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Chapter 304 Killing

"Passing past Gathering Point No. 14 one minute later, no aerial threat was found and is slowing down." The pilots had no burden for being ordered to attack a living area full of civilians. They had been doing this kind of work in the past few years.

"No crowds have been found. It is recommended to use 105mm howitzers. These buildings are very fragile and high-explosive bombs are very effective." The original weapon operator of the Sky Fortress pointed out: "You'd better destroy the entrance and exit roads of the town first.

This prevents the target from quickly leaving via transportation."

"Then gradually clear the buildings and crowds along the road from the outside in. The 105m howitzer is responsible for destroying strongholds and blocking the road. The 30mm cannon has enough bullets to penetrate the buildings you see and use it to drive away the crowds." Weapon operation.

The hand introduces the weapon characteristics of Sky Fortress in an easy-to-understand manner as much as possible.

He was paid to do this mission, and he only thought that these passengers were rich old people who spent money to find excitement.

"Very good, you can fire now." The operator spread his hands and took a step back, indicating that Tang Ji could choose the target at will.

But the pilot suddenly warned: "Attention, two ultra-small flying units are taking off."

"We're in the right place, head." Shadow saw the superhuman being lifted into the sky through the observation window, and instantly switched the perspective to the opponent's field of view. Then, after two consecutive turns, Shadow saw a whole room of players.

Their temperament is so unique that you can tell the difference from others at just one glance. When these players are gathered together, this uniqueness becomes even more outstanding...a whole room full of psychopaths!

Some people wear their underwear outside, some don't wear it at all, and some wear obviously inappropriate clothes. Although these clothes are all sourced from local sources, these players have the ability to wear these shabby clothes in their own style.

"On the east side of the town, there is a two-story red-roofed building. That is their stronghold!" Shadow completed the reconnaissance mission in an instant, and the convenience of superhumans began to become apparent.

"Over there!" The weapon operator began to get nervous. When he saw the two superhumans approaching at high speed, he knew that this job was not just for excitement.

As a veteran, he knew that the biggest problem for novices was that it was difficult to accurately identify two-dimensional targets in the air, so the weapon operator directly marked the building that Shadow mentioned for Tang Ji.


The lightweight 105mm gun did not make too much noise under the action of the special muzzle brake, and the shells hit the target building accurately.

Mikkelsen showed a rare expression of anticipation. He opened his eyes wide and waited for the results. The fingers holding the observer turned a little white from the exertion.

However, the rapidly flying shell suddenly disappeared, and a few seconds later, a small explosion occurred a few kilometers outside the town.

"What the hell, superhuman." Mikkelsen said with some annoyance. When a capable superhuman is on your side, you always feel that great things can be accomplished. But when such a superhuman is standing on the opposite side,

I felt like everything was not going well.

Tang Ji continued to fire, but the rate of fire of the 105 gun obviously did not exceed the processing range of the super human, and all three shots were diverted.

These three shells were all shrouded in the flames of hatred, but the gray-black flames dissipated in mid-air and did not penetrate the defenses deployed by the players along with the shells.

The next second, the place was like a cesspit with bricks thrown into it, and hundreds of superhumans scattered out to show off their magical powers.

The weapon operator's brain coaxed, and he subconsciously wanted the pilot to return immediately, but looking at the mercenaries with loaded guns and ammunition in the cabin, he could only swallow his bitterness and resign himself to fate.

"Open the cabin." Shadow said to a crew member, and then began to assemble his own Hailstone sniper rifle, which is currently the most effective anti-parahuman weapon in their squad.

The crew members looked at the weapons operator, but the other person just waved his hand and allowed these people to do whatever they wanted. The crew members then opened the cabin.

The hovering speed of the Sky Fortress is not very fast. Even if the cabin is opened, it will not affect the flight attitude of the aircraft.

Targets captured by the shadow ability stand out like fireflies in the dark.


The engine on one side of the Sky Fortress suddenly emitted smoke, and the entire aircraft tilted to one side, and the Shadow that was aiming at it also slid towards that side, causing a missed shot.

