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Chapter 303 Small Scene

Hashim was dragged into the cell and thrown to the ground. Face down, he felt as if his nose was broken, but this was nothing compared to the pain in other parts of his body, right?

We have fallen to such a low point, what else can we pray for?

"New here?" An equally weak voice came not far away, and Hashem realized that he still had a cellmate.

"It seems that you have a good background. They also treated your injuries." The owner of the voice walked to him with staggering steps and reached out to pull him up from the ground.

"Mohammed Nasser, just call me Nasser." His hands were full of wrinkles and his gray beard that hadn't been groomed for a long time made him look much older than his actual age: "It's 2052 outside now.

Or is it 2053? I was in a daze for a while and lost track of time. No one has come here for a long time."

Hearing the old man's words, Hashem felt desperate. He replied with a wry smile: "It is now 2057, old man, and you have been in the minority for four years."

"2057. I am already sixty-seven years old." The old man sat beside Hashim lonely: "I almost forgot why I was imprisoned here, where are you? I found out that those bastard royals are trying to make death here.

The secret of the army?”

"What undead army?" Hashim found a comfortable position to make his bones less painful.

Although the superhuman healers had reattached all his broken bones, he could still feel phantom pain, which was the brain's instinctive response to painful stimulation.

"You don't know about the Undead Army?" The old prisoner named Nasser chuckled: "Then you must know something else that you shouldn't know."

"It sounds very evil. I guess the undead army you are talking about should be superhumans?" Hashim rested his head on the ground and let the cold stone slab cool his still restless brain: "Superhumans are not rare now. I saw

Something worse."

"What could be worse than those bastards ruling this land forever!" Nasser asked angrily: "They want to be the eternal kings of gods! To enslave us forever!"

Nasser wanted to say something more, but the explosion coming from outside made the expressions on the two prisoners' faces brighten.

"What a shadow!" Martin lay on the porthole and looked out the window against the turbulent airflow. All three missiles were fired at a distance of a hundred meters from the aircraft.

Shadow calmly reloaded the bullet, with a hint of pride on his lips. He had just completed three anti-missile attacks with a sniper rifle, with a 100% interception rate. He was confident enough.

"Don't brag about him! Blow me up!" Ethan shouted with an unhappy expression while holding the access device on his head: "I did all the radar recognition, signal locking, and trajectory prediction, and he just fired and followed.

What’s the difference between targets!”

Of course, as a price, three washbasin-sized holes appeared in the C-130's fuselage, and the entire aircraft was vibrating violently.

The pilot controlled the flight path with blue veins on his face. He gritted his teeth and refused to dodge. He just broke into the air defense circle of the rusty prison. It was obvious that he had no regard for life and death. He didn't know how Mikkelsen trained these temporary people.


Fortunately, Shadow and Ethan are both superhumans now. Not to mention their respective abilities, at least their reaction range has been greatly improved.

The two of them had already tried this kind of cooperation during the mission to hijack the Moonlight Gold. This time it was just an all-round upgrade. Both of them were confident in the part they were responsible for.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Three or four consecutive waves of nearly twenty missiles were all intercepted by Shadow without exception. The entire cabin looked like it had been strafed by anti-aircraft guns, with bullet holes everywhere.

But this old plane managed to hold on. Although it had to stumble, the main structure and power system were undamaged, and it would not be a problem to fly another few hundred kilometers.

But as they get closer to the Rust Prison, new threats appear.

Alia cut off the prison's defense system, but after all, this is the place where the Dusk clan raises troops, and there are many superhumans here.

Twelve superhuman beings with wings on their backs charged briefly on the special starting platform, jumped out against the cliff, drew a downward curve in the air, and then soared into the air under the blow of the mountain wind.

Compared to the Alloy Angels who were killed by Tang Ji in Paris, these superhumans with wings on their backs are even thinner. In order to reduce weight, they don't even have basic protective equipment, and all they have are short-handled carbines in their hands.

But this supernatural potion called [Eagle Wings] is the second most greedy blood potion purchased by the Dusk Tribe from the pioneers.

