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Chapter 296 Temporary Calm

Mikkelsen's solution made Tang Ji feel as cold as the cold wind in Antarctica. Tang Ji was also unable to answer his last question.

When he really had to make a choice, Tanguy knew which choice he would make in the end, and he also knew that Mikkelson would make the same choice.

Moreover, I'm afraid that bastard has already started making preparations. Tang Ji doesn't believe that Mikkelson would seek other people's opinions on such a matter.

The whole team spent eight hours admiring the aurora on the glacier, and Wang Zhengdao finally recovered a little from the severe nerve pain.

"Get ready to go home, guys." Lao Wang smiled and his face was still a little pale, but compared with the situation they were about to face, this level of pain was not a problem at all.

"Wang, don't force it, we can go back by boat." Anthony checked Wang Zhengdao's vital signs for the last time. If it weren't for the fact that most superhuman bodies are stronger than ordinary people, he should be lying in the ICU ward now.

"I know my body well. You have been the best doctor. Time will do the rest." Wang Zhengdao shook hands with Anthony.

It’s not that there aren’t doctors with higher standards in the Ark organization, but if you consider that most of Anthony’s treatment process was on the battlefield under a hail of bullets, and from time to time he had to put down the scalpel and pick up a pistol to defend himself, I’m afraid no one is more professional than him.

The Mikkelsens are not going to take a ride on Wang Zhengdao. These clones have not revealed their identities. They will hide on the spot to gather more pioneer forces scattered in Antarctica.

The submerged body warehouse is like the treasure of the Pirate King. Those pioneers will never let it soak in the water. It is foreseeable that this place will become one of the main battlefields for both sides in the future.

Mikkelsen waved to Tangji and the others, watching them disappear on the spot, and then left the camp with several physical life-support capsules, which he promised to use on the first supply ship.

When the ship arrives, it will be transported back to the Federation.

"A woman's kindness." Mikkelsen looked at the child in the life-support cabin and frowned: "Forget it, humane rage is a better choice."

After a short frame skip, Tang Ji returned to the villa where he started. The sultry weather in Night City made everyone immediately start taking off their thermal clothing.

Shadow looked at his newly grown fingers in the sun, a little silent. Obviously, even for a person like Shadow, the rebirth of a severed finger is still shocking.

He had indeed shot and killed several superhumans with this ability, but when such a miracle happened to him, Shadow still couldn't believe it.

"Stop looking, follow me to the hospital for a comprehensive examination later." Anthony pointed at the shadow: "If you have a tumor, cut off your arm as soon as possible and install a prosthetic limb."

"I was wondering, if I inject a therapeutic needle into my brain, would it be possible to restore my eyes?" Shadow asked in confusion.

He has become accustomed to using prosthetic eyes and has become a well-known sniper in the industry, but who can resist the temptation of no longer being disabled?

Perhaps there are indeed cyber prosthetics enthusiasts who firmly believe in the concept of flesh and blood being weak and mechanical ascension, but replacing a metal arm has completely different meanings than replacing a pair of prosthetic eyes.

The human brain mechanism determines that it is more comfortable to process bioelectrical signals.

"Theoretically, it's absolutely possible, but considering that this self-healing mechanism comes from cell cancer, if an accident occurs, we may have to cut off your brain." Anthony patted the shadow: "Wait a minute, this kind of treatment

After the needle is launched, it won't take long for us to obtain more comprehensive clinical data."

Anthony's words also reminded Tang Ji, and he suddenly realized that among the many special abilities in the relic library, [cancer recovery], a special ability derived from gluttony, could theoretically be redeemed by him, and he was not prompted by the system to belong to an independent system.

This is obviously not in line with Gluttony's status as the Seven Deadly Sins, unless [Cancer Recovery] is not the core ability of Gluttony at all, but a branch ability similar to [Weapon of Revenge] in the rage ability system.

Tang Ji, who had figured this out, was going to throw this issue to Wu Qianying to sort out. Since he was going to show off his cards to Wu Qianying, he wanted to do it thoroughly.

However, Lao Wang looked overwhelmed. Vicky was about to help him to the temporary ward on the second floor. Tang Ji was embarrassed to recruit Wang Zhengdao for another trip to the Moonlight Gold.

