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Chapter 339 Negotiation? Trial!

General Joel Martinez put on his military uniform alone in his office and hung up the various medals and medals he had received on his body, but he lost interest halfway through hanging them.

He had spent the first forty years of his life fighting for honor, serving in the most powerful military in the world, with their warships in all the world's oceans, their military bases reaching into the faces of their enemies, their soldiers

Everything is possible between heaven and earth.

During that time, Joel Martinez was the representative of the best soldiers in the strongest army. He took care of himself meticulously every day and handled all the tasks assigned to him flawlessly, no matter whether it was superiors or superiors.

Even his subordinates trust him.

Except for the Prisoner of War Medal, he received all the medals that a soldier and a mid-level officer could get. Then Martinez witnessed the collapse of the Federation and the disintegration of the army in confusion, and the chaos became a mess.

Famous general.

The densely packed medals in the box, most of which he received after he became a general, are more of a plea than a recognition of his contribution, imploring him to at least openly acknowledge the military of Fort Hood.

The troops stationed at the base remain loyal to the Federation.

Martinez felt that it would be better for him to give himself a medal. He despised that damn Commander Hunter so much that he didn't even dare to be in the same room with him to discuss the problem.

A coward, but he still needs him, just like the previous federal commanders, they need the support of Fort Hood, and Martinez needs the financial support of the W Palace.

Martinez, who was neatly dressed, began to wait for the last moment. He did not give up resistance and decided to kill at the neck. He was just unable to accept the reality that the new army he had prepared with all his efforts was defeated by one person.

The last time he was so powerless was on the night he was promoted to general. Martinez saw with his own eyes the decay of the federal army and how it was abandoned by the times.

And now, Martinez has to watch this happen again, more cruelly than last time. He did nothing wrong, but time refused to wait for him.

"General, you must leave now!" A colonel walked into the office with two guards and took Martinez away without any explanation: "The target is less than five kilometers away from here. He is very fast. We

Unable to establish an effective line of defense!”

"Why are you panicking! What do you look like!" General Joel Martinez reprimanded: "Did I train you so hard that I just created a group of soldiers who can only win battles but not defeat them!"

"I'm sorry, General, but it's too late! You must leave immediately!" A trace of shame flashed across the colonel's face, but he still ordered the guards: "Get the general on the plane and take off immediately!"

"Everyone! Stand at attention!" General Martinez ordered, and the two guards and the colonel himself stood subconsciously on the spot.

"I can't leave. This is our last position. The entire federation has retreated again and again. Now there is no way to retreat. If I leave, what difference will there be between me and those people I despise?" Martinez looked.

The colonel said: "My life is not important either. What is important is whether you can continue to adhere to my ideals if I die."

"General..." The colonel blushed, but did not dare to disobey Martinez's order.

"Forget it, I lost. Although the whole Guo Chen scene is so fast that I can't accept it, I did lose. If I lose, I have to admit it." General Joel Martinez seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He was a bit of a warrior.

The unruly spirit was completely dispersed.

For so many years, Martinez has been centered on the Fort Hood military base, relying on practical power to establish his own faction in the federal political arena, and force is his basic base.

But now someone had penetrated his base, and the opponent single-handedly came in front of him, overturning all his cards, on his first day from behind the scenes to the front.

This proves that Martinez has been doing useless work. Now in order to survive and to preserve the last hope of the federal army, Martinez decided to surrender honorably.

Of course, not to the superhuman outside, in Martinez's eyes, Tanguy is just a gun...well, he can at least be regarded as a battleship, but in the final analysis, it is just a weapon, and the weapon must be controlled by others.

can play a role.

Behind Tang Ji, there is a person who is providing him with intelligence, allowing him to accurately find the source of the problem time and time again. That person is the person Martinez needs to compromise——

The man behind the military technology group who participated in dismembering the federal military and took away the biggest piece of the cake.

General Martinez picked up a satellite phone and dialed the person's number. The call was connected almost instantly, just like when he contacted the other party several times before, as if that person did nothing every day.

Just like waiting by the phone.

"Mr. Mikkelsen, you won, we can have a good talk." General Martinez sat on the chair and let out a sigh of relief. As he said these words, the pressure in his heart seemed to dissipate:

"I'm willing to accept any conditions."

"Well, are you willing to have a good talk with the person who is about to kill you and ask him not to kill you?" The voice on the other end of the phone made Martinez's expression freeze on his face: "Work hard,

He is actually quite easy to talk to, but his temper is a bit bad."



Tang Ji appeared alone outside the gate of the command center. The combined battalion commanded by Erwin hung several hundred meters away, like an armed escort, not firing a single shot.

Federal soldiers have never been known for their courage to sacrifice. After it was determined that shooting would cause casualties, Irwin did not try to issue an order requiring the soldiers to fire forcibly.

Erwin knew that with the current morale, if he really gave that order, he might be shot from behind.

So he could only watch Tang Ji appear in the command center, less than 500 meters away from General Martinez. Erwin now only hopes that General Martinez has evacuated in time.

But deep down in his heart, Erwin did not want to witness this scene. He was an officer promoted by General Martinez. In order to build the new army that the general said, many good young men sacrificed their lives for this.

They have secretly carried out many missions to capture superhumans, and have also handed over naturally awakened comrades to the pioneers. Although there are very few people who know about this kind of thing, it does exist after all.

What maintains the core figures of this army is not interests or strength, but the dream of a great power described by General Martinez.

In that dream of a great nation, politicians were experienced and wise, and soldiers were brave and dignified. They were completely different from the current federation.

So Erwin was very conflicted. He not only hoped that the general had retreated safely, but also hoped that the general could realize the ideals he had described.

