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Chapter 295 Potential Solutions

Persia region, a small town.

Markarian looked at the sandy desert in the distance, a straight road with no edge visible, and drones patrolling back and forth along the road.

The small towns built along the road maintain more primitive living habits. They use primitive tools to grow drought-tolerant crops in the desert environment and use every drop of water preciously.

A place that is more like a blacksmith shop than a repair shop represents the most advanced productivity.

There are no cameras, no radios, and the only source of electricity is the solar street lights on that road.

This is a temporary experimental area for players to adapt to this world. Everything here can be consumed and no one cares.

But now, there seems to be little point here, these testers were exposed from the start.

They originally planned to log in 1,500 testers at once, allowing them to hide from the prying eyes of the outside world and learn basic social rules.

Because of the fear of war among the pioneers, they lost their largest physical body warehouse and lost 95% of their high-end physical bodies, forcing the entire closed test to start early.

Markarian didn't want to invest more negative emotions in this matter. He was counting his losses. The first batch of testers who entered this world totaled 406 people, of which 172 were encountered in that incident.

Died in battle.

And among these 172 casualties, a full 82 people were really dead. They all died from Tang Ji's direct injuries.

Mrs. Generosity may not care about such a heavy death toll, but Markarian cannot. He has to write a detailed report and submit it.

A severely insufficient number of pioneers are outside to guide the newcomers, but these testers are either hungry villains who have not been to another world for a long time, or they are marginalized people who have not applied for the qualifications to come. The only thing they have in common is that they are all extremely excited.


"Ha! Look what I can do!" A man wearing only underwear forcefully pulled out the town's only telephone pole from the ground, and tore off the few wires connected to the street lamps in the horrified eyes of the town residents.

Then he threw the thing on a nearby house.

On the other side, a player used flames to ignite a group of father and son selling vegetables on the street. There was an expression of ecstasy on their faces and they shouted excitedly.

A player with the ability to fly took off three or four meters out of thin air and flew toward the road in a trembling manner, immediately attracting the attention of several drones.

Under the petrochemical federation's unscrupulous high-pressure policy, these drones are not equipped with intelligent identification friend or foe systems at all, and there is no warning. They will directly attack everything that enters the airspace.

Amidst the fierce gunfire, the player screamed and fell from the sky, but the drones surrounded him and set him on fire with flamethrowers.

These drones were attacked by more players in an instant, and they only lasted for a few seconds before being destroyed. However, more drones were gathering here from further away.

A player who broke into a house held a woman in his arms and planned to study the folk customs in depth, but the male owner shot him in the side with an old rifle.

The next second, the entire house collapsed in a tremor. The player who caused the earthquake just wanted to test his ability. As a result, half of the city block was destroyed, and he was even buried in the rubble.

In the few minutes that Markarian was preparing to write his report, these players destroyed a third of the town's buildings, killed hundreds of residents, and added a dozen more to their casualties.

Markarian threw the electronic board in his hand against the wall, closed the window, and planned to wait for these people to get over their excitement before reorganizing the order. As for now, let the pioneers have a headache.

He understood the testers very well. After all, this was a brand new world, and even Markarian himself was very curious about his abilities.

Markarian looked at his hands, streaks of lightning lingering on his fingertips, breaking free from his restraints from time to time, leaving tree-like scorch marks on the wooden table.

He stretched out a finger and poked holes on the table with just his physical strength, as easily as poking butter.

Markarian couldn't help but smile. He had found the joy of this world. This was definitely the easiest time to gain strength among the many worlds he had experienced.

There is no need to hold any rituals, gain experience points, or study or exercise to constantly challenge yourself. Instead, you can gain power completely for free and randomly. This is so satisfying.

And he can get more different powers without paying any price. Markarian opened the cryogenic box brought to him by the pioneers, looked at the neat blood of greed potions inside, and began to read the instructions for different abilities.

Immerse yourself in the thrill of gaining strength.

The person in the world who can best understand Markarian's mood at this time is probably Tang Ji.

He had just bloodbathed a group of players who didn't understand anything. Those players were as fragile as foreign tourists visiting Night City for the first time, completely undefended.

Compared with those pioneers, these players were like death squads, daring to face Tang Ji's gun directly, and fought one after another. Tang Ji used up all the ammunition in the prelude but could not suppress the enthusiasm of those players.

They came in a hurry and died in a hurry, leaving only a 'legacy' of 4,100 points to Tang Ji, as well as a dazzling variety of abilities.

These new players are not like the pioneers, who have four abilities per person, and almost everyone has a [cancer recovery]. The abilities of these people are all native abilities, and most of them have great potential.

Tang Ji alone cannot be redeemed, and there are five abilities that are completely incompatible with other abilities. Many abilities are so special that even a veteran like Tang Ji has never seen them before.

Tang Ji didn't know what ability to choose for a while. He didn't know how many additional abilities he could bear. The only thing he was sure of was that the limit was not far away. Maybe it was one kind, maybe two.

In this case, in order to find the optimal combination, Tang Ji was prepared to completely confess his situation to Wu Qianying and let smart people help him find the optimal solution.

From a certain perspective, the pioneers' behavior of hunting high-end bodies has greatly suppressed the speed of the rise of the superhuman group.

If all the superhumans with advanced abilities in the body warehouse were running outside, maybe they would have occupied a certain free state and established their own country.

Tang Ji looked at the penguins swooping ashore on the iceberg in the distance, warming their hands around the campfire, and they were waiting for Wang Zhengdao to recover.

There is a superhuman down there who can implant spiritual needles in people's brains. He keeps placing spiritual needles in their brains. This is the reason why Wang Zhengdao and Surte continue to have headaches.