"Disband, but don't go too far, be ready to assemble at any time." Tang Ji gave the order to disband and prepared to ask Vicky to accompany him to the Moonlight Gold.

In addition to Wang Zhengdao, others also need to rest, such as Jason. Tang Ji really can't tell whether he is really seriously traumatized, or he is just trying to take the opportunity to stay in Miwako's arms. In short, he looks like he will die soon.

Although Vicky was worried about Wang Zhengdao's health, she also knew that there was nothing she could do. What Wang Zhengdao needed was a long rest, and privately she did not dare to refuse direct orders from Tang Ji, so she followed Tang Ji obediently.


[Shielding] is undoubtedly a powerful auxiliary ability. Vicky has proven her worth in the body warehouse before. Without her, I am afraid that several wounded people will not be able to survive that round of player attacks.

Moreover, the effect of using it to disguise Tang Ji was outstanding. Several people who were obviously reporters just watched Tang Ji walking by them, but did not notice it at all.

And hidden further away, the monitors from different forces were even less aware of Tang Ji's appearance. He was now an invisible man.

Tang Ji was very satisfied with this. It had been a while since he had strolled around the streets of Night City so easily.

Although Taiping Prefecture is remote, it is by no means lacking in vitality. Tang Ji walked less than a kilometer by the roadside and found a wild mount on the roadside.

Several Kusanagi Blade motorcycles with exaggerated shapes, the favorites of Tiger Claws.

Tang Ji glanced at the Tiger Claws who were doing business not far away, and unceremoniously selected a car with a less flashy color scheme, and motioned for Vicky to get in the car.

Vicki looked at the back seat, which was only as big as a palm, a little hesitant, but also a little excited. The hesitation was because she was still a little afraid of Tang Ji, but the excitement was because she had long wanted to try this popular means of transportation in Night City.

But unless she is willing to replace her limbs with prosthetics, she can only buy a children's version of the motorcycle due to her height and leg length.

Finally, amid Vicky's excited laughter, Kusanagi Blade roared away, leaving only a few confused Tiger Claws. The familiar roar of motorcycles made them realize that something was wrong, but the power from the shield

Interfering with their focus on the keyword motorcycle.

The anomaly of the Tiger Claws caused the other party to the transaction to immediately turn their backs. The two parties were instantly facing each other, drawing guns and shooting at each other. It is certain that no matter who the final survivor is, they will no longer care about the motorcycle.

Abu Bakr Ibrahim, his public identity is Senior Director of Petrochemical Alliance-Exxon Doyle Group, but privately his identity is truly defined as the loyal second heir of Saudi Aramco.

Chief of Guard.

The Saudi Aramco faction is a semi-public organization within the Petrochemical Alliance. They are everywhere, and as the entire Petrochemical Alliance is blocked in the Persian region, it becomes more and more energetic.

The old-school powerful figures in the Petrochemical Alliance find the current situation of the Petrochemical Alliance ridiculous. Back then, they personally crushed the will of the countries and people in the entire Persian region, and the defeat and annexation of the Saudi Aramco Group was their signature victory.

But these people have ruled the Persian region for hundreds of years with money, and the remnants of blood alliances are like weeds, and they have completely taken root within the Petrochemical Alliance during the second corporate war.

Until someone reveals his or her identity, no one knows whether he or she is siding with Saudi Aramco.

Maybe they can't fight well and do business sparsely, but when the Petrochemical Alliance became a caged bird in the Persian region, and the cruel business competition and war behavior evolved into a more cruel, but also more hidden political struggle, these ancient

The bloodline began to use its skilled methods to dismember its former enemies and use the enemy's blood to strengthen itself.

These people will never forget their past glory and the humiliation brought by their enemies. For this reason, they are not willing to cooperate with anyone, anyone.

Ibrahim got off the helicopter and gently lifted his white robe to prevent it from being soaked by the blood on the ground. He had no reaction to the severed limbs and corpses on the ground, and just walked towards the center of the town.


The bodyguards around him also paid no attention to the massacre that occurred in the town. They just maintained their professionalism and watched every approaching player vigilantly.

