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Chapter 340: Flemings Favor

"Okay, I know. I'm sorry to hear this news. Martinez is a good collaborator. There are very few old-school soldiers like him nowadays." John Fleming hung up the phone and wrote in his address book.

Crossing out a name, there are not many names left in the address book that once symbolized power: "An era is over, but that's okay, how about welcoming the coming of a new era?"

"Sorry, Mr. Brandon, I made you laugh. This is a very important call. An old friend unfortunately passed away." Fleming smiled gently, picked up the fruit he had never seen before on the table, and looked forward to it.

After eating it, he showed a surprised expression: "That's great! Mr. Brandon, you are simply the creator of nature. I bet this fruit will become popular all over the world! What is it called?"

"I'm not sure yet, it combines the advantages of five fruits..." Brandon, sitting opposite Fleming, sat on a naturally grown wicker chair, naked, with his beard and hair tangled in

At the same time, it was almost impossible to see what he looked like.

But judging from his voice, Brandon should be a young man no older than thirty years old, twenty-five years old to be exact. This is what the information he left in the secular world says.

John Fleming carefully looked at the superhuman being whom the Ford family worshiped as a god, trying not to make his gaze appear offensive.

This may be the second most powerful superhuman he has ever come into contact with, and the dense jungle around him is proof that this is his kingdom of God on earth, and no one can set foot on this land without his permission.

John Fleming had collected a lot of information before coming to visit this earthly god. He saw grass as sharp as nails, leaves as sharp as blades, and the ability to pull tree roots out of the earth and walk on it.

The tree man saw a mushroom that could spray poisonous spores 150 meters away.

In just a few months, Brandon Mann turned Central Park into a green hell. On average, more than two hundred people disappeared in this green space every month.

Brandon Mann was an avid environmentalist before his awakening. He participated in many environmental rallies and acted very radically. After his awakening, he became even more aggressive.

Central Park has expanded by one block in the past two months, which is no small thing... This is the center of Manhattan where every inch of land is at a premium!

What is the concept of Central Park, which is 4023 meters long and 803 meters wide, expanding by one block? In terms of real estate alone, Brandon caused a loss of nearly 10 billion federal dollars, not counting the entire incident caused by this incident.

Collateral losses caused by plummeting housing prices in central areas.

In addition, the expanding green plants also blocked the famous Metropolitan Museum. Although the staff tried their best to rescue most of the cultural relics, many large exhibits that could not be moved were damaged by the vines.

The most valuable among them is the 'Cylinder of the Temple of Artemis in Sardis', an ancient Greek cultural relic from 300 BC. It was only entangled by vines that broke out of the ground and penetrated the floor, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface.

In addition, there is a famous painting by Van Gogh, "Sunflowers", which was also blocked in the museum by these plant terrorists and could not be taken out.

John Fleming was entrusted by someone to negotiate. As one of the few well-known intermediaries who have developed business into the superhuman circle, he offered a sky-high price of 30 million federal dollars for this business, but the employer paid the price directly.

Full payment.

That's why Fleming appeared here alone. Based on his personal judgment, if this natural master wanted to be angry, it would be useless even if he took Avalon with him as a bodyguard.

"I think Rainbow is a good name. Its taste is so complex that you need to taste it carefully to realize the rich connotations of the grower." Fleming suggested with a smile. According to the information he investigated, this natural

The controller has shown extraordinary sexual interest in the same sex before awakening, and must be very fond of the name Rainbow.

John Fleming swore that he had no prejudice against Rainbow Man. He spent many years in prison.

Even before he was bent, he was determined, but he really couldn't accept a pervert like Brandon Mann.

It is true that he is interested in the same sex, but his goal is to stay outside the human species for a long time...

No one wants to deal with a mental illness, especially a mental illness with extremely powerful abilities and abnormal thoughts. If Fleming hadn't had decades of self-cultivation, he would still speak with a vibrato.

"Rainbow? I've already used this name." Brandon scratched his head, stretched out his hand, and a thick vine sprang out from the depths of the jungle, placing a colorful and beautiful fruit in his hand: "Now

It’s a rainbow fruit.”

The sudden appearance of the vines made John Fleming nervous. He had seen at least four videos of victims being penetrated from behind by vines until they died. If he didn't have other motives for this business, even three of them would have died.

No matter what, he would rather not turn around.

"Perfect work of art, Mr. Brandon!" Fleming asked: "I wonder if I will be lucky enough to taste a real rainbow?"

"No, it is poisonous to humans." Brandon's words made the corners of Fleming's eyes twitch slightly, and he noticed that the other party had no emotion when he said the word human.

The reason why John Fleming was able to see this master of nature and receive such courtesy this time was because he brought a special gift, a leaf specimen of the tree of life.

"I've had enough of this meaningless conversation, now tell me, where did you get this leaf?" Brandon crushed the protective cover of the leaf specimen and placed the still green tree of life leaf in the palm of his hand.

This specimen uses an acid extraction method to replace the magnesium in the chlorophyll with copper, thereby achieving the purpose of keeping the green plant permanently green. Therefore, even if this leaf reaches Brandon's hands, it is only a specimen.

What John Fleming first got was actually a fresh leaf of the Tree of Life, which could remain green without any treatment at all, but Fleming was worried that Brandon could reproduce on a single leaf.

A complete tree of life was brought out, and someone was specially found to process the leaves.

"Please be patient, I promise you will get the address you want to know when I leave." Fleming comforted Brandon, who was like a monkey king: "I came to see you this time because there is something more important.

Talk about things."

"What's more important?" Brandon scratched his head and fidgeted on the wicker chair. Since the creation of Central Park, he hasn't had such a formal face-to-face communication with anyone for several months. He is a little bit wild with nature.

