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Chapter two hundred and three possible opportunities

 (The next 700 words are repetitive parts. There was a power outage at home, and I didn’t get a call until almost 11:30. It’s too slow to code on my mobile phone. I’ve been in the recommended position for the past two days, so I can’t stop updating. Please update first. I’m so depressed...

.I will complete the modifications around one o'clock, and readers will refresh and read again at that time, I'm really sorry)

The influence of Walter Company's press conference is more spread among the upper structure. They know that this press conference is a deterrent for Walter Company to other forces.

The companies and institutions that endorsed Walter at the press conference were like the tattoos on a street warrior, intimidating Xiao Xiao.

At least Tang Ji's old superior, the Lazarus Group, didn't have any evil intentions towards the superhumans of Team Virtue. Otherwise, they would have given Tang Ji a price he couldn't refuse, and then waited to see what was inside these virtues in the laboratory.


As for the private sector, although the Walter Company monopolized the TV screen for an entire period of time, this was an era of free media after all.

Although many well-known old media companies are extremely famous, if you take a closer look, their ratings and popularity may not be as high as those of the host next door who does pornographic live broadcasts in their spare time.

Moreover, although Walter Company's Virtue Team Project claims to be the world's first real superhero team, it is just a way of putting money on their own faces.

As the wave comes, most of those who became superhuman overnight and gained superpowers for nothing are no longer satisfied with their status quo.

They either indulge in their own desires and completely go down the road of crime, or they become new bullies in the lives of ordinary people amid repeated praise or contempt.

There are also a very small number of superhumans who either have extremely high moral standards or are willing to restrain their desires and choose to take the path of superheroes.

Puppy Video was very prophetic in setting up a special section for superhumans at the beginning of the wave. Although it was only those superhumans who were popular at the beginning, a group of truly ruthless people soon emerged in this section.


For example, the popularity of "Mazefake Man" is rising nowadays. The initial name of this account has been forgotten. This name was chosen by hundreds of thousands of netizens through public voting, and was eventually forcibly named by Puppy Video.

Mazefak Man's ability is very powerful, but the main reason why he is so popular is that this superhuman ability satisfies two ultimate fantasies of ordinary people at the same time -

The audience is satisfied with how strong this superhuman is and how bad this superhuman is. At the same time, when everyone sees Mazefak for the first time, they will have one thought: "Mazefak! Fortunately, it's not me...


The reason is that the Mazefak Man can use its mouth to move without restriction, and it can also miraculously control these excrements to produce various wonderful reactions.

For example, in one step, the process of biogas explosion can be completed instantly, or it can be directly fermented to the richest flavor, producing an effect similar to skunk bombs, or even flying like a spear...

Although Mazefalk has always claimed to be a hero, it seems that he can no longer turn back on his path as a comedian and entertainer.

Even if his record ranks among the best among the many superhuman heroes certified by Puppy Video, he cannot reverse his personal image.

After all, Mazefak's battles were sometimes too tricky. He once broke into a drug dealer's den. Seventeen heavily armed drug dealers, after realizing who their opponents were, all shouted.

The woman also screamed sharply.

Then these people scrambled to escape from this place, and no one had the idea of ​​​​shooting. They succeeded in killing three people on just one door frame. The three drug dealers knocked themselves unconscious on the door frame because they rushed too fast.

The trash can outside the door got two kills. The first one tripped and fell, and the second one jumped in without saying anything.

That night, Mazefak Man's live broadcast was extremely effective, and under the watchful eyes of millions of people, he forced a relatively well-known local criminal gang into the law enforcement bureau.

Tang Ji must admit that when he first noticed this guy, deep down in his heart he was ready to recruit Mazefak Man under his command, specifically to disgust players.

But considering the morale of the existing team, Tang Ji finally gave up this idea, and at the same time felt that the Mazefak man might have to walk alone forever.

In short, Virtue, a superhero team that was packaged very gorgeously, did not cause any ripples among the bottom masses once they appeared on the scene.

