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Chapter 329: Hostage Safety

(Repetition of a thousand words, will be updated later)

"On behalf of the entire Ark organization, I would like to welcome the Adventers and provide them with shelter. Because of the existence of the Adventers, human civilization will be more prosperous in the future. I firmly believe that between civilization and civilization..."

The prophet who was speaking suddenly got stuck, and his whole body began to twitch continuously, foaming at the mouth, and he fell to the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Commander Hunter glanced at the modest lady and found that she had turned towards the backstage to leave, and the staff around them were also evacuating in an orderly manner.

The media reporters were a little commotion for a while. After all, the gunshots outside were getting closer and closer. The big terrorist Tang Ji had just killed more than thirty armed security guards during the live broadcast. Now the people on the stage started to run away. How could they?

Don't you panic?

Commander Hunter hesitated for a second between the camera and the modest lady, and resolutely chose the former between face and danger. As a purely political animal, he had nothing else to miss.

"Everyone, please don't panic. Believe in the capabilities of the federal government. Our armed forces are rushing to support us. We cannot bow to terrorism!" Hunter shouted, seizing every second on this big stage with an audience of over 100 million.

Promote yourself.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Hunter didn't expect to encounter such large traffic again in his life.

However, Cathy Walter is ready to leave. Their goal has been achieved. The players have obtained the authorization from the federal official background and the endorsement of the prophet.

Although many insiders can tell at a glance that the prophet is in a state of mind control, as long as there is an interface, it is enough. The Ark organization has never been known for its toughness.

As the saying goes, those who truly understand you are your enemies. Many people in the Ark organization respect the pioneers even more than the naturalized ones.

Just when the prophet appeared to speak, a substantial split had already occurred in the Ark organization far away in the European Union, and the secret underwater base became the main battlefield in the civil war.

And Wang Zhengdao, the only person with the authority to prevent this from happening, was dragged into the demonstration city unable to move.

Thinking of this, Cathy Walter smiled. They played a little trick and placed the floor where the press conference was actually held on the ninety-ninth floor, which is the territory of the Walter Group.

And the real new W Palace news conference located at a higher level is just a bait, just to delay time.


A pioneer who was walking further ahead suddenly fell to the ground and died. The familiar sound of gunfire made Cathy Walter tense up instantly and turned around to run.

Tang Ji, expressionless, walked out of the corner alone. The hem of his windbreaker lifted up as he turned around, revealing the thick dragon scale armor underneath: "I saw you."

The invitation to fight to the death was triggered the moment they met, and Cathy Walter became a caged bird.

"Cathy, Cathy, Cathy, we are old friends." Tang Ji's iron hand wiped a ravine on the wall along the way: "Let's have a good talk."

"Execute the emergency evacuation plan and activate the building defense mode." Cathy Walter was not a rookie either. As she gave the order, the entire Walter Group's floors began to change.

The thick wall surfaces were covered with metal linings, and then began to move slowly. The originally straight corridor was instantly cut into pieces and turned into a maze.

Those media reporters who were still sticking to their posts watched all this with their mouths open, but at this time they had lost the ability to communicate with the outside world, and the live broadcast was completely over.

Before the live broadcast was disconnected, the last scene was of Tang Ji suddenly appearing and blowing away the modest lady's bodyguard with one shot.

There were only four New W Palace bodyguards around Commander Hunter. They carefully pulled Hunter to avoid the walls that started to move. Some reporters who did not dodge in time were crushed to death by the walls that closed in pairs.

The reporters who saw the death with their own eyes finally began to panic, fled in all directions, and disappeared in the maze of floors in the blink of an eye.

Cathy Walter, who has the highest authority in the building, has a smooth road in front of her. The movable walls have made way for her. Not far in front of her, a golden dimensional door has opened.

The first big pioneer of the gate team, Paulina Kubera, is standing opposite the dimensional gate waiting for Cathy's return.

Wang Zhengdao has disappeared, and no one can predict his whereabouts, but lurkers analyzed that he went to the Moonlight Gold, so at least here, in this building, Tang Ji is just a Muggle now, and cannot be used anytime and anywhere.

