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Chapter 305 Confrontation

With only one engine left, the Sky Fortress continued to pour firepower in the air, and the professionals who took over the weapon system demonstrated ultra-high accuracy.

All superhumans who gathered together with more than ten people were bombarded by 105 cannons, and the superhuman who could deflect the cannonballs seemed to have disappeared.

At this time, at least twenty superhumans took off in various ways, trying to kill the Sky Fortress, and the first two superhumans to take off had all been shot down by the shadows.

The effective range of his electromagnetic sniper rifle exceeds four thousand meters, making it a sufficient deterrent even in air combat.

But this does not mean that the Sky Fortress is safe. A thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the Sky Fortress, causing nearly half of the instruments in the cockpit to emit thick smoke.

"The altimeter is malfunctioning! The rudder power is lost!" The pilot glanced at the co-pilot. The two of them now rely entirely on experience to maintain flight stability. Once there is a large-scale maneuver or disguise, they may lose their sense of direction: "Get ready to parachute, everyone! We can't.

Withstand more attacks!"

"Get ready to parachute!" Anthony shouted pointing in the direction of the cabin. Starting from Martin, they started to push forward one by one to prevent them from hearing.

Martin looked at the engine that was constantly emitting black smoke, and then at the 30mm cannon that had just ceased fire. He pulled Soult over and said a few words in his ear, and then the two of them started working together, one on the left and the other on the right.

The machine gun was torn from its emplacement forcefully.

Then Martin put the thing on his shoulders, sprinted toward the rear of the cabin, and then took a leap of faith.

Soult picked up a box of bullets and jumped down after Martin. At this time, the weapons operator was hurriedly carrying a parachute on his body.

"Crazy! They're all crazy!" The weapons operator looked at the group of people tearing the metal like newspapers, his face as white as paper. He didn't even dare to think about what he would encounter after landing.

The place was full of superhumans, and based on his past experience, superhumans were synonymous with trouble, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and jump down...

Tang Ji looked up at the Aerial Fortress in the sky. A bright red laser suddenly shot out from the top of a building not far away, spanning a distance of nearly a kilometer, cutting off the Aerial Fortress.

The plane broke into two pieces, emitting flames and smoke, and crashed downwards with an explosion, making a terrifying roar.

Tang Ji broke the neck of the player in his arms and threw the body aside, where four corpses were already piled up.

The familiar system prompt appeared again. So far, he had harvested seven players, but anger and dissatisfaction still filled his heart.


Like a King Kong, Tang Ji climbed up one hole after another along the outer wall of the building to the top, and then jumped towards another building, splashing a piece of rubble.

The player who had just shot down the plane was currently standing on a roof 40 meters away to the right of Tang Ji. His face was covered in blood, and his eyes were red as if they were about to explode in the next second.

A female player stood nearby, stroking the wounded man's eyes with fluorescent palms. As she moved, the wounded man's screams gradually decreased.


The prelude begins first,

The female healer was shot directly in the back of the head, and her entire face was torn apart by bullets, turning into fragments and scattered on the wounded man's face.

"What's wrong! What happened! Shabana, what's wrong with you!" The wounded man's hands moved up along the woman's limp arms, and directly touched the remaining part of the woman's brain.

The strange and warm touch made the wounded man signal to throw the woman's body aside, roll it down the slope of the roof and hit the ground.

[You got points: 50 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: new prey - Shabana McCann (has been completely terminated) (the relic library has been opened, all products can be exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

Tang Ji instantly entered the phase shift state, stepped over the obstacle in the middle and appeared in front of the wounded, put the prelude on the opponent's forehead, and pulled the trigger before the opponent could say his last words.

Another name on the list of wronged souls.

Tang Ji looked around and saw that there were players on every street. Some of them had exchanged fire with the team members who had landed, while others had unleashed their abilities on the most high-profile Tang Ji.

Hurricanes, lightning, thunder, lasers, explosions, the roof of Tang Ji's house was instantly lost, and the firepower of the superhumans instantly engulfed the building.

But Tang Ji has long since disappeared. With the ability of [Phase Assassin] in hand, his last blind spot in combat has been filled.

