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Chapter 301 Failed again?


The No. 3 gate of the rusty prison was violently destroyed, and it fell directly inward to the ground, killing three guards who had no time to retreat.

Behind the door, the heavily armed team members without blinking walked into the core area of ​​the prison like demons.

This is the military camp of the Undead Army. The Undead Army, which has only 200 people, is a gimmick created by the Dusk Clan. On the basis of injecting the [cancer recovery] ability, all members are equipped with a second supernatural ability, and they can be regarded as naturalized people.

The elite among the forces.

But at this time, nearly half of the Undead Army soldiers had been slaughtered by this group of demons, but there was no effective kill record.

The middle-level officer responsible for commanding the undead army was already panicking. He could be considered a descendant of the Dusk clan, but his ancestors were not very generous, so he was assigned to such a position with some real power after spending money.

He has never fought in a war. He has been stationed in the Rusty Prison for the past few years. He is similar to the prisoners locked up here. Even his wife is not allowed to be brought in.

At this time, he was much more panicked than the soldiers under his command. Those soldiers had all been brainwashed for many years, and their minds were full of dregs. With the ability of [cancer recovery] as a basis, they were even more brave and fearless of death.

The officer watched with his own eyes as an Undead soldier with half of his body smashed to pieces struggled to pick up a grenade from his arms. However, before he could detonate it, a ghostly figure kicked his head into pieces.

The pair of goggles emitting blue light made the officer's heart stop for a beat, but he could not retreat or even show cowardice, otherwise the soldiers beside him would tear him apart.

He is the hope of the family. He can die here, but he must not show any fear. The warden is watching him from behind. He is a big shot who can change his destiny with just one word.

Death and responsibility oppressed him at the same time. Faced with the pressure, the officer's lips trembled, and finally he only uttered one order: "Attack!"

The overwhelming firepower instantly covered every corner in the direction of the gate directly in front, but the officer knew very well that this was just to build momentum. If the bullets were effective, the enemy would not appear here at all.

The casting process of the Undead Army is very particular, and with the ability of [cancer recovery] as the foundation, these superhuman soldiers have perfectly met the expectations of the dying tribe for the Undead Army.

Therefore, they strictly select the blessings of the second ability, and spiritual supernatural abilities are excluded first. They spend a lot of effort to brainwash these dead soldiers. The last thing they want to see is for them to find themselves again.

The ability to use ultra-long-range effects is also prohibited. Even if there is only one ten thousandth chance of being counterattacked, it is still a hidden danger. The Dusk Clan does not want these soldiers to have abilities beyond their control.

In short, compared with other naturalized people, they actually want a toy soldier that is majestic enough, has enough power to intimidate, and has just enough force to suppress the guerrillas.

Originally, drones and robot soldiers were good choices, but the network intrusion that occurred in the Rusty Prison was the best counterexample. As early as a century ago, the twilight clan was accustomed to the embarrassment of the high-tech products they purchased coming with built-in backdoors.


Under the influence of several generations, they naturally do not trust these high-tech products, and the ak series is the real friend.

However, this kind of weapon, which is still very popular in the second corporate war, has serious insufficient penetration in the face of modern protective equipment. The bullets hit the [reinforced] dragon scale armor and were squeezed into metal circles.

The bread fell to the ground.

Martin held a person-high anti-riot shield in one hand and a fully automatic shotgun in the other hand. He moved and fired at the firing port of the shield. He was the spearhead of the team and was responsible for position movement. The others lined up behind him in a herringbone formation.

Open, aim and shoot from the edges of both sides of the shield.

His strong muscles withstood the recoil of the firearm, and his whole body trembled as he fired, creating a bloody wind right in front of him.

He didn't know if he was a superhuman, but he was indeed much stronger than before. When Anthony gave him a physical examination last time, he found that his height had grown by another six centimeters, and he was now almost 2.3 meters tall.

Martin is somewhat unconfident when it comes to saying that he is a superhuman. After all, he is just mediocre compared to the rest of the team, but other reasons cannot explain his situation. It will not mean that he has ushered in his second spring and started his second development.