What they are thinking about is what kind of status they should enjoy after the war, and these angel-like superhuman beings are undoubtedly the best attendants and servants.

Of course, this does not mean that these 'angels' are not qualified soldiers. The quality of individual soldiers in the Persian region has always been well-known. After all, they have been bathed in the flames of war for several generations, and fighting has become their instinct.

The 'Angels' swarmed in. They were flying very fast. The C-130, which had slowed down, could not get rid of these pursuers. The two boldest ones even threw themselves on the glass of the cockpit and pressed their guns against it.

Glass fire.

The other 'angels' stood in the holes made by the shadows and fired randomly with submachine guns.

The team members who are used to seeing big scenes are no longer surprised by this scene that obviously does not conform to the mode of modern warfare.

Martin methodically put up his steel shield, blocking it in front of Ethan, Miwako and Anthony, covering the weakest part of the team.

Tony, who was an expert with a shotgun, moved around on the bumpy deck and disemboweled the Angels with a shotgun.

As for the remaining people, they are all superhumans, and the battle between superhumans is about ability, reaction speed and physical strength. Tang Ji's team members obviously don't need him to deal with these little characters personally now.

But as more 'angels' took off, like butterflies discovering flowers, they surrounded the aircraft, and their original airborne tactics went bankrupt.

No one wants to bet on the chance of being intercepted by these birdmen before landing, so.

"Open the door, and then crash the plane directly into the prison!" Tang Ji gave the pilot a new order. This pilot was obviously the type who was not afraid of death. He didn't need to save him.

The pilot looked at the spiderweb-like bulletproof glass in front of him, set the navigation data according to the new command and entered autopilot, then raised his hands and recited scriptures, leaving the rest of the work to God.

After all, the winged enemies outside the window were beyond his psychological endurance. For a moment, he didn't even know whether he should be shocked that he was fighting against gods, or should he be shocked first that the 'angel' also used a submachine gun

As the hatch opened, dozens of 'angels' swarmed up and got in through the gap in the hatch, like irrational zombies.

Surte was like a whirlwind, representing the fury of the team and stirring up a bloody storm.

The few who slipped through the net were beaten on the ground by the saint, an amateur who could do all things decathlon. Tang Ji smashed the face of an unlucky 'angel' with an iron fist, and the gray-black flames ignited the feathers on his wings.

He looked at the height of the plane from the ground and counted the time.

At this time, as the plane hit the main prison building with an aura of destruction, more prison guards rushed to the square, and the prisoners banged on the door amidst the explosions and the roar of the plane.


Nasser was one of them. As if he had been injected with new youth, he knocked on the iron door with his thin palms, even if his skin and flesh cracked and blood flowed.

Only then did Hashim feel that he saw a hint of popularity in his cellmate. He wanted to get up and join Nasser, but the various types of inhibitors and sedatives in his body made all his efforts turn into a lazy yawn, and he just fell asleep.


Before going to bed, he felt that the whole prison was like an earthquake. The ground and walls shook hard, but he was too sleepy and just wanted to sleep.

Tang Ji and his team members stood in the middle of the square, his face a little pale, and waves of dizziness surged out of his head, as if he was about to be knocked down, but Tang Ji suppressed these feelings without mercy. Now was not the time.

He had just used the [Reinforcement] ability to reinforce the entire plane before jumping out of the plane. At this time, the plane was like a lump of cement missiles piercing into the prison building.

This was his first time to [reinforce] such a big thing. Tang Ji felt a little bit of the pain that Lao Wang faced, but the effect was outstanding.

The prison guards forgot to attack the sudden appearance of the intruders for a moment. They looked back at the half-collapsed prison building, their eyes dull.

Martin pulled the bolt of his gun and started firing without ceremony, breaking the temporary silence.

No wonder they were unprepared. When they jumped out of the plane, it was Sirte who seized the opportunity and led everyone to jump out of the plane. He even had time to drag out the entire crew. Now they are holding a gun each, looking at each other, as if

I can't believe I'm still alive.

