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Chapter 202 Temporary Forbearance

 The appearance of Miwako suddenly silenced the atmosphere in the team. Most of the people in the team had never seen this woman, but they had heard that a girl with a very unique personality had returned from Neon.

When they met for the first time, this girl really satisfied their curiosity. As an agent who received professional training from a young age and then stayed dormant for several years and was willing to serve an old man, Miwako's life is undoubtedly complicated.

This kind of complexity finally made her give up the choice of following Yorinobu and returning to the wild world. After getting the best treatment and installing the best prosthetic limbs, Miwako chose Tangyoshi.

That day she saw too many things that were beyond her previous life and heard too many secrets. She could not pretend that nothing happened and lock herself back in the original birdcage.

Moreover, she saw her own light in Tang Ji. She had been yearning for that kind of freedom all her life, the kind of freedom where she could do whatever she wanted without any scruples.

"I'm sorry, I thought I left a deep enough impression on you." Miwako carried her bucket bag, walked to the sofa, glanced at the men, and dropped the bucket bag to the ground with a clang, and a metal sound emitted from it.

The sound of collision.

"Can't anyone give up a seat to the lady?" Miwako looked at Tang Ji's 'followers' one by one.

A callow kid, a dull hunk, a nerd with no energy, a gunman who looks like he has some experience, and a believer who only has tattoos but no aesthetics?

Not seeing the space teleporter from last time, nor the extremely lucky gambler, Miwako felt that this team was somewhat different from her impression.

But at least they had a very high-level doctor. Miwako bowed deeply to Anthony and gave him a small gift from Neon, a pack of expensive oriental tea.

"Thank you." Anthony smiled and took the gift. Beside him, Martin and Ethan were squeezing their companion's seat to make room for Miwako.

Miwako was wearing a black leather jacket and some gothic-style shadow makeup, which instantly touched the souls of two LSPs.

Unfortunately, there was Surte next to Ethan. Xiao Su just glanced sideways at Ethan and leaned against Ethan, instantly freeing up a large space for Miwako.

The big man Martin sitting on the other side sat down directly on the ground. Fortunately, Martin was tall enough. Sitting on the ground, he looked about the same height as Ethan sitting on the sofa.

He whispered something quietly into Ethan's ear, and Ethan immediately laughed obscenely. The two of them kept looking at Sirte with malicious eyes, making Xiao Su look a little embarrassed.

"I got some information from Araban Yorinobu. The Araban Group is also an investor in the Walter Group." Miwako crossed her long legs: "The emperor is seeking a virtue."

Long-term training in the training camp and a scientific diet gave Miwako slender and powerful limbs, full of wild beauty. Nagagusa Shiro can testify that the charming muscle lines made him obsessed.

Although Miwako eventually had to have her limbs amputated to recover quickly, the biological prostheses provided by Aragban Group perfectly made up for Miwako's loss.

During the operation, the doctor even asked Miwako to choose one of 728 different hand shapes. Miwako was almost tricked into amputating her good hand and replacing it with a prosthetic one.

Thinking of the crazy impulse at that time, Miwako subconsciously touched her prosthetic arm, as if the doctor who would die if she didn't show off her skills finally persuaded Miwako to accept a small additional plug-in.

She can now use her prosthetic skin as a biofilm monitor, playing GIFs of tattoos, like the dragon.

That thing even has some more complicated settings. When Miwako had nothing to do on the plane, she played a game of backgammon with her tattoo.

She can also feed her dragon, and when it poops, she has to flick the excrement away with her fingers, otherwise the biological material of the prosthetic limb may become inflamed.

This disgustingly real setting made Miwako angry and funny, but she finally accepted this function. After confirming that there was no monitoring function, Miwako got used to her new pet.

At this time, when Miwako was looking at Tang Ji, the dragon was staring at Surte with its cartoon eyes, and spitting flames at him viciously to show that it was not to be trifled with.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Surte felt a trace of heat coming from the direction of the flame pattern.