Appear in front of Cathy.

Cathy Walter smiled with a hint of contentment. She still didn’t want to let go of this body!

However, the next second, she seemed to have hit an invisible wall and was blocked from the dimensional gate that was just around Chi Chi.

She stretched out her hand, and her palm passed through the dimensional door and arrived at the space where Paulina Kubera was, but her body was unable to pass through.

Cathy Walter's expression changed. During the operation in which Mrs. Kang lost her body, she had encountered a similar situation. The lurkers had focused on investigating this matter, but no relevant ability person was found around Tang Ji. In the end,

It can only be assumed that there are unknown helpers around Tang Ji.

But this time, she was sure that there was no one else around Tang Ji... This was Tang Ji's own ability!

Cathy Walter did not hesitate to apply for emergency escape. A prompt from the system appeared immediately, requiring her to keep her mind calm, free from external interference, and her heart rate should not exceed 70 beats per minute. Then a bright countdown appeared under her retina.

180 seconds, 179 seconds... The countdown suddenly flashed, and then the time reset to 180 seconds. It was not decreasing, because Cathy Walter's spirit fluctuated, and her heart rate also increased rapidly.

Tang Ji was standing in front of her, he was not here a second ago!


A bloodstain suddenly appeared on modesty's perfect face, and the bullet in the prelude scratched his face, which was regarded as Tang Ji's greeting.

"Get out!" Tang Ji glanced at the pioneers on the other side of the dimensional gate, and the gray-black flames swept away instantly, igniting the dimensional gate.

With a look of horror on her face, Paulina Cubela immediately let go of her control over the dimensional gate, turned around and dodged out of the boundary of the dimensional gate to prevent herself from becoming Tang Ji's target.

But fortunately, Tang Ji only has one target this time, and that is Cathy Walter... No, she should be called Ms. Modest now.



On the Moonlight Gold, Carl Wile watched as the mercenaries below continued to install directional mines and set up unmanned weapons stations on the deck, obviously to prevent Wang Zhengdao's sudden attack in a targeted manner.

Chris Cunningham, on the other hand, was thinking about the possibility of a sudden attack and killing all the mercenaries at once.

Wu Qianying's eyes glanced at the surrounding mercenaries from time to time. She knew Tang Ji, and she knew what choice that man would make in the end.

There were a total of thirty-seven armed personnel on the deck, and at least two teams of ten were patrolling the cabin, looking for other possible crew members.

Now only Chrissy and Mr. Good Luck are free to move around. Wu Qianying believes in Mr. Good Luck's ability, and the other party is definitely in a position where he can see her.

Considering the safety and angle, Wu Qianying thought for a moment and took advantage of Tenacy Geller's back to look up in the direction of the northwest living area, and she saw the sad face of Mr. Good Luck.

"Are they still using the stabilizer I developed?" Wu Qianying began to question the leader of the super soldiers: "Do you want to permanently solve your gene stability problem?"

Tenasi Geller was unmoved. He was very satisfied with his current living situation. Although the attendance frequency was a little higher, at least the new boss showed a strong enough background, and their stabilizer supply was very rich.

"Do you know your employer?" Wu Qianying crossed her legs and handed the coffee cup to a nearby mercenary: "Let that neon girl make me coffee, thank you."

The mercenary glanced at Tenasi Geller, who nodded, then released Asaka Komuro's electromagnetic restraints and signaled the other party to prepare coffee.

"I want marshmallows and cream to be added to my coffee." Wu Qianying warned, Komuro Qianxia said a little confused, turned around and walked towards the kitchen area under the escort of two mercenaries.

In Wu Qianying's estimation, there is a 32% chance that Wang Zhengdao is hiding alone in the kitchen area, and there is a 34% chance that he is hiding with one or several Mikkelsens.

over there.

Wu Qianying was calculating all the possibilities, and her efficient thinking made the natural-looking wig gradually emit smoke.

"Dr. Wu, your head is smoking." Tenasi Geller took a step back. As the strongest super soldier in the previous era, he suffered a lot after the advent of the new era, including many inconspicuous small roles.