Suddenly there was a faint sound of electric shock starting directly in front. The next second, a hidden firepower point opened fire fiercely. Hundreds of large-caliber bullets were splashed on the shield. Debris flew everywhere and sparks flew. Martin could hardly hold the hanger.

Shield on the arm!

But the sudden fire lasted only a few seconds. Sirte pulled the machine gun out of the fire point with his bare hands and threw an offensive grenade inside.


The explosion in the small space caused shrapnel and marbles to ricochet back and forth, repeatedly cutting and penetrating the machine gunner, leaving it riddled with holes, and a quarter of the flesh and blood was left on the wall.

The scary thing is that the machine gunner survived this process, took out his pistol and stretched out his arm from the shooting hole to try to kill the enemy.

Soult grabbed the arm with both hands and twisted it hard, then pulled the arm off his shoulder with force, threw it aside, and threw two more grenades into it before leaving.

Battles between superhumans are often more bloody and cruel because they are stronger, faster, and more tenacious.

The officer led the remaining undead army to abandon the military camp and retreated downwards into the prison area.

The noisy prisoners immediately fell silent after seeing the black uniforms of the Undead Army. All the prisoners imprisoned here have basically seen the cruelty of the Undead Army.

The strongest among them will have their will repeatedly destroyed and their humanity wiped away. Those lucky ones who survive will get a chance to join the undead army after sacrificing all their relatives and friends.

"Execute the people here!" the officer gave the order without mercy. The only reason was that he didn't want these people to see him in desolation.

The soldiers of the Undead Army immediately began to carry out the order. Two soldiers of the Undead Army broke away from the team and walked along the corridor to the nearest cell. They fired a gun to complete the execution under the desperate eyes of the prisoner.

When they passed by the panicked jailers, they showed no mercy and shot and executed these "own men" without distinction.

Nasser heard the gunshots and screams from above. He looked at Hashim who was sleeping to death, riding on him and slapping him hard from left to right: "Wake up! Wake up, kid! If you don't wake up, you will be considered a sleeper." Damn it!"

Hashem opened his eyes. He actually couldn't feel the pain of being slapped. His whole body was numb at this time. He did fall asleep, but he didn't sleep deeply.

The effect of those medicines made him feel like he could fall asleep when he closed his eyes, but he would be awakened by the slightest disturbance, and his heartbeat would alternate between 50 and 180, as if he was bungee jumping.

"Child, stand up, we have to give it a last try!" A stubbornness appeared on Nasser's face: "Even if I die, I have to take a bite of meat!"

"Have a rest...Nasser, they will shoot outside the cage." Hashem felt that half of his strength was used up in these words.

"This is an attitude and a belief. We cannot give up the only things we have!" Nasser kept wandering around like an old lion king, patrolling his territory, trying to find a few decent weapons.

But he has been locked up here for almost fifteen years. He clearly knows every corner and cracks on the walls. There is nothing here.

"They broke in here!" Nasser was silent for a while and suddenly became excited. He squatted next to Hashim, with a terrifying light in his eyes: "It can't be my organization. The Sanctuary Brigade has been disbanded long ago. It's...it's you! They saved you!"

"Don't think about it, no one will come to save me." Hashim wanted to laugh a few times, but he couldn't mobilize his emotions at all: "Freedom Wind doesn't have this ability, it is a small organization..."

"I know all the prisoners here! If anyone wanted to save them, they would have been here long ago. You are the only one new here!" Nasser listened to the clearer gunshots coming from upstairs and said: "You have been here less than twenty-four hours. Someone is attacking here, and it can only be you!"

Hashim smiled bitterly, turned over, yawned and tried to fall asleep again.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw a Mohu woman sitting in front of him in the dark. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly frowned and kicked him out of his sleep.

Before he woke up, Hashim vaguely heard her say: "Why is it him again..."

"That's right, kid, don't give up hope!" Nasser's voice came again. He only felt that his mind was a lake of slurry. He wanted to sleep but couldn't fall asleep, and it was also chaotic and couldn't stay awake. This cross feeling made him almost go crazy. .

The officer leading the team could hardly believe his eyes. The undead warriors who looked like a nightmare on this land were like mice in front of the enemy, being trampled to death one by one.

