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Chapter 330: Come to an End

"Cathy Walter, the Great Pioneer?" Tang Ji appeared behind the woman in an instant. The dagger was pressed against her lower back and gently sliced ​​off a layer of flesh. It was not fatal, but it could provide enough pain.

The Flame of Hatred made Humble's native ability [Damage Reflection] meaningless. Because of the pain, Cathy turned back suddenly, but Tangji was no longer there.

"Aren't you going to save your little lover!" Cathy Walter stepped back, leaned against the wall, and looked around, but Tangji was nowhere to be found like a ghost.

"She told me this was war." Tang Ji's voice appeared in Cathy Walter's right ear. When Cathy turned her head, Tang Ji plunged an injection into the body on the other side.

Her chest was as strong as if she was going to nail Cathy Walter to the wall.

"The combat stimulants produced by the Lazarus Group are generally called crazy drugs." Tang Ji raised his hand to block Cathy's counterattack: "In fifteen minutes, you don't even think about having a chance to go offline."

Cathy Walter felt her blood flow accelerate instantly, and every beat of her heart was extremely powerful and faster and faster, vibrating her eardrums and temples like a war drum.

The physiological impulse constantly encourages her to fight back, bite her enemies and vent her wildness in the most primitive way!

"All your resistance is in vain. You can kill me, but you can't kill all the players!" Cathy Walter touched the depression in her chest. Tang Ji had just broken three of her ribs, but her mouth was still very tight.


"Tell me about your new leader." Tang Ji stood in front of Cathy Walter, loading the prelude with bullets one by one: "Then I will give you a good time."

"Want to know our information? Unless you let me go, everyone will die. How can I help you?" Cathy Walter smiled unruly: "I have experienced death many times in different worlds, but never

I’ve never really experienced the romance of death, why don’t you help me experience it?”

"Forget it then." Tang Ji walked up to Cathy Walter, and poked the woman's forehead with the cold muzzle of the gun: "Bon wind on the road."


Cathy Walter still had a trace of surprise on her face. Until the moment before she died, she felt that she and Tang Ji still had something to talk about.

But Tang Ji also encountered a problem. The unreliable system on his retina began to refresh the screen crazily again, with new codes constantly appearing and then being erased...

Even with Tang Ji's dynamic vision, he couldn't see clearly what those light green codes were. He just subconsciously felt that it was some kind of code.

The only thing he could understand was the name Cathy Walter. The words that made up this name were as good as any earth language, but Tang Ji was sure that it represented Cathy Walter.

This name kept appearing and being erased, and even a light spot was imprinted on Tang Ji's retina. Thousands of messages flew by like a continuous screen. Even if Tang Ji closed his eyes, he could not get rid of these data streams.


His attention couldn't help but be attracted by this data flow, his eyes kept moving up and down, and soon a feeling of dizziness filled his brain, but Tang Ji couldn't stop, he could only watch!

The name Cathy Walter kept appearing, and some were only half deleted before being brushed away. Within a few seconds, the name gradually stabilized in the data flow and was no longer deleted.

The familiar system prompt finally appears...

[You have obtained points: 200 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: New prey - Cathy Walter]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

Tang Ji's eyes were already red at this time, and his pupils were dilated, but as the data stream disappeared, the power of rage began to repair his body, and his vision gradually became clear.

He looked down at Cathy Walter, who was still staring blankly, and planned to use a dagger to harvest his spoils, but he hesitated and gave up.

Although the words "not completely terminated" appear for the first time, its meaning is very clear. Cathy Walter is not completely dead.

Tang Ji had already seen the guard dog, who was obviously not here for a trip, but from the previous fierce battle for data, Tang Ji could deduce that Cathy Walter's death was not peaceful.

"You're lucky." Tang Ji glanced at his cheeks, which were like works of art, and turned around to leave.



Wang Zhengdao pulled out the dagger from the last mercenary. He was covered in blood, both from the enemy and from his own. He hadn't been injured for a long time, but this time the enemy was qualified to injure him.

These people are not only well-trained, but also fearless of death. Half of them are equipped with self-destruct devices. It seems that the pioneers have absorbed Wang Zhengdao's habits.