"He can't succeed. The players are very concerned about the preciousness of those things. They are very valuable, the players' money." Tang Ji smiled disdainfully. After seeing the four virtues who had already appeared, he really couldn't imagine the absurdity. Itasaburo's version of virtue would be so monstrous.

"He knows this. He wants a virtue to use neon as a platform to show himself. He is paving the way for players to appear on a large scale in the future." Miwako opened her bag and threw away a few handfuls that took up space. Firearms and took out a folder.

"Sanda Yoshio used his authority to find the communication records between him and the Walter Group from Yorinobu Arababa's email." Miwako threw the folder to Tang Ji: "He wants to build a model city similar to Neon. city, make that city a safe zone.”

"It seems like you know a lot of things." Tang Ji flipped through the documents page by page. He couldn't understand the neon language, but his perspective could be shared with Aaliya. All it took was a fart, and she You can learn neon language.

"So, what are your plans?" Miwako asked with some anticipation. For the first time, she felt that there were no constraints, no external responsibilities, and the feeling of fighting only for herself, which made Miwako unable to stop.

"Not yet. The plans I came up with have been rejected by some smart people, so now I'm sitting at home, waiting for smart people to discuss a plan." Tang Ji took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and threw it to Miwako: " Why not enjoy life first? Night City is a hospitable city."

"This is the place with the highest crime rate in the world. Even Afghanistan is safer than this." Miwako looked at Tangji with a mocking look.

"I think you can definitely adapt to the pace of life here. You have the words "I want to shoot a few times and kill a few people for fun" written all over your face." Tang Ji leaned on the bar, feeling the coolness of the cold beer.

"I don't have time to enjoy life!" Miwako suddenly stood up: "I'm here to join a death squad and fight those bastard players to the end! I'm not here to have fun!"

"Girl, don't get excited. I know what you want to do, but I'm being stared at." Tang Ji pointed out the window, where several suspicious people and a few decent cars were wandering undisguisedly at the door.

These people are not Losas' spies, nor are they naturalized people. They are the paparazzi of the local tabloids in Night City. These people stare at Tang Ji regardless of rain or shine, hoping to make a big news.

"When those smart people make a suitable plan, the driver you saw last time will show up, and then we can play our role." Tang Ji shook his head. Of course, these paparazzi were just superficial reasons.

According to Aria and Ethan's observations, the number of high-altitude and high-speed drones passing over Night City recently has increased fourteen times more frequently than before.

At higher altitudes, more than fifty satellites belonging to different companies have formed a non-interference network, ensuring that there is exactly one satellite over Night City at all times.

Tang Ji is like an ant under a magnifying glass, his every move is being monitored.

When the players let go of their madness and started playing small games with Tang Ji using the rules of this world, Tang Ji fell into a disadvantage.

The players use the most powerful weapon in the world - capital, while Tang Ji only has a pistol that can fire six shots at a time.

Even Mikkelsen couldn't help Tangji. Many of those companies were not federal companies, and some were not members of the Enterprise Federation.

Even if Mikkelsen used his authority, he would not be able to plan the orbits of the satellites one by one. Many of the owners of those satellites did not even know that their satellites had yawed.

"Then just wait until you smart people have made a plan and call me." Miwako picked up her backpack unceremoniously: "I have my own plan!"

"I wish you good luck." Tang Ji waved his hand. He admired Miwako very much, but he did not intend to change his plan temporarily for anyone.

He felt that Wu Qianying's analysis was correct this time. His actions should not be limited to hunting players one by one, but should focus on the goals that the players want to work hard to accomplish.

The Seven Virtues Project is the best target, but they are not satisfied with it now, and they are not famous enough.

"You must cherish your mystery. When your enemies don't understand you, you can cause the greatest damage." Wu Qianying once said to Tang Ji: "You can't waste your talents on those trash fish, they will

I will slowly get to know you through death after death, and finally find your weaknesses."

"Keep your anger where it is most worth releasing. When the Seven Virtues gather together, when they invest all the resources that should be invested, when they are sure of victory, release your anger and burn them to pieces.