Aslan stood in a two-story building fifty meters away and watched Tang Ji complete a double kill. He felt a cold air coming from the end of his spine and shivered all over.

That guy is getting more and more terrifying...

"His abilities are getting richer and richer." Markarian stood next to Aslan, also observing Tang Ji: "The information I submitted to you shows that a month ago he didn't know how to teleport."

"Who knows about the Seven Deadly Sins?" Aslan smiled bitterly: "Maybe next month, he can kill half of us with a snap of his fingers."

"They found us so fast that we didn't even have time to complete the basic testing tasks." Markarian frowned: "Do you have any other backup safety points?"

"We have established hundreds of safe points around the world, but beside Tang Ji there is a super human who can jump in space. He is the strongest super human of his type. They can go wherever they want, and they will be there in a swish."

Silan's eyes were blank, not paying attention to what to do next.

But fortunately, Cathy Walter's gang of deserters had returned in disgrace forty minutes ago. As a dimensional door opened, Cathy Walter herself had appeared on a sand dune outside gathering point 14.

It only took three minutes from the time she was attacked at the gathering point to the time she arrived at the scene, but Tang Ji had already caused double-digit casualties.

Cathy Walter's face was expressionless. Because of the previous strategic misjudgment, they lost the polar body warehouse, and 95% of the high-end bodies were frozen under the ice.

The morale of the entire development department also dropped to freezing point. The continuous deaths even forced the first employee to resign in this department for the first time.

This is an unprecedented shame, but Cathy Walter can only grit her teeth now.

With Cathy Walter's on-site command, dozens of dimensional gates appeared throughout Gathering Point No. 14. At the same time, players in different areas also received emergency mission prompts from the system -

[Task (beta0.1): Go to a safe location]

[Content: Go to the nearest dimensional gate and arrive at the safe zone]

[Reward: None]

Cathy is really not in the mood to edit the content and rewards for this temporary mission. Most of the achievements of the pioneers who have been working hard in this world for nearly a hundred years have been destroyed by Tang Ji. No matter how colorful the words are, they can't hide the fact that the players are at a disadvantage.


Due to the guidance of satellite images, most of the locations where these dimensional gates were opened were not far from player groups, and nearly a hundred players left the battle in just a few seconds.

Instead, a large number of armed drones and updated and upgraded mechanical dogs rushed out from the other side of the dimensional gate. The pioneers at least still had the advantage in information warfare.

Arya can destroy the technical equipment of the Rust Prison at will, but on the battlefield against players, she can only temporarily avoid the edge.

So Tang Ji simply didn't bring Yin Sen and Miwako with him this time. As a group, their ability to perform in this battle was limited.

This is the most cost-effective tactic that Cathy can think of for the time being. Let the drone hold down Tang Ji and the others, giving the testers enough time to evacuate.

Cathy has always been a very energetic woman. In just tens of seconds, nearly 700 drones and 300 mechanical dogs quickly spread out along the streets of the gathering point.

The drones that had the upper hand attacked Tangji's team from different angles. Although Sirte could destroy those drones by throwing a stone, there were too many of them.

Moreover, the team members are now stuck in the mode of fighting independently. The disadvantages of rapid airborne landing make it difficult for them to quickly assemble in such complex terrain.

Coupled with fighting against players, whose information equipment is always on strike, Surte becomes the team's only link.

At this time, Soult had thrown the ammunition next to Martin, turned around and disappeared hundreds of meters away, dragging Anthony, who was fighting alone, back to the temporary position, followed by Tony, Saint and others.

Finally, it's Mikkelsen...

The entire battlefield quickly evolved from superhumans fighting superhumans to a scene of hot weapons fighting drones. Martin stuck his stolen 30mm cannon on half of the brick wall, and the dull and heavy sound of gunfire shook the surrounding area.

People's ears are buzzing.

He occupied a single-family house, set up a machine gun on the second floor, poured out firepower, and suppressed the enemy in one direction by himself.

In the face of such large-caliber weapons, drones and robotic dogs are as fragile as toys, and a bullet can penetrate from the street to the end of the street.