Devouring the rationality that humans have spent tens of thousands of years cultivating.

Brandon felt like there was no part of his body that was not itchy or pleasurable. This short, formal conversation between humans and Fleming had already exhausted his patience.

But the leaf in his hand, which contained huge vitality, was like the bait on a fishhook, forcing Brand to suppress his true nature.

"Have you heard of the Trail Blazers?" John Fleming asked: "Or the word player, that's what they call themselves now."

"What is that? What player?" Brandon squatted on the chair and scratched his crotch, which was also hairy.

Fleming raised his eyebrows slightly and avoided looking: "It can be seen that your life is very fulfilling. News from the outside world is meaningless to you. I envy your lifestyle and spiritual realm, but next I

What I want to say is extremely important even to you."

Fleming's subtle compliments and serious tone finally caught Brand's heart, and he urged impatiently: "Then tell me quickly!"

"The Pioneers are a group of invaders from other worlds..." Fleming tried his best to use the simplest words to describe what the Pioneers are, their relationship with the players, and their ultimate goal, etc.

As she expected, Brandon was indeed attracted by the unusual novelty of the Trail Blazers, but Brandon's reaction next made him a little difficult to handle.

"What does this have to do with me? If they don't come to my jungle to cause trouble, they don't exist for me." Brandon Mann glanced at Fleming jokingly: "Even if they want to destroy human civilization,

What does it have to do with me? Without humans, plants can repair the world faster."

Following Brandon's words, a small section of vines crossed behind Fleming, wrapped around his neck and wrapped him tightly on the wicker chair: "Now tell me, where did you get the leaves from?"

This was different from what John Fleming had originally expected. The superhuman in front of him had completely separated himself from the scope of human beings.

According to his original plan, Fleming was going to sign an employment contract with Brandon, using the rise and fall of human civilization as pressure, and let this superhuman help work for free, just like Mikkelsen did to Tanguy.


But Brandon is obviously not as responsible as Tangji. He lives completely in his own world, and human civilization is already an enemy to him.

From this perspective, Fleming felt that his task as a middleman had also failed. Brandon obviously did not let the green plants expand inadvertently. He just wanted to expand his territory out of instinct, and the human civilization around him was not at all

It's not within his scope of consideration.

When humans build houses, they don't consider whether the ants and insects in the land will be affected. This mentality is probably Brandon's current mentality, and there is no need to talk about it.

John Fleming sighed, and suddenly took out a knife and cut the vine in front of Brandon with a very neat movement. Then with a terrifying scream, a javelin came from the west and penetrated Most of the jungle was poking straight at Brandon's face.

The next second, dozens of thigh-thick vines shot out from all directions, tightly entangling the javelin. Even so, the remaining energy on the javelin still struggled with the vines for nearly half a second before stopping at a distance. Brandon is less than half a meter away.

"Humph!" Brandon turned to look at Fleming, who was already standing in a golden circle of light, waved to him, and disappeared out of thin air.


!Fleming, who had already appeared on the building in the distance, looked at the jungle, where the forest was surging, vividly interpreting what the wrath of nature is.

"We haven't reached an agreement yet?" Avalon was served by the War Apostle and took the warm towel to wipe his sculpted body. Then someone wiped expensive maintenance oil on his body.

As a superhuman, Avalon's body has indeed been strengthened, but every time he throws a javelin, he will enter that mysterious and mysterious state, as if he wants to pierce the time and space in front of him.

Every throw is an extreme test for the body. Avalon often cracks her skin, breaks muscles, and even breaks bones during the throwing process. She has become accustomed to this kind of pain.

It wasn't until he joined the Gentlemen Team and had exclusive logistics that Avalon realized what it felt like to have money, channels, and security.

Compared with what Fleming can provide, the ecs bureau is as crude as a grassroots team.

"He no longer regards himself as a human being." Fleming shrugged and thanked a silent man beside him: "Thanks to you, otherwise I would have been in big trouble this time."

The man nodded and said nothing. He was a naturalized person who defected. The promise Fleming gave him was to ensure that Tang Ji would not cause trouble for him.uuReading www.uukanshu.com

In the hands of people like Fleming, a simple photo can be used as important evidence in exchange for the services of a superhuman being.

"What to do next?" Avalon asked while drinking nutritious and healthy fruit juice. Because of Brandon's willfulness, the residents near Central Park saw many unprecedented fruits, and every day was different.

"We can only find someone to deal with the trouble here." Fleming sighed. He didn't want to waste favors on business, but this was the best way for now.

As a member of the human race, John Fleming did not want to bet on what choices the psychopaths in the forest would make in future wars.

"Are you looking for Tangji?" Avalon's eyes lit up instantly. He had always wanted to test whether the other party could catch his javelin and regain the face he had last time.

The former naturalized person who had mastered the ability of the dimensional gate subconsciously hid back when he heard Tang Ji's name. He had been really frightened by this name recently.

"Don't think about it. The latest information is that Tang Ji resisted three nuclear bombs in the Persian region and no one died." John Fleming dismissed Avalon's thoughts.

"Nuclear bombs?" Avalon's little eyes were full of doubts: "Three?"

"That's right, so the psycho who planted the tree had better be aware of the current situation. This is a favor worth thirty million." Fleming sighed and answered Mr. Edward's call.

He knew that his behavior was somewhat despicable, but for a person like John Fleming who had studied in the W Palace, no matter whether he was despicable or thick-skinned, he would never be hindered by things like face.

"Edward, I'm John. I haven't seen you for a long time. I need your help." John Fleming said directly: "I need Tang Ji to do me a favor. Can you help me contact him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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