"The plan failed, is there a plan B?" Tang Ji gave up the 105 gun, turned around and took control of the 30mm cannon and asked Mikkelsen.

"Ha, plan B is to throw you down and scare them to death!" Mikkelsen took over the 105 gun, firing down at will with full firepower.

As the players dispersed, the surviving residents of the town began to appear on the streets, intending to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

In just two days, the players turned this place into a real hell. No one has any privileges, and death follows them like the wind.

Every minute here is like playing roulette, every scream at night and every knock on the door can make people terrified.

Some armed men fired at the players in a vented manner, creating greater chaos and covering the evacuation of the young, old, women and children. It was obvious that during this time someone had secretly connected all the residents of the town.

The sound of the 30mm cannon firing was dispersed by the isolation of the cabin's silent materials and the whistling wind, just like the sound of firecrackers exploding in a metal can.

But the effect was remarkable. Through the sight, Tangji could see that a dozen players in the direction he had fired instantly turned into parts.

"Fourteen! It's open!" Mikkelsen roared excitedly, and another 105 shell hit the ground, and the dust splashed up was like a celebratory firework.

But Tang Ji didn't show much excitement on his face, because there was only one kill record in front of him.

[You got points: 50 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: new prey - Olai Rommel (completely terminated) (the relic library has been opened, all goods can be exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

No one knows why Tang Ji can cause real damage across the world to those players. Mikkelsen doesn't know, Wu Qianying doesn't know, and those so-called Supreme Beings obviously haven't figured it out yet.

As for Tang Ji, he is definitely the most puzzling of all people...Why does he have such a special ability? Through what medium does this ability take effect on players?

The question marks in Tang Ji's heart are growing day by day. If all fourteen players are terminated, his doubts will be smaller. If they all 'survive', he will only feel a little regretful at most, and then jump out of the plane and strangle him to death. remaining players.

But now, one of the fourteen players died, and the questions in Tang Ji's heart almost overflowed from his mind, making his chest simmer.

"One of them died." Tang Ji shouted to Mikkelsen.

"What do you mean one person died?" Mikkelsen was stunned, and he asked with a confused look on his face: "What do you mean one person died!"

"How the hell did I know!" Tang Ji pulled off his seat belt, picked up his equipment, turned around, sprinted towards the open cabin and jumped down.

The hot air became cooler with the speed of Tang Ji's free fall. As if all questions were left behind, Tang Ji shouted in the air to vent his emotions, and then shot a quick reaction ball before landing. The gel was thrown away.


There was still a familiar squeezing feeling and a familiar smell. Before the quick-response gel decomposed in the air, Tang Ji adjusted his posture and stood directly on the sand.

He landed directly in the middle of the town.

Directly in front of him, a headless man suddenly rushed out of the alley. With just one glance, Tang Ji determined his identity, Player.

Tang Ji and his prelude had already understood each other. He just raised his hand slightly, and the pleasant sonorous sound sounded, directly naming the player.


A fist-sized hole instantly appeared in the player's chest, and most of the internal organs spurted out from behind. The whole person seemed to have received a heavy punch and flew back half a meter before falling.

[You got points: 50 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: new prey - Honatan Miris (completely terminated) (the relic library has been opened, all goods can be exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

This familiar feeling made Tang Ji relax. This was his rhythm, one shot at a time, face to face, life and death.

Tang Ji walked along the alley where the player appeared. Four locals armed with guns were quietly walking out of a house, obviously planning to attack the player from behind.

The four men with guns looked Tang Ji up and down. No one fired, but silently retreated to the house and closed the door gently.

The pioneers have indeed integrated into this world. It is difficult to distinguish them from the native life simply by their clothing and temperament, but these players are not that authentic yet.

Not only Tang Ji could separate them, but the locals who had been abused for two whole days could also tell at a glance that Tang Ji and the players were not from the same group.

They have no intention of causing trouble in this situation, but they are always willing to patronize these poor people.

Just as Tang Jigang passed by the door, a burst of fierce fire broke out in the room, followed by the screams of men and the screams of women.