Until a blogger discovered that when the Walter Group flashed back to superhuman criminals at a press conference, Tanguy's influence was listed among them.

Enforcer Don, who is it?

You know, Transhuman has a special section for puppy videos, and Tangji also has a special section for puppy videos.

Although the popularity of this section has been declining recently, there are still many die-hard fans. After all, Mr. Tang has left very rich video records on the Internet, and new materials pop up from time to time.

The blogger posted his re-edited video of the press conference in this section, pausing for a few seconds when Tang Ji flashed across the screen. The title was horrifying: "Another giant branded law enforcer Tang as a terrorist, or may have labeled him a terrorist."

Set up a special team to arrest him!"

The video quickly became popular. Enforcer Tang was just an introduction, and it soon became popular in other areas, thanks to the two female members: Ms. Modesty and Mrs. Generous.

Who can refuse two stunning beauties sharing the screen? As for whether they are superheroes or even superhumans, no one cares at all.

But soon, Team Virtue proved that at least all of its members were superhuman.

Surrounded by a large number of media, Mrs. Generosity made a high-profile appearance in a rehabilitation hospital. Most of the patients undergoing rehabilitation training here are disabled people who have suffered neurological injuries.

Their nerve signals cannot be effectively transmitted to prosthetic limbs, and thus they are unable to enjoy the protection brought by technology. Of course, there are also a group of people who cannot afford prosthetic limbs simply because they are poor, and can only slowly adapt to the prosthetic limbs that have long been eliminated.

Mrs. Generosity showed her power here. When she held the hand of a vegetative girl who had been bedridden for three years, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.

The girl looked blankly at the crowd in front of the hospital bed, while her parents had already burst into tears. The doctors and nurses looked surprised and puzzled. A dozen floating cameras recorded all this from various angles.

"Don't be afraid, I can share my state with you. As long as I hold your hand, you will always stay awake." Mrs. Generosity smiled and said to the girl: "My child, I know you are confused, but you are now

You must first explain to the doctor how you felt before, which can help him determine the cause of your illness."

During the nearly three hours of live broadcast, Mrs. Generosity kept holding the girl's hand and asked her to have a conversation with her parents and the doctor before letting go of her hand in the girl's reluctant eyes.


Then, like a log, the girl returned to her previous state, but now at least the doctors knew where to start.

Mrs. Generosity generously expressed her willingness to pay for the girl’s subsequent medical expenses: “This is my original intention of joining the Virtue team. I hope to become a real hero and help more people!”

Amid flowers and applause, Mrs. Generosity got back into her luxurious nanny car and disappeared from the camera.

At this time, a line of letters crossed the bottom of the screen to introduce it, indicating that Mrs. Generosity has her own charitable foundation. All the girl's medical expenses will be fully paid by the foundation, and no external donations will be accepted for the time being.

On the other hand, Diligent Yaslan signed his first endorsement contract at the speed of light after his official appearance and became the image spokesperson of Leyuemei Gym.

Yuemei Gym is a well-known health enterprise with thousands of chain stores around the world. Its main customer group is corporate white-collar workers.

These fitness institutions are luxuriously decorated and have always been at the forefront of fashion. Their own sports brands can make billions of federal dollars every year.

In comparison, the chain gyms of the Bull Bear Gang are more like iron gyms. They are only opened for real muscle enthusiasts. No one wearing a suit is willing to patronize their gym.

Aslan's new body has an almost perfect figure, sharp-edged muscles, and well-developed small muscle groups, which makes this body look very slender, but it has extremely terrifying explosive power.

Surrounded by the media, Aslan successively concealed the terrifying power of breaking wood, stone, concrete, and even metal plates with his fist.

Then, in a wider and more open field, Aslan's whip leg swept across and directly kicked off a metal pillar of fifteen centimeters in diameter.

"My existence is to prove to you that God rewards hard work." Aslan wore tight short-sleeves and showed off his figure: "I will show my limits to all the friends who pay attention to me, but there is no need to worry.