Although there were hundreds of defenders on the opposite side, and most of them seemed to be superhumans. Some people were still standing even after being hit by several bullets. However, the entire team showed no fear and spread out their formation in an orderly manner towards the nearest building entrance.

Rushed in.

After all, where are you going? If you were serious, they might not even have a chance to shoot, and Sirte was the hardest working among them.

He didn't seize the first two opportunities to show his face, which almost became Surte's heartache. In this mission, the dragon scale armor was also covered with a layer of heavy-duty body armor. The whole person was a little bloated, but the speed was still so fast.

Before Tony and the Saint, who were the attackers, had time to break through the door, Soult slammed into the door, rushed in with the door as a shield, and used the door as a shield to pin several guards to the wall, unable to release the buckles.


When Tang Ji and the others walked in, there was no need to shoot anymore. Soult left nine alive, but four of them accidentally tore off the opponent's fingers or palms when disarming.

"Have you ever seen this man?" Tang Ji asked, holding Hashem's photo directly in front of his face, regardless of whether he could understand him or not.


Tang Ji got a negative answer, and the prelude expressed his disappointment for him, which also made the second prisoner who was questioned show extreme fear. Unfortunately, he had never seen the person in the photo.


The expression of the third person being questioned was distorted. He suddenly pointed at a fat man among the prisoners and started to babble a lot.

There are many small languages ​​spoken in the Persian region. Anthony shook his head to indicate that he did not understand, while Aria said that she needed some time to learn them.

Fortunately, the pilot stepped forward cautiously and translated the other party's words to Tang Ji: "He said he was an officer and he knew everything."

The identified officer looked ugly, but he still stood up bravely, looked at Tang Ji with a loyal and unyielding expression, and said something loudly.

"He said bad words," the pilot translated concisely.


Tang Ji gave the officer a ride. He actually didn't have high requirements for his tongue, and he only had to have a good cooperative attitude.

With so many superhumans in this place, it's obviously not just a prison. Now that Tang Ji is here, he has no intention of leaving so easily.

Under the protection of his guards, Ibrahim hurriedly entered the secret passage to leave the Rusty Prison, but the accompanying guards walked dozens of meters ahead and returned with a heavy look on their faces, shaking their heads.

The secret passage has collapsed. The plane that crashed previously caused a large-scale vibration here, and collapse occurred in many places.

The Rusty Prison was originally built on a cliff. If you don't take the empty road, there is only one way in and out. The secret tunnel was dug more than a century ago. It has been in disrepair and it is normal for it to collapse this time.

For a long time, the Rust Prison has been a stronghold of the Dusk Clan. There are about two hundred superhumans gathered here, and the medicines used are all obtained by the Dusk Clan in exchange for real money.

Because they have been isolated from mainstream society all year round and have no stable trade channels with the outside world, the pioneers used Byrons Pharmaceuticals to spread the superhuman wave that swept the world, but it did not affect the Persian region much. The number of superhumans here was significantly lower than

Other areas of the outside world.

The Dusk clan is very satisfied with this status quo. They promote the theory of blood. This status quo obviously facilitates them to continue to dominate.

So they have been secretly hoarding superhuman soldiers who are loyal to them. The same is true for the family behind Ibrahim. He can be regarded as half the owner of the Rusty Prison.

At this time, the owner was trapped in prison, and Ibrahim was like an ant on a hot pot. All external communication methods from the prison have been cut off, and even distress signals cannot be sent out.

What troubled him even more was the group of people who were massacred the guards on the first floor. Ibrahim didn't know the others, but Tang Ji's face was so recognizable.

He single-handedly defeated the entire group of naturalized people and forced them to keep revising their plans. Tangji ranked first on the list of people Ibrahim least wanted to face.

But why was he in this jail in the middle of nowhere? What, or who, attracted him? Me?

Ibrahim glanced at the personal servants and guards around him with suspicious eyes, and began to calculate how many chips he could sell in order to survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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