Tang Ji kicked open the door. Behind the door, a superhuman with black and white chitin armor on his body, sharp horns on both sides of his forehead, and a height of more than two and a half meters stood on a pile of human flesh.

He let out an angry roar towards Tang Ji.

"Roar!" The superhuman covered a little boy's head with one hand, and his fingers with five knuckles beat the hostage's skull rhythmically. The other hand pointed at Tang Ji's pistol and pointed at the floor.

, and then crossed his fingers again, with an excited expression on his face.

Obviously this player has learned how to provoke in just two days. In order to match the body movements, a pair of not-so-rich bat wings spread out from behind and made two demonstrative moves.

"The devil is difficult to deal with, let's join forces!" A local man with a gun stood at the stairway of the second floor and said to Tang Ji in a less proficient common language: "Child, there is no chance!"

Following his words, a woman behind him wailed and seemed to want to pass him downstairs, but was blocked by the man.

Tang Ji twisted his neck left and right, then put the prelude back into his gun bag, and the gray-black flames of hatred instantly covered his hands.

There was no provocation or demonstration. This kind of small role did not arouse much interest in him.

The demon superhuman was obviously not interested in the life and death of the human cubs. He let go of his palms and let the children fall. He almost lifted his feet off the ground and dived forward!

The hurricane fanned out by the bat's wings raised dust on the floor. The man holding the gun on the second floor couldn't see clearly what was coming from the living room downstairs. He only heard a muffled sound.

When he rushed downstairs, protecting the child behind him, the battle was already half over.

Tang Ji pressed the demon face down on the floor. The gray-black flames had burned away the fragile bat wings, and the demon let out a piercing scream.

He raised one of the devil's hands upward in the direction of the anti-joint, not fast enough to allow the other person to fully enjoy the pleasure of every inch of muscle being torn apart.

Accompanied by a breaking sound that made the man with the gun subconsciously close his eyes, one of the demon's arms dropped to the ground at a twisted angle. In the process, the tough chitin armor also unfolded layer by layer, revealing the tender flesh underneath.

Tang Ji casually tore off the remaining wings of the opponent, took out the prelude gun, and shattered the other arm and the joints of the two legs.

"Do you like hand-to-hand combat?" Tang Jifu asked softly in the player's ear. His hands met at the player's chin and he suddenly lifted it up!

His knees were pressed on the demon's back, uuReading www.uukanshu.com The arms that were comparable to hydraulic presses were constantly tightening, the sounds of muscle tearing and bones breaking made this place feel like hell.

Gray-black flames burned along his hands, completely covering the demon's face. Screams beyond the limits of human hearing rushed out of the room, echoing throughout the alley, almost overwhelming the sound of the surrounding firefights.

The demon's head was pulled almost vertically to the body, and the screams suddenly stopped, but the gunman who was close to Chi Chi could still hear the terrifying tearing sound.

He pressed the child under him, covered his ears with his hands, and kept praying to the gods. He survived the nightmarish forty-eight hours, but now his hands and feet were so frightened that his hands and feet were cold and his limbs were twitching.

"Will you regret coming to my world!" Along with the overwhelming sound of the vertebrae breaking, the demon's head was cut off by Tang Ji.

In the gray-black flames, the chitinous skin and remaining flesh and blood tissue were peeled off layer by layer, leaving only a smooth, blood-red skull with sharp corners...

[You got points: 50 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: new prey - Toyin Philo Dram (has been completely terminated) (the relic library has been opened, all goods can be exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

"Toyin Philo Dram, your skull is very beautiful." Tang Ji hung the skull directly on the tactical belt around his waist and patted its forehead: "I plan to collect it completely. You should feel honored."

Tang Ji looked at the woman who fainted on the second floor and the man who kept praying, then looked at the corpses in the pool of flesh and blood on the ground and left silently through the front door.

He couldn't say nonsense like asking for condolences, and he was willing to waste a few minutes and give up the use of weapons to save that child, which may be the last bit of his humanity.

This chapter has been completed!
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