All the limits were finally crossed by me one by one."

Later, Aslan showed the audience his so-called limit in the gym. He easily lifted a barbell weighing 350 kilograms, jumped 4.73 meters in the standing long jump without assistance, and reached a speed of 100 meters in 7 seconds.

And he still looks relaxed.

"I think we should kill him first." Miwako looked at the Asian face on the TV: "If he hadn't lied, he would have become more and more terrifying."

"Yes, we also happen to know his location and what he is doing." Ethan caught Miwako's words smoothly: "The virtue team took the initiative to reveal their trump cards to us, just to give us a chance to eliminate them.

The opponent’s most potential superhuman.”

"Sounds like a good opportunity indeed!" Martin clapped his hands and looked at Tang Ji: "Should we set off now?"

Ethan patted his forehead hard, feeling like he was playing the piano to a bull.

"I know this may be a trap, but as long as the harvest is big enough, I don't mind stepping into the trap." Miwako glanced at Ethan with a dangerous look, and her belly that showed no trace of training exposed him.

"I guess you thought the same way last time, that's why you met us." Ethan was able to continue the conversation as always, not caring about the possible consequences.

Sure enough, in the next second, Miwako used a move that looked very similar to Tenchikai's sleeping technique to Ethan, swinging him around in the air and slamming him back onto the sofa.

Of course, Miwako didn't dare to use this move to smash Ethan to the ground. By then, Ethan would probably not be able to find a few intact vertebrae in his body.

"What happened?" Ethan kept his head down and slumped on the sofa, his whole body covered.

"I guess you wanted to provoke a woman who has a very similar personality to you, and then you were taught by her." Tony rubbed to the other side, keeping himself far away from Ethan.

The entire team has been fully armed and gathered in the old man's safe house for three days. During these three days, their biggest pastime was watching TV.

Just waiting for a possible opportunity, an opportunity to be recognized by 'smart people'.

Tang Ji is even more so, almost sleepless, staring at the TV 24 hours a day, and only watching news related to the Virtue team, as if he wants to carve these people into his bones.


...(The following is a repetitive part and will be modified within one hour at the latest)

"I know this may be a trap, but as long as the harvest is big enough, I don't mind stepping into the trap." Miwako glanced at Ethan with a dangerous look, and her belly that showed no trace of training exposed him.

"I guess you thought the same way last time, that's why you met us." Ethan was able to continue the conversation as always, not caring about the possible consequences.

Sure enough, in the next second, Miwako used a move that looked very similar to Tenchikai's sleeping technique to Ethan, swinging him around in the air and slamming him back onto the sofa.

Of course, Miwako didn't dare to use this move to smash Ethan to the ground. By then, Ethan would probably not be able to find a few intact vertebrae in his body.

"What happened?" Ethan kept his head down and slumped on the sofa, his whole body covered.

"I guess you wanted to provoke a woman who has a very similar personality to you, and then you were taught by her." Tony rubbed to the other side, keeping himself far away from Ethan.

The entire team has been fully armed and gathered in the old man's safe house for three days. During these three days, their biggest pastime was watching TV.

Just waiting for a possible opportunity, an opportunity to be recognized by 'smart people'.

Tang Ji is even more so, almost sleepless, staring at the TV 24 hours a day, and only watching news related to the Virtue team, as if he wants to carve these people on their bones. "I know this may be a trap, but as long as

The harvest is big enough, I don't mind stepping into the trap." Miwako glanced at Ethan with a dangerous look, and her belly that showed no trace of training exposed him.

"I guess you thought the same way last time, that's why you met us." Ethan was able to continue the conversation as always, not caring about the possible consequences.

Sure enough, in the next second, Miwako used a move that looked very similar to Tenchikai's sleeping technique to Ethan, swinging him around in the air and slamming him back onto the sofa.

Of course, Miwako didn't dare to use this move to smash Ethan to the ground. By then, Ethan would probably not be able to find a few intact vertebrae in his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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