, not even a chance to start over!”

As Tang Ji recalled Wu Qianying's words, the cold beer in his hand was slowly heated by the flame that appeared in his hand and began to bubble.

Bang! The bottle cap was bounced off...

The next second, a bottle cap was held by a big hand. Dennis Quint looked at the generous lady in the lounge who was trying to open a beer with a curious face, and handed over a wine glass in a gentlemanly manner.

"No, Quit, I want to drink it the way people in this world usually drink it." Mrs. Generosity licked her lips, as if what she was holding was not beer, but the apple that the snake offered to Adam and Eve: "Is this beer?"

"That's right, madam, this is beer, an alcoholic beverage." Dennis Quite also opened a bottle of beer, touched it with Mrs. Generous in the air, and took a big sip.

Mrs. Generous followed Dennis' example and took a sip, but the next second she spit out all the beer she drank.

This scene happened to the generous lady. The scene was so hot that Dennis even swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

"It's amazing. A simple chemical reaction can make the brain produce the corresponding dopamine. It is almost inevitable that our civilization developed alcoholic beverages in modern history." Mrs. Generosity had no idea about this, and she was looking at it with interest.

Glass bottle full of frothy liquid.

In her world, this kind of pastime has long been a thing of the past, and the three major committees do not allow the existence of anything that may damage brain development.

Mrs. Generosity simply wiped herself and took another sip, savoring the taste of the fermented malt. Of course, this was just a promotion in the beer advertisement. In fact, the beer did not contain any natural ingredients.

But this still satisfied Mrs. Generosity's curiosity about alcoholic beverages, and the body had begun to give her feedback signals of alcohol intake.

"It feels pretty good, the blood flow is accelerating, and the speed of completing the circulation increases by 0.7% each time, and it continues to accelerate." Mrs. Generous touched her face: "The brain is slightly affected, and the judgment is slightly reduced.


"Are you okay, madam? There is a one-in-a-thousand chance that people in this world will have an alcohol allergic reaction." Dennis Guetta looked at the generous lady with a pink face, then looked at the wine bottle in his hand, and began to feel a little uncomfortable.

Make sure this status is normal.

They should be drinking the same thing. Isn't this thing only 13 degrees?

Could it be that someone was poisoning secretly? Before arriving in this world, Dennis had already read the information compiled by the pioneers. He knew that in addition to Tang Ji, they had many old opponents in this world.

For example, there is the Joint Investigation Office that has been hiding in the dark, the European Community's Ark organization, and even a mysterious organization in Africa that has been sabotaging their plans.

If it were them, it would not be impossible to secretly change the alcohol and alcohol in the lounge.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just recording this feeling." Mrs. Generosity smiled and shook her head: "I have read the history of this area, and I am just a little curious."

"If you are interested, you can attend the banquet specially held for us tonight. Those naturalized people will bring out the best wine, just to make you laugh." Dennis Quite put down the beer and said with a gentle smile:

"Experiencing life in this world will also help you become more in tune with this body."

"Great advice, Dennis, I can't wait!" Mrs. Generous said with a smile, and then she suddenly lay down on the table.

Dennis Quint's whole body was like a sharp sword. He quickly held Mrs. Bountiful in his arms, opened his own field at the same time, and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

In his domain, anyone with ill intentions toward him cannot cause harm to him. This is the core ability of gentleness, and it is also the native ability of this body.

At this time, he heard the even breathing of Mrs. Generous in his arms, and then he realized that the other party was not attacked, but just drank too much.

"I have to ask Cathy for a piece of information about this body..." Dennis Guetta looked at the defenseless Mrs. Generous who was slumped in his arms, and his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by something.

At this time, Kathy Walter and Aslan, who had just completed the identity handover, finally had time to come to the lounge and exchange experiences with the two seniors.

As a result, they saw this scene as soon as they opened the door.

"Excuse me, we can come back at another time." Kathy Walter closed the door instantly, and the two stood outside the door and looked at each other.

Dennis Quint stood in the door, also speechless.

This chapter has been completed!
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