After awakening, he can reach his level in terms of physical fitness.

"Geller, you are a smart man. You should understand that your outdated weapons are worthless in front of superhuman beings, that's why they were thrown here." Wu Qianying said with a smile: "You should have seen the hands of those pioneers.

Have you got the greedy blood potion? Do you dare to use it?"

Tenasi Geller was silent. That was the fact. As a former king, he could accept that he was getting older, but he could not accept that he was so ruthlessly abandoned by the times.

As a product of genetic modification, they also tried to inject the greedy blood potion. As a result, the recipient died on the spot, and three companions who took resource risks all died unexpectedly. They used their own blood to tell their comrades that this road would not work.

"Dr. Wu, if you continue to talk, I will consider sealing your mouth." Tenasi Geller turned and looked in the direction of Asaka Komuro. He was keenly aware that the time was a little too long.

Without hesitation, Tenacy Geller turned around and rolled directly to grab Wu Qianying in his arms. He aimed his pistol diagonally upward from the back and below the brainstem at Wu Qianying. He tried to reduce the area as much as possible to block the hostage in front.

But nothing happened. Tenasi Geller remained unmoved and still carefully observed his surroundings. He had read the information on Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao and knew how terrifying those two superhumans were.


...(The following parts are repeated and will be updated later)

"On behalf of the entire Ark organization, I would like to welcome the Adventers and provide them with shelter. Because of the existence of the Adventers, human civilization will be more prosperous in the future. I firmly believe that between civilization and civilization..."

The prophet who was speaking suddenly got stuck, and his whole body began to twitch continuously, foaming at the mouth, and he fell to the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Commander Hunter glanced at the modest lady and found that she had turned towards the backstage to leave, and the staff around them were also evacuating in an orderly manner.

The media reporters were a little commotion for a while. After all, the gunshots outside were getting closer and closer. The big terrorist Tang Ji had just killed more than thirty armed security guards during the live broadcast. Now the people on the stage started to run away. How could they?

Don't you panic?

Commander Hunter hesitated for a second between the camera and the modest lady, and resolutely chose the former between face and danger. As a purely political animal, he had nothing else to miss.

"Everyone, please don't panic. Believe in the capabilities of the federal government. Our armed forces are rushing to support us. We cannot bow to terrorism!" Hunter shouted, seizing every second on this big stage with an audience of over 100 million.

Promote yourself.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Hunter didn't expect to encounter such large traffic again in his life.

However, Cathy Walter is ready to leave. uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Their goal has been achieved. The players have obtained the authorization from the federal official background and the endorsement of the prophet.

Although many insiders can tell at a glance that the prophet is in a state of mind control, as long as there is an interface, it is enough. The Ark organization has never been known for its toughness.

As the saying goes, those who truly understand you are your enemies. Many people in the Ark organization respect the pioneers even more than the naturalized ones.

Just when the prophet appeared to speak, a substantial split had already occurred in the Ark organization far away in the European Union, and the secret underwater base became the main battlefield in the civil war.

And Wang Zhengdao, the only person with the authority to prevent this from happening, was dragged into the demonstration city unable to move.

Thinking of this, Cathy Walter smiled. They played a little trick and placed the floor where the press conference was actually held on the ninety-ninth floor, which is the territory of the Walter Group.

And the real new W Palace news conference located at a higher level is just a bait, just to delay time.


A pioneer who was walking further ahead suddenly fell to the ground and died. The familiar sound of gunfire made Cathy Walter tense up instantly and turned around to run.

Tang Ji, expressionless, walked out of the corner alone. The hem of his windbreaker lifted up as he turned around, revealing the thick dragon scale armor underneath: "I saw you."

The invitation to fight to the death was triggered the moment they met, and Cathy Walter became a caged bird.

"Cathy, Cathy, Cathy, we are old friends." Tang Ji's iron hand wiped a ravine on the wall along the way: "Let's have a good talk."

"Execute the emergency evacuation plan and activate the building defense mode." Cathy Walter was not a rookie either. As she gave the order, the entire Walter Group's floors began to change.

This chapter has been completed!
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