When he saw the rotorcraft on the tarmac of the command center, Erwin suddenly felt relieved and at the same time felt ashamed of his own weakness.

He led the most powerful army in the world, but was defeated by one man. What was even more humiliating was that the enemy was standing there without any defense, but not a single soldier was willing to shoot.

Shame and anger burned Erwin's heart, and he finally made a decision——

Erwin opened his spiritual network again, and with the help of his adjutant, all the soldiers were enveloped. The soldiers of the Holy Scripture Camp had become accustomed to this state of connection. They relaxed unpreparedly and allowed the commander's spiritual tentacles to connect themselves and

The others are connected together and enter the state of my legion again.

Then Erwin took one last look at this troop that he was proud of, gritted his teeth and devoted all his energy to the ability of [Ideology Projection].

In past training, the main use of this ability was to project a three-dimensional projection in the minds of all soldiers. Another function was to use it to imply loyalty to the general and himself.

The principle is like interspersing a few frames of food and Coke advertisements in old-fashioned film reels, so that consumers' brains passively accept the images.

But this is not its limit. In the hands of people with strong enough mental power, the ability of [Ideology Projection] can also be used to whip the minds of mortals like a whip, forcing them to obey their will.

Erwin doesn't need to enslave the soldiers' spirits for a long time, he only needs the time of an order... aim at the target and fire!

There are more than 500 people in the entire Holy Code Camp, of which less than 350 are part of the attack force. The rest are all auxiliary personnel. Their abilities are either not suitable for combat, or their responsibilities are too important and do not require direct combat.

And now all the direct attack forces are under Erwin's will, releasing firepower towards Tangji. It is undeniable that in the subconscious mind of the officers, the big-headed soldiers will never be as valuable as the technical arms, and they are replaceable...

With the support of modern technology and psychic networks, although the attack target was a single target, the soldiers instinctively launched a wave of attacks, trying not to let their firepower go empty.

However, even so, the scorched ballistic trajectories collided because the bullets were too dense. At that moment, the area where Tangji was located was completely covered by metal storms and explosions.

But what shocked Erwin was that none of the soldiers were injured or killed as a result of hitting the target... they didn't hit the target at all.

The opponent had already entered the command center. Those thick walls, automatic firepower, and armored doors were meaningless in front of a superhuman with the ability to jump in space. He just entered.

It's too late...

The command center is not a shelter. There is no maze here. The roads are straight and wide, and there are instruction arrows marked on the ground. It is extremely friendly to an intruder.

Tang Ji stood abruptly in the corridor full of people. The uniformed staff officers and orderly commanders were running back and forth in a panic, busy destroying various paper documents, and did not notice Tang Ji at all.

Bah! Bah!

The prelude of large-caliber bullets with twice the power hit the high-grade concrete ceiling, instantly leaving a deep crater the size of two heads. The scattered concrete fragments mixed with the sound of gunfire silenced everyone.

"Where is General Joel Martinez?" the prelude pointed the gun at the nearest officer, but the other officer gritted his teeth and remained silent under the gaze of his colleagues.

Tang Ji didn't fire, he just knocked the officer over with the butt of his rifle, then looked at the indicator arrow on the ground and turned around and disappeared into the air.

The command center was not large, so Tang Ji did not waste much time in searching for Martinez, especially since his name was plastered on the door of his office in gold letters.

Out of respect for General Martinez, Tanguy knocked on the door before opening the door and walked in. Regardless of whether the soldiers caused trouble to him, they were at least well-trained.

Behind the gate, Tang Ji recognized General Joel Martinez at a glance. He was wearing a high-profile military uniform and a large number of medals pinned to his chest, which was dazzling.

Behind General Martinez stood an officer and two guards. They all looked at Tangji with angry faces.

But all this anger was instantly extinguished as Tang Ji glanced over it. The overwhelmed colonel and guards suddenly felt like they were "lying flat", and the anger they had been brewing for a long time disappeared out of thin air!

"Introduce yourself, I am the General Joel Martinez you are looking for." General Martinez poured himself a glass of brandy: "I wonder if I can have a drink with you?"

Tang Ji was very patient when facing non-player targets, so he pulled up a chair and sat across from General Martinez: "I'll give you time to say your last words."

"For the future of the Federation, you should not kill me. I have reached an agreement with Mikkelsen. From now on we have a common enemy." General Martinez tasted the sweetness of the brandy, as if he was reflecting on his own life.

Same: "Together we can make the Union great again."

"This will be a total war, and my people are the best soldiers. They are ready to face any enemy." General Martinez continued: "It will take at least half a year to kill me and take over.

Only time can sort out my legacy, and for a war, half a year is too extravagant."

"Mikkelsen said you are a reasonable person, and I have put the truth here. If you want to take my life, you can shoot now." General Martinez drank the glass of wine in one gulp and opened his arms calmly.

Waiting for Tang Ji's decision.

As an old-school soldier, Martinez only believed in interests. The Federation had launched so many wars, and none of them were fought for interests. Therefore, when he was in a desperate situation, he also showed his interests to the other side.

The garrison at Fort Hood military base is his property. No matter who puts it on the scale, it is a heavy weight.



Tang Ji took back the prelude and didn't even bother to look at Joel Martinez's body.

In Tang Ji's simple values, the only reason why the other party showed a posture of surrender and awaiting trial was that he had penetrated his thousands of troops and pointed a gun at his forehead.

In this war, such a scene will definitely not happen just once, but the next time the person standing here pointing a gun at this general may be a pioneer.

Instead of Tang Ji having to come back and repeat what he did today, it would be easier to shoot him now, not to mention he didn't like that slogan.

Make the Federation great again? Let the Federation go to hell. Night City is a free state, and the people of Night City will never pay taxes!

This chapter has been completed!
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