Compared to firearms, Wang Zhengdao, who is a martial arts practitioner, is more accustomed to solving enemies from behind with bare hands or cold weapons. Those mercenaries who hide explosive devices behind body armor will turn into bombs at the moment of death.


Looking at the corpses on the ground, Wang Zhengdao looked a little ugly, because some of the passengers on the ship died. Although his initial purpose was just to take Wu Qianying away and abandon the others, this could have been resolved peacefully.

All this was ruined just because of Mikkelsen's 'worry'.

Forman was shot in the leg, but the old butler simply bandaged it and then started to deal with the aftermath.

And Wu Qianying had no time to comfort Tony's family. Tony's mother was shot through the lungs by a bullet. If she had been younger and in better health, she might have been saved now, but now the children can only cry around the body.

Wu Qianying rushed into her laboratory immediately, found a computer that was not connected to the Internet, and began to calculate data. She kept typing on the keyboard with one hand and writing and drawing on the paper with the other hand, and then hurriedly

He hurriedly found Wang Zhengdao: "Follow me!"

Wu Qianying led Wang Zhengdao away from the messy deck and walked straight into Carl Wiler's bedroom. Ignoring the various clutter and smells in the bedroom, she picked up a crowbar picked up on the road and smashed all the electronic products around him.

It's to pieces.

"Dr. Wu! Are you okay?" Wang Zhengdao was frightened by Wu Qianying's neurotic performance. He waved and grabbed the crowbar and held it in his hand to prevent her from hurting himself.

"I'm fine, it's just to keep it a secret." Wu Qianying swept across the room like a tiger, staring at the fluorescent lamp above her head like a tigress: "I don't know what means those players used to establish an information advantage, even if they

I wouldn't be surprised if you could eavesdrop with a light bulb."

When Wang Zhengdao heard this, he smashed the light bulb with a stick, and the room suddenly became dark.

"I threw Tang Ji's son into the sea." Wu Qianying said and stopped Wang Zhengdao: "You have to fish him out."

"So those people were looking for Tang Anran just now?" Wang Zhengdao held his breath. He now knew why that bastard Mikkelsen made such a decision. If the player really got hold of Tang Anran, even if he was furious,

Temporarily calm down.

"I don't know, after I accepted Tang Anran's treatment plan, I have been cleaning up information about Tang Anran." Wu Qianying lit a lady's cigarette in the dark: "I admit, at first it was just to make sure there would be no

My colleagues competed with me for projects, but I did my job very cleanly. After all, Tang Ji was just a nobody at that time and no one cared about him."

"But the commander Mikkelsen killed just now is from the Lazarus Group." Wu Qianying said a little irritably: "I'm afraid Lazarus is also our enemy now. Those pioneers must have known about Tang Anran through them.

The presence."

"Before boarding the Moonlight Gold, I submitted a false report. In the report, Tang Anran was dead. The report was flawless." Wu Qianying continued: "But now I am not sure whether they will believe me.


"I understand, where should I go to find people?" Wang Zhengdao took a deep breath and waited for Wu Qianying to give his plan.

"Tang Anran is kept in a specially made life-saving capsule. It should be located on the seabed 877 meters below the ship. There is no locator. You and I drew a simple map based on the direction of the ocean current. You just

You can look for it slowly." After Wu Qianying finished speaking, she was silent for a long time before speaking again.

"When you find Tang Anran and hide him in a place that only you know, it is no longer safe for him to be with me." Wu Qianying's voice was trembling: "No, no, you can't be the only one who knows that Tang Anran is there.

No, it's too unsafe. After you hide him, you have to tell Tang Ji his location! Or Mikkelsen, he almost can't die... No, that's not possible, he will use Tang Anran to control Tang Ji...


At this time, Wu Qianying was just a woman, not a doctor with outstanding IQ. She gave Wang Zhengdao confusing instructions, but repeatedly excluded herself from the list of insiders.

Wang Zhengdao felt his eyes were a little sore and hugged Wu Qianying forcefully: "Leave it to me, I will take care of it. No one knows where he is except Tang Ji and me."