"I'm sorry that this happened, Ibrahim. We are still in the adaptation period." A pioneer who knew Ibrahim took the initiative to come up to him and shouted to the players in a warning tone: "Back off! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

The warning from the pioneers at least allowed the players to restrain their inner anger. They soon realized that this was an important mission NPC and killed them to lose their reputation.

"It doesn't matter, Tarf, they are just some fools." Ibrahim waved his hand, showing no mercy to his compatriots.

He was not being polite, but telling a fact.

As a Persian, the ancestors of Ibrahim's ancestors were the ruling class. During their rule for hundreds of thousands of years, they tried slavery, feudalism, and constitutional monarchy. Sometimes they were democratic and enlightened, and sometimes they unified politics and religion. Their only purpose was

It is to rule these ignorant people efficiently and long-term, so that they can work hard for the prosperity of the Ibrahim family.

In this long ruling career, capitalization is undoubtedly the most efficient method among many governance models. In modern history, the Ibrahim family eventually became a second-rate family because they did not capitalize fast enough and to a deep enough level.


No one praises the Petrochemical Alliance's creative restructuring of the Persian region more than Ibrahim. They finally got rid of the model of relying on the ignorant class as their foundation to some extent, and fast forwarded to the ultimate rule where money can be used to make money.

In mode.

The value of the ignorant people has greatly declined. They are allowed to live in this ancient land entirely because of the benevolence of the rulers.

"I now recommend to you, the respected Lord Markarian, the leader of all the descendants." The pioneer named Tarf has been familiar with the local culture in the past decades and can play the role of Persia without any flaws.

The nobles of the region.

He introduced Markarian's identity politely and thoughtfully. The Ibrahim in front of him was a representative of a high-status naturalized family, and they needed the strength of that family temporarily.

"Are you a naturalized person in this world?" Markarian, wearing local clothes, stood in front of Ibrahim, frowning at the ruined town: "I need you to provide another gathering like this.

For our people to adapt to the local environment, we also need high-quality food and weapons."

"What you need will be met soon. We are selecting a suitable town. We just hope that you and your people will not consume it so quickly this time." Ibrahim considered his words, not wanting to let it happen.

The reporters felt that they were disrespectful, but they did not want to lose the face of the Ibrahim family and even the entire Saudi Aramco faction behind it.

"This is just an accident. They will soon learn to abide by the rules." Markarian doesn't care about the little thoughts of these naturalized people. He hasn't been on the front line to work as a pioneer for a long time, but he understands the nature of a pioneer.


"We are already here. The world will soon change. Your opportunity has also come. This is my promise." Markarian turned around and ignored Ibrahim: "But be quick, twenty

Within four hours, I will see a new gathering point."

Behind Markarian, a somewhat unfamiliar figure appeared in the sun, accompanied by several pioneers, looking at everything in front of him.

"Lord Aslan, we just lost the body warehouse in Antarctica, and less than 900 bodies have been rescued." A pioneer who previously worked in the European Federation took advantage of this opportunity and whispered to Aslan.

Lan explained what happened recently: "In addition, we also lost the special individual Gluttony, and the entire Greedy Blood production line was shut down."

Aslan's face became more and more ugly as he listened. So many things had happened, but no one informed him. It was obviously Cathy Walter who was causing trouble, deliberately letting him bear the wrath of Markarian.

"By the way, after you are offline, the Seven Virtues Project will also be implemented." The pioneer only said half-way before closing his mouth because Markarian was already standing in front of Aslan.

"Are you the great pioneer who was responsible for this world before?" Markarian looked at Aslan with an evil expression, as if he was going to crush him to death in the next second.

"One, I am one of the great pioneers." Yaslan emphasized: "I am mainly responsible for the European Federal Region."

Markarian doesn't want to waste time pursuing any responsibilities. His working style has always been simple and rough. He makes requests and then makes promises. The party that fails to complete the tasks will not have a second chance. It's that simple.

"Then go back to your territory, reply to my intelligence network, find me more bodies, and restore the production line." Markarian put forward his request: "I will see the results within a week, and then you will

All the mistakes you made are in the past tense, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Aslan emphasized again without any hesitation: "Sir!"

This chapter has been completed!
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