the window, and said hello to Greedy, who was flying outside.

Organa subconsciously wanted to draw her gun, but in such a small space, her strength advantage could not be used. Wang Zhengdao relied on exquisite joint skills to disarm Organa.

"Don't get excited! We are here to help!" Wang Zhengdao adjusted his posture and stuffed himself between the two women: "I have brought over the only person who can stop greed."

This is when Organa finally saw Wang Zhengdao's face clearly. She turned her head away unconvinced, but she felt relieved.

Lindsay looked at Tang Ji with surprise on her face, as if she had seen a drowning person seeing a life preserver: "Fortunately you are here!"

Tang Ji had no time to pay attention to the people behind him. He stuck his face out of the car window and taunted Wolfgang loudly: "What kind of bastard is it to bully a child? If you keep it up, let's have another fight?"

After saying that, he poured the remaining half cup of Coke in the direction of Wolfgang. Although the night wind made this move useless, it vividly demonstrated Tang Ji's attitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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