"Yes, only you two know it is safest!" Wu Qianying turned and left the room, unwilling to let Wang Zhengdao see her crying.

Wang Zhengdao found a pair of anti-stress suits in the Moonlight Gold's reserve warehouse. He put it on slowly and then turned around and disappeared.

For Wang Zhengdao, the risk of this kind of 'blind jump' is undoubtedly thousands of times more dangerous than conventional space jumps. He can vaguely sense whether there are large obstacles at the landing point, but he did not find small things.


Under water, swimming fish and aquatic plants could cause fatal damage to him, but he still jumped, and Wang Zhengdao appeared in the deep sea sinking to a depth of nearly one thousand meters.

Huge pressure instantly surrounded him from all directions. Even with Wang Zhengdao's superhuman body, his vision went dark at this moment, and he gradually regained consciousness after a few seconds.

The good news is that he is safe and sound, the bad news is that the visibility here is about zero.

The dark and cold sea water is like a black sky, and the light provided by the anti-stress suit can only illuminate an area of ​​two to three meters in front of you.

That is to say, Wang Zhengdao, a superhuman with an incredible sense of space, still maintained a sense of direction and slowly searched around according to the simple map provided by Wu Qianying.

This place is almost 300 nautical miles away from Del Coronado Bay. It is already the edge of the continental shelf. The deepest water depth can reach 1,200 meters. The scattered area drawn by Wu Qianying includes a river as deep as 1,200 meters.

Eighty-eight meters of strait.

Wang Zhengdao could only pray that Tang Anran's auspicious stars would shine brightly and he would not fall into the strait, otherwise he would have no choice but to take Mr. Good Luck on this adventure.

The wound that was scratched in the previous explosion continued to gush out blood under the pressure. Wang Zhengdao estimated that he still had twenty minutes to half an hour to find Tang Anran, otherwise he would have to return to the Moonlight Gold and wait for the wound to recover.

Let’s start again.

But when the time comes, God knows if Tang Anran's 'crib' will float away again, and when he thinks that things like Gluttony live in the sea, Wang Zhengdao is worried about leaving the baby here alone.

"If you are a good baby, please show up as soon as possible. Your father is a ruthless man who can trample Mr. Good Luck under his feet. You should get some light, right?" Wang Zhengdao said to himself alone in the darkness.

, only the occasional fish attracted by the light are his companions.

Fortunately, the depth of the sea here is about one thousand meters. Otherwise, the devil salmon shoal alone would be enough for Wang Zhengdao to drink a pot. From the coastal areas to the deep sea areas where the water depth does not exceed 400 meters, almost all of them are occupied by them.

Those genetically modified monsters not only have a wide range of diets, strong appetites, and fast reproduction rates, but they can also rely on devouring mineral elements to strengthen their teeth. Their blood also contains trace amounts of acidic substances. Wang Zhengdao's anti-stress suit cannot resist the attack of the devil salmon swarm.

Wang Zhengdao persisted in the deep sea for about fifteen minutes and found nothing. He had to start thinking about a temporary return plan. After all, it was too difficult to find a non-luminous object the size of a refrigerator in the dark sea. This was a real needle in a haystack.

However, just as he was about to leave, a life-saving capsule the size of a refrigerator slowly fell from above his head and landed on the sea sand in front of Wang Zhengdao.

Wang Zhengdao checked the life-saving capsule with some hesitation, and determined from the number that it was the life-saving capsule containing Tang Anran. Thinking of what he had just said, he couldn't help but patted the surface of the life-saving capsule: "Your old Tang family

They are all better than..."

But where should he hide? When Wang Zhengdao remembered that he had been caught red-handed by people like Mikkelsen when he went to a bar in Amsterdam to drink, he suddenly felt like a blank piece of paper.

"How about the pyramid?" Wang Zhengdao asked subconsciously, looking at the life-saving capsule that was very similar in shape to a coffin, but then he rejected this bad idea: "No, it's too unlucky, your dad will beat me to death, otherwise Hima


A ferocious-looking deep-sea fish scurried past Wang Zhengdao, startling him and interrupting his previous words, but Wang Zhengdao had better attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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