The omnipresent ghost moved faster than their thoughts. He came and went like a shadow, like a civet teasing its prey.

The Undead Army soldiers responsible for shooting the prisoners had their necks broken and were lying on the ground at some unknown time. Although they were still alive, it was obvious that they could not reset the bones on their own.

The demon was teasing them. He broke the limbs of these warriors and threw their necks there, as if mocking the people who were still alive...

In fact, this was Surte's last resort. He found that unless he pulled off the heads of these superhumans, it would be difficult to actually kill these soldiers.

If it were before, Soult would have been rude and would have grabbed as many heads as he wanted, but after all, he is no better than before. Although he was not sent to school, Anthony would teach him some cultural knowledge when he had time.

Soult knew what it meant to bully the weak and what cruelty meant.

The first undead soldier he killed had an expressionless face when he died, and the tenth one was still the same. These numb faces reminded him of the lowest-level poisonous insects in the Skull and Bones Party.

They are also like this, they are so ignorant that even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire in front of them, as long as they are given a bite to eat and a shot of medicine, they dare to rush up.

Soult suddenly no longer seemed to be robbing these people of their heads, he even felt pity for them.

He watched as the stupid officer yelled at the soldiers to blow up the passage to the next floor, then left nearly twenty soldiers behind, turned around and disappeared at the stairs.

Soult was reluctant to kill the officer. He could see that these Undead Army soldiers were well-trained. If there hadn't been that idiot there to direct them blindly, these people would definitely not have been shooting at them so straight, without even taking cover.

Find it, let that big fool Martin be used as a stake.

Tang Ji snapped his fingers at Soult, and Xiao Su immediately passed through the enemy's defense line, chasing the officer and disappearing at the entrance of the passage.

When he rushed over, there were two Undead Army soldiers who were installing bombs on the wall, and Soult easily took the explosives in their hands.

Soult caught up with the officer and his group, hid in the dark and watched them open the door to the next floor, and then entered the next floor first.

As simple as an outing, Soult saluted the officer when he passed by him.

After all, he is still a boy of sixteen or seventeen. Even though he has suffered losses twice, once he gets angry, Surte, who has entered bullet time, will still subconsciously despise the world's heroes.

When he is in this state, most people are like motionless puppets to him, and life and death can be controlled by his thoughts.

Soult rushed all the way to the next cage, and then bumped into something like a spider web, and his whole body was stuck to it, unable to move.

A superhuman with four legs and four arms came out of the corner. There were bright fangs at the corners of his mouth. He smiled at him and spit out more spider silk from his mouth, covering him three layers inside and three outside.

Got up.

"Caught..." Spider-Man whispered on the access channel, and the officer immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He is indeed a parallel importer, but not that bad. If he doesn't deal with that ghostly superhuman, he won't be able to win this battle.

So even if he gave half of his manpower, he would not hesitate.

"Kill all the prisoners!" The officer glanced at Soult gloomily, with no trace of timidity in his eyes.

"As for him..." the officer pondered for a few seconds: "Let the doctor prescribe the medicine according to the instructions for an A-level prisoner, and make him be more honest."

The guards around him immediately pushed Surte deeper. The doctors here were experienced and knew how to deal with superhuman beings.

The other undead warriors allocated a quarter of their manpower and began to clean up the prisoners on this floor, with an unhurried pace, just like the one on the previous floor, as if the deaths of others had nothing to do with them.

"Hashem! Hashem! They are coming to kill us!" Nasser held the railing with both hands, looked at the undead soldiers approaching from a distance, and shouted at them like crazy: "I am not afraid of you! I am not afraid of death!" "

But those soldiers were just dragging a young metahuman wrapped in spider webs past them. The real firing squad was behind them, cleaning from the first cell.

"Huh?" When Soult lost contact, Tang Ji raised his eyebrows and said to the person behind him: "Hurry up, Xiao Su is in trouble again."

"Hahaha! If you don't have hair on your lips, you can't do things well!" Martin quickened his pace, and the entire team rushed through the enemy's defense zone at a trot, with the speed increased by more than half.


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