But even a strong man like Martin could not use this weapon as a rifle. Enemy attacks came from all directions, and the old brick walls were unable to stop these bullets.

The extremely fast mechanical dogs are the most fanatical light infantry. They sprint on the road in groups, avoid Martin's shooting sight, and rush towards buildings without fear of death.

Everyone was firing continuously, intercepting these fearless mechanical dogs. Surte turned into a whirlwind, running around the building, kicking away one mechanical dog after another, but...


A fish that slipped through the net broke through the blockade and hit the wall with its head. The explosives in its body instantly destroyed the wall on that side of the building, and nearly a third of it collapsed.

The violent explosion stopped the firepower in the building, but then the cannon in Martin's hand fired again, blocking the following mechanical dogs.

Not every mechanical dog is a self-destructive dog, but you can only treat every mechanical dog as a self-destructive dog.

Even Tang Ji could only continue to phase shift and dodge in the face of this suicidal charge, but he had a purpose, because that mission also appeared in front of him...

[Task (beta0.1): Go to a safe location]

[Content: Go to the nearest dimensional gate and arrive at the safe zone]

[Reward: None]

The system in Tang Ji's mind that sometimes failed to work, and often overflowed due to erroneous data, worked this time. In Tang Ji's sight, dotted lines with distances at the ends marked the positions of all dimensional gates.

come out.

It’s just that Cathy Walter is not a mediocre person. During the time she was offline, she had been thinking about how to counter Tang Ji.

The drone swarm tactic is just one of them. After taking advantage of the information, she used the drone to survey the panoramic view and accurately locate Tang Ji's position.

Cathy is like a spider queen sitting in the center of a spider web, flicking the threads to avoid risks for the pioneers who have mastered the ability of dimensional gates.

No matter where Tang Ji appears, the surrounding dimensional gates will be closed one after another. If you lose a few testers in time, you will never take any risks.

After several phase shifts, both sides fighting in the air noticed something unusual.

Tang Ji realized that someone was staring at him, while Cathy realized that Tang Ji was not running around, he knew where the dimensional doors were.

The next second, Tang Ji turned around and disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was standing at the highest point of the gathering point, looking around.

Cathy, on the other hand, showed no sign of fighting. She took a step back and entered a dimensional door that she had been waiting for for a long time. She retreated.

"It's time for us to leave." Markarian watched the whole process, and after confirming that most of the testers had evacuated through the dimensional door, he turned and walked into the dimensional door behind him.

Aslan followed him without saying a word.



Dan Turan looked at the new mission with a dry mouth, and the nearest evacuation point marked in front of him was still eighteen kilometers away from them.

Doligon carried the few remaining Danshui they had on his back and staggered behind him. He seemed to be a little confused.

What's worse is that the hunter who attacked them before was fishing openly on the sand dunes in the distance, riding a camel, and followed them in a leisurely manner.uuReading www.uukanshu.com

Dorrigon fell onto the sand with a splash, and the water that was only enough for two people to moisten their throats seemed to have evaporated some more during the shaking.

"I can't hold on anymore, Dan, let me go..." Dorigon said weakly.

Dan Turan licked his lips. He didn't know what else he should insist on. Obviously, for them, committing suicide directly or letting the gunman give him a good time and then wait for the next arrival is the best solution.

But Dan Turan instinctively rejected this choice, he didn't want to die.

"Give me a treat, Dan. I'll come back to accompany you after I go back." Doligon handed the kettle to Dan. Turan said: "When I come back... I have to kill that old bastard, believe me... "


The kettle in Dan Turan's hand was shot away by the bullet, and Doligon stood up suddenly as if he was having a flashback, and ran all the way in the direction of the sought-after shot, shouting hoarsely.


Dan Turan watched as Doligon shook, fell to the ground, and became motionless.

Doligon's death made him tremble... He could not die. This strong thought emerged again, driving him to continue moving forward until he fell down.

In the lost lake, Dan Turan saw a pair of shoes appearing in front of him. He pursed his lips and said in an almost inaudible voice: "I surrender..."

This chapter has been completed!
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