The flame of hatred can clean up those invisible stingers, but Lao Wang has suffered too much mental damage and his whole person is a little depressed. He needs to rest.

Vicky was taking care of him, and Lao Wang took a lot of tranquillizers as food to relieve the pain. Although this kind of irregular medication can easily lead to addiction, this is a war, and no one is so pretentious.

Anthony planned a recuperation plan for Wang Zhengdao for the next month, using chemotherapy to wash away the pollution caused by today.

But everyone knows that the war will become intense starting today, and no one can take a full month's rest.

In the newly built igloo where Shadow was, he soaked the severed palm in 37-degree warm salt water, waiting for the flesh and blood to recover. Anthony had just given him a treatment needle from the Walter Group and was now observing the repair progress.

The Walter Group's therapeutic needles are extremely effective. I'm afraid the Lazarus Group will not have a very easy time in the future. Their expensive repair devices are now completely turned into big toys.

"Gluttony ran away, and the players are here. It seems that the world does not care for us." Mikkelsen roasted a piece of whale meat on the campfire. There was a lot of whale meat stored in the camp, all of which were prepared for Gluttony.

"Those people below are all cannon fodder. They don't understand anything and are easy to deal with." Tang Ji bent his fingers. A penguin stood less than 20 meters away from them and observed them silently, as if hesitating.

Would you like to come over and ask for a drink?

"But they are still players. No one can kill them completely except you. They will soon grow up and experience it again and again." Mikkelsen smiled bitterly: "And they don't know your specialness at all.

They have no fear of you, they are fools who have been kept in the dark, no one cares about their life or death, and your deterrence is decreasing."

"It looks like you need to work more overtime. I need information about high-value targets." Tang Ji picked up a piece of frozen whale meat and threw it from a distance, hitting the penguin's head, scaring the little guy and running away quickly.

"Everything I see now seems to be caused by supernatural powers. Maybe there is someone behind the penguin secretly controlling it." Tang Ji watched the penguin go away before continuing.

He has the ability [Animal Affinity] in his relic library. It is an ability that cannot be chosen and is completely independent of its own system. The exchange price is as high as 800 points.

Tang Ji couldn't see the use of this ability at all. If it weren't for ensuring the balance of the ecosystem, it would be a question of how many species of animals would be left on the earth.

"Keep your vigilance, because your worry is necessary." Mikkelsen chewed the roasted whale meat hard: "I captured forty-two superhuman spies from major companies last quarter, and there are

A jealous puppet."

At this point, Mikkelsen was silent for a moment: "We cannot let the other Seven Deadly Sins act like ostriches. This is a waste of resources."

"I can act as your thug, and you will take care of the rest." Tang Ji knew his strengths and weaknesses: "But if I find that you intend to surrender, I will kill you."

"It's not easy to kill me. If you're lucky, you can kill me four thousand and ninety-six times before you can attend my funeral. If you're not lucky, you have to kill the last person in the world to get rid of me." Mikkelsen will eat

He threw half of the whale meat aside, looked around and lowered his voice: "I have a somewhat extreme solution. Wu Qianying should have guessed it. In order to avoid misunderstanding, I am going to reveal it to you first."

"Solution?" Tang Ji liked this word, but he knew that if people like Mikkelsen judged it as a bit extreme, then this solution was definitely anti-human.

"That's right, the solution is to completely rid our world of those players." Several other Mikkelsens were scattered around intentionally or unintentionally, ensuring that no one could hear their conversation.

"A think tank team under me has been studying the relationship between players and the needs of this world, and we have made some gains." Mikkelsen looked at Tang Ji and asked: "First, we must reach a consensus. Once players log into our world on a large scale,

We have lost this war, do you agree?"

Tang Ji stared at Mikkelson, trying to find the answer in the other person's eyes, but the other person was calm as if he was talking about stocks with him.

"I" Tang Ji was about to answer, but Mikkelsen interrupted him: "Seventeen thousand people, this is the number obtained by my think tank team. Once the total number of players exceeds seventeen thousand, we will completely lose

Initiative and even the opportunity to choose self-destruction have been taken away.”

"Why 17,000 people?" Tang Ji admitted, his curiosity was piqued.

"I don't want to explain the calculation process to you. I'm afraid you won't be able to understand it with your understanding." Mikkelsen's words were merciless. He continued: "You just need to know that at least for now, we still have the last one.

The trump card is to flip the table and say goodbye to this damn world completely."

Based on the fact that a nuclear explosion had just occurred not far away, Tang Ji immediately understood the meaning of flipping the table.

"Before most of my think tank team members chose to commit suicide, they once suggested that I choose the right moment and take the initiative to lift the table. If the angle is right and the movements are careful enough, some seeds may be left under the ruins."

Mikkelsen also baked his hands, but his fingertips were burnt black because he was so close, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Those players, they are here for entertainment. If you were not used, they might not even be able to use the word war." Mikkelsen's voice was low and depressed: "They are here, some of them are here to experience exotic customs.

, some people do it to satisfy their appetites, while others simply vent their emotions here."

"And all of this is based on the fact that the world is a ball of exquisite porcelain. No one wants to vent their emotions in a garbage dump. Do you understand what I mean?" Mikkelsen's eyes were a little distorted, not so much that he was talking about it.

Asking Tang Ji rhetorically, it is better to say that he is having a conversation with himself.

"That solution is divided into hundreds of different stage goals. It will take several years to complete all preparations. Once it starts, the impact will be permanent. Even if we have a one in 10,000 chance of winning the war, we can only

Eat this bitter pill." Mikkelsen's tone gradually became urgent: "But if we don't start, when the last moment comes, we will have no choice but to completely overturn the table and prove that we will never be slaves."

"How should I choose Tangji? Choose to win or die, or prepare silently in pain?"

